Hopeful- hope DH can find a job soon. It's rough out there looking for work & so much competition too. A & D are getting so big! Yay for sitting, scooting, & army crawls
MrsM- love the pic of L laughing in his bouncy seat. He looks so happy

& what a smart girl Edie is! Those are some very impressive words for a 3 year old. I would love to hear her say them with her English accent!
Just- I know I'm not in the UK but I use Camilia homeopathic teething drops and they do help. We also use the chilled teething toys. I have only used baby Motrin a couple times when it was really bad.
Heart- I can see the 30 day shred has paid off! You look fab mama

wine country trips are always nice. I love Calistoga
Fili- good luck ttc! Looking forward to the new round of bfps!
Kat- we did the traditional to solids as well. B doesn't like the baby rice cereal plain and now wants it mixed with a little sweet potato. Yesterday she had puréed carrots for the first time and she LOVED it. What a sweet and thoughtful poem your DH wrote you

thanks for sharing.
Bumpy- Yay for standing! What a big boy! B rolls both directions but she has a preferred direction that she rolls in most of the time. I wouldn't worry hun.
MM- sorry your DH didn't acknowledge Mother's Day. Men can be so dense! Mine was working all day and all I got was a text
Davies- you have a beautiful family! Lexi is gorgeous and as you UK girls say, you're a yummy mummy yourself!
Nsn- glad you stopped by hun! You think B is a mini me?!? All I hear is how much she looks like DH! I think she has my eyes though. DH has squinty Clint Eastwood eyes & hers are bigger like mine lol I have seen pics of Louis on FB and he appears to be doing wonderfully!
Weight loss/cleaning talk: I have the lower tummy puff and I did get stretch marks too unfortunately. I am not a very disciplined person so I know that some of why my stomach looks bad is my own fault, but I also don't know how you ladies find the time to workout! I eat pretty healthy and go on walks but I don't do any serious cardio anymore. I am usually just too tired after cleaning the house, washing bottles, folding laundry, etc. my MIL suffers from depression and hasn't been doing much housework at all so it all falls on me. Since her dad died, she hasn't done anything. My FIL does dishes sometimes & works outside, but that's about it. I do all the dusting, floors, bathroom cleaning, laundry, etc. I feel like since we are living in their home I should be doing housework and pulling my weight, but it would be nice to have more help. I NEVER ask them for help with the baby. The most I've asked is if they can hold her for a quick minute. Sometimes my FIL asks if he can hold her and then I will say sure and hand her over but that's it. My BIL is a problem too. He used to live in his trailer on the property but now he's in and out of the main house. He will help out if you ask him, but with him it's like 1 step forward and 2 steps back. He has a hoarding problem. He's always involved with elaborate 'projects' that involve pulling all kinds of shit out and spreading it all over the place. I think I mentioned before that he has Aspergers so some of his issues are related to that. He is always bringing home junk and even when it breaks, he won't get rid of it. He says he needs it or he can use it later or fix it (he never does). It frustrates all of us to no end but DH's parents won't call him on it. I push him to get rid of stuff. They say they don't want to push him because he gets overwhelmed and has a melt down but I've gotten him to throw stuff away without him freaking out. They've had a dead snake in their freezer for 8 years (a boa) because they don't want to 'push' him. It was his pet and he couldn't bury it so they double bagged it in plastic and put it in a yellow, padded mailing envelope in the freezer and its been there ever since. DH and I have to joke a lot about how crazy his family is to keep our sanity because sometimes it gets real nutty around here!
I had a great Mother's Day with my little girl and my own mama too. I got my mom a picture of all 3 of her grand babies and put it in a cute frame. I have a really good relationship with my mom and we are super close. I hope B and I will be as close when she's older! My niece and sister were there too and we just played with the babies and my mom got us little dessert treats from an all natural bakery. My brother didn't show up, the little shit. He was absent when we celebrated her birthday last weekend too. My mom has done SO much for us and he is just full of excuses. The least he could do was drop by for an hour. I'm really not pleased with him.
My mom sat B on her bed next to her wooden Buddha & gave them matching necklaces lol pretty cute