Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

So I got my results back and they were below 0.35 so normal! Part of me is really pleased to see a normal result and a part of me is a little sad, if you get what I mean? I'm more pleased that nothing is growing back though as I couldn't get that thought out of my head!

I guess I'm just having a dodgy cycle, I'm on day 42 now and my longest ever even after my D&C was 33days. Should I tell someone at Sheffield or my GP?

How is everyone else doing today? Any fun plans for the weekend? :flower:
avgabcon5 - Happy Birthday to your daughter! Hope you have a lovely day!!

I'm not sure why they've said you 'dont qualify' for an early scan - I've been told I'll have 2 early scans for definate when I'm pregnant again, I'm in Leicestershire.

I agree with Blakesmom and think hcg levels are not the best way to confirm everything is fine. Maybe you could ask again in a week or so if you can have an early scan?
So I got my results back and they were below 0.35 so normal! Part of me is really pleased to see a normal result and a part of me is a little sad, if you get what I mean? I'm more pleased that nothing is growing back though as I couldn't get that thought out of my head!

I guess I'm just having a dodgy cycle, I'm on day 42 now and my longest ever even after my D&C was 33days. Should I tell someone at Sheffield or my GP?

How is everyone else doing today? Any fun plans for the weekend? :flower:

Im sorry to hear it wasnt your bfp :hugs: totally get what your saying though and it is good nothing is growing back. My cycles have been dodgy :nope: which is driving me a little crazy! Maybe see your doctor if your worried?!? :shrug: Thats another reason ive been doing opks so i know about 2 weeks later ill have AF. Anyway lovely look at our tickers we are so nearly there! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Just needing to release some stress- kinda took a calculated risk a week and half ago and hubby and i didn't bother trying not to prevent anything and now af is late... even for my irregular cycles. I had a scan a week before for my specialist's tests and showed I had just ovulated so figured it wouldn't be a problem a week later because the time had past... only problem now is that I don't feel the best (I get sick straight away) and are really tired. Really hope i am just getting the flu or something. aaah my specialist specifically said not to come back pregnant for the next appointment at the end of april... so stupid to add this stress on top of everything else. Fingers crossed its just a false alarm. So stupid! And just when I had got 2 negatives in a row and on monthlys.... aaah

Have you done a test honey? Maybe try a test and see what happens?
Hello everyone - just popping on here quickly with a quick query. I went to the doctors yesterday and she said she would refer me for an early scan but I've just had a phone call to say that I don't meet 'the criteria' for an early scan??!! They have got me booked in for a blood test now tomorrow morning but I'm really surprised that having had a molar last year I'm not going to be given one. Is this just a county thing? (Lincolnshire). Will blood HCG tests definitely be a good indication of whether things are ok or not? I couldn't bear getting to 12 weeks again only to get bad news. Ho hum.......

Hope you are all anyway. MrsWag and JackyB - try not to worry. Hope everything works out for you both x

Happy birthday to your little lady :hugs:

Maybe ask again in a week or so? Say it seems to be the norm to have an early scan to rule it out and your worried etc? If i was you id push for one :thumbup: when i was pregnant with the molar i had some brown blood and the midwife said if i was worried i could have a scan but she reasurred me it was implantation blood so i thought why make a fuss......few weeks later i had my dating scan and there was the molar so id push for it!! hehe!
-new study shows that now it is 1 in 600 pregnancys that become a molar (so not as rare as it used to be, i was told 1 in 1000)

-from 2000 - 2009 there were just over 10,000 women registered at charring cross (not just from uk)

-affects more women aged 40+

-its very very rare to have another mole pregnancy so rare that there isnt even a percentage ! (unless you are older chances are 2%)

-you get monitored on each pregnancy you now have once the baby is 6 weeks and 10 weeks

-on average they register 1000 women each year - includes from other countrys

-no connection at all with what mother/father has done in life

A lady went to a meeting thingy at charring cross and she posted this on a fecebook molar page so i thought id share it too!

