Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Just dont doubt yourself hun you can do it! Its such an amazing experience im so happy for you. Do you have a birthing plan? I didnt i just thought id go with the flow xx
Great # Tung!!

Jamarismummy--so exciting for you all--Less than a week--YAY!! With Blake I didn't want an epi but I had PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) and was so tense and things were progressing they recommended I have an epi ASAP to get things moving along or I would need a c-section so epi it was and it really wasn't bad--not what I wanted but it made me relax so the progress could continue!!

ASF Tuesday nights hCG was 9!!!! Don't go again on until the 28th--hoping to be "normal" (under 2)---but only time will tell. My sis-inlaw told me she is pregnant today--they found out on Saturday and I guess she is about 4 1/2 weeks along--can't wait to catch up to her--her little one will turn 2 ten days before her due date. I really wish my #2 was still with me : (
great news about your levels! So close! I hope your next results are normal. I have everything crossed for you. Sending you a hug too i have days were i think i should have been this many weeks pregnant too. I really look forward to hearing the news that we are pregnant with our rainbows xxx
Thanks ladies:) I think positive thinking for the birth is definitely in order:)& no I'm not having a birth plan, I'd like to go with the flow as well. i think my baby will come the way it wants to, nO matter what I want lol. Great news on ur 9 blakes mum! Soooo close now!! I can't wait until u both share the news of ur rainbow babies, it really isn't long now!!!:) xoxoxox
My office has a seminar in Florida from Thurs-Sat and Saturday night we went to Disney World. I should have been 21weeks along but instead was on my period. One of my co-workers is 9 weeks and she had to sit most all the rides out, but still I was wishing I was in her "condition"
jamaris mummy i think just going with the flow is best so your not upset if your birthday plan doesnt go to plan. All i wished for was a natural delivery and i wasnt keen on having pain relief. My midwives were AMAZING! When my contractions slowed they wanted me to have him naturally so everyth the doctors came in the said no! (me and baby were both being monitored so if any problems the doctors would have helped) i had gas and air at the very end but Im pleased i just went with it. You Will know what your happy with honey. Its all so amazing! Goodluck and keep us updated xxx
Blakesmum i know exactly how you feel. We went out for my friends birthday and i had 3 cheeky drinks (shouldnt really while on treatment) and all i could think is i shouldnt do this cause i should be 27ish weeks pregnant. Its fun going out but Im just not bothered as i just want my baby! I also find hearing new babies crying difficult to hear. I keep thinking about my rainbow to keep myself going but i have days were i slip and i think what if. At least we all have each other on this forum and we all understand each others feelings and can all help. Xxx
It helps so much having you ladies here--The only ones I can confide in. DH was really sweet about what he said he told his sister as she didn't want to tell me she was expecting (And honestly it isn't that I didn't want to know---just not this early---early announcements are very sensitive as I waited 10 weeks and until after we heard the heart beat to tell most everyone--we were cautious but still had the unthinkable happen)--anyways he told her, "don't worry you can tell her--she wants a baby as much as the next girl, but she will still be happy for you". He then went on to tell me he doesn't agree with what she is doing as she doesn't take care of the one she has (not that she doesn't care for her daughter--his sister just requires everyones help with her as she seems to need a lot of "mommy time" breaks for herself). At least he thinks I will be a good mommy for a 2nd time : )
I have a friend with 2 kiddies and constantly complains how she needs a break and how tired etc she is! Its a good feeling knowing your other half thinks your a good mumma doesnt it. Corban has his injections today and has been a little unsettled :( poor munchkin. Had a blood test too and the blood sprayed everywhere! Yuk!

How is everyone?

Poor Corban--I hope come tomorrow he will have forgotten all about his appt!!

Blake gets his cast off tomorrow hopefully---YAY!!
Blake got his cast off---when I put on his right shoe his response was "I just too happy--there two of them"---Yay for now more cast and two shoes again!!
ah bless him! Bet it feels great for him! Levels for me are still normal so i totally pleased! Double yay! Xxx
i wonder how jamaris mummy got on with her scan and if she Will be induced tomorrow. So excited for her! Hope all goes well xxx
Mummy2Corban--how often are you testing now?? I remember Nov. 4th as your first normal, but can't recall if there have been any other tests since then??

We're all thinking of you JAMARIS MUMMY---Hopefully no news means the time is almost here!!!
Im still on weekly bloods but i called late this week for this weeks results! Hopefully once treatment is done ill either be fortnightly or ill be sending in urine samples! I cant wait for no more blood tests :) Gotta go to charring cross next thursday to collect my last lot of chemo then i go back 6 weeks after for my follow up! Yay! When are your next results? xxx
Hey ladies! Hope you are all well :)

Kate (Jamaris Mummy) has been on Facebook, the drs have decided against inducing her so they are going to let her go into labour naturally in her own time. I think she'd due in a week so it shouldn't be long now :)

Kate I hope you don't mind me updating! Xx
I'm so excited for Kate. I think naturally going into labour is a beautiful thing.

All the women here who are pregnant or had children after a mp give me so much hope and joy! I'm so happy I have everybody here to talk to!
I agree att least she will go into labour when she is ready! Bless her :) xxx

Im so glad to...its so nice hearing about the other side of things xxx

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