Melfy- Twins?!? How exciting that would be! Do you or DH's fam have a history of twins? I'm sure if you are preg with twins hopeful could give you some pointers!
MrsM- yay for cozy cuddles in bed on a rainy day

There's nothing better than that! Maybe the formula feed would work for Louis as it did for B. I think it's because they digest it slower so they feel full longer before waking so soon to eat again. It also helped put weight on her, but that doesn't seem to be an issue for your little guy
Just- thanks for sharing that sale. I love the dark purple color

B's stroller is a bit heavy but it opens and collapses with one hand so it's okay for now. Eventually we will want a lightweight one so I'll keep the city mini in mind
Hoping- I saw the hiking pics of Penny in FB. She's super cute, as always! I loved her outfit and her cute little hat

DH & I used to love hiking and I can't wait til she's older and we can all go together. DH likes long, difficult hikes and going way up in elevation! I'm okay with working up a sweat to get to a pretty view but I'm not as fit as he is. Yay for Penny being off the bottle! Lol @ her almost taking out an old lady

I'll have to pop over to your journal to check for a surrogacy update!
Hopeful- can wait to be out the night waking stage altogether like you are!
Kat- thanks for the insurance info. We are fortunate to have choices with our health care system here, I just wish it weren't so expensive! Glad G's rash is clearing. Do you use any of the zinc creams? Those cleared B's minor rash up in a matter of days. Can't wait to hear if you're preg again! I had ewcm about 2 weeks before my first AF after having B. I also felt ovulation pain with this last one and I never felt O pain before so it was weird! I didn't know DH was quitting his job. I must have missed that somehwere. I guess his home business must be going really well. It will be so nice to have him home to help. I've really missed DH's help. It's so much easier with 2 people & good for he babies to get bonding time with dad also.
I've been watching what I eat since these tummy troubles started getting worse. I am only eating small, light meals. My mom had gallbladder issues and when I was in & out of the bathroom a few days ago I had dark chocolate mousse desert at a local all natural foods cafe that day. It was sooo good, it was almost worth the diarrhea...almost! As my mil pointed out, it is made with raw egg so it could have been that, but I'm playing it safe now and avoiding all fried, fatty, & rich foods (in case it's gallbladder related like my mom). This might even help me lose weight! I've been having turkey sandwich on multigrain bread for lunch and Greek yogurt and fresh fruit for snacks and last night for dinner I had grilled chicken breast and fresh green beans & no running to the bathroom so far! I'm eating small portions too and I'm going to see if this helps me at all.
Today I bought B some stuff on amazon. I got her the Sophie giraffe teether but I got the So Pure white one because I read they can choke on the original one. I also got her 2 sun hats and baby sunscreen for this summer. My grandparents have a nice inground pool that we will definitely be swimming in this summer

it was actually cold here the last few days, unusual for late May. I also bought some other items for her on a local FB mom swap page. You should all check to see if you have a local one also. No sense in spending a lot when they outgrow everything so fast! I got her a new changing table with shelves for storage, with he changing pad and cover all for $20! Here's some really cute pics of Bay. She really cracks up now! She has actual fits of laughter when we act super silly! It's great

The apple hat was a gift from my uncle that he brought to the hospital when she was born. I think it's really cute! Also, I think her eyes are changing and will be green like mine (DH's are brown) and a collage pic from the day that she had puréed carrots for lunch.