Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Not much time to post! Just wanted to wish you all a happy Mother's Day!
Congrats Melfy!!!
Will catch up & post later!
Happy Mother's Day us ladies enjoy xxx

Yay Ava is crawling!!! X

Kat try food if u think he's hungry for it, lexi isn't that interested still! I can get her to take small amounts now but she's over 9 months an is still a milk monster! She wouldn't take spoons of anything at first only things she could do herself! So it was definate a slow process... I would let him guide u x

Thanks for tips on weight loss ladies I'm trying its just sllllloooooow!

Melfy congrats Hun fabulous news x

Fili I remember sleepless nights on clomid I hope it's not to hideous but I'm pleased lexi is good for u x re toys at 4 1/2 months lexi could used jumperoo an also used Lamaze toys, boots do shaker type toys which she loved. An I also got a ring that she could sit in which I put toys in, I think it helped to sit her up! X

Bumps so jealous of centre parcs which one u going to? Pls go to the spa even for half a day, relax for me xx

Just how r u? X

We're all good had a lovely walk today with the dog x[/


Few hol pics!!!
Thanks girls for the weaning info. My guy does not seem interested in food at all, so I am glad Davies said her Lexi isn't either. I guess my booby milk is still going to be it for now. I like the idea of Grey finally STTN like MrsMigg's Edie did after starting solids, but I do not want to force him. I will be doing traditional weaning along with you all. Since I am not a neat freak, I think it will be hilarious how messy it is. I imagine lots of photo shoots. BLW seems scary to me, though I have never looked into it.

Wow, Alfie eats everything. I did not know we could feed all that to babies. That is good to know. I thought we just do pureed veggies, fruit and rice.

Beautiful photos. Your sweetheart looks darling. You have the longest eye lashes hon. I am jealous. Slow and steady weight loss is good. Maybe you won't have Heart's and my extra skin issue.
Melfy! Congrats!! Hope that is another sticky bean:)

kAT - I use 2 great baby food books called, 'Love in Spoonfuls' and the Tyler Florence book called, 'Start fresh' They have great ideas for starting and simple nutritious recipes and fun combinations. They have been a great reference for me.

Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a Happy Mother's day - Hubs outdid himself with pearl stud earrings from Tiffany, I was speechless, they are beautiful and he even wrote some lovely words in the card - more than just signing his name :)

Hope you all were celebrated for all you do, all you are and how well you love your little ones and your families.

Hope you are all doing well x
Happy Mother's Day everyone! We spent the day in wine country. Delilah wasn't in the best of moods, but I can't complain. Had a lovely picnic, delicious wine and best of all, enjoyed my day with my girl and hubby. Feeling very blessed today.


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Hope you all enjoyed Mother's Day!!

Davies those pics are lovely!! Alfie stands just like that leaning onto things and playing with them! We are going to Longleat!! Going to Longleat safari park too although the weather isn't looking great for the week! Will be nice to get away for a few days tho! I will defo use the spa, just for you!!!!

Kat - at first it was just fruit and veggies blended very well but then you can start to introduce different things. I introduced protein around 7 months and so far he loves most things. With BLW you are supposed to give the baby little bits of what you are eating (not blended) and on his tray to feed himself from day 1. I couldn't get my head round that but I'm sure there are fans of BLW that will tell you otherwise! No rush though if grey is happy as he is for now!

Right best get up and complete final packing - adios amigos x x
Just popping by....

Hope all over seas ladies had a fab Mothers day yesterday :flower: that pic of you guys :cloud9:

Hopeful...crawling...eek get a video!

Melfly...congrats crazy lady :haha: in the nicest sense of course :winkwink:

Kat....I think I'm the only one here that's done BLW :blush: Louis absolutely loves his food, has never choked although gagged a lot in the early days but its all about him learning to control the food in his mouth. If you're interested, there's a book my Gill Rapley called Baby Led Weaning...worth a look. Also...Louis still doesn't sleep through the night every's all hit and miss so don't think that solids will be the magic cute for STTN :winkwink: some food :haha:


Davies....looking good as usual...are you testing?

MrsM...your little dudes sleep improved?

