Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

we are going on a playdate today, tomorrow we are looking at a wedding venue and having dinner with our friends grandparents then Sunday chill. We Will be starting the dining room and kitchen next probably in a few weeks. Thank you i think i should have been pregnant so it is upsetting. I agree you need to stay positive (even though Im a bit wobbly about next week) it Will happen when it happens. Just keep the image of your rainbow in your mind it helps so much! Xxx

Aren't playdates great!! Blake is so excited for his today. Let us know how the Venue is!!
Hey everyone,

So i am now home from my appt at cx. Overall it went very well. As i may have mentioned back in october i had an mri which i was told was clear in fact they said it was a text book perfect. So i pretty much assumed that my mri last week would also be clear. Well today i found out that the mri back in oct had not been clear and there were some cells in the uterus they could see. The good news is that these cells have pretty much all gone now and also almost six months on i finally have an answer as to why my hcg is elevated. Prof Seckl thinks this is placenta accreta where the placenta is too firmly embedded in the wall of the uterus. He thinks its highly unlkley to be something sinister which is good. We also talked about trying again. He advised me to wait till hcg is normal and then wait for two clear monthly samples. I said i wanted to try again now and he said that it was totally my decision and he supported that. They would have liked me to go back for another consultation in three months, but i asked if this was essential and they said no, so we agreed that provided the hcg continues to fall i would not need to go back to cx. I am happy about this, although scared that my hcg will plateau ago and then i will have to go back. But i'm looking to the future and seeing what happens. I have my next blood test on sunday so we wil see waht that brings!

Thanks for all your well wishes guys. They mean so much to me. I don't think i would have got through the last couple months without you all.

This weekend i plan to rest relax and do not an awful lot. My work is manic at the moment so the weekend is my chance to loll around!

Love Lotte


Good job asking the questions about TTC---Let's see if I'm brave enough to ask when I call for my results next week. Are they going to continue with MRI's to check on the placenta occasionally or are they fine with just know its there for now. I'm sure once you get a BFP MRI would be out of the question so is it something that can be checked on via ultrasound??
Thanks Blakes mom. Had to make sure i got the ttc quesions in! Haha..
I am definately glad i asked.

So the placenta has pretty much now all gone now, what was left now was barely visable. Which is good. They suggested that we could do an mri again in three months but tbh i wasn't all that keen and the hcg seems to be a pretty good indicator. If my hcg does start to plateau or rise then they would definately want to do one, but the mri kinda freaked me out! So i didn't want to sign up for another one unless its essential. Unfortunately (or fortunately!) its too small to see on an ultrasound.

Have a nice weekend xx
Hi kara, so sorry about your news of your molar pregnancy. I found out 5 weeks ago about mine. The ladies here are wonderful support and it is great to see some happy outcomes on the other side of the long wait.

Lotte, i'm glad you are getting some answers. I'm praying for negative bloods in the normal range so you do't need another mri. I hope lots of good news comes your way. I have my appointment Monday. I am hoping so much for good news. I think its about time I got some. I don't want to just kept going on surviving life, I want some news to help me start living life again.

Tung, you are not the only one. Today I couldn't see a good friend of mine because I couldn't see her 4month old baby and hear about how good and easy it all is. My husband was going to come and visit with me but when he couldn't come anymore and I just couldn't deal with it today on my own. I really struggle to see other pregnant women becuase i keep thinking that was meant to be me. I have to remind myself that my time will come.

Hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable weekend xx
Oh forgot...

Mummy2Corban- don't listen to your friend. She clealr ly doesn't understand. A big congratulations on your normal levels! That is so wonderful to hear xx

Dano- i'm so glad there was a happy ending for you. You have inspired me to make so much more effort with my friend who is due at the same time as I was and not let how I feel get in the way. She is too good a friend to loose.

Thanks for the welcome, great to know there are good outcomes with rainbow local hospital is Watford but tests done at charing cross. The doctor at Watford who told me the awful news told me I can go on the pill.. Which now I know is a big no no so it shows they didn't know what they were talking about.

Can I ask how many ladies ended up having their levels rise and cells were found to be leg behind ?or do I not want to know..

Do you still ovulate while hcg levels are showing ? How long until levels should be totally down ? I'm still showing very faint line on dip test pregnancy test. I don't have my first bloods taken till Wednesday.

Sorry for all the questions.. Xx
Forgot to say, I have 5 friends who got pregnant the same time as me, all due same week in August..they are all still happily pregnant . I tell them I'm fine and not to worry about talking babies and pregnancy around me, but really it's killing me. Non of them know about the molar pregnancy..... August is going to be a tough month for me x
Hey Kara,

For a partial molar (which i believe you had -right) the stats are about 0.5% will need treatment. Unfortunately if you have a complete mole, this is a bit higher.

I got my period back with an hcg of 58, and i think i am ovulating. My consultant at cx said that once levels are less than about 60 you do often get your periods back. It is all slightly individual though, for some women it will be higher and some lower. I have a very very faint line on a test and my latest levels were 38, and i need to get to 4!

One of the ways i have dealt with this is to break up the wait. Like i'll say get to next week for my next blood test, then next week for something else. My due date is approaching and that will be hard. But i hope once i am past this, ings may get easier.