Well I had my blood test this morning and what a palava that was! Either the doctors or me had got the day wrong - on their system I was booked in tomorrow - but I'm 99% sure the lady said 'tomorrow' on the hone yesterday! Anyway, they slotted me for today at the time I thought I should have been there! It was with a midwife but she had no idea why I was there or whether I'll have another test to check for rising levels. So I explained my situation and said it was to be tested for HCg levels. I hate it when things get complicated and you have to chase things in up yourself. Anyway, I've just phoned Sarah at Sheffield who was lovely and she said she'll phone Lincoln for me and try and get me a scan. Initially she said she'd try and get a scan at 6 weeks but I've asked for it to be at 8 weeks if possible as then it will be more conclusive. She also said bllod tests aren't really a good indicator. She's getting back to me later today or tomorrow. When I think back to my first pregnancy, how worry free and easy that was and also 'innocent' in the way It never even really crossed my mind that things could go wrong, I wish this one and my last two could be/had been the same!!

MrsWag - it's really good that you've reached 'normal' but I also understand that you are probably disappointed it wasn't a BFP. I can't believe it's a whole year since I found out I was pregnant (with my molar) - at the time at least a 6 month wait seemed like an eternity but looking back it's gone quite quickly. I actually got the official 'all claer' 9 months after my operation.
Thanks ladies!

MrsWag, so glad your levels are still normal but sorry that it wasn't positive. I hope your cycles become normal again very soon. Big hugs xx

Avgabcon5, hope you get your scan when you want and everything is normal.

I took a test this morning and was negative. Still concerned cos af is nowhere yet and with my previous pregnancies I didn't test positive until after 6 weeks. Will have bloods next week if still nothing. I really struggled at the gym tonight and felt pretty I'll so hopefully nothing. Aah. Fingers crossed for an extra long cycle.
So I got my results back and they were below 0.35 so normal! Part of me is really pleased to see a normal result and a part of me is a little sad, if you get what I mean? I'm more pleased that nothing is growing back though as I couldn't get that thought out of my head!

I guess I'm just having a dodgy cycle, I'm on day 42 now and my longest ever even after my D&C was 33days. Should I tell someone at Sheffield or my GP?

How is everyone else doing today? Any fun plans for the weekend? :flower:

Hi Megan,
I'm glad the result was still normal - that is so strange why the hpt was positive. If it were me I would ask them at Sheffield and maybe get a blood test done, to see if you get a difference there.

Do you temp or anything? Have you noticed any cm? (sorry if tmi)
All you can do if be patient - story of all our lives at the moment!!

This weekend I have an exam on saturday and I also want to do some diy! So hopefully a busy one for me.

What are your plans for the weekend?

Hope you have a good one! :)

Lotte xx
Thanks Tina - I did say initially I didn't want one too early but rather at 8 weeks or so as i know that too early they won't neccessarily see anything and could think it's a blighted ovum. I think I need to use mind over matter and just say to myself that until and if there's something to worry about to assume that all is good. Easier said than done but hey ho!! Anyway, it's my daughetr Ava's 5th birthday today so off out to have fun today!!!

Happy Birthday to Ava!!

I can't belive you are not entitled to an early scan. I have already been told I can have one. Perhaps as Laura suggested try in a few weeks or see if Sheffield can work their charm!

Thanks ladies!

MrsWag, so glad your levels are still normal but sorry that it wasn't positive. I hope your cycles become normal again very soon. Big hugs xx

Avgabcon5, hope you get your scan when you want and everything is normal.

I took a test this morning and was negative. Still concerned cos af is nowhere yet and with my previous pregnancies I didn't test positive until after 6 weeks. Will have bloods next week if still nothing. I really struggled at the gym tonight and felt pretty I'll so hopefully nothing. Aah. Fingers crossed for an extra long cycle.

Fx'd your af will turn up soon. xx
So I got my results back and they were below 0.35 so normal! Part of me is really pleased to see a normal result and a part of me is a little sad, if you get what I mean? I'm more pleased that nothing is growing back though as I couldn't get that thought out of my head!

I guess I'm just having a dodgy cycle, I'm on day 42 now and my longest ever even after my D&C was 33days. Should I tell someone at Sheffield or my GP?

How is everyone else doing today? Any fun plans for the weekend? :flower:

Im sorry to hear it wasnt your bfp :hugs: totally get what your saying though and it is good nothing is growing back. My cycles have been dodgy :nope: which is driving me a little crazy! Maybe see your doctor if your worried?!? :shrug: Thats another reason ive been doing opks so i know about 2 weeks later ill have AF. Anyway lovely look at our tickers we are so nearly there! :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Yep - we're getting there - it will hopefully not be long and we can be bump buddies!!! :)
AF turned up for me in the early hours of this morning. Went to the toilet at 2 o'clock with excruitiating tummy cramps. This cycle was 33 days, so a bit long for me but not too bad.

