Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Read back! Cngratulations Ava and Dylan! And some of the lovely marl babies are nearly 1 omg!!!!

Lexi never sleeps through the night. 7pm - 4am then 5am - 7am so not too bad.

Funny kat!

I am DESPERATE to be pregnant again lol! Funny how we are all so different. Melfy give me some of your baby dust!

Congratulations croy! I took me 5 attempts to pass my test when I was 27 and then a woman passed me so Josh says I havent really passed then :shock: the cheek!
Fili; sending you lots and lots of baby dust:dust: I really hope you'll get your BFP soon, but since getting preggo didn't seem to take too long, I'm sure you'll get that +HPT really soon:thumbup: Zoe is still going through her ''waking up many times a night'', although it's been better for the past 2 nights...and by saying I probably jinxed myself:dohh: At least she is an AMAZING napper during the day so she doesn't get too cranky. I realized she's missing a catnap around 6ish, because from 4:30 'til 7 it's too long for her and DH doesn't really get to see her :( With a nap around 6 she's good to go until 8-8:30 :)

Hope: Almost 1 year old!!!! Times goes by soooo fast!!!

Heart: i agree with you on formula. Now that's what she gets, and she loves it!!! I've tasted many, and this one really has the ''sweetness'' of breastmilk. But boy does she stink when she poops:haha:

Croy; I passed the first time but nearly failed because of a little parking issue:blush:
Ge well soon bumps! Hope centre parks was good!

Croy sending you :dust: too! We should be ok at getting bfps fairly soon???? My doc scanned me today. I have a thicker lining now because of the estrogen he gave me to counteract the effects of the clomid. And 5 (!) eggs are ripening but they are not big enough for the trigger shot yet. I feel like a chicken i tell you. I go back on weds for rescan and I'll take lexi with me into London again. She liked it today, I used a baby carrier. :) I'm also on 25mg steroids but I don't seem to be putting on weight or having insomnia - no sides really... :shrug:
Hi ladies, its really quiet on here...just read back...

MrsM, I loved that video of Louis laughing out loud, its the best noise ever isn't it. I love to get Emelia laughing hysterically.
Louis is such a handsome boy.

Kat, if you are to get an IUD fitted then its not permanent is it and you can always have it removed if you decide for baby number 2. Im like you and very anxious whilst pregnant and as much as I'd love a second baby in time, Im enjoying being as stress free as possible for a while and enjoying my time with Emelia, its unbelievable how fast the time goes. Everyone always tells you that but it really does, I think Emelia being 6 months old now is what makes me realise Im halfway through my leave from work and just really really don't want to go back.

Im enjoying excerising and walking all of the time with the pram and if pregnant right now Id be scared to do that and even lift Emelia. I would like to be pregnant for her turning one though and going back to work in January. I was actually having a sneaky look online as to what happens if you fall pregnant whilst already on maternity leave and then going back to work as this would really matter. Theres no way I could afford to go unpaid for another year but it seems that you would get the same entitlement a year off again with statutory maternity pay. Fili or any UK ladies can you tell me if this is right?
My husband has said to me that he dosent object to number 2 but isn't willing to try until January next year, he also said that he dosent think we can go through any more miscarriages as it would actually be worse now that you see what a little person a baby actually becomes.
I was looking through my diary from 2011, it was exactly 2 years ago in May that we were going through our second miscarriage which was the worst as we got to 9 weeks seeing heartbeats until it just stopped. I still remember so clearly how low I felt and how it affected everything in my life.

Hoping, congrats on the christening of Ava and Dylan, Im sure it would have been a lovely day. Would be great to see some pics of them in their outfits.

Heart, that's really brilliant that Delilah sleeps for 11-12 hours now.

Croy, those pouches look ideal. That's what I've been buying over here the ready made organic ones. Im going between making my own homemade food for Emelia and also buying those organic pouches especially the fruits puree ones as they are much cheaper than if you were to go out and buy all of the fruit. Fruit here is not that cheap these days.

