Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Great news on the levels Blakes mom - thats a great drop!

Rachieroo hopefully now you're on iron you will start feeling better. Its such a tough time when they don't know whats wrong. It just leaves you in limbo.

Tung - hope you are ok following your d and c.

I got the results of my mri scan. They were perfect. My dr said they were textbook worthy! I'm just waiting to hear back from charing cross now. Hopefully will be this week. I hope my levels are still dropping.

Have a good day y'all.

Lottie xx
Im really sorry to hear new ladies have joined but also glad you found us. How are you rachieroo? Ive been bleeding on and off since but i think its due to the chemo breaking it down. Hope they sort something out for you soon and you feel better. How is everyone else? My levels from Thursdays are 13 and ill call up today for Mondays. Went to charring cross to pick up my next 6 weeks of treatment. Once i hit below 5 i only have 6 weeks left. Cant wait Im so fed up of feeling so sick all the time. Also asked if a wait time of a year is set in stood and she said no. That has made me feel a little better! Yay! Xxx
Oohhhh Mummy2Corban your levels are doing SO well! Let us know what todays results are! And YAY to a year wait been flexible!!

Lottie fab news re the MRI :thumbup:

RachieRoo I hope the iron helps :hugs: :hugs:

Stacey yay for TTC!! I hope you get your BFP soon!!!

Love and hugs to everyone!

Lotte - yes expecting twin girls, most likely non-identical but there is a 25% chance they are identical, but I wont known till they are born. I will be induced mid January if I can make it that far, so only 3 months left - then our lives will change forever x good news about your MRI scan let us know as soon as you hear from Charring X

Stacey - good luck with trying, I hope you have fun :winkwink:, try and keep in mind december as your date and then hopefully less pressure on your body and mind and you never know it might be bingo!

Rachieroo - I suffer from anemia, and I think I bled for about 6-8 weeks during/after my molar, I know how completely draining it is, either way so you have my full sympathy. Hopefully the iron tablets will sort things, I know the side effects are a little unpleasant but worth how much better they make you feel, I've been on them the whole of this pregnancy. Take Care of yourself x

Blakesmom - fab blood results, you must be so happy :happydance:

Mummy2Corban - last but not least :winkwink: how exciting about not having to wait a year to TTC :happydance: Fingers crossed for todays results, you have done so well x
Aliwilan how are you doing? I absolutely LOVED your bump and scan pics!! I only had a little bump, even at full term I wasn't much bigger than you in your piccie! I felt HUGE though and loved it :haha: You are looking really wonderful :)
Sarah I'm doing ok, twin pregnancy is certainly alot tougher than any of my singletons, when I think I might have another 13 weeks yet, it is quite scary, how I will grow and cope. Mainly though I am happy and contented and now very excited. The twins are starting to sink in now, I didn't want to allow myself to think too positively before now. I must admit I love my bump, and feeling 2 babies move in you is one of the most incredible feelings x

My main anxiety is the birth, but i'm looking into it. C sections are inevitable if twin 1 is breech or transverse, but if she is head down I can go natural, but my consultant and I have different ideas about pain management and labouring. She wants me to have an epidural at the very beginning and be bed bound for twin monitoring, but I would like to labour more naturally, but we will see. I would obviously always do what is safest and best for the girls, but the medics seem to want to manage it before a problem has even arisen.
Aliwilan I totally understand why you would want to keep it natural if you can / as far as you can. Before my labour I was sure I'd be a wimp and need an epidural at about 2cm :haha: No one was more shocked than me that I did the whole thing on gas and air.

Like you say though you just have to see how it goes at the time, prepare as well as you can, and then just do whats best for the babies.

You must be SO excited!
Ladies my d&c went very well. The nurses made me feel very calm. I would say the most painful part of the d&c was putting the IV in. After that... everything was smooth and it was just a waiting game.

I woke up to cramps because the doctor gave me oxytoxin to make me contract. The doctor said that the tissues he took out didn't look like a molar pregnancy. It might just be a miscarriage. But he said he can't be sure until the pathologist report comes back. Until then, I still have to get blood work done every week. My levels as of Friday were 125,xxx I don't know the last few numbers - I just know it was in the 125 thousand range. He said this was just a little higher than what a normal pregnancy at 9 weeks should be at.