Bumps...happy holiday :flower:

Tuckie...B is your mini you :)

:hi: and :hugs: to everyone and sorry if I've missed people :wacko:

Thanks Sarah xxx gd luck with getting a bfn lol! I forgot clomid gives insomnia :dohh:

I love all the pictures!! You are all yummy mummies with beautiful children :yipee:

Andrea :hi: xxx
Hopeful- hope DH can find a job soon. It's rough out there looking for work & so much competition too. A & D are getting so big! Yay for sitting, scooting, & army crawls :)

MrsM- love the pic of L laughing in his bouncy seat. He looks so happy :) & what a smart girl Edie is! Those are some very impressive words for a 3 year old. I would love to hear her say them with her English accent! :haha:

Just- I know I'm not in the UK but I use Camilia homeopathic teething drops and they do help. We also use the chilled teething toys. I have only used baby Motrin a couple times when it was really bad.

Heart- I can see the 30 day shred has paid off! You look fab mama :) wine country trips are always nice. I love Calistoga :)

Fili- good luck ttc! Looking forward to the new round of bfps!

Kat- we did the traditional to solids as well. B doesn't like the baby rice cereal plain and now wants it mixed with a little sweet potato. Yesterday she had puréed carrots for the first time and she LOVED it. What a sweet and thoughtful poem your DH wrote you <3 thanks for sharing.

Bumpy- Yay for standing! What a big boy! B rolls both directions but she has a preferred direction that she rolls in most of the time. I wouldn't worry hun.

MM- sorry your DH didn't acknowledge Mother's Day. Men can be so dense! Mine was working all day and all I got was a text :haha:

Davies- you have a beautiful family! Lexi is gorgeous and as you UK girls say, you're a yummy mummy yourself! :D

Nsn- glad you stopped by hun! You think B is a mini me?!? All I hear is how much she looks like DH! I think she has my eyes though. DH has squinty Clint Eastwood eyes & hers are bigger like mine lol I have seen pics of Louis on FB and he appears to be doing wonderfully! :)

Weight loss/cleaning talk: I have the lower tummy puff and I did get stretch marks too unfortunately. I am not a very disciplined person so I know that some of why my stomach looks bad is my own fault, but I also don't know how you ladies find the time to workout! I eat pretty healthy and go on walks but I don't do any serious cardio anymore. I am usually just too tired after cleaning the house, washing bottles, folding laundry, etc. my MIL suffers from depression and hasn't been doing much housework at all so it all falls on me. Since her dad died, she hasn't done anything. My FIL does dishes sometimes & works outside, but that's about it. I do all the dusting, floors, bathroom cleaning, laundry, etc. I feel like since we are living in their home I should be doing housework and pulling my weight, but it would be nice to have more help. I NEVER ask them for help with the baby. The most I've asked is if they can hold her for a quick minute. Sometimes my FIL asks if he can hold her and then I will say sure and hand her over but that's it. My BIL is a problem too. He used to live in his trailer on the property but now he's in and out of the main house. He will help out if you ask him, but with him it's like 1 step forward and 2 steps back. He has a hoarding problem. He's always involved with elaborate 'projects' that involve pulling all kinds of shit out and spreading it all over the place. I think I mentioned before that he has Aspergers so some of his issues are related to that. He is always bringing home junk and even when it breaks, he won't get rid of it. He says he needs it or he can use it later or fix it (he never does). It frustrates all of us to no end but DH's parents won't call him on it. I push him to get rid of stuff. They say they don't want to push him because he gets overwhelmed and has a melt down but I've gotten him to throw stuff away without him freaking out. They've had a dead snake in their freezer for 8 years (a boa) because they don't want to 'push' him. It was his pet and he couldn't bury it so they double bagged it in plastic and put it in a yellow, padded mailing envelope in the freezer and its been there ever since. DH and I have to joke a lot about how crazy his family is to keep our sanity because sometimes it gets real nutty around here!

I had a great Mother's Day with my little girl and my own mama too. I got my mom a picture of all 3 of her grand babies and put it in a cute frame. I have a really good relationship with my mom and we are super close. I hope B and I will be as close when she's older! My niece and sister were there too and we just played with the babies and my mom got us little dessert treats from an all natural bakery. My brother didn't show up, the little shit. He was absent when we celebrated her birthday last weekend too. My mom has done SO much for us and he is just full of excuses. The least he could do was drop by for an hour. I'm really not pleased with him.