Madrid, I cant remember if I commented on the lovely picture you posted of Zeynab...she is gorgeous and looks like she is coming on really well.

I took Emelia to get weighed yesterday and she is now 17lbs exactly. Im now interested to follow her weight as when she is 20lbs she can go into a forward facing car seat which I think will be so much better, she is getting far too heavy to lift in her seat.
Just, you are so right. It's really a double edged sword, a loss is tragic whatever your situation but both my losses happened when I already had my child and that is exactly how I felt. I just expected I would relive my healthy pregnancy again and imagined the next few months/years of my life to be like the last time and obviously it didn't happen that way. You absolutely have to stay strong for the child you have as well and that's hard, I've admitted on here before I feel I missed out on some of the joy of second year of Edie's life as I was struggling through my grief. But that isn't a reason not to do it of course.
Emelia is a lovely size now, she will soon be ready for the forward facing car seat, although some people now are saying they should stay in rear facing ones for a lot longer. They do like to see where they are going though! Thank you for the lovely comments about the video of Louis.
Madrid, zeynab is beautiful!
Afm, a terrible night last night. I think Louis is teething and I also think he needs to be in a big cot, so I need to get that sorted. I'm really pleased with myself because I borrowed an electric pump from my friend and I managed to produce 4oz in 10 minutes! I only had a manual pump with Edie and I really struggled with it. I am going to stockpile as much as I can while I have the pump, so Louis can have a bottle and also as I am planning to start weaning soon.
Thanks MrsM, that is exactly what I worry about if I were to have more miscarriages/ even a problem pregnancy, that I wouldn't be able to give Emelia 100% which she deserves, and it wouldn't be any easier just because I already have a child.

Moving Emelia to her big cot in her own room was honestly the best thing we ever done, it was nerve racking and also you become so used to them being in your room aswell. Im sure Louis will do absolutely fine if you make the move to his big cot soon.
Mrsm- I loves that video too! Wish I could send u my pump, I keep forgetting I have it. Hope he sleeps tonight.

Just- that's a really good weight. I think back on my mcs too. The second was on Memorial Day weekend here (this weekend) and I spent that Saturday in the emergency room all scared and it sucked. Wouldn't want to go thru it again. But I think it would be a tiny bit easier being we have kids now and don't have the fear of never ever having kids.

Melfy- how r u feeling? I couldn't imagine being pregs and taking care of a baby. Would be so tired!
Madrid- she is gorgeous.

Kat- Dylan is alot of work too, Ava is easy. U could get an easy one next time! ;) glad u got your mil straightened out. Grey is so cute! How is the feeding going? Did u try anything else?

Croy- does he feed himself from the pouches? I thought about buying some but haven't tried them
Congrats on getting ur license!!!

Amanda- cant believe our kids are almost one!!! OMFG :) I want them to try cake, full on real as* cake . Lol. but I am scared of the sugar.for presents, I'm just going to wrap stuff up I have gotten used and they haven't seen yet. U go to a convertible seat? I did!!!! Scary but did it and sold the infant seats today and snap n go stroller sells tomorrow. I have 2 britax marathon 70s and 2 graco my ride 70 for dh car because Britax are so expensive! Got 30% off at bru on the graco- u can use 20% coupon and I got 10% twin discount for buying 2.

Will post baptism pics when I get to a computer. I don't have any where u can really see the outfits so I'm taking some this weekend if I get the energy. They seemed to like church until Dylan got hungry but we had those premade bottles. baptism went well, they didn't cry and they babbled and smiled. Was super cute. Then we ate at my aunts so it was so nice to be with family. But it went by so quick then we were driving home the next day and I forgot the bottle Warmers! So my mom called when we were 30 minutes down the road and we met her halfway. Drive should have taken 2 hr 45 min and it took 3.5 hours, then it started storming right when we got home. We are going to phase out warming bottles but its just to get them from fridge temp to room temp. Can't wait to go to whole milk!!!!!

