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Tuckie, ouch I imagine that to be extremely painful. I know how hard they can bite down with their gums alone and no teeth. It amazes me how powerful Emelia is when I let her bite on my fingers at times to sooth her gums.

Kat, exciting days ahead for you with getting your new home.

Im looking for advice on giving Emelia meat and fish as her solids now. Im vegetarian so don't know how is best to cook these things and get them super fine for her to eat. It dosent bother me one bit to cook it for her as I know its healthy. Yesterday she was grabbing at my mums ham sandwich so my mum was giving her tiny bits of ham and she loved it so I thought Id go out and buy thinly sliced cooked ham but then my hubby warned me about the amount of salt in these hams apparently. So If Im to make these things home cooked from scratch Im not sure how to get it right.
Tuckie: ouch!!! I understand Bay must like it for her gums, but it must be sooo painful for you!! Sometimes I put my finger in Zoe's mouth and she chews and bites hard on it, so I guess her gums are bothering her a little.

Hoping: Love the pictures of cute little Penny:cloud9: Great news about the surrogate couple:happydance: Hope everything works out well!

Just: Emelia is a cutie:cloud9: Let's face it. We all have very cute babies:blush:

AFM...Zoe woke up everything 2 hours last night to feed. She drank about 5oz everytime. I put her to bed at 7:45, and she woke up at 10, 1, 3:30 and 5:30!! I'm tired lol. Am I doing something wrong or she's just hungry and needs to it:shrug: I also scared DH because I took dollar tree tests (and they usually don't give dark lines until much later on), and I got lines that were as dark as when I was 5-6 weeks along with Zoe...the thought of having twins scared him:haha:
Tuckie- isn’t it nice not having to change so many poopy diapers?! Penny is down to about one a day but still pees like a maniac. The sore nipples sound awful. I didn’t breast feed long enough to go through the teething stage so I’m sorry I’m not much help.

Kat- You must be so excited to move into your new home!

Just- I didn’t introduce meat until almost a year. Fish was the easiest and less intimidating because it is soft. Penny had no interest in red meat and still will spit it out but she loves turkey, fish, shrimp, scallops ect…

Melfy- she could be going through a growth spurt with all that eating. I had to laugh at your poor DH being scared of twins. Did you take Clomid or any other fertility drug? A coworker of mine was telling me about how she got pregnant (but it was an accident) a few months after her son was born. She cried when the test was positive and then cried when she learned they were having twins. Everything turned out just fine so if it happens you will find some way to cope. When is your first appointment? Would you be ok with twins?

AFM- our battle right now is getting Penny off the bottle. She loves to drink from a cup but when she is extra tired or cranky she just wants her bottle with milk. We are trying to wean her slowly so we will still let her have her bottle but only with water when she needs it. The rest of the time it is milk/water (she hates juice) in her cup. I wish we would have been more diligent with the cup in the beginning and took away the bottle sooner because now she is a feisty little toddler who is very opinionated. I’m thinking about having her help me pack up her bottles to send them to babies who need them (we keep telling her only babies drink bottles and that she is a big girl now) and then letting her pick out a cup at the store. Any suggestions from moms who have been through this?
Hoping: No drugs it was all natural :) Twins would be very challenging, but it'd be a wonderful adventure. But I have a feeling there's only one in there, but it implanted really early and is snuggling just fine :)
Just: The easiest to introduce is rotisserie chicken (no skin) or slow roasted oven chicken. Shred it while it is still hot/warm on the bone into a blender then add some no salt added chicken broth to blend/puree. One chicken makes a LOT of food. You can freeze them in an ice cube tray then thaw as needed. We avoided fish because of the mercury issue (I just don't know enough about which to avoid so we avoided all of them). We never pureed red meat, so I'm no help there. But the chicken was a hit, especially served with sweet potatoes or yams.
Kat- yay for closing your home! :) my FIL is a really good guy & a great dad/grandfather but he's a huge enabler. Everyone has their issues, right? B does the thing where she turns her head with my nipple in her mouth all the time! She's very distractable now and she loves to grab my face while she's eating too :haha:

MrsM- yikes for drawing blood! B did that to me when she was a newborn. How long did you BF Edie? Do you have a BF goal for Louis? My goal was 6 month minimum and I'm almost there but I would like to try 9months-1 year if my nipples can withstand the abuse!

Just- my mom gives my niece and nephew moist boneless, skinless chicken breast pieces and breaks it up really small. They love it! My niece was always getting excited & saying 'Chichen! Chichen!' :haha:

Melfy- sounds like a growth spurt. Those suck but there's no way around it :/ B's growth spurts usually lasted less than a week.

