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I did it I did it I plucked the dummy! It made just that sound: p.l.u.c.k.e.d. Lol! She is still asleep. 19.43 is the time now... We will see! Off to eat!
19.51 dummy had to go back in :haha: baby now pushed onto side (thanks Croy) with blanket roll propping her plus dummy! Seems a lot more settled that way but it's no as safe as back... Arghhh!
Fili - I know that it isn't as safe, but once baby can support their head, it made me feel ok about doing it because if he struggled he could turn his head to breathe. It's just how I thought about it. Hope you have a great night and Lexi sleeps like a champ - the binkie thing might take time :) Trust your heart x
Thanks croy :hugs: well she woke up anyway and got 'car seated' so she's being driven around by her daddy as I write :dohh: I think we are going to have to do some kind of controlled crying with her but I am not looking forward to it. She is both rejecting and desperate for the dummy at the same time! I think she's getting frustrated that she can't sleep on her own.
I have exciting news!!! First I will say that after two phone calls to the nurse, DH and I did not go into the dr. Instead we packed a picnic and celebrated our anniversary on the beach with Grey. Things went great. Before this, all I did was BF while at the beach or run up and down with him in the Ergo.

The real news is that Grey fell asleep in his swing by himself with no crying in 8 min of fussing!!! DH was just going to take him again to wear since it is our anniversary and yesterday I had a melt down. I said, "no" and ordered him to go take time for himself. I implemented a new nap routine. I bounced him on my lap while singing twinkle twinkle little star, put him in the swing with the mobile on level 2, read him a book, kissed him goodnight and told him I would be back in 10 min to rock him down. He started fussing but immediately calmed. 8 min later I heard nothing. I thought for sure he was going to be playing with his feet again. He was and is asleep!!!!!! This means some freedom for DH without Grey and me being hysteric. Great anniversary gift.
Fili- B weaned herself off the paci and I was shocked because as a newborn she was obsessed with it and had to have it to sleep. Now she wants a blankie to chew on when she sleeps. I give her a thin receiving blanket or muslin. She wants nothing to do with her pacis now since she's teething bad, she's gone from sucking to chewing! :) I agree with Croy that once babies have good head & neck control, side sleeping isn't a big deal. My niece always slept on her side with a wedge behind her & she's a thriving toddler now.

Just- I was a bit annoyed that my MIL didnt come get me or get her out. Our door wasnt even closed! My FIL was asleep and I think my BIL is scared of B lol so I didn't expect him to do anything. My mom would have totally sprung into action and soothed B, but DH's family is different & ultimately she's my responsibility. Sorry E is still hating tummy time. B used to hate it too and now she's fine with it so E could come around. I'm sure you've tried everything, but we got down on the floor with her and used toys to entice her & distracted her while she was on her tummy when she used to hate it. Worth a try if you haven't already.

Hopeful- those babies are gorgeous! I love their huge smiles :) they both look so happy!

Hoping- I saw the pics on FB & penny was a cute little activist :) DH's job sounds interesting & I'm sure it's nice to help people save $ on their bills. My dad isn't full native, his grandpa had the black eyes though & so does my great aunt. He had some Irish/English mixed in there and somehow the blue won out over the black/brown eyes. Loved the story about the pic with the little orbs <3 how neat!

Kat- happy anniversary! Glad you guys got to have a picnic at the beach & G sleeping in his swing with minimal fussing :happydance: great anniversary present to mom & dad! :) I texted you about a Burt's Bees baby ointment I use for B's dry patches. Let me know if you got it :thumbup:

We went out to lunch for my MILs BDay. It was okay. B was a handful despite my planning her naps and feedings beforehand. I was also bummed DH wasn't in town to go out with us. B is 6 months old today! I can't believe it!!! Time just flew by...
Kat - Yay! what a wonderful anniversary present!! Well done Grey!! I settle Levi with a similar routine. Kids like to know what's coming, so singing a song reading a book etc really help them anticipate sleep, or at least it seems helpful for Levi. He also has a Lovie that we used to put next to him when he slept as a tiny baby hoping he would be comforted by it and now he sleeps with 2 of them in his crib and he sucks on them to settle himself. I think a pacifier would be much nicer but I will take it if it helps him settle ( We have 3 of the same lovies so I can wash them and also so if we lost one we would have a spare, or 2!)

Happy Anniversary!!

Levi is teething really badly today, he like gnawing on a raw carrot and tonight he made lots of grooves all over it with his two little bottom teeth , but it was helping relieve some of the discomfort of the top ones that are making their way down. I hope they get here before we fly! I might need to get some more Tylenol for our trip otherwise!
Oh and B being 6 months today also means I've met my minimum BFing goal :happydance: I want to BF longer and will continue to do so, but I'm pleased to make it to this point. I'm shooting for 9 months now...maybe a year? ...If she quits biting me lol

Croy- I would definitely pack extra teething meds! Have a great time! :)
Croy I raided the teething meds section of our pharmacy the other day! I got powders, gels the lot ready for taking away...

