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Congrats!!! OMG!!! Praying for another sticky bean.
You are crazy.

Thank you for sharing. I do not know the difference between the two. I have done zero research into this topic yet. I assume BLW, but I am half hoping to be done with BF ASAP, especially with my propensity towards clogged ducts. Let me know your thinking about the subject please.

Baby Grey is 5 months today!!!

Baby Grey 5 Months - 3.jpg

Baby Grey 5 Months - 1.jpg
Kat, baby led weaning (BLW) is a confusing term for Americans. I thought it was when the baby decided they were done with nursing and started to wean on their own. Sounds like you might think the same thing. Actually, BLW is when you give babies chunks of food rather than pureeing them and you let them feed themselves from the very beginning. You give them anything you would eat. I watched YouTube videos of it and saw a 7 month old eating chicken from a bone! There's more info here

I got too scared about choking to do it this way. But at this point we're basically doing it now. She switched easily from pureed foods to foods with texture and she loves feeding herself. Some babies don't make that transition as easily.

Traditional weaning is basically pureeing food and spoon feeding them.

My friend started solids around 4.5 months as she was BFing her second child and had basically been BFing for several years straight between her first and second child. She was desperate to get her body back to herself. I completely understand why you would want to stop or at least cut down. Plugged ducts are no fun. I think if Grey shows an interest in solids, go for it. It will certainly lessen the amount you BF. But I wouldn't count on being done with it unless you are willing to switch to formula. The first year is still mainly about milk. Giving solids helps to compliment what they are getting from breast milk/formula, and it's a way to teach them how to eat, but it shouldn't replace it. My doctor told me that until 9 months, nursing should come before solids. Once she hit 9 months, my doc told us to go wild and let her eat whatever and whenever she wanted.

BTW, I started giving her yogurt and she's had no reactions! :happydance: I'm fully back on dairy now!

Happy 5 months Grey!
Thanks mrs migg and heart. Melfy congratulations!!! I hope it's sticky, I hope we can be round 2 bump buddies!! I am on my period and taking clomid for a monitored cycle even tho I ov fine on my own and af is every 27 days. The doc gives me a trigger shot to release egg / eggs when they are correct size. I'm also on the steroids again - this doc likes you to take them at beginning of cycle xxx
Wow congrats melfy!!!! Good luck to you too fili!

Davies I hope you had a great time in Florida!!! I'm struggling to lose the last few pounds of baby weight too - my belly needs toning!! Just, I agree with the other girls you are eatibg too few calories. Myfitnesspal suggest a daily calorie intake of 1200 calories but if you do exercise you definitely need more. If you are burning 500 on the cross trainer try and aim for 1700 a day. If you eat too few calories it can put your body into starvation mode which lowers your metabolism and makes weight loss more difficult. Well done on the weight loss so far tho and for having the energy for the cross trainer!!

Oh and Just I use boots teething salts - they are good. Calgel or dentinox teething gel are also good.

Happy 5 months grey!

Heart - yay for being back on dairy!

Hi hopeful, hoping, croy, mighty, mrsm and everyone else!

I am not to strict on wiping things down that Alfie comes in contact with. I actually believe the opposite to some of you and think that it does help to build up their immune system. Alfie has had a couple of colds and as heartbreaking as it is to see him suffer I think it is making his immune system stronger for the future. I am a neat freak though and I struggle with weaning as I hate to see food going everywhere and smothered all over his nice clean clothes lol!!! I do traditional weaning with finger foods thrown in so he gets used to feeding himself as well.

AFM - we are off to centerparcs tomorrow so I am busy packing - sooooo much to take!!! Alfie is teething badly and is a bit grizzly. His cheeks are bright red and I keep catching him pulling his ear poor thing. But so far we are still toothless!!! He wants to stand all the time now holding onto something and he loves nothing more than whizzing round the house in his walker. When I hold his hands he moves his feet now in a proper walking motion. He still only rolls one way though from back to front and then gets stuck. Anyone else's baby only roll one way? Not sure if its something I should be concerned about? He's not crawling yet but has started to spin in circles on his belly to get to things!
Bumpy, thanks for advice. Today Emelia has been off her milk and also her baby porridge and yoghurt she refused and very grizzly aswell. I opened one of the boots teething sachets and put it into her mouth, I think this must be the same as the teething salts you mention as I asked for their advice in Boots and they pinted me towards these homeopathic sachets. Also I have been using calgel but I opened the bongela that they gave me on minor ailments and tried that aswell. My MIL and FIL are currently watching her right now which is good so I nipped out to some shops.