Fili- wishing u luck and baby dust! She is a good sleeper: waking once is great

Hi tuckie! How u doing? Loved the pics of bay!

Where is everyone? I stalk but just don't post. I love hearing everyone's updates.
Just took a long hot bath! Yeah for kids sttn! They were so much work as infants.
Was thinking about u girls and the long road to kids. lol!

Davies- loved the vaca pics! How is work going! Are you flying?

Hoping- congrats on being matched! Penny is so beautiful, loved the pics

Sara- been wondering about u too! Hope u r ok

Amanda- that pic of u and delilah on moms day was so beautiful. What a fun thing to do. I would've been buzzed in no time.
Dh got me flowers and a card from him and a card from the kids and my mil got me flowers which was nice. Last year when I was pregs he didn't even acknowledge I and I was in tears.
We r getting along better but it comes and goes. Better for the most part though. He feels really bad for still not having a job and he's doing all he can to try and get one.

I was a sahm today as daycare had a vaca day again. I loved it as usual. Beautiful out and went for stroller ride. Love the city mini gt!
One more thing- Dylan was getting up at 5am and then 4:30 and then 4am! Went on for a few weeks I think? Or a couple! It's a blur. So we started feeding him more and more solids (baby food and some finger foods- thanks for the tip on coating foods with puffs crushed to powder Amanda!) as I make banana balls and sweet potato balls with it and coat them with apple cinnamon puffs! So after feeding him more he is sleeping till around 6am. Not ideal but way better. Ava gets up around 6:30 but today was at 7:20! She had 12 hours. Dylan had 10 but he slept for an hour, was up for an hour and then slept till about 6.

Anyone dealing with a fussy kid when feeding solids? Dylan cries and cries now if he can't hold the spoon so I have to give him a separate spoon to hold. Which he drops over and over so I keep having to wash it or grab another one. Wish it could clip on his shirt. He does put it in his mouth too so maybe he will self feed sooner. So messy though!
Hi Ladies,

I am so happy to hear that things are better (for the most part) with DH and you. Yay for the baptism going well. At least DH is trying hard to get a job. I wish you could be a SAHM too since you love it so much. If I have another I hope she is easy like your sweet girl.

How are you feeling? When is your first scan?

An IUD is not permanent. I can't believe the UK's system is so much better than ours. You get a whole year mat leave. We get a tiny fraction of that. Yur health care is paid for. On DH's and my soon to be private insurance a birth would cost me about $10K.

I think they want us to keep the kids rear facing till about 30lbs here. Glad you are having a lot of time for yourself. My MCs were all without heartbeats. Yay for Emelia being such a good weight.

Sorry you had such a shit night. I can't believe you don't have an electric pump. Mine came with a manual, but I have never taken it out of the package. I should sell it eventually. I guess your little guy is always with you to feed.

AFM, (long update)
Grey has been sleeping like a champ (well, for him) again. He has been going to bed at around 7pm, I dream feed at 10pm, DH wakes to feed him once during the night and then sleeping till just before 7pm. This has been our last 2 nights. I slept for 7 hours last night!!! The most I have in 5.5 months.

Went to the Dr. for the 2nd time in 2 weeks because of skin issues on Grey. The first was because DH thought Grey had an abscess on his anus. It was a pimple, LOL.

Yesterday was because Grey had some minor diaper rash in the front for 9 bloody days (10 now) that would not go away. I even let him go without diapers all day long (peeing and pooping on towels) and stopped letting him in his jumparoo (my best friend ever). Nothing was working. I even changed him into disposables hoping that would help. Instead he got contact dermatitis from the damn disposables. The Dr wasn't at all worried about the minor rash that I was worried about and instead wanted to treat the damn contact dermatitis from the disposables. He is an organic, cloth diaper baby. Dr. basically said that Grey got his daddy's super sensitive skin and that this was going to be the way it is. He said NO NEED to come in again unless there is an ulcer or sores. Luckily he is a Beverly Hills Dr and used to crazy, paranoid parents like us.:haha: The nurse told me she has parents that call every single day. I only call every week.:dohh:

