Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

tuckie: Thank goodness there is a Walmart in town here, all the nearest name-brand stores are 45 minutes away. Some of the best Walmarts are in small towns. LOL!

For the diapers, we actually cloth diaper. I bought a bunch of newborn diapers, but some WAHMs make them for 5-10lb babies, so Colton has already outgrown several of those. Bummer, they are so cute! And it's hard to re-sell them even though he's used them like once or twice. Oh well, serves me right for feeding my "habit" by buying newborn sized diapers!
Repost because bottom of page can be missed & lexi sleep edit!

Well done Penny!! Aww love the tickling story too
Mrs migg lovely photo as always. Love where you live I love Yorkshire I used to spend a lot of time in Thirsk and Harrogate cos of an old long term boyfriend - had some good times there!
Glad all is well with Bay at her check up Tuckie! Sounds likes she is doing well bless her
mighty mum Colton is doing well! It's annoying when they suddenly grow out of stuff isn't it!!
I am going away to Portugal for a week on Sunday which is why I might not post as often, I will try and tell you all if I get a bfp though... Def got crampy, tugging pressure where you might feel period pain and I am 5 days off my period being due yet.
Heart hope you and Delilah are doing well xxx

Lexi slept 9-4 but had to do an extra cluster feed as she was hungrier yesterday.
She went back to sleep at 6am had a shout at 7am and finally woke up at 8am when I fed her again. So she did well. And I slept 10-2.30 and 5-8 so 7.5 hours not too bad!
Aww it is so nice to see the old gang here!

Fili I hope you have a great time in Portugal! That is one of the places we are thinking of going with Leo, probably in Oct so will be interesting to see what you think of it there. OMG you are going for a BFP! How exciting!

Tuckie you def do live in what looks like a lovely forest area! Where abouts in the US are you? Leo has his first vaccines in 2 weeks time... if it is anything like when they took blood from him I am dreading it!

MrsM! What a lovely pic! Have not spent too much time in Yorkshire, but it looks lovely where you live... and Edie looks a picture in her dress!

Hey Kat! Little G is not so little anymore! What a handsome guy he is! I wish we had a specific ped that we could call/see... would make continuity of care so much better.

Hey Just! Hope you have a nice day out. I can't wait until my 6 wks is up post c section so I can get out and drive somewhere nice with Leo!

Mighty wow Colton is putting on weight so well! Leo got weighed yesterday and is now 8lb 1! Wahooo! I have heard a lot about Dr Browns bottles... will give them a go if I have to, but want to see if the other measures we are trying work first. He is having to be topped up by formula as my milk is rubbish so we have changed to Aptamil Comfort, added Colief, increased winding time, increased stimulation time in the day, added a daily bath before bed and super feeding before bed time as well. It has improved things, though he had a bit of a bad night last night and cried from 11pm for 40 mins before I could get him settled, but then he slept through to 5.10am! Good lil man!

This pics were of Leo just as he was born!


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And these are some of him at 4 weeks and 6 weeks!... Although my Sis says the 6 week pic makes him look like a weird alien baby with huge eyes:haha:


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Aww Pad he is just gorgeous, beautiful big eyes so alert. Its still early days and with trial and error you'll find what works with him. I guess that's the bad part about a C-section aswell that your not meant to drive for weeks after.

I hope Lee comes on here soon so I can see pics of Morgan aswell as Im not on facebook.
Aww Pad he is just beautiful!! :cloud9: your hubs looks so made up there! And you look fabulous considering!!! I need to be packing right now but I can't face it!! Met my new NCT mummy friends in Canterbury this morning - they are all LOVELY I am lucky :)
I am using Dr Brown bottles too love them

Trigger bfp tests practically negative now eeeeek! Hoping to see them pick up some pink again. I really felt preggo last night but it could all be in my progesterone fuelled imagination!
Phew, what a week!! We're doing renovations at my parent's so we're never home. We're gone from 9 am 'til 9pm!! At least I don't have to cook:haha:

Just: here the shots are also at 2, 4, 6 and then 12 months. Zoe got her 4 months shots on wednesday, and she didn't even cry!! But she was fussy for the rest of the day, although the acetaminophen I gave her really helped.

Tuckie: That's a lot of trees!! Must be nice and quiet though. Glad her shots went well, but wow, her 1st tooth!!!! What a busy day!! Zoe and Bay are both long and lean; how tall is she?

MrsM: What a beautiful village!! I want to go back to England and Scotland!!!

