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I don't have baptism pics on my computer but here's a couple from yesterday. Ava has 8 teeth and it's her toothy smile. Dylan being goofy. if you right mouse click and open in a new window it should show the pics bigger.

tuckie - love the pics of bay!


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Aww! Love the pics of A & D! They're soooo cute!!! I bet you love scooping them both up at the same time and smothering them in kisses and cuddles :D
Soooo cute!!!

I hope it was the raw eggs for your sake and nothing more serious. Small, light meals sounds the way to go. Bay's eyes look so gorgeous in that 2nd photo. I hope she takes after you... Not that there is anything wrong with brown eyes (DH, Grey and I all have this=)).

I have been so lucky. DH was supposed to go back to the office months 5 months ago, but with his company's in-fighting it got delayed till next Wed. He is officially on CA leave starting Monday and will be taking 7 weeks off... So he never spent an entire day in an office since we had G. He was only gone working on his own thing. Then he will give his 2 week notice at his day job, and work on his own company, which is doing very well. We closed on our home last Friday, so he does not need his day job anymore.

Grey is so tall that we had to raise his jumper to level 2 and remove all the yoga mats. He has shot up in the last 2 weeks by several inches.

Got my prescription for Progesterone just in case. Dr. Finke said if I am wavering between having 2 kids close together in age or an IUD, to have the kids. I have to agree.
Tuckie: She's adorable!! :cloud9: We don't have twins (that I know of) in my family. Actually my only ''risk factor'' is the fact that I've been pregnant 3 times. So it would really be a huge surprise!!

Kat: I really love the zinc cream; I try to put some everyday, and I also use a bit of powder sometimes to get rid of the humidity.

Here's a picture of Z taking a little catnap on the couch. And another one where she's discovering her new award winning toy (and she really really likes it!!!)


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Kat- Tim is definitely loving being a sahd even though some days he is beyond exhausted. I’m still surprised that he is so patient even when Penny is having a toddler monster day. I think he really enjoys being a kid again and loves teaching Penny new things. They spend a majority of their time in the back yard tending to our garden and feeding the chickens which is Penny’s 1st chore ever. He has managed to set up a few daddy play dates each week as well. Someday I hope to join them both at home and have Tim run his business full time.

That is so awesome about your DH and even more awesome that Grey gets to have you both at home!

Tuckie- You can still take bay hiking just use a baby carrier or the stroller:thumbup: I’m glad to hear that cutting out fatty foods have helped the digestive issues. You really scored on the FB mom swap… I will have to see if we have anything like that in our area. Love the pictures! Especially the pumpkin hat one… it does look like her eyes are turning green which will be a beautiful contrast to her darker hair.

Hopeful- Wow! They have gotten so big and are so adorable! Can you believe they both fit in you at one point?!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!
I have used all the zinc creams from my expensive organic stuff, triple butt paste, even nasty smelling, max strength desitin, etc... I have even resorted to making my own mix and trying Petrol products. But thanks for the suggestions. Like I said, it is what the Dr. called less than mild diaper rash. It is what it is.

So cute. Grey loves that toy too. Are you getting her a jumper? G loves the rainforest one.

Love that they tend garden and take care of the chickens. I am such a city girl. That sounds so crazy to me. DH had chickens. He wants them here. I said no. What is Tim's business?
OMG!!! Look what Grey just did!!! I am NOT touching him. I'm just hovering in case he falls.

DH was messing with the height on the jumperoo again because he wants Grey to use the yoga mat for a softer landing. Grey was sitting in front of me, grabbed onto the post and basically stood up. He lost balance a few times, but could hold standing for several seconds at a time. He even let go of one hand and maintained balance while reaching for the toys. How fun!!!

Kat- Whoa!!! Awesome! Little G is so ahead of the curve! Bay just got taller seemingly overnight too and we had to remove the world atlas she was using to reach the and now she reaches without it. I wonder if the tile is too hard for her feet now though. That is so great that your DH hasn't had to spend one whole day at the office since you had G. I'm sure you already tried everything with the zinc cream but I did want to add that I applied it very liberally and had to keep putting it on for several days. At first it looked worse (more red in color) but then it magically healed up after 3-4 days of sticking with the cream. It's probably just that he has very sensitive skin like his daddy though. I hoped B would get my eye color too. She looked so much like DH when she was first born so I wanted her to have some part of me in there lol Now she's morphing and looking more like me. I got the green eyes from my mom and she has dark hair and fair skin. My dad is the Native American one and he has black hair, dark skin, & bright blue eyes and that contrast is nice looking too. So, basically she has enough of the genes for light eyes that it might happen.