Lastly, my IUD was scheduled for Wednesday. I think I ovulated for the first time today. I had EWCM (very unusual) and my nipples were super sore (usual when Oing). I cancelled the IUD and DH and I dtd. I don't know what I was thinking. Now I am scared that I will get pregnant. If we want 2, we want them as close together in age as possible. I am obviously not ready to get an IUD, and we actively chose to dtd because I think I am Oing, but I also cannot imagine going through it all again. Plus since we are no longer going to have company subsidized health care, it will be about $10K for me to have another... assuming this time the baby is fine. If not, up to $20K. Yikes! And having a 2nd will be so much more work in the short-term and another expense. I will leave it up to fate.
I leave for a few days and everyone is trying to get knocked up again! LOL :haha: Best of luck to all you TTC ladies! We can all be a bit more optimistic now too since we've had a healthy bunch of cute little rainbows to inspire us!

Hopeful- cant believe it has been a year!!! Where did the time go? Can't wait to see the baptism pics! Glad you're getting some sahm mom days :) Feeding solids is so messy! Maybe you should look into the pouches like Croy posted? My niece and nephew used the disposable pouches of food that they can suck out themselves...maybe try those? B already tries to steal the spoon from me so I'm really in for it when she's D's age :dohh:

Heart- I agree with what you said about formula. I still remember when you told me months ago: 'formula is not your enemy' lol Giving B her bedtime formula bottle made the difference for us. If she gets it, she will likely sttn and if she doesn't get her formula bottle she definitely won't sttn. I consider it my friend now for that reason alone :) she is still BFd lots though and gets one solid meal each day. Did D take to vegetables well? B likes butternut squash and carrots but hated peas and green beans. She loves pears and apples best but I worry she will only like sweet things and not eat her vegetables! I can't believe D will be one!!! You should post some more pics of her when you get a chance :)

Croy- thanks for the pouch recommendation. I looked into something similar but read they were a pain to clean. Do you find that with the green ones?

MrsM- Sorry about Louis teething :/ B started early too. Get a double electric pump if you can. Time saver for sure!

Just- yay for 17 lbs! She is growing nicely :) I think B's rear facing carseat goes to 35 lbs. They are getting much heavier to carry, aren't they? Carrying her in it as a newborn was nothing compared to now!

Kat- Doesn't sound like G is as interested in solids as B was. However, she did do the funny faces at first though, but she actually liked it and wanted more! Her faces would make you think otherwise though! OMG, I can't believe you might be preg!!! Please keep us posted. Lol @ being a bad Asian and being a paranoid parent :haha: I can be a bit of a worry wart myself! I hope G's bum gets better soon. Poor baby :( Health insurance here is a pain in the ass. DH's job offers it but its so expensive for all of us to be on it! I remember when I was working for the school district, the lowest plan was almost 1/4 of my salary! Outrageous.