Pad: Leo is such a cutie!!!!

Kat: I understand why you want to switch doctors; I think it's really important to have a doctor who understands how we want to raise our babies. I'm kinda ''old school'' too, but I know not everyone is.

Fili: Have a wonderful time in Portugal :) And if you get your BFP in Portugal, how amazing would that be?!!:happydance:

My morning ''queasiness'' has started:happydance: So white bread is the way to go lol. I had some spotting yesterday and nothing since, so pretty sure it's the progesterone torturing me again:growlmad:
Kat- I hope you find a doctor you like. Those were our concerns as well when choosing a pediatrician. We love that our ped is letting us plan out our own vaccine schedule. We delayed Penny’s for a month or two in the beginning and only get life threatening vaccines and space them out as much as possible.

Tuckie- I loved your doctor update on FB. I hope they apologized for the screw up. Keeping a baby happy for that long is nearly impossible especially if she missed her nap. Enjoy having your DH home.

Fili- good luck! When will you start testing? I’m glad you are getting some decent sleep… you’ll need it with number 2!

Mightymom- its crazy how fast they grow out of their newborn stuff!

Pad- gorgeous pictures!

Melfy- yay for MS kicking in:thumbup: Its funny how excited we get about symptoms but also hate them as well. I'm glad the spotting has gone.

Have a great weekend everyone!

My little sister is coming into town so I’ve been preparing a birthday dinner for her (she turned 24 yesterday). I even managed to make a New York style vanilla bean cheese cake with fresh strawberry puree. Dinner is a summery quinoa chowder. Penny helped to pick out the ingredients and then stood next to me making her own concoction with my left over veggie trimming.
Fili - finger crossed hun!! Hoping that bfp hows up this month! Woudn't it be niceif we all caught easily this time :)

Melfy - sorry you are starting to feel sicky. I hope the white bread works. Sorry abuot the spotting, even though it can mean nothing and even now you have had a baby I am sure it is no less scary!! I am not looking forward to all the pregnancy fears rearing teir ugly heads again. Glad you have been spared the cooking htough, I hope that helps the ms a little. Make sure you tke a break when you need it with all the work you are doing!

Pad - CONGRATS!!! Baby Colton is just adorable! So happy to see you over on this thread.

Hoping - exciting the surrogacy is coming along, and that you have an easy pregnancy when it happens. Such a gift you are giving, you have a beautiful heart!

Hi to all you other lovelies! This is a quick post to ask for your prayers and good thoughts on our flight tonight. Levi is teething really badly poor thing. I am nursing even though he is chomping to find relief. I want to be able to let him have that comfort while we fly but it might mean my cycle is off this month. I think we have decided to wait until after vacation to try so I can focus on him, (and relaxing) before the baby making starts...then I won't be stressed if my cycle is off because of mega nursing.

He is officially walking now, hardly off his feet, his balance is great now. busy busy!
Poor Bay. Congrats on her tooth. Bet she is about to look even more darling.
We both do not have food allergies of any sort. I do get rashes from harsh chemical sunscreen, detergent, carpet, etc... So G's rashes might be from me. DH had a ton when he was young too.
I often have to wait an hour for my Dr., but I knew that when picking him. He has great bedside manner and takes a lot of time, so he is often running very late. I don't bother showing up till 15 min past our appointment time and then we usually wait. I BF during this time. We are in out own private room while we wait. I will change Drs now, so hopefully the waiting will decrease. We get the vaccines with our nurse within a minute though. That is a long extra time you had to wait after already being forgotten about. aaargh.

Have a great holiday. I like Portugal.

Yay for morning sickness. SInce you had spotting with P the last time, I will take it as a good sign that the P is working.

Have a great time with your sister. Yummy! I love cheesecake.
What vaccines did you decide to do? I was/am so confused about them. I would love to hear your choices.
Dr. N convinced me to do 2nd shot of TDap and HIB. I was going to delay this for a while. I will delay everything else. I am also done with TDap and HIB. TDap's efficacy is never superbly high and G had a mild reaction to it the 2nd time. I know the reactions get progressively worse.

Light ahead for a fantastic trip.
Yay for your little walker.

Gorgeous photos! What a cutie muffin.

Grey pottied on the big boy potty (his baby bjorn one) for 2 pees and a poop this morning by 9am. I have been practicing elimination communication. It is the way most people potty all around the globe, but foreign to Westerners. Because of G's tendency towards rash, I am trying to learn his cues and timing of when he has to eliminate. It is not potty training. It is training me to know his signs and potty him. It is working. This allows me to increasingly keep him without a diaper without making a mess. DH is involved and it is rewarding.

