Hey chic they talked me out of putting 2 back too cos i am only 33 just! I was adament having 2 put back but they said best not as good quality embryos. Just play it by ear if the quality is less than perfect go for 2 if the quality if top notch i recommend just the 1 after losts of debating myself thats what I decided. I also think i will give this first chance a go with 1 back on their advice but if it does not work i will be adament about putting 2 back and say look you were wrong last time and i listend this time i want to do what i want to doIts a hard decisoon though isnt it.
I just want the two. Have done a lot of research and even if it only gives you a five percent better success rate I want that extra five percent. It's our bodies. If we understand the risks we should be given the choice after all.
Yep its defo our choice and i was like you but at my clinic they really expressed the risks of multiples when you go for the consultation before transfer and to be totally frank it made me think twice. Twins sound great but its an entirelydiffernt ball game to singleton and I changed my mind last montue. Having said that if this first attempt does not work next time i will be going for 2. I listened to them first time round next time its entirely my choice.