Your trip to center parcs will be great I imagine and a trial run of how a holiday will be with Alfie, best going somewhere that is child friendly.
Poor Alfie still toothless but struggling with the teething. As for rolling, as you'll know I was getting really paranoid about Emelia's lack of rolling and needless to say all of a sudden she is doing it all the time onto each side and on the odd occasion from her front to back. Im sure Alfie will be just fine, Im stopping worrying about this because at the baby sensory class that I go to one of the little girls is almost 8 months old and practically crawling but does not roll. Her mum was telling me to stop going by text books as to whats normal etc.
I reckon Alfie will surprise you and be an early walker especially if he is zooming around in his walker and standing holding the couch.

My mum was telling me just this week that the 3 of us all never crawled but instead went straight to walking as we were in our walkers constantly. All walking for our first birthdays aswell.

I was at Boots chemist today and picked up first cup/beakers for Emelia to try with water etc. it says 6months + on them.
Happy Mother's Day U.S. Girls!!! Our collective First with many, many to come.
DH wrote me a lovely poem I will share:

You can read it on your laptop, but for those who don't have one, it says:

Fertile earth.
Deep, rich, full, soft

Seedlings sprouting up.
Fresh, new, hopeful, potent

Roots, stems and shoots.
Bearing energy, supportive, expressive, alive

Branches and leaves.
Reaching, growing, collecting, climbing

Flowers and fruit.
Scented, flavored, juicy, bright

Sweet, refreshing, light, warm

You, my love, are a garden

This applies to us all. We are all gardens.
Thanks for the info. I had no idea what those terms actually meant. I will go the traditional route. The other route seems so foreign. Yay for dairy. Hope you are eating lots of ice cream again.

I love this new workout called Buti. Check it out:
Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Congrats Melfy! I couldn't imagine being pregs and having to take care of a baby. I didn't want to lift anything when I was pregs. Hoping for a sticky bean!

Fili- do the roids make u super hungry still? Hope u get pregs soon and don't have to be on them super long!

Just- I use Tylenol for teething (paracetamol I think)? Works ok. And dr browns teething rings
Tried 6 different kinds of teethers- they both liked these best

Kat- he is so cute!!!!! Happy 5 months grey!

Amanda- I can't believe she mainly feeds herself! I struggle with finding easy foods for them to pick up. They eat puffs fine and level 3 baby foods, and soft carrot pieces. Maybe I have to just keep having them practice. It's too easy to just spoonfeed and be done!
They eat alot though. Our ped said they should still get 28-32 oz plus their 3 feeds a day! So it's constant feeding seems like sometimes.
But- I just dropped from 5 bottles a day for each kid to 4 bottles a day on thurs. This saves me $100 a month!
My ped said no peanut butter until 2 years! And was cautious on the order of foods they get still so they get used to chewing. Too much worry

Hi bumpy- have a fun trip! He is such a good sleeper!

Davies- I have to stalk for pics! Glad Fl was fun

Croy- what a sweet boy- walking!! That's awesome!

Hi tuckie! Did dh get to be home today?

Hi mrs mig! Glad u like the new place!

Mighty- I still need to read ur birth story! Hope u r getting some sleep. Newborns are hard work
Ahhh hopeful you need to capture the crawling on video!!!!

Kat that poem is cute!

Happy Mother's Day US girls.

Hopeful - wow that's a lot of milk!!!!! Everything I read says by 8-9 months when they are on 3 meals a day including protein they only need 18-21 oz milk. I can only get Alfie to have around 16!!

Just - yes those teething salts sound the same - they are good.

Kat that poem is beautiful. Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely ladies over the pond. Your first Mother's Day is so special and you ladies deserve it so much.
Melfy, congratulations!
Just, Bumps, try not to worry and compare about the rolling/crawling stuff. In 2 years time they will all be running around the park together and they won't care who crawled first!
Kat, it was traditional weaning all the way for me and I loved it, and my girl is a champion eater still. Baby led weaning seemed weird and dangerous to me. Many will disagree and I know it works well for some babies but not mine.
Kat that poem made me tear up! Lovely!

Happy Mums Day to all!!