Things have been crazy around here! DH had a whole week off which was awesome and now this week he is working an hour from home so has been coming home every night. We had our first date since B was born and she was babysat for the first time too. My mom watched her while DH and I went to dinner, did a little shopping, & Starbucks. It went well, but we missed her so we kept it short & sweet. B has been a real handful the last week. I am pretty sure she's doing the 6 month growth spurt. At first I thought teething but I dont think it's just that. She's been waking a lot more than usual. She was sttn and the last few days she's been waking between 3am-5am and all she wants to do is eat, eat, eat! She's also made some developmental leaps so that supports my growth spurt theory. I'm also wondering if she's been fighting off a cold because she sounded hoarse the last couple days and had a lot of boogars, a dry hack, & fussing more than usual. Hard to tell exactly what's going on with her. I've been having some some issues of my own too; digestive problems and they've been getting worse. I've had diarrhea, gas, & nausea several times in the last couple weeks. I even puked one night. I wondered if it was a gallbladder issue because a few times were after rich meals but then I've heard some women get digestive problems after c section? Anyone here notice that? I really hope not. I still have so many weird things from that operation! Tingling, random pain, big areas of numbness, etc. I dunno. I hope I can go back to normal eventually. I wish I never had to have the c section but its worth it to have me and my girl here safe and sound & it had to be done. Anyways, it's been a little hectic with my health troubles and DH getting frustrated with B waking him up every night. I also got AF again. 38 day cycle this time so I'm all out of whack! She goes to the Dr next week for her 6 month shots & check up & I'm curious about her weight. I think she's gained quite a bit.
Lovely to hear from you Hopeful, what a great update. So glad to hear the baptism went well, it sounds lovely. Looking forward to seeing pics. Pleased you are getting a little more SAHM time.
Kat, I feel for you with the sore bum, Edie always suffered with a terrible sore bum. I had to always use cotton wool and water, the very mildest cream or prescription cream if it was having a flare up, and pampers as opposed to cheaper own brand nappies but good for you sticking to organic cotton nappies. They have to be better. I never used reusable nappies with Edie but with Louis I am using both kinds. Also Edie's bum was always bad when she was teething and drooling a lot. I never used wipes on her bum. So sorry Gray has the same sensitive skin. How frustrating what the nurse said to you. A GP said the same thing to me once and tried to make me feel like a hysterical mother. I never let it put me off taking my children to the doctor if I felt they needed it, but I did avoid that particular doctor. If you are pregnant again then I wish you all the very best.
Tuckie, great to see you. I hope your stomach problems sort themselves out soon. I am pleased to hear your take on the formula feed before bed. I had never thought to try it, but maybe now Louis is a little older and I am about to start weaning him I may consider it. I gave Edie the odd bottle from 7 months as I was back at work one day a week, but she never kept me up all night. We had a better night last night with feeds at 10, 2, and 5 and after the 5am he stayed in bed with me which is a habit I have got into. It helps him sleep that bit longer. It's 8.20am and Edie has just woken up, and he is asleep next to me looking angelic. It's pouring rain outside and I'm happy to be cosy in bed with my little man.
Hi ladies, just read back...

Hopeful, was just reading that your hoping to stop using your bottle warmer soon and that you keep your bottles in the fridge. My health visitor told me that when we sterilised our bottles and put the cool boiled water in them just put the lid on them and keep them out on the kitchen worktop. She said that they don't need to go in the fridge and they will already be at room temperature. She said that aslong as the lid is kept on them they are sterile.

I've done this from day one and can honestly say that Emelia has never been unwell. I know that most people are told to put them in the fridge etc. but its so hard to get the chill out of them if you have a screaming hungry baby or if you make them up with boiled water everytime and then try to cool them down.

Also you mentioned the city mini stroller, is that the baby jogger city mini? I just bought this yesterday as people cant recommend it enough over here the fact that it collapses in one piece when you pull the handle in the middle. Im sick of trying to put a big pram in the car boot and just want an easy one to take to shops in the car etc.

also UK ladies if any of you are interested its on offer just now on Mothercare's website down from £260 to £170 (because they give you an extra 15% off this weekend) but only in purple,default,pd.html

I think as buggys go it is quite expensive but worth it from what I hear.
Kat, OMG what were you thinking haha, maybe its your bodies way of telling you that what will be will be, if you get pregnant it was meant to happen.
I am glad that we have an NHS system over here with free health care compared to you ladies. People complain about waiting times etc. over here but its still much better I think.
I cant believe how expensive you've said it is to have a baby wow.
Poor Grey with his super sensitive skin, that obviously is the case especially if your husband is the same, some people are just really sensitive. Its no fun when they get sore and rashes, I know when Emelia had a nappy rash after week long diahorrea it took ages to fully clear and she was red raw it must really hurt.

