Moving House!!


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Has to be one of the worst things to do! :x

My landlord is selling up at the start of next year which means we have to move but although it seems agers away its not really is it? I got thinking on this last night & really we are going to have to think about it! I mean I get paid monthly so that means I have 4 more pay days until the new year!! Hmmmmm!!

Dreading it! Its the cost of getting from A to B that usually kills you!

My OH said he thinks there should be a condition on agreements if you private rent & the landlord wants to sell up you should get your final month free! I mean that month will be some expsense won't it! :evil:
House in warrington for let .... COME TO US!!!!!! :D :D :D
We're pretty close to my home town (Chester) & would like to move closer plus my OHs parents are moving near Wrexham which is again close to Chester! Been considering both! I don't actually want to go back to Chester (although night life :twisted: ) but I want to be closer!

We were considering moving to Portugal at one point as my OHs parents moved there but they have decided to come home ... Although if we want their apartment we can :-k
Lots of decisions ...

Still reckon you should come and join the warrington clan ... we are on a one way mission to rule the world!! :lol:

(Including the world of Cyber space .... were everywhere :wink: ) lol!!!

:lol: Need to get the money first or we'll be changing the locks!!

:shock: :lol:
LMAOOOO!!! you gonna be a sitting tenant?? lol!!

Can see the headlines now ... "Wobbles goes for squatters rights!" :lol:

Hehehehe ... awwwwwwww hun got every faith in ya, something will turn up, it always does!!

Its the cost of removals that gets you though isn't it! Never mind on that month you need to pay your rent, pay the rant in advance for new house, deposit & the removal van! :shock: :(
Well if you came near us you could squat with MrsB and me ... it will be like having 2 homes lol ...

Sounds horrendous hun ... hate moving i did it a month before i had maddie ... NOT doing it again anytime soon!!!

I mean where do these people think we get the money from ??? the "INVISABLE" tree in the back garden??
Got room for a full furnished house & office? :lol:
You could always move down here :wink: although i have been told by a certain dickie bird the put-u-up bed isnt as comfy as she would like :lol:

Then again i wouldnt reccommend it the cost of housing is astronomical.
I'm sure imi can make room for your fully furnished house & office! lol!!!

Theres a few nice houses round here, and with Chester, Liverpool & Manchester nearby no worries about lack of nightlife! lol!!
Tootsie said:
You could always move down here :wink: although i have been told by a certain dickie bird the put-u-up bed isnt as comfy as she would like :lol:

Then again i wouldnt reccommend it the cost of housing is astronomical.
It done my back in :oops: :lol:


I think I'd be heading a lot further from my sissy if we went South :(

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