So sleep verdict: the car seat and drive in the car didn't work! She had a melt down, a massive meltdown for an hour so I thought she must be in pain so I gave her some Calpol. We finally settled her in her pram cot then she slept 9pm - 4am without waking up once! I can't see that this is the Calpol so I think it's a question of timing her put down to sleep. I think i will start a cluster feed 3-4 hours before her bed. I worked out that 9pm was 3-4 hours before last feed so she had digested it. Then I fed her at 4am and she slept till 8am in her pram cot while i slept the same on the sofa! This was all with the dummy to begin with but she never fussed after 9pm - 4am :shrug: Will try cluster feed tonight and let u all know.
Fili I was going to suggest cluster feeding to you. It's helped settling Zeynab and I used it also with my other two children.

Congrats on your anniversary Kat!!

For those suffering with teething pains, have you tried the amber necklaces? I've bought one for Zeynab and I'm waiting to receive it so that she can wear it straight away. She's constantly drooling badly and anything that goes in her mouth will get badly bitten, :haha:
Kat- Happy belated anniversary! It sounds like a great day especially with Grey cooperating.

Fili- I think adoption is a wonderful idea! If we decide on a 2nd child we would like to adopt too but I’m not sure from where. I had to laugh at your dummy shenanigans. Like Bay, Penny gave up her binky on her own when she was a couple of months older. I only gave it to her during nap time or bedtime. I hope the cluster feeding works.

Tuckie- happy 6 months to B! Congrats on reaching your minimum BF goal! That really is a huge accomplishment:thumbup:. It does seem weird that your MIL didn’t wake you or get Bay when she was crying. Is she just afraid of crossing boundaries or stepping on your toes when it comes to parenting?

Croy- I would pack extra Tylenol and homeopathic teething aids for your trip just in case. You never know when a horrible bout of teething will happen. With Penny it seemed like the first few teeth were the worst. She has gotten one molar and has a few more coming in but it has not been nearly as bad as before.

Madrid- I've heard wonderful things about amber necklaces. I've been meaning to get one.
happy anniversary kat! that's awesome he's slept on his own!

happy 6 months bay!

croy- we used tylenol
Yay for 6 months!!!! Way to go for 6 months BF. Who knew it would be so damn tough? It is and you and made it.

I did not get your text because I changed my Texas number back to a Cali one. Just texted you. I do not know how much texting you do, but if you all have iPhones, DH and I save $30/month using iMessage only. All our friends and family have iPhones. All you have to do is update your software by syncing your iPhone with your iTunes and downloading the newest IOS. It's a good idea for safety issues with your software as well. Remember my DH is a tech nerd.

Thanks for the text that I did not get btw. So sweet.

Have an amazing, relaxing trip hon!
I bought 3 Barrington Baby polky bears (little blankies with bear heads) to use as lovies, but I am scared to death of letting him have them when he sleeps. I can't breathe through them. I bought them for that purpose. My LLC said they were perfectly safe, but I do not feel comfy yet.

Hope his teething does not affect your trip.

Sounds dreadful. Your sleep is worse than mine hon.:hugs:


DH is still transitioning G into the crib. It is going okay between the dream feed and the night feeding, but after that he wants the swing. We have not tried for the first part of night yet out of fear, but he has been going down without a fuss in his swing turned off. We will (DH will) do it all soon.

Thanks for all the anniversary wishes ladies. So glad I did not rush to the dr's. The mild 100 degree "fever" went away and so did the white head on his anus. All is well and DH cooked me a fabulous dinner. I love that DH is on 7 week semi-paid leave to bond with Grey (paid by state of Cali 55% of his salary) and gets to spend so much time with us. He is growing his own business, but so far it is mainly spent with G and me. Love it!!!
Hoping- idk why my MIL didn't get me or B. My family is soo different from DH's. Mine would have been like 'Meag!!! Get your ass up! Your kid is crying!' LOL DH's family are very hands off and never confront each other with anything and actively avoid stepping on each others toes all the time. They're just all so passive so I assume it has something to do with that...? I think if my FIL was up, he would've gotten her out. He had the most active involvement with her in DH's family and I think my DH is most like his dad.

Madrid- let me know how the teething necklace works. I'm intrigued but skeptical. I worry about it getting wrapped around her neck too. I have heard good things about them though!

