Hi ladies, happy mothers day to you ladies...
Mightymom, that really sucks about your husband not even acknowledging the fact its mothers day, as Kat says I hope its the case that he actually has forgot what day it is or else that is just plain bad

, no one needs the most expensive gifts but just a little token is nice, at least a card...sigh...men can be terrible!
Kat, that's lovely that your hubby went to that effort to write you a poem.
Hopeful, thanks for the recommendation of those teether rings, I love the Dr.Brown bottles so will see if those teethers are available over here. Great news about Ava crawling.
That's a strange one about the peanut butter, over here I've been kind of given mixed advice about peanuts whilst pregnant. I was always scared to eat them because some people I know were told by their midwives not to eat them and I was never told either way. My husband was telling me though that avoiding peanuts is what can actually lead to allergies.
Kat, I also have been following traditional weaning and have done exactly what MrsM described. I get stressed even thinking of how messy baby led weaning must be haha and also I thought that it is quite dangerous aswell. Just today I bought these baby ginger biscuit things and thought maybe it would soothe Emelias gums so I gave her one to chew on whilst I sat in front of her, next thing I knew she was managing to break massive chunks off and I had to fish them out of her mouth before she choked, I wont be doing that again.
I've worked out that Emelia still takes 25oz of milk a day along with 3 solids. Usually porridge with pureed fruit for breakfast, then a savoury dinner followed by a little desert of natural yoghurt or pudding. So far so good she is a good little eater and not refused anything.