Fili- B weaned herself off the paci and I was shocked because as a newborn she was obsessed with it and had to have it to sleep. Now she wants a blankie to chew on when she sleeps. I give her a thin receiving blanket or muslin. She wants nothing to do with her pacis now since she's teething bad, she's gone from sucking to chewing!

I agree with Croy that once babies have good head & neck control, side sleeping isn't a big deal. My niece always slept on her side with a wedge behind her & she's a thriving toddler now.
Just- I was a bit annoyed that my MIL didnt come get me or get her out. Our door wasnt even closed! My FIL was asleep and I think my BIL is scared of B lol so I didn't expect him to do anything. My mom would have totally sprung into action and soothed B, but DH's family is different & ultimately she's my responsibility. Sorry E is still hating tummy time. B used to hate it too and now she's fine with it so E could come around. I'm sure you've tried everything, but we got down on the floor with her and used toys to entice her & distracted her while she was on her tummy when she used to hate it. Worth a try if you haven't already.
Hopeful- those babies are gorgeous! I love their huge smiles

they both look so happy!
Hoping- I saw the pics on FB & penny was a cute little activist

DH's job sounds interesting & I'm sure it's nice to help people save $ on their bills. My dad isn't full native, his grandpa had the black eyes though & so does my great aunt. He had some Irish/English mixed in there and somehow the blue won out over the black/brown eyes. Loved the story about the pic with the little orbs

how neat!
Kat- happy anniversary! Glad you guys got to have a picnic at the beach & G sleeping in his swing with minimal fussing

great anniversary present to mom & dad!

I texted you about a Burt's Bees baby ointment I use for B's dry patches. Let me know if you got it
We went out to lunch for my MILs BDay. It was okay. B was a handful despite my planning her naps and feedings beforehand. I was also bummed DH wasn't in town to go out with us. B is 6 months old today! I can't believe it!!! Time just flew by...