Tuckie, glad you and DH got a date together, it is good to get some time to yourselves and it is nice how you actually miss them and look forward to getting back home. Someone recently told me though that the minute they start crawling you'll be well shot of them haha when someone offers to take them.
It will be interesting to see what Bay weigh's aswell.
My car seat is the same it actually says that it does them until 12-15 months but there is no way it will and its too heavy to carry. Your right, gone are the days when they were so light as newborns.

I laughed last week as my friend came to visit with her new baby boy and she complained about how heavy he was in the car seat and she told me to try lifting him. I nearly hit him off the sealing as I lifted it so hard expecting it to be heavy and he was light as a feather haha, I told her to just wait and see how heavy he'll get!
Kat: I'm doing well, just soo tired. Z still wakes up 2-3 times a night, so I'm thinking she is going through a growth spurt (I swear all her 6 months shirts are too small:dohh:) and sleep regression at the same time. Might as well get it over with:haha: But we're slowly starting a routine. My scan is Monday at 10am. Can't wait!!!!! What about you, when are you gonna test?:winkwink:

Hope: Can't wait for the pictures!!! :) I don't really have any symptom, but my's disgusting. Like someone just sprayed my hair with oil lol. And I don't know why, my gut is telling me it's twins, so DH is a little freaked out at the moment:haha:

Tuckie: It's awesome that B loves her solids so much. I have a feeling Z will too. She is getting so big, she must be at least 14-15 pounds now, but her car seat is good up to 30 pounds or so. Z loves her formula, but it has to be hot. Lukewarm won't do!

Just: Yay for 17 pounds!!! I never sterilized my bottles, and Z never had an issue with it. I just use hot water and soap. Here we also complain about the waiting time, but they've done an amazing job for us when I got pregnant with Z. And all the tests, and the progesterone, I'm so glad it was covered by the public insurance.

MrsM: Sorry about Louis teething. I'm not looking forward to that. I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but lately Z really likes it when we put a finger in her mouth, She chews on it, maybe it feels good on her gums?
just - i don't sterilize, just put them in the dishwasher (before first use i boiled the nipples) and we buy baby water to make formula which is basically just bottled water. they say here that mixed formula needs to be used within 2 hours if it isn't in the fridge! the last bottles they drink for the night are made about 22 hours beforehand. strange how different things are here, the babies are the same. lol ;)
LOVE the city mini - i have the 2012 GT model (double) but heart has the single and LOVES it too. very easy to use and folds easy too

tuckie - totally a growth spurt! getting waken in the night does suck, i'm glad i'm pretty much past that stage. glad DH can be home more

kat - diaper rash is such a pain, is it gone now? esp when you want to be organic and cloth and not use all the mix that i had to use (even prescription powder). BUT, that prescription powder was super easy and it went away pretty fast in case you are in a bind and want that rash gone. but with his sensitive skin who knows if it would work good? glad you DTD - leave it up to fate ;)

melfy - i MISS scans! can't wait for updates with your pregnancy

cgav - HI ! I see you in here ;)
Melfy-Twins?! I will make sure to be stalking for an update on Monday. Very exciting!

Fili- did you get the trigger shot yet? No side effects sound great!

Just- I hope if/when you do decide on number 2 that it is a smoother journey. You will be so busy with Emelia that I don’t think you will have the same amount of time to put into worrying. But of course that still won’t stop the anxiousness completely. We just put Penny in a forwards facing car seat about 2 months ago. We did it a bit early (the new recommendation is 2 years or 1 year and 20 pounds as the minimum) but she was desperate to see what was going on around her. One of the main reasons for the new recommendations is neck control. Poor neck control with forward facing has caused serious injuries.

MrsMig- 4oz in 10 minutes is quite impressive. It took me at least 20 minutes to do that when I was pumping- my supply sucked big time. I hope the move to the big cot is a good transition for all involved. That’s a nice image… your angelic little guy snuggled in bed with you while it is pouring rain outside.