Rachieroo - *hugs* feel better hun. Please try to take it easy!!
Alwilan - I think its awesome that you want to keep it all natural! I think that as long as you and the babies are safe then why not. But yes do all your research and look into all the options! I'm so happy for you.

Blakesmom - I'm happy for you!!
So glad your d&c went better than expected, that is the worst part over be it a miscarriage or a molar, stay strong x and wishing you a speedy recovery x
Tung I am so glad your D+c went well (or as well as can be expected). When will you be getting your next bloodwork done? Hopefully there will be a big jump downwards!

Mummy 2 Corban - your levels are so close now! I hope the levels today are down again! Its great that you may be able to TTC before 1 yr is out. Its like a triple blow all this stuff, its like is it not enough to lose your baby, but then you have to deal with the blood tests etc and trying to get your health back and then you have to deal with having to wait to TTC. Its a nightmare.

Ailwan - I'm sure the next 13 wks will fly by (I hope so anyway) and you will be cuddling your little ones! I can't imagine what the birth will be like - but i suppose its just a case of waiting and seeing.

I'm ok. Just getting rather impatient to hear form my doctor. I want to know whats going on! Hopefully I will hear tomorrow....
Lottie - don't you just hate waiting. It seems like pregnancy is a whole waiting game from beginning to end. Even for me now, after the d&c I have wait for the pathologist report to see what went wrong...

I'm getting my next blood test on Tuesday. Hopefully my levels will drop.
Thanks ladies... i will try and take it easy, quite difficult with a full time job in a nursing home and a very active LO lol!!!

Blakesmom absolutely brilliant levels

Tung so glad your d and c went well

Mummy2corban fantastic levels... you are nearly there!!!

Lottelotte glad your mri went well
Im really sorry to hear new ladies have joined but also glad you found us. How are you rachieroo? Ive been bleeding on and off since but i think its due to the chemo breaking it down. Hope they sort something out for you soon and you feel better. How is everyone else? My levels from Thursdays are 13 and ill call up today for Mondays. Went to charring cross to pick up my next 6 weeks of treatment. Once i hit below 5 i only have 6 weeks left. Cant wait Im so fed up of feeling so sick all the time. Also asked if a wait time of a year is set in stood and she said no. That has made me feel a little better! Yay! Xxx

Getting so close :thumbup: keep us all posted on when they might give you the OK. :cloud9:
well they advise a year i guess to makesure its all gone but they said they would be happy for me if it happened sooner. I guess when i go again in 6 weeks or finish treatment ill know for sure. Just helps knowing a year isnt set in stone as once treatment is over the wait scares me. Glad to hear everyone is starting to get things sorted even if we do have to wait for everything! Didnt have my results yesterday so ill call later on for them. Fingers crossed the have crept a little further as once Im below 5 i only have 6 weeks of chemo. Yes! AilWilan 13 weeks! Thats super exciting. I Can imagine how amazing it is feeling them move! Can you work out which one is moving? Beautiful. How is everyone else today? Xxx
I'm good today. Today is my first day back at work and i feel awesome. I got a hair cut and i did my nails. I stopped spotting yesterday but it started again this morning. But I think its normal after a d&c.

How about everyone else?
Im great ta very much i just called for my levels...there 9!!! Im so close to being below 5....which means the 6 week count down to NO MORE CHEMO! Yay! Ready for christmas.

Tung- Bet having your hair done helped loads! I cant wait to have mine done, its been months as i cant use bleach on my treatment so i thought id wait till i can have it all done in one go! Plus gives me the chance to grow it a little!!

Well done mummy2corban, i am so happy for you x :happydance:

Tung sounds like you are doing the right thing x bleeding,spotting will be on off for a couple of weeks probably.X
Mummy2Corban - YAY no more CHEMO!! i'm so happy for you!! you're so close!!!
Fantastic news Mummy2corban - you are so close! Within a week or 2 your levels will be under 5!

Tung- I hope work went ok for you today. I'm so glad you are feeling ok. Its great that your treated yourself to having your hair cut. You really deserve it.

Rachieroo - I can imagine its difficult to take it easy with your LO. How old are they? I remember with my nephew, once he started running around there was no stopping him!

I hope everyone else is doing ok.

I'm ok - still waiting (rather impatiently) for the news from my dr. FX'd it will be this evening!


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