My mom sat B on her bed next to her wooden Buddha & gave them matching necklaces lol pretty cute
Thanks everyone :) I know it's a little crazy, but we're soooo excited...and nervous too!! I went to the EPU this morning but my app is only in 2 weeks. I was a bit upset because I wanted to start taking progesterone ASAP but I still need to see the doctor first, and the nurse said I'd be fine (easier said than done lol). But, as I was going down the stairs, I remembered I still had some progesterone left in my previous prescription (when I was pg with Zoe). So I went to the pharmacy and managed to get some:happydance: I'm starting tonight!! I was quite happy with myself:haha:

Davies:Lexi is gorgeous:cloud9: As for your EWCM, that's a sign that ovulation will occur shortly (next days), this is our cue to get busy:haha:

Kat: I am also looking forward to STTN, but don't want to rush anything, especially after talking to all of you. Happy 5 months Grey:happydance:

Tuckie: Bay just look adorable:cloud9: I see a double chin :) Again, I really really appreciated your output about starting solids. If she's ready before 6 months, I will start, but nothing before seeing her ped in 2 weeks for sure!!!

Fili: I'm sure you'll catch that eggie really soon:thumbup: When I told DH I was preggo he commented on how awesome his little swimmers are:haha: Exactly what he ego boost:haha:
Hi ladies, glad to hear most of you had a lovely mothers day.

Davies, they are lovely pics you posted, Lexi is getting a big girl now, so pretty.

Tuckie, I loved that pic of Bay , that's so funny her sitting beside the Buddha haha, she really is a pretty little girl now, she's really growing now isn't she, I know before you always said that she was quite petite.
The way you describe your DH family does sound a bit unusual but what family dosent have their "issues", sounds like you nearly run that house at times mind you, what would they do without you there! Its nice to hear that you have a good relationship with your mum, Im close with mines too and see her everyday, and as you say I hope that our daughters will be just as close to us in the future.

Heart, you are looking great in that picture, Delilah looks so big now aswell and so gorgeous. Nice to hear you had a good day despite D not being in the best of moods haha

Thanks for all of the teething advice, Emelia has been chewing like mad on her Sophie the Giraffe toy and another teething loop thing. I've also given her the teething salts which are a homeopathic medicine and it seemed to relax her a bit.Tonight for the first time she has been really jumping in her jumperoo, I've realised that I have to take her socks or tights off so that she can get a good grip on the floor!

Unreal these nappies that she is now having due to the solids! I've had 3 explosive nappies today, normally its only one a day max. Its getting a bit more human like aswell and stinks..nice I know!

Just a wee picture from today

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There was so much to catch up on especially after the weekend!

Good luck to all of you trying to get back into pre-baby shape:thumbup:. I agree with the advice Amanda and Kat gave. I was lucky and didn’t have any stretch marks and bounced back within a month or so. I eat pretty healthy but also don’t really deny myself... I believe moderation is key. My issue now is trying to find time to get on a good exercise schedule. I will do really well for a week or so and then life happens… not exercising is really causing me to have low energy so I am tired all of the time!

Melfy- Wow! Congrats on your BFP. FX it is extra sticky!!!:happydance:

Fili- Good luck! I hope you get a BFP this month! The roids sound awful so hopefully you won’t be on them for long.

Amanda- I replied to you on the Disco thread but I love the pictures. Delilah is beautiful like her mother.

Kat- Happy 5 months to Grey! He is as cute as ever. The poem is lovely. It just melts your heart when they do stuff like that.

Bumpy- do you think it could be an ear infection since he keeps pulling his ear? I hope he pops a tooth soon… teething is a miserable process! It sounds like you have an active little baby who will be crawling in no time. Have fun on your trip!

Just- I think it is good that you are introducing her to cups now. She will get some great practice in before she has to give up the bottle. The picture is so cute. She has beautiful eyes and a lovely complexion.

Hopeful- yay for saving $100 a month! Babies sure are expensive. Way to go Ava on mastering crawling.