Hopeful- Have fun planning their first birthday! I loved every minute planning for Penny’s. I’ve already started drawing up ideas for her 2nd birthday. The theme is Dr. Seuss this year! She will be Cat in the Hat complete with a black tutu, red bow tie and top hat.

I felt like buying Penny’s convertible car seat was a big leap as well. We did it right before her first birthday. I would love to see the baptism pictures! I do that all the time… leave something behind and then have to make Tim turn around:dohh:.

Its good to hear that things are better with your DH. Marriage is always a work in progress.

Kat- I can’t believe how much a birth costs for you even with insurance! Our final bill for Penny was less than 1k. Are things just that much more expensive in Cali? I hope you and DH are happy with what ever fate decides. I did the same thing a while back. I knew I was ovulating and DTD anyway… it was a moment of insanity for me and the entire 2ww I prayed so hard I wasn’t preggo. I knew then for sure that I was not ready for number 2 and wouldn’t be for a very long time if ever. But then when the test was negative I was faintly disappointed:dohh:.

Yay for Grey finally falling into a good sleep routine. I LOLed at the abscess that turned out to be a pimple. I hope the rash clears up soon.

Tuckie- yay for your first date night! Alone time is definitely vital when you have kids. I hope the digestive issues are just a bug and not due to the c-section. Bay is certainly experiencing some sort of growth spurt. You will continue to go through stages of light sleeping. Penny is a great sleep but every so often she goes through a period of waking in the middle of the night like last night. I think her molars are giving her problems.

AFM- we took Penny on her first hiking adventure on Tuesday! It was wonderful to see her happily trucking along the trail and venturing beyond to satisfy her curious mind. She did very well and wanted to do everything by herself but if we came to a steep hill she would allow us to assist and hold her hand. She had a great time collecting flowers, sticks, rocks and anything else she could find on our path and even made us smell a few things. By the time we were heading back to our car the sun was going down and the sky let out light sprinkles. She was pooped when we finally made it back. (pictures in my journal if anyone is interested)

She is also officially off the bottle:D. We took her shopping over the weekend and let her pick out her own cups. Of course she chose the most expensive ones but they were Mickey Mouse Club House… her most favorite characters ever. She now has to give Daisy and Minnie kisses every time we hand her the cup. She helped me pack up her bottles and took them to the car so we could give them to the babies who need them. Her other purchase that day... a broom which she insisted on carrying to the cashier and in the process almost took out an old lady and managed to play jump rope with a fellow shopper:dohh:
Hi Ladies,
Thanks for sharing about bum rash. Grey's is in the front for the first time. It does not bother him at all. (Never has) It has always been minor, nothing like the sore rashes babies get from illness. It has almost all gone now with me letting him be out of diapers for hours each day. We rinse him in the sink with each change and blow dry/air dry. i am just so grateful that it is not the jumparoo. i NEED that thing.

I want to clarify that the Dr and the nurse were extremely lovely. We were all laughing. No bad intent. They are super sweet. I just call the nurse each week. She was telling me that I am not at all bad, she has people call daily. All in good spirit and kindness. Think there was a miscommunication.

What a lovely picture in my mind of your angel asleep next to you all cozy. Sorry Edie had terrible bum rash and that GP made you feel hysterical. The good thing about expensive, private insurance is that they would never behave that way or we would switch.

Poor thing. Sounds miserable. I did not know you were having so many recovery issues. Hope it is nothing serious.
Do your own research. I did yesterday since DH is quitting his job. Today is his last day before CA leave. Buying insurance separately for baby and me, then DH by himself is much more affordable than the family plan. We are now paying $504 for the best Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance than the $804 through his company for Aetna. You might find a good deal out there, especially if you are not wanting a PPO with Blue Cross like I do. Like I said, mine is the most expensive with the greatest amount of choice. You might find something good for you two.

Hope Bay's little thing is nothing and that she is fully well soon and sttn again. Yay for a date with DH. I am sure it felt great.

You just have massive mom strength now.