I had an MRI two days ago and my doctor thinks I have had a partial molar pregnancy. She said she want know for sure until after my d&c tomorrow. Is there a chance that a pmp is not the case? Has a MRI been wrong for anyone? I am having a hard time coping with this and am terribly frightened of my d&c so any positive outcomes/ experiences would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the welcome, great to know there are good outcomes with rainbow local hospital is Watford but tests done at charing cross. The doctor at Watford who told me the awful news told me I can go on the pill.. Which now I know is a big no no so it shows they didn't know what they were talking about.

Can I ask how many ladies ended up having their levels rise and cells were found to be leg behind ?or do I not want to know..

Do you still ovulate while hcg levels are showing ? How long until levels should be totally down ? I'm still showing very faint line on dip test pregnancy test. I don't have my first bloods taken till Wednesday.

Sorry for all the questions.. Xx

Hey honey, i had a complete molar and after my d&c i start bleeding with clots and molar tissue and because of this i ended up having treatment. I had low risk chemo from 26th Aug to 9th dec. Its a very low percentage from PMP and i believe 10% for a CMP. Im sure all will be fine lovely so try not to worry about treatment. How often do you have bloods?
I had an MRI two days ago and my doctor thinks I have had a partial molar pregnancy. She said she want know for sure until after my d&c tomorrow. Is there a chance that a pmp is not the case? Has a MRI been wrong for anyone? I am having a hard time coping with this and am terribly frightened of my d&c so any positive outcomes/ experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Hello, im sorry you have joined us but like i always say im happy you found us! I had a MRI before my d&c and they were pretty sure it was a complete molar. I guess they wont be certain until they can test it. Its a very hard time and i promise you that you will get through....we all know it doesnt feel like it at the beginning as its all so much to take in and you have so many feelings that you dont know what to do with. We are all here to answer any questions as best we can! I was a little worried about having a d&c but it wasnt as bad as i thought. I wasnt sore after just tired! Just try take it easy and just try take one bit at a time.
So ladies how have your weekends been? Went to the wedding venue yesterday and it was lovely! We also know some who works there so we can get a discount! Will be getting costs tuesday. Woo! Also came on my period so this was a 26 day cycle...last 29 and the other 3 34!?! I hope im regular for june.

I had an MRI two days ago and my doctor thinks I have had a partial molar pregnancy. She said she want know for sure until after my d&c tomorrow. Is there a chance that a pmp is not the case? Has a MRI been wrong for anyone? I am having a hard time coping with this and am terribly frightened of my d&c so any positive outcomes/ experiences would be greatly appreciated.

I didn't have an MRI--just routine ultrasound that found no cardiac activity and MMC was suspected. Didn't find out I had a partial molar until pathology results came back after my D&C. I felt better after my D&C--I was super tired and very sick (nausea/vomiting) prior to the procedure but when I woke up from the anesthesia it was like a weight had been lift and I could start moving forward--I felt normal again physically (emotionally I was still on shaky grounds). I really hope they are wrong and you can go on and not have to know so much about molar pregnancies--but if results confirm your Drs. suspicions please let us know if we can help in anyway--the ladies on here are great and understand better than most what you are going thru because they have been thru this first hand. :flower:
so it's pretty low then ? But easily treatable if it isn't... That made me feel so much better. I get tests every two weeks. Are they very strict on the 6 month wait ?

My mate announced the early birth of her daughter this morning and didn't expect it to be such a kick in the teeth.. Wasn't expecting it to effect me so much.x

Jkburns- I'm new to this myself but I have had 4 d&c and they are nothing to be scared of. My first 3 I had some bleeding and cramping, my last one I had no pain at all after. X
You all have really helped ease my mind. I am so ready to get back to normal. I will keep you all updated. Thank you all, again, so much.
Hi ladies just checking in to see how you all are. It's not nice seeing new names amd I'm sorry for what you are going through but these ladies are fantastic for support! xx
Rahel - WOW! Your nearly 12 weeks! When is your dating scan? So exciting! xxxx

Ladykara - It seems in most cases that metho works well but some ladies still need the higher risk chemo which i think i was told a 3rd of those who need treatment will need the higher risk chemo. When i went for my last appointment i asked about my wait time as its a year from the end of treatment for me and they said aslong as it wasnt before 6 months as im more than likely to relapse in the 1st 6 months but they said they totally understand why i would wanna try at 6 months as this all started in august. They said if i have any questions i can call email or go back and have a chat and they said they would support me. Makesure you keep us updated with your levels! I have bloods/urine on thursday.

JKburns - how are you?
I had my d&c today. I just got home. I'm a little sore, but not bad. It was a very surreal experience. My post op appointment is next week and I will have the answers I need. Thank you all for caring.
I had my d&c today. I just got home. I'm a little sore, but not bad. It was a very surreal experience. My post op appointment is next week and I will have the answers I need. Thank you all for caring.

Glad it went OK with for you :flower:

MummytoCorban I had my blood draw today--DH apparently forgot I do that monthly LOL easier for him to forget than me.
Hi jkburns, glad things went well today. Fingers crossed that its not a molar xx

Mummy2Corban, so ex citing about the wedding venue. When are you getting married?

I had my specialists appointment yesterday. Was a great weight lifted off me as the doctor thinks there is no link between my molar and previous mc (just very bad luck). Lots of tests and more to come but she was happy with how my levels are dropping and only is making me wait until I have 3 negative month tests. Was so nice to hear some good news for a change. Fingers crossed for a level closer to zero from todays tests. Small steps closer to trying again for my special baby.

Hope everyone's week is going well xx

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