Another cycle out the way!

Almost forgot - I probably have a blood test this weekend - this will be three weeks since teh last one. Linda said ideally next one in three weeks bt I depending on how I feel I may stretch it to four!

lotte i keep telling myself that i may only have 2 AFs left until we start trying! I had a positive opk so less than 2 weeks i can think 1 more AF (fingers crossed) i was ment to have a blood test yesterday but they Cant fit me in till next Thursday! Eek! Xxx
lotte i keep telling myself that i may only have 2 AFs left until we start trying! I had a positive opk so less than 2 weeks i can think 1 more AF (fingers crossed) i was ment to have a blood test yesterday but they Cant fit me in till next Thursday! Eek! Xxx

Where do you have your's done? I have mine at my local epu and I don't need an appointment - I turn up when I want. I usually go first thing on a Sunday morning - so its really quite and I don't have to wait.

I go to my doctors as they know all about me cause if i go to the drop in centre they seem to have a sh*t fit! Called again today and they cant even squeeze me in!!! Ill call again monday and see if i can get a cancellation!

Thanks everyone :flower:

Im sorry to hear it wasnt your bfp :hugs: totally get what your saying though and it is good nothing is growing back. My cycles have been dodgy :nope: which is driving me a little crazy! Maybe see your doctor if your worried?!? :shrug: Thats another reason ive been doing opks so i know about 2 weeks later ill have AF. Anyway lovely look at our tickers we are so nearly there! :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Thanks Laura, I think I'm gonna see my doctor at the end of next week if AF still hasn't arrived - just so I have some idea of whats going on as I got a + OPK on 17th March so would have expected her by now :shrug:

So excited to look at our tickers! We're getting so close :hugs::hugs:

Hi Megan,
I'm glad the result was still normal - that is so strange why the hpt was positive. If it were me I would ask them at Sheffield and maybe get a blood test done, to see if you get a difference there.

Do you temp or anything? Have you noticed any cm? (sorry if tmi)
All you can do if be patient - story of all our lives at the moment!!

This weekend I have an exam on saturday and I also want to do some diy! So hopefully a busy one for me.

What are your plans for the weekend?

Hope you have a good one! :)

Lotte xx

I think I'm gonna ask my docs for a blood test when I go and see them. I use OPK's but don't temp. My cm has been the same for the past 3weeks or so, sort of inbetween ewcm and creamy ifkwim? :shrug:
I know what you mean, my patience isn't great at the best of times! :haha:

Good Luck with you exam!

I'm out for a friends birthday tonight and then going to the Zoo with my little sisters and saturday and my fiends little boys birthday party on Sunday, he's gonna be 3 so hopefully a busy time to keep my mind off things! xxx
Thanks Tina - I did say initially I didn't want one too early but rather at 8 weeks or so as i know that too early they won't neccessarily see anything and could think it's a blighted ovum. I think I need to use mind over matter and just say to myself that until and if there's something to worry about to assume that all is good. Easier said than done but hey ho!! Anyway, it's my daughetr Ava's 5th birthday today so off out to have fun today!!!

Ava's Hello Kitty cake is SOOOO cute---I hope she had a great party. My next scan will be 8 weeks 2 days---just 1 week to go--Thats what I'm telling myself--everything has to be good at this point until there is a reason to think differently.
Tina - only a week! Well i say only but when your waiting for something it always takes forever! Cant wait to hear your news...will you upload a picture??

Megan - think its a good idea you see the doctor if AF doesnt show her face soon. Guess all our hormones are all upset making our cycles a little crazy.

So ladies just a little question!! Im looking at tiaras, side tiaras or combs for my wedding! Been looking on Glitzy Secrets and i have no idea which would look best. What did you ladies have? Any advice would be great

Laura I'm hoping I will get an ultrasound pic to post--going to a different practice than I had with Blake so not certain on what they do--with Blake I got TONS of pics!!

I personally had a full Tiara for my wedding--wanted to be over the top for one last day in my life!! I also have really loved the look of Flowers in the hair--I will see if I can find some pics of my friends that have done this in the last few years...

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