What was the medicated powder. If he ever gets a bad one, I would be willing to try it? what is the city mini? i am hoping to get g in a stroller one of these days. right now our jog one is too big for practical use.

Yay for transitioning to a cup and for all the progress with your new gay couple. glad you love them. you are amazing. how is tim fairing as a sahd?

give us a scan update. i am in the 2ww.

I don't know if I was truly Oing yesterday. i have not gotten AF since birth. Like hoping, after dtd I was like, "shit, what did we just do?!".
hoping- gotta look at the pics in your journal. sounds like such a fun age

kat -
heart has the single one in green
Melfy- Twins?!? How exciting that would be! Do you or DH's fam have a history of twins? I'm sure if you are preg with twins hopeful could give you some pointers! :)

MrsM- yay for cozy cuddles in bed on a rainy day :cloud9: There's nothing better than that! Maybe the formula feed would work for Louis as it did for B. I think it's because they digest it slower so they feel full longer before waking so soon to eat again. It also helped put weight on her, but that doesn't seem to be an issue for your little guy :)

Just- thanks for sharing that sale. I love the dark purple color :) B's stroller is a bit heavy but it opens and collapses with one hand so it's okay for now. Eventually we will want a lightweight one so I'll keep the city mini in mind :thumbup:

Hoping- I saw the hiking pics of Penny in FB. She's super cute, as always! I loved her outfit and her cute little hat :) DH & I used to love hiking and I can't wait til she's older and we can all go together. DH likes long, difficult hikes and going way up in elevation! I'm okay with working up a sweat to get to a pretty view but I'm not as fit as he is. Yay for Penny being off the bottle! Lol @ her almost taking out an old lady :haha: I'll have to pop over to your journal to check for a surrogacy update! :)

Hopeful- can wait to be out the night waking stage altogether like you are!

Kat- thanks for the insurance info. We are fortunate to have choices with our health care system here, I just wish it weren't so expensive! Glad G's rash is clearing. Do you use any of the zinc creams? Those cleared B's minor rash up in a matter of days. Can't wait to hear if you're preg again! I had ewcm about 2 weeks before my first AF after having B. I also felt ovulation pain with this last one and I never felt O pain before so it was weird! I didn't know DH was quitting his job. I must have missed that somehwere. I guess his home business must be going really well. It will be so nice to have him home to help. I've really missed DH's help. It's so much easier with 2 people & good for he babies to get bonding time with dad also.

I've been watching what I eat since these tummy troubles started getting worse. I am only eating small, light meals. My mom had gallbladder issues and when I was in & out of the bathroom a few days ago I had dark chocolate mousse desert at a local all natural foods cafe that day. It was sooo good, it was almost worth the diarrhea...almost! As my mil pointed out, it is made with raw egg so it could have been that, but I'm playing it safe now and avoiding all fried, fatty, & rich foods (in case it's gallbladder related like my mom). This might even help me lose weight! I've been having turkey sandwich on multigrain bread for lunch and Greek yogurt and fresh fruit for snacks and last night for dinner I had grilled chicken breast and fresh green beans & no running to the bathroom so far! I'm eating small portions too and I'm going to see if this helps me at all.

Today I bought B some stuff on amazon. I got her the Sophie giraffe teether but I got the So Pure white one because I read they can choke on the original one. I also got her 2 sun hats and baby sunscreen for this summer. My grandparents have a nice inground pool that we will definitely be swimming in this summer :) it was actually cold here the last few days, unusual for late May. I also bought some other items for her on a local FB mom swap page. You should all check to see if you have a local one also. No sense in spending a lot when they outgrow everything so fast! I got her a new changing table with shelves for storage, with he changing pad and cover all for $20! Here's some really cute pics of Bay. She really cracks up now! She has actual fits of laughter when we act super silly! It's great :D The apple hat was a gift from my uncle that he brought to the hospital when she was born. I think it's really cute! Also, I think her eyes are changing and will be green like mine (DH's are brown) and a collage pic from the day that she had puréed carrots for lunch.

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