Hoping- Tim sounds like an excellent sahd. Penny is so fortunate to have a parent able to stay home with her. I thought when I was pregnant I could go back to work at 9-12 months but now that she's here, it's so hard to imagine leaving her with anyone! I know it is best for them to stay with a parent the first few years but if I go back it will be out of necessity and not desire. I think it's great you guys are already giving her little chores :)

Melfy- Z looks so cute! What a sweet picture of you guys napping :) that toy looks pretty neat. I don't think I've seen it before.

DH is on his way home from work and has the weekend off :D
Yay for time with DH this weekend. I think dark skin/hair with light eyes is gorgeous!

Are you trying to tell me that the rest of you do NOT have to use diaper cream EVERY single time you diaper? So Bay doesn't use diaper cream daily? I cannot even imagine that. I layer it on thick each and every diaper change. I tried layering it on thin... Did not work. I rinse it off after each waking from a nap and let him go free willy while I feed. During the day I use a mix of Petroleum and Zinc, so I can get it off of him easier for air time. At night, thick paste. I appreciate you trying to help though.

I'm going to guess the floor will be fine for her unless she tends to lock out her legs while jumping. G likes to do this. Do you have a yoga mat or soft/firm thing? Maybe even some cardboard.

Do you remember how hard they both used to be? Now it is so much easier.
Melfy- cute pic! She is adorable That toy looks like fun

Kat- that is totally amazing! You'll need to baby proof! ;) the prescription powder is called stomahesive powder.
I only use diaper cream if they have a rash and D has never had one and A rarely gets them.
Kat- LOL! I do not have to apply it all the time. I guess she isn't too prone to them. She's only gotten a rash a couple times since she was born. I use the pampers sensitive wipes. I think you said you use the same though. I love how thick and soft those are! Amen for easier babies! Even with the teething hell & random growth spurts, I'll take it over the newborn stage any day!!!
We do not even use wipes anymore. Rinse in the kitchen sink and blow dry on cool. Aaargh. I swear it is a full-time job keeping Grey rash free. If we are out and about we use the sensitive wipes.
Kat. I have never let either of mine go without a barrier cream. The odd time I forgot with Edie her arse was crimson.
Tuckie. Omg. That apple hat is the cutest thing ever.
Both my kids but especially Louis were the image of their dad at first. Now Edie is a lot like me, a bit like mark, and totally herself. Louis is still a lot like mark right now but just as if someone put my eyes on marks face and made it miniature. It's fascinating how they change.
Oh and Hopeful those twins are adorable. Ava looks so cheeky and Dylan looks very proper. I love it.
Kat - I missed that DH was leaving his job, what happened? You guys moved there for that didn't you, are you staying where you are? Glad that Grey's rash is looking better. I always found that air time was the best thing if Levi got a rash. He doesn't seem to have very sensitive skin for that but since he started moving he has been having a nasty one around the legs of his diapers where the friction and the damp of the cloth diapers were rubbing. I made the diapers a size bigger and that has seemed to help.

Melfy - I remember having crazy greasy hair early in my pregnancy with Levi. Its so annoying, I felt like I stepped out of the shower and already my hair felt like it needed to be washed.

Tuckie- The pouches can go in the dishwasher and that gets them pretty clean, I sometimes use the small brush from the bottle cleaning set to get along the edges inside and its not bad to clean at all. Levi doesn;t hold the pouch himself to feed independently yet, but he wants to do it,a nd he sucks it, I just have to hold the pouch while he sucks away.

Hopeful - Excited to see baptism pictures, I am glad it was a good time. And I am so happy to hear that you and DH are doing better. Just like Hoping said, marriage is a process and a journey, you have good seasons and harder ones.

Heart& Hopeful can;t; believe this time last year we were all waiting to meet our babies!!

Hoping - So cute that Penny gave up the bottle, what a great idea to pack them up and buy her a special cup! I am sure she will transition well.

afm - I am struggling to get homework up todate and work ahead so I can be done as much as possible before vacation. We leave Friday and I feel as though I have a ton to get ready before we leave. It has kind of crept up on me. I never used to be an anxious flyer but now I get nauseous thinking about everything I need to remember to bring and do and worrying about how Levi will do on the flights. Ugh I just want the next week to go by fast so I can be done with the worrying and just dealing with the reality!! We are going away over night this weekend too for the holiday weekend which was maybe not the best plan, to have to pack/repack and also get everythign sorted for vacation - I need to start getting ready ahead of time to give myself time to remember everything and have some peace about it. Not that I am complaining, I know I am blessed to be going soemwhere lovley hot and sunny, but the getting there and back is stressful. I really dont want to have much homework to do while I am there I want to really relax.

Levi has done a 9.5 hours night and a 10.5 hour night in the last week - he has had some crappier nights too but those give me hope that we all might sleep again one day! He is teething badly too, the dr. told me at his 9month that she thinks his top 4 are all going to cut together and soon. Poor bubba.

