Kat, have you tried something like baby rice cereal. We started with veggie purees and it worked fine, but I know friends who have babies who needed to start with something more 'milklike' and rice cereal worked, it just gave the breastmilk more umph but didn't realy change the taste. I know there re some warnings about not giving too much rice cerweal because of arsenic or something, but at this point, I thin you would be giving him such small amounts of it mixed with the cereal it wouldn't hurt. Just a thought to see if you can ease the transition. Another thought is that those pouches of puree can be a good way for babies to eat too if they like to suck. Levi will eat off a sppoon fine but he can down a ouch in seconds because he loves the taste and like to suck and be independent. You could buy an organic starter pouch like a sweet potato or something to see if he can figure out the sucking (as opposed to a spoon) but if you wanted to make your own I bought some 'little green pouches; on line and they are reusable pouches that you fill with your own purees. I just like to try out a few of the pre-made organic ones on hand for last minute trips out when I couldn't have room or can't be arsed to deal with a cooler! The reusable ones save money though. I am hoping to try some smoothie type things in them this week. Not sure if either of those suggestions are helpful but they came to mind.
I have some other pages to read back over - Davies, any updates??
Ladies, I am thrilled to let you know I took my driving test and passed! Yay! I am finally a driver. So happy to cross that off the list. I am still nervous about it but its feeling more doable! Hoping to grocery shop with Levi this week all on my own. Im actually pretty excited!
Also, after the 2 periods in Jan Feb and then nothing I finally started again yesterday. My doctor is on board with us trying again and I am going to do progesterone, dexamethasone and aspirin just like with Levi and hope that we catch soon. I don't want to get too focused on it, and because I am still nursing I don't know if things will get back to normal anytime soon. I need to start temping again but with inconsistent nights that might be tricky! Speaking of, levi did a 9.5hours stretch last night. Longest ever! I hope it sticks. Wouldn't it be nice if they just figured out sleeping through. Kat I feel for you. Levi had a week a few weeks ago that 4.45 was a good time to wake up and it was killer, but its back to 6.30 or 7 again now. He had definite growth spurts too when he would wake through the night and I also think my period coming affected my supply so I want to track where his bad nights fall in comparison with my period and see if it might be laying a role...have you got your period back yet?
This feeels rambled. I miss you ladies!!! I will do better at posting.