Mightmom- congrats on the new addition! Sorry DH didn’t take notice of Mother’s Day… I would be sad as well. I hope he makes it up to you!

MrsMigs- I also enjoyed the weaning process. It is so cute the way their faces light up at new tastes.

Davies- your little girl is just precious… you have a beautiful family! The pictures are darling especially the one of her looking at the sky.

Croy- the earrings sound stunning. I’m glad to hear you had a great Mother’s Day!

NSN- the BLW sounds interesting. I’m glad it worked for you and that your little guy is loving his food

Tuckie- your living arrangement sounds a bit frustrating but it is really nice that they have you to help out… its just unfair that it always has to fall on you. The dead snake would freak me out! It sounds like you had a lovely day with your mom but I can’t believe your brother missed it AND her birthday! LOVE the Buddha picture!

AFM- our meeting with the intended parents went amazing! They are more than we even hoped for and we all got along so well. Next steps are contracts and then a trip to the east coast for a final screening for my uterus...details in my journal if anyone is interested:thumbup:

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. I got surprised with a stinky tootsie bouquet (Penny's foot prints) which is perfect since she still insists that we smell her feet and comment on how stinky they are:haha: I also got to sleep in, breakfast in bed, wonderful lunch with family, afternoon nap, a stroll through our neighborhood and then movies and tasty beverages with Tim on the couch. It was the best :cloud9:


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Cory- I somehow missed your post. Kudos to DH! He did outdo himself :thumbup: you'll have to post a pic sometime when you're wearing them :)

Just- thanks! Yes, B is finally starting to look chunky! E looks sooo cute! I love her big, bright eyes and her expression. B's poops have gotten HUGE since we started solids! Hers have always smelled bad though so nothing new there. I also noticed since she has started having massive poos she goes less frequently. She has tons of wet diapers but only 2-3 poopys a day now, so I guess it balances out in the end :)

Heart- saw another gorgeous pic of you and D on FB. She is such a cute girl. I love her sweet smile! :)

Hoping- I already posted in your journal, but congrats again on the meeting going so great! I love the stinky tootsie bouquet. Penny is a doll :cloud9:

Melfy- glad you got progesterone! Praying for a sticky for you.

B has been really fussy with teething the last few days. I can feel her gums are all swollen. Poor baby :( & my poor boobs! She has been gnawing on my nipples. Ouch!
Hoping, that's brilliant news about the surrogate couple, fingers crossed this time it will all go ahead. I love your pics you posted, Penny is such a pretty little lady as always. Sounds like you had a lovely Mothers day aswell.
Fili- Baylyn always 'knows' when we're about to eat and that's when she wakes :haha: have a nice time on your trip!

I need help/advice! B has destroyed my nipples this week. She's got a white nub I can see thru her gums and she's bitten my nipples SO hard! The poor thing is having bad teething pains lately. I pull it away from her and say 'no' but she's so young, she just doesn't get it. She bit my right nipple 3 times in one day and its been very sore for days now. Today she bit my left HARD and so now both of my nipples are sore. I had to use my old nipple shield today just to get through the feeding and it didn't even help much :(
Hmm, never had problems with DD using my nipples to help her teething. Is B chewing on your nipples at the end of feeding? Or is she still drinking and takes random chomps?
MM- she usually does it when she's waiting for the letdown, frustrated & impatient
That is wonderful news. Penny is gorgeous! Love the stinky feet gift.

Ouch!!! I am so sorry hon. I see this happening in my near future. He forgot to let go of my nipple while turning his head and bruised me for about 3 days. =(
Don't be hard on yourself for not exercising vigorously. It sounds like you have your hands completely full. It is very thoughtful of you to do it all for your in-laws. It sounds unstable with dead snakes and your MIL and BIL. You have a great attitude about it all. Thank goodness your FIL is okay.

Yay for pearl earrings and sweet words.

Thanks for the alternative experience of weaning.

Hope things are going well with you.

Closing on my home by week's end.
Tuckie, Edie did that to me a lot. She drew blood a couple of times. I kept taking her off and saying no and she did get the message. I had very sore nipples though. I'm prepared for it again as Louis bites with his gums and that stings.
Hoping, that is wonderful news.
Davies, Just, what lovely pictures. Such beautiful baby girls.

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