As usual, my husband hasn't done anything. No flowers, card, nothing. Shouldn't be surprised, he never has done anything. But I expressed my disappointment last year and made it clear I expect something to acknowledge the day. He hasn't even said "Happy Mothers Day!" Trying so hard to take it in stride, but it's depressing. :(
Hi hopeful, Thank you, I can't believ Ava is crawling now! :cloud9: the Roids are giving me insomnia and not hunger! Totally opposite to last time! I am hoping the sides ease off xxx
Yay for Ava.

What protein are you giving Alfie? I would not worry about the not turning both ways especially since it sounds like he will be crawling soon. You would not be pleased at my home if you are a neat freak. We have no space with all the baby stuff and I have just given up. In our new home we will have tons of space.

FXed for you hon.

Thanks for your feedback. I will be doing traditional as well. The other way sounds too scary. When did Edie start eating? What do they say in the UK about food allergies and introducing peanut butter. My dr. says not to wait. Hopefuls says to wait. It is so confusing.

Big hugs to you on your special day. So sorry DH is being a jerk about it. =(
Did you say something? He might not know it is Mother's Day. Men can be in their own little world.
I introduced Edie at exactly 5 months and it was a very gradual process, with tastes of baby rice and porridge mixed with breast milk at first, and then gradually introducing purées of fruit and vegetables, mixed at first with breast milk and baby rice, then slowly mixing them together and eventually adding herbs, spices, lentils and things to make proper little meals. I didn't hold back on the flavours once I had established weaning and it paid off, now she eats anything (except tomatoes, she hates tomatoes). I planned to wean her at 6 months but when at just before 5 months she tried to steal a chip off my fork I sussed she was ready and I timed it spot on. She loved the baby rice and enjoyed the whole experience. I loved it, it was my favourite part of the baby days. Excited to do it all again.
Oh and regarding the allergies, they don't recommend it before 12 months. Also once she had been having solids for a month she started to STTN.
Hi ladies, happy mothers day to you ladies...

Mightymom, that really sucks about your husband not even acknowledging the fact its mothers day, as Kat says I hope its the case that he actually has forgot what day it is or else that is just plain bad :hugs:, no one needs the most expensive gifts but just a little token is nice, at least a can be terrible!

Kat, that's lovely that your hubby went to that effort to write you a poem.

Hopeful, thanks for the recommendation of those teether rings, I love the Dr.Brown bottles so will see if those teethers are available over here. Great news about Ava crawling.
That's a strange one about the peanut butter, over here I've been kind of given mixed advice about peanuts whilst pregnant. I was always scared to eat them because some people I know were told by their midwives not to eat them and I was never told either way. My husband was telling me though that avoiding peanuts is what can actually lead to allergies.

Kat, I also have been following traditional weaning and have done exactly what MrsM described. I get stressed even thinking of how messy baby led weaning must be haha and also I thought that it is quite dangerous aswell. Just today I bought these baby ginger biscuit things and thought maybe it would soothe Emelias gums so I gave her one to chew on whilst I sat in front of her, next thing I knew she was managing to break massive chunks off and I had to fish them out of her mouth before she choked, I wont be doing that again.
I've worked out that Emelia still takes 25oz of milk a day along with 3 solids. Usually porridge with pureed fruit for breakfast, then a savoury dinner followed by a little desert of natural yoghurt or pudding. So far so good she is a good little eater and not refused anything.
Mrsm my feeding style is very similar to your also. We started slow with baby rice and then introduced different fruits and veg. I also started at 5 months. Alfie was taking less and less milk so I needed to do something to get him to put on some weight! Thankfully he loves his food!! Kat, in terms of protein I give him well cooked scrambled eggs, baked beans, chicken, salmon, cheese, baked beans etc. some times he will eat little pieces of chicken as they are but he still prefers blended or mashed food at the moment. He also loves fresh bread, toast, bagels, crumpets and will gum them for ages!!!! BLW sounds fun but I couldn't risk it as I've heard at first most gets wasted and thrown on the floor as the baby will feel it, lick it but not eat much at first! It was important to me that Alfie ate as much as possible as he wasn't having much milk! I try and encourage good eatibg habits though by putting small pieces of bread or cheesy puffs or soft carrot on his tray at the end of his meal to try and practise feeding himself. As I mentioned before though the mess is horrible! Especially when he eats the finger foods himself!!! I have the Hoover out constantly!!! I struggled at first to get Alfie to drink water with his meals but he seems to like it now. Those ladies who are about to start weaning - have fun!!

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