i go with a list, i used to online shop but at the moment i use it as a good way to get out the house with leo, i know if i were to faint or anything then there will be plenty of people to catch me unlike the park which sits empty most of the time . . . i spent a lot more time there now looking at weights of things, obviously smaller is cheaper do i really need 60p more of mince . . . not really, looking at deals, looking across the brands instead of picking the name brand, seeing whether buying in bulk will save money next week or if it is just a rip off (you would be surprised how much buy in bulk stuff is actually more expensive) also i started buying sainsbury basic biscuits as i couldnt afford too many treats, now i can buy 3 packets of biscuits for less than the amount of one brand name one! if you can spend just a little time setting a budget, planning meals, and spending more time looking around, also looking at sell by dates is a biggy as we always ended up throwing the last couple of days worth of meat away and getting take out, you can save a lot of money. .. just take a little more time! i spent £60 this week got 9 meals and the rest of lunchtimes being sandwiches, nappies for two weeks for leo, two weeks of wipes, washing liquid and softner - all things that make the shopping more difficult to stick within budget but i managed it all because i took my time. i havent sacrificed much just saved £s from not going for brand names