
Why is everyone swearing????!!!!! :winkwink: I consider the word money a swear - sometimes I think it's so overrated and I'd rather run off, find a farm and be self sufficient. Then I go on the ikea website :haha: Jeez they have some cool baby stuff on there!

I thought I was on Facebook for a moment, and wanted to "like" your post :haha:
Money, eurgh. Horrible word.
I worked out earlier that we could just about survive with me on mat pay, but not sure what we'd do when it comes to having to go back to work as we can't live on OHs wages. If I worked part time, we'd be OK, but that's not taking into account childcare, and we have no family around to help out.
I dont want to add up anything, it was scare me so much lol
I've been worrying about 'money' issues, but I had a look at my maternity pay, 3 weeks at full pay, 6 weeks at 90%, after that it's statutory which is like £400 a month so I'd have to go back to work after 9 weeks!... but you get child benefit, working tax credits, and some employers give you childcare vouchers too... so its not too bad, its just a matter of looking at what tax credits etc you will be entitled to! (if in the UK that is!)
I agree that there is always a way to make do. If DH and I waited until we were 100% stable we'd never have kids cause in this economy no one is safe. :nope: So we just went for it. I really have no extra costs because I breastfeed and I use cloth diapers. Of course there is the up front costs with baby items, etc. But even that you can do on a budget. Good luck to you!! :hugs::hugs:
I think money ias always a consideration unless ur a millionaire, in my circumstances its my OH whose more concerned about the money side because I said i'll be going part time n he obv doesn't want to foot all the bills cuz he's selfish like that, dunno why i'm with him sometimes! Sorry, had to vent! We nev had much mon growing up and tbh, when I was young I nev noticed and nev felt like we missed out. It was till we went to highschool that I started noticing labels etc but its seems to be getting younger n younger. My friend told me her 3yr old niece asked for an ipod for Xmas. WDF?
Money is definately an issue but I think it always will be and that was something that took time for me to accept...I figured out how much it would cost etc. and if we start trying in June we should be okay. One of the big things for up -ront costs is knowing that not everything needs to be new. A lot of our friends have already had children so they have already offered us a basinet, etc. for when we have children which is great!
I agree! OH's sister had a baby in August, so it'd be nice if we had a boy so we could borrow his nephew's clothes :) I also plan on breastfeeding and using cloth diapers, so that'd help alleviate costs as well. And kids only need so many toys... right? :haha:
TBH I'm not worried about money, except paying for the private midwife I want, which is expensive but worth it IMO. But babies when they're young don't cost much - couple of hundred upfront for washable nappies (if you go for the nicer ones, simpler ones cost much less) with no ongoing costs, breastfeeding costs nowt, most clothes I bet will be bought by relatives (though charity shops are a favourite hunting ground of mine), and I'll be using a sling rather than a pushchair so that's another saving. Our only big expense will be a cosleeping crib.

I think one advantage I have is we already live only on OH's wage - I'm disabled and can't work, so we're used to budgeting. We manage fine on OH's 16k a year to pay the mortgage, all the bills etc, and even manage to put 500 a month away in savings for things like the wedding and private midwife. It's about being frugal where you can so you have the money for things that are important to you.
Me and Hubby are trying to have a family, my Hubby says he wants to wait until we are out of debt and have no money worries, which I can understand I can see his point but I don't think you can ever plan to have children and something will always come up to push it back a bit.

My only worry is that if we do have children we would struggle as my salary pays all the bills and hubby salary would not cover them whilst I was on maternity leave.

I am sure we would cope but when you sit down and work things out it becomes a bit daunting.

I hope we are lucky enough to have a family one day in the mean time we will just have to keep practising : )))))))
ive just realised that me and DH are never going to have as much money as we would like or possibly need no matter what we do, living just costs too much!!! maybe we should just go for it, as DH says everyone else copes and so could we!!
Money is the major issue. If I had a lot of money in my bank I could do everything and not worry, lol.

We need more money to have another child.

1) To have another child, we have to live together (which costs money).

To have more money, I need to either be:

Working full time and putting Elyse in child care (which costs money),


Going back to college (which costs money), whilst working reduced hours (less money) and still putting Elyse in child care (still costs money).

And if I do any of that while living with OH, I lose some of my child tax benefits and I have to spend more money on living expenses lol

& then find a job with the training/education I paid for... and repay my loans... while still paying for child care and "life".

2) We need a new car before we can have another baby (which costs money).

& 3) I would LIKE to get married before we TTC (which costs money).

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