I kind of know when he needs to pee after observing him all natural for days. We make a psss noise when we observe him peeing and a grunt noise for poops, so in the future, like a pavlovian response, he will associate the sound and the act. It is common in new age circles and hippie circles in our country as well, but my dr has never even heard of this. This is what I mean by him being too old school for DH and me... although this is as old-school as it gets considering there were no diapers before modern times.
Fili- have a great time in Portugal!

Pad- gorgeous pics! Love his big eyes :)

Mm- maybe you could save one as a keepsake so it's not a total loss :)

Melfy- morning sickness is a good sign :thumbup:

Croy- fX for a smooth flight! It should be easier traveling with a LO that can walk since there's so much to carry already when traveling!

Hoping- have fun with your sister! Your cheesecake and chowder sound yummy! Wish I were coming for dinner at your place :haha:

Kat- I've never heard of elimination communication. That's interesting, but very foreign to me. I think it would be easier to know when they're pooping than peeing. How can you tell they're going to pee? Keep us posted on how this new training works. I've been doing sign language with Bay for over a month. I know eventually it will click for her and I hope we can communicate that way until she can speak. I do signs for milk, diaper change, finished, sleep, mommy, daddy, etc.

Bay is doing well. So far she has had very mild reactions to her vaccinations. A little crankier and sleepier than usual and that's about it. I'm surprised she hasn't been a lot crankier since her shots and tooth eruption coincided. Last night she slept great and I worked on her baby book. I wrote a bunch of memories and messages to her in there and put some photos in as well. Doing the baby book must have kick started my getting going on the parenting journal, because I started it today and even figured out how to link my journals with titles in my siggy. If anyone wants to stop in on my journal, feel free! I think it will be nice to document our journey. My death anxiety has basically subsided so I've chalked it up to a postpartum thing. I do still worry about leaving Bay though, so the baby book and journals make me feel like at least there's something permanent to leave behind for her. Like Hoping, I want my DH to print them for her in case anything ever happens to me. Hope everyone has a fab weekend! I'm jealous of all of you that are going on vaycays!!!
Hi Tuckie,

Lovely work on the journal and good to hear that your death anxiety has eased. I have caught 3 pees and a poop now. Had 2 misses.

The pees are actually easier than the poop. He shows no signs that I can figure out for poop. He barely pauses jumping to poop in his jumparoo. I just hear it. He can go 3 days without going and then go 3 times a day for 3 days. He used to turn red and grunt when he was newborn, but now it is like peeing almost. Catching the pee is based on me understanding his rhythm. He has a pee pee rhythm. He goes AFTER the first feed. And on the 2nd side of BF after that. I just time offering him the potty chair and so far we have caught 3 pees and a poop that coincided with a pee. It is similar to sign language which we will do as well, except we are making cue noises. His penis swells up and he looks to the side when he is peeing. He delatches from my boob.

I heard of this from a white girl whose hubby is Indian. Her baby was 1 and not needing diapers. Thought it was interesting. Bought a potty. We were too overwhelmed to practice it more than 1 day when G was newborn and he was too fussy. Then with all the rashes, it just makes sense for us. Plus I don't want to be cleaning stinky, caked on poop for 3 years. Right now his poop smells like cheesy popcorn, lol.

I am American, of course, and thought you don't potty train for 2-3 years. This isn't really training them. This is training us to look for cues and then help them associate it. It is all fun and akin to us reading their sleepy signs, hungry cues, etc. It isn't some forced thing. I actually feel great when I catch a pee and know he isn't sitting in his wet diaper. If he was not as rash prone, I doubt I would have resumed this desire to EC. Google it, it is growing in popularity in the States.

Guess the premise is that babies all communicate their need to eliminate. they forget this when they are conditioned to go in diapers. it is also called natural hygiene. DH and I are just doing part-time EC. we are not doing it at night and keep him in diapers when we go out and in the jumparoo.