Hoping- I think your idea to have penny help donate her bottles is great :thumbup: the only other thing I could think of is to maybe offer her a small reward everyday she goes without the bottle until she gets used to not having it anymore.

DH is home!!! :happydance: They finished a phase of their job & may even get several days off (fX!) Bay is such a daddy's girl. You can tell how much they've missed each other. She stares at DH for the longest time and she tries to crawl toward him & grab him all the time. It's so cute!
Hoping, Edie had her bedtime milk in a bottle until she was 2ish. It was only that last drink and she had everything else in a cup so I wasn't concerned about it. We took the bottle off her in the end because she kept chewing the ends off the teats (just like she did my nipples) and I ended up giving her a sippy cup that was sort of bottle shaped just for the milk. She has stopped drinking milk at bedtime full stop now.
Tuckie I fed her for 13 months. My goal was a year but the thing that made me decide to stop (apart from the fact I was intending to ttc again) was that she suddenly started demanding an extra feed in the day that we had previously dropped, and started disrobing me in public. I had seen a documentary about extended breast feeding and a woman was trying to wean her twins who were about 3, and they were old enough to understand what was going on but couldn't understand why all of a sudden she didn't want to feed them any more. It's hard to stop whatever age they are, unless you don't like doing it if course, but when they are old enough to want to reason with you then it must be doubly hard. So I decided I would stop while she was still small enough to accept it. It was still so hard, every bedtime for a week she would cry when she was given the bottle, and I was in tears as well. Mark had to give her the bottle with me out of the room.
I intend to feed Louis until he is one, maybe go up to 18 months if he wants it. He is quite a fussy feeder though and pulls and bites a lot, so I will have to see. My friends boy self weaned at around 8 or 9 months, sometimes we don't have a choice.
Thanks for sharing your BF experience with Edie. It gives me a reference.

YAY for DH being home!!! I am very happy for you. Enjoy!
Let me know if you find a solution for the nipple thing. I am scared. The only thing I read is to have a finger ready to break the seal, but I am never quick enough.

What is the next step with the gay couple? I know nothing about moving on from the bottle.

We close on our home on Friday, but will lease back to the Sellers till the end of June so their kids can finish school.
Hi MARLs!!!

Just popping in to say hello! Annabel Claudine made her appearance two weeks ago today on May 1 at 3:51 pm after being induced due to low fluid and a super quick 3 1/2 hours of labor. She has a black eye and a burst blood vessel in her eye because the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck quite tightly and her journey through the birth canal was speedy and apparently pretty harrowing. She weighed in at a hefty 5 lbs 12 oz (lol ;)) and 18 inches long. We are adjusting to being a family of five, but we are all crazy in love with her already.

I'd forgotten what life with a newborn is like... throw in a busy 12 year old and a precocious 6 year old and just stick a fork in me, I'm done! I wouldn't have it any other way though. Life is amazing. :cloud9:

But from what I remember:

Kat - massive congrats on the house! I'm over the moon thrilled for you and DH! Grey is wonderful. I want to eat his cheeks!

Hoping - it's amazing what you're doing for this couple. Penny is beautiful. Gotta love those mixed babies!!! The last time I had to wean anyone off a bottle was quite a few years ago so I can't really help much. I do remember having to stay firm on the no-bottle policy and there being some pretty rough nights when DD1 had a hard time settling down without one. Good luck!

Melfy - you brave brave soul. Congratulations and stick baby stick!!!

Tuckie - so glad DH is home. I'm not looking forward to Annabel moving her head with my nipple still attached to her mouth! My nipples just barely recovered from the trauma of remembering how to breastfeeding after 6 years.

Heart - you look amazing and Delilah is absolutely gorgeous!

Hi Fili, MM, MrsMig, Croy, Just, NSN and anyone else I may have missed. I will try and get on here when I can and catch up properly! :hi:


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Congrats and Welcome!!!

Must have been so scary for you with low fluid and then having her cord wrapped. Thank goodness all is great. Life must be crazy hectic. Grey keeps me busy enough and DH is working at home the vast majority of the time.

What a doll!!!
Hi ladies, thanks for the advice on trying chicken first, that's just what I'll do and I may buy another blender purely for Emelia's meat.

Cgav, congratulations on the birth of Annabel, she is so gorgeous. What ashame about her eye and traumatic experience, that is such a fast labour aswell!
My labour with Emelia was one and a half hours and I didn't realise aswell until later that sometimes that can be traumatic for them for it to be so quick.

Its good to see more people on here now.