I have discovered he is a BIG fan of scrambled egg, he eats a whole one with toast and butter and chows down! He also just had fresh blueberries (as opposed to puree) and loved them too - makes me happy because I love berries so much!

ok - homework calling. Frozen pizza for dinner tonight, can't manage anything else. Hubs got home late last night from a 3 days trip to Florida to speak and go to a conference so he was tired and I was solo parenting which is also exhausting - we are not very exciting tonight but we can make up for it tomorrow celebrating my dear friend 40th birthday!!


Have a great three-day weekend friends!
I must have not mentioned that DH is quitting his job to everyone. We never moved out here for this job. We moved out here because I missed SoCal so much. He did not even have a job when we moved out, but got 2 job offers in 2 days of us moving here.

He started his own company. It is doing well. He intends to be a successful entrepreneur. We closed on our home last Friday in Southbay (very nice part of L.A.) and he is ready to take that leap.

Where are you all going? I don't remember. Good luck with the flight. I will be avoiding flying until Grey is old enough to be excited by them.
Kat: I don`t use it everytime either, but at least twice a day, and for sure before bedtime:winkwink:

Hope: I saw your pics, they`re adorable!! Getting so big!!

We wentto my parents today and decided to use their scale. At 17 weeks (4 months) she`s now 13 lbs for 26 inches. So around the 15th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height lol.
Kat - That's awesome about your hubby's company! I wish you great success!! What does he do? Congratulations on your house! Exciting times for your family. I bet you can't wait to get in and start making the house a home for the three of you.
We are going to Barbados. I can't wait!

We pulled out the suitcases today and packing starts soon. Tonight we are going out to a fancy dinner for my friend's 40th. My sister in law is watching Levi and putting him to bed. So looking forward to the time out with grownups!

Happy weekend girls, how is everyone?
Melfy- sounds like she's long & lean like Bay she's becoming a chunky monkey :haha:

Croy- have a great time in Barbados & take pics! Hope you get through the homework alright. I sure don't miss those all-nighters. It feels SO good when you are done though & summer starts :thumbup:

Kat- I remember DH's company having something to do with a car website???

Afm, B is still waking for extra feeds :dohh: In addition to the ongoing nipple biting, she's also started blowing raspberries on my nipples and making clicking noises with her tongue on my boob! I think she does it mostly when she's bored when the flow slows. We had a nice lunch outing with my mom today. Bay was trying to grab things off the table and almost knocked over our water glasses lol DH is watching the Froch boxing match with his dad, Bay is asleep, and everything is clean so I don't really know what to do with myself at the moment!
Hi ladies, trying to remember everything..

Hopeful, I love the pics of Ava and Dylan, both such gorgeous kids, cant believe they are 1 soon. Oh and just to clarify its the same over here with formula that as soon as you add the formula to the water to create the milk you are meant to use it within the hour or 2 max. What I do is just keep the bottles with the water in them on the counter worktop and so they are at room temp when I add the powder. Could you even try that and see how they go with it at room temp. I don't find it a hassle just to add the powder each time aslong as my bottles are already made up with the water in them. Im quite military style and like my bottles to be lined up and ready, if I leave it to my husband he just lets the dirty ones steep in the sink and I hate that.
My baby jogger city mini arrived yesterday and I love it, put Emelia in it today though and she looks quite funny, looks small and lost in it I think I will need to recline it back a bit for her. As I said though I got it at a great price so will keep it for a couple of months before I use it.

Kat, I cannot believe that pic of Grey, he looks so strong and solid standing like that himself. Emelia is still so floppy.
I also use diaper cream at each change. I never used to up until 14 weeks when Emelia got the rash and now I put sudocream on at every change.

Tuckie, I loved the pics of Bay, such a stunner. I love her green eyes. Only the past two weeks have Emelia's eyes started to change to green aswell, I hope they stay that just like her dads. I have brown and he has green. She is still really fair haired and we are both dark its strange.
Good news your hubbys home for the weekend, hope you've been enjoying family time!

Hoping, I think that's great to get Penny involved with the chickens, and that your husband has daddy play dates aswell. My husband keeps saying he would love to trade places with me and stay at home with Emelia each day. Unfortunately for him that will never happen as he is the big earner out of the two of us.
Tuckie Im the same as you and don't want to go back to work but I will have to.

Croy, Im so jealous your going to Barbados. I kind of wish we were going a summer holiday now but just don't have the money. Also I have the palest skin ever and got really burnt yesterday on my arms. I had to keep Emelia covered well up with sun block and shade. For once we had great weather.

Just some pics of Emelia in her new baby jogger and her sunbathing in her bouncy chair, and another wee one to see how green her eyes are going aswell..

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