Fili: Very very cute pics of Lexi

i really wouldn't worry too much about weight gain. Zoe is now mostly formula fed, but she barely put on a pound in the last month. But from from 8 to 12 weeks, she went from 8 1/2 lbs to 11.8
Davies: Our bodies like to play tricks on us.
Tuckie: You're not a bad mom

We all need sleep!! Getting more sleep makes us better moms
Kat: Great news for G!!! It's gonna be a lot easier for you guys. You deserve a little break!!
AFM...Update on my scan: First, it's NOT twins!! I have to say I'm quite relieved, as the pregnancy would have been challenging and risky for me and the babies. We saw the sac, yolk sac and fetal pole, but no heartbeat yet, which is not surprising considering I'm 5+2. I have another U/S next week
Zoe still wakes up 3 times/night to feed, so between the milk she's getting during the day (around 30oz) ans the milk she gets at night (10-15oz), she gets at least 40-45 oz/day!! It's been 2 weeks and still no change so I'm gonna call her ped to see if it's normal. I've tried feeding her more often, less often but more in a bottle, changing her bedtime (worst idea EVER lol) NOTHING works, and I'm exhausted. I'd be sooo happy with 1 feeding/night (or even 2), but 3-4, that's a lot!!