Kat- I disabled iMessage because I have unlimited text but do not have unlimited data & no wifi out here in the boondocks. The way I understood it is that iMessage would pull from my 3G data. Let me know if I'm incorrect. DH has an iPhone and my sister does too and a few friends, but I have a lot of family members on androids also. I enabled it to text you back on iMessage but I just didn't want all of mine & DH's texts coming out of our data plan since we text a lot when he's out of town an the signal there is too shitty to talk on the phone without a lot of breaking up. Glad G's fever and whitehead went away :) Are you opposed to doing a formula bottle at his dream feed? I was at first but it really helped her do those 5-7 hour stretches of sleep rather than the 3-4 I'd get when I ebf'd her.

Fili- B is still hooked on sleeping in her car seat too :dohh: I'm sure I'm creating bad habits by letting her sleep in there on the machines and in the car but oh well, I need sleep! I guess I'll pay for it later :/ I agree with the other girls about cluster feeding :thumbup:
Thanks girls and Madrid that's good to know. Well tonight she has gone down for early evening nap without much fuss and she is now due another feed. She did do really well in the end though 9pm-4am with no wake ups last night so who knows, maybe I did just try to put her to be too early. Tuckie she is not even as hooked on sleeping in the car seat anymore but I think that's because she likes to stretch out so much in her cot. However, she will dose off in it if we're out and about.

Kat fantastic news that he sleep on his own!! The babies were good last night!!

I'm nervous about not getting a bfp this month, we have put so much money, time, meds and effort into it. Also I am worried I won't get pregnant as easily as I did last time but I also think I might be being a bit irrational. Here's a link to my ttc no 2 journal
Better turn your iMessage off. It does draw from your data plan if you do not have
wifi =(
Are you hard lined in on your lap top? Being in a techie family, that is so foreign to me. Even our printer is wireless. Our home is so funny with all of DH's MacBooks (and mine) and all of our apple products. We basically own the entire apple store and DH is planning on getting yet another Mac Pro for his business. So he will have 4! Then we have our ipods, iPads, iPhones 5, etc... I feel like such a moron for not purchasing stock in that company a decade ago.

It's normal to be anxious hon, but it is a waiting game.
Lol I'm sitting here surrounded by 3 laptops, my hub's phone that keeps going off and my iPad!! Lexi is always intrigued by the computers and most recently a silver lamp shade!

Well I don't want to tempt fate but my babba has just gone straight to sleep without a fuss. This is with the cluster feed, so today the feeds over 24 hours have been: 4am, 9am, 1pm, 5pm and 7.30. Her next feed won't be until around 4am hopefully - she did it last night. I am so hoping she doesn't wake up fussing. Good luck to you all re sleeping happy babies tonight!! Xxx
Kat- I don't mind turning it on for a text here and there to you. It probably doesn't use a ton of data for a few texts, I just won't use it all the time or it would use a lot. I'll try to remember to use iMessage if I text you in the future. We are not able to get techied out here! In TX, DH and I had uverse high speed and everything wireless. Out here, because my inlaws property is so rural, there is NO cable or DSL company that can get us high speed Internet this far out. They have satellite and its slightly faster than dial up & an old school wired up printer to a PC. When I use my laptop here, I use my iPhone as a hotspot because the 3G is faster...I wish I were joking! It's basically not worth it to get a router here because the satellite Internet is so painfully slow. I use the wifi at public places, my moms, grandparents, etc. when I need to. 90% of the time I'm on B&B, it's from my iPhone. If you'd bought apple stock a decade ago, you'd be set for life lol

Fili- hope you and Lexi get some good sleep tonight :)
B is obsessed with phones and computers too and always tries to steal my phone from me :haha:
Hi ladies,

Hopeful, thanks for posting those pics of Ava and Dylan in their christening outfits, two beautiful kids, you've done so well! They are both getting really big now.

Hoping, I had to google the Monsanto protest, that seems really bad that people wouldn't have the right to know if their were GM products in the food they buy, is that a basic explanation of what it actually involves? Cool that you got Penny involved in the rally.

Kat, so glad for you that Grey has been sleeping a bit better.

Tuckie, you have done so well committing to breast feeding for so long. Its unreal how quickly 6 months goes isn't it.

Fili, I really hope you are successful this month , I was thinking that to myself that this cant be cheap all of this treatment you are going through for the pregnancy, obviously this wont be on the NHS and will be private? if you don't mind me asking?
Friends of ours had to go through IVF to have their little girl and they got it on the NHS, they are now trying for a second baby and the NHS wont cover it because they have a child now so they went private and had a frozen embryo implanted recently which failed and they said that it costs £5000 each time, that's phenomenal money.
And she woke up lol but I think hubs has got her back to sleep now.

Just no I don't mind at all. Yes private and with train fares, monitored cycle, drugs and intralipid drip = a grand per cycle :-( so it's a massive gamble... I might try naturally next month but hopefully I won't have to :)

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