more spotting at nearly 11 wks


3 children - 12, 9 and 1
Sep 5, 2008
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Just when I was feeling all positive, I have today had another bout of spotting after being clear for 2 weeks

I have my twelve week scan on Wednesday.

Do I ring the Early preg unit tomorrow or wait til Wed?? Dont know what to do. Feel really flat cos I felt things were going so well.
Id ring them tomorrow hun, im sure they wont want you worrying. :hugs:
Will be thinking positive thoughts for you. :hugs:
Hi sweetie, everything is probably fine you're so close to the 12wk mark it could be the spotting that is caused by the placenta being finallised this does sometimes cause spotting. or some people spot around 4wks,8wks,12wks and so on as that is where their period should be.If it's causing you stress and sleepless nights I would call tomo and arrange an earlier scan to be on the safe side at least then it will put ur mind at ease, take care D xxx
Yeah I agree you should give the EPU a ring if you are worried :hugs:

Hope everything is ok xx
me 2 ring them tommorow, just to be safe, plus it will help u too and try not to get stressed out xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Are you ok? Did the spotting spot?
Hi all

Pleased to say all ok. Bump is perfect - now 50 mm. The clot is only 6mm so the consultant has said its nothin to worry about but I will still bleed until it is either absorbed or passed out.....

Feel so much better bout thing altho am spottin again today - as long as its old blood apparently its fine

Thanks all for your kind words


Will try and post foto over the weekend

Oh Thank goodness! I thought it would be all ok, it's good you are aware of the cyst though and know what was causing the spotting. You can relax a bit now have a fab weekend and get others to pamper you a bit you deserve it! Dust xxx
If you are stressed about it call them and /or go see them. Better safe than sorry. I bled at 11weeks for 4 weeks (not just spotting, I'm talking through my clothes) and everything worked out for me. Try not to stress though, take care :hug:

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