Hoping, I think what your planning to do sounds wise by getting penny involved in packing away the bottles and letting her pick a new cup. To be honest Im not too sure what age is kind of normal/ish to stop taking bottles. I cant even remember what age my niece stopped. But I guess it is quite a good idea to get kids used to taking a cup from a young age. I bought a cup for Emelia last weekend really for her to take water in but she dosent seem too clued up on what to do so I ended up putting a teat back on it that they provided with it.
Wow so much to read & so much cuteness with all the gorgeous mummy's & babies!!!

Glad to hear you all had lovely times celebrating Mother's Day.

Melfy congrats on your bfp!! How exciting!!!

Congrats cv!! She's beautiful!!

Kat not long to move into your new home! Are you already planning how you're going to organise the space?

Regarding bf'ing & biting, dd1 only bf for a month so never got a chance to do it & ds bf until 6 months but he never bit me either. I stopped bf'ing at that age because I couldn't stand the comfort feeds during the night. He was used to sleep on my breast so I'll put him in my bed & 2 mins later he'll be asleep. He was very fussy the first night because he woke up and I'd console him without picking him up, just touching. Zeynab has been sleeping with me since almost day 1 so I don't know what the plan will be with her. I want to move her into her bed but I'm not sure when yet.

She's 3 months old today!!! Happy birthmonthday!!!! Keeping me busy as usual. She's crying now; I've got to go but before
Tuckie- I hope DH gets that extra time off. He definitely deserves it!

MrsMig- Thank you for the advice. Penny had one bottle at most during the day and it was her morning one. I didn’t think it was a big deal but her pediatrician urged us to get her off. I will try to find some bottle like sippy cups so we can all be happy. Weaning Edie from BF sounded rough. My little cousin was on the boob until he was 3 and would try to disrobe my aunt and when he would drain one boob he would let her know to switch… they had a horrible time weaning him.

Kat- we will be signing contracts this week or the next and then its off to Connecticut for my HSG. As long as my uterus is in good shape (my previous HSG was perfect but you never know after going through pregnancy) we will continue on birth control until an egg donor is picked and then start meds for the transfer. One of the dads will be in training (he is an oncologist) July through mid August so we are hoping to get the transfer done in late August. Hopefully you wont have to worry about moving from a bottle to a cup and instead can wean from the boob to the cup. At 6 months you can introduce them to the cup so they can get a feel for it.

Cgav- congrats on your rainbow baby! The umbilical wrapped around her neck so tight sounds scary. I’m glad to hear she is healthy and you are adjusting to being a mommy of a new born again. Thank you for the cup advice and yes, I do adore my little mixie and it looks like you have a pretty cute one yourself! The outfit she has on is darling! What nationality are you and DH? I’m Native American and DH is Caucasian.

Just- I tried giving Penny a sippy cup at 6 months and she was clueless as well. She has never been fond of sippies but loves to drink straight from a normal cup and started around 9 months.

Madrid- Zeynab is beautiful and I love your pillows!
Melfy lexi was and is just the same with her feeding - she's done that plenty of times! I think it's normal :) omg yes twins, well I'm on clomid, were you? I really don't want twins now I have lexi but if I can just get pregnant again I'll take what I'm given and be grateful! Melfy did you take steroids or anything?
Melfy lexi was and is just the same with her feeding - she's done that plenty of times! I think it's normal :) omg yes twins, well I'm on clomid, were you? I really don't want twins now I have lexi but if I can just get pregnant again I'll take what I'm given and be grateful! Melfy did you take steroids or anything?

No clomid and no steroids, but I started taking low-dose aspirin after ovulation. I don't know if it has anything to do with it but every time I had a BFP I was taking aspirin:shrug: Thanks for reassuring me about Zoe, I had a feeling it was normal and growth related, but being a 1st time mom i just have so many questions.

cgav: OMG she's so cute!!! Massive congrats!!!

Madrid: Zeynab looks really thoughtful on that picture :) Really cute:cloud9:

AFM. Decided to take a last pregnancy test this morning (13 or 14dpo today) and the test line was almost as dark as the control line. And given that it was a dollar tree test and that despite being sensitive they just have crappy lines, I'm feeling confident this is a sticky one!!
Poor thing was soooooo tired tonight. So tired she would just refuse to go to sleep. Even in my arms she would just fuss and cry, I just felt like a terrible mother for not being able to soothe her :( I guess being tired and hormonal doesn't really help
Lex has moments when she is just completely past it and over tired. And also we are only human too, we get tired too pregnant or not but it must be a bit harder when you've got pregnancy symptoms too :hugs:
Very tired ladies, but I have been reading will update tommorow, but bfn here, but I'm now on cd33 when I have been having af on cd28! Who knows what's going on maybe I'm just waiting to hard! Had enough now, feeling hungry an don't feel like af is coming anymore! If its not pg wgat can it be? Help!! X

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