Good to hear that Bay is feeling pretty okay. I remember last time she was crying a lot and you were upset, of course.
Good job on the EC Kat! We did EC with DD. It is very rewarding. Poos are always harder to catch, but when Grey can sign "toilet" to let you know, it will be much easier. Pees also happen immediately after waking, so if you wake Grey from a nap or bedtime, immediately put him on the potty. He'll pee. If you wait for him to wake up himself, you might catch it and you might not. It's strange how as a mom you are so in tune with your child's rhythms. When you EC, that goes to a whole new level!
Wow, I'm impressed by this and find it alien. I've only just stopped cleaning up my daughters poo and she is 3.5. At this age it's no joke. Especially when she was holding it in all day to do in her pull up at nap time. Bloof.
Thanks for the support. Grey doesn't pee right after naps. He pees about 20min later, usually while BF my 2nd side. His diaper is dry after waking from his naps most of the time. I feed one side and then put him on the potty chair for the 2nd time. I have been catching pretty well. DH catches pee #1. He missed this morning. I think we always miss the wake up pee because we wait till he wakes.

You would think poops would be easier, but it is good to know that wasn't your experience either. Maybe when they get more solid. My poor guy already gets anal fissures and has an anal abscess with his BF poops. I hate to think what harder poops might do to him. I get anal fissures too. They never have bothered me and I never had a name for them till Grey got them.

Check out EC. You might like it for Louis. It helps them keep their own attunement to elimination.

I am livid. Grey DID have an ABSCESS on his anus for the last 3 weeks. DH was right. I am changing Dr's immediately. It drained on it's own, but I was freaking out all yesterday and scared. We are being seen by a different dr on Monday. I am so angry that Dr. N bypassed DH's and my concern over the pump on his anus. FYI-a pimple on an anus is an abscess. It turned into a boil for the last 2 weeks, but because Dr. N assured us it was nothing, I thought it was fine. A whitehead on the anus is a boil. =(
Hi ladies, hope your all well...

Fili, I hope your enjoying your time in Portugal and hope you get that BFP.

Kat, Im amazed that your managing to have so much success with catching these pees and poops. I can imagine how angry you are that Grey did have an abcess, I hope you find a doctor that is more attentive at discovering these things.

Well we had an eventful Saturday night at the accident and emergency dept. at hospital with Emelia. Thank god she is fine.
My father in law picked her up from the ground as she was crying and hit her head at force into the chandelier light above, it got her right on the soft part of the top of the head. She was hysterical and it was awful. The middle part looked like it had sunk in and rapidly pulsating and all around swollen up . We felt so sick and had to take her to hospital. I cant even explain the panic I felt as I kept thinking anywhere but that little part of the head, I am so paranoid and careful at all times with that soft part where the fontelles haven't closed over yet. We are getting the light changed asap as it hangs too low and haven't risk this happening again. It made us even more aware of how we are going to have to child proof our home when she is crawling.

We also had her hospital appointment to follow up on her knee today. I mentioned when she was born that she had hypermobility in her right leg where she kept doing this crazy thing and lifting her leg back to her head and turning her whole knee back to front. The doctors at the time said it was due to how she had been lying in the womb and couldn't guarantee that it wouldn't cause her problems with walking and crawling. This has now been checked at birth, two weeks old and today and has def. rectified itself. It was x-rayed today and thankfully is fine. I would have hated her to suffer with walking problems.

We really have landed lucky with such a good little baby, we were out and about all weekend and she just kept smiling at everyone, and then today again at the hospital everyone just keeps commenting on how smiley she is and contented. Long may it continue, I hope she does have a lovely little personality.
Not always an angel mind you when tired and hungry just like the best of them.
OMG!!! Thank goodness she is okay. I can imagine your horrific panic. Your FIL must have felt like SHIT! We have a stupid, low hanging light in our apartment and DH once did the same, but not with force. It just scared G. I must admit that I have never even noticed the soft spot on G's head, but he was born with so much hair it has never been a thought. You must have been so scared. We are already thinking of how to baby proof as G will certainly get into everything. So happy all is well with her knee too. What reliefs.

She seems to have a great, easy going disposition from birth. I cannot imagine that changing. Thank goodness G's fussy, demanding disposition has dissipated and he is now laughing and sweet. Big hugs for all your trauma.
Thanks Kat, it really was traumatic. That's the thing because Emelia is quite a baldy baby you can see the little part on the top of the head that pulsates up and down and it makes you realise just how fragile they are. When they have a lot of hair you def. don't even notice it unless really looking for it!

Oh I have no doubts about it that Grey will indeed be a charming little boy aswell!
Update: Butt bump nothing to worry about, but Dr. said to come back if it refilled again. It's pretty much gone today. They don't worry about the abscess/boil unless bigger. The stomach rash and back rash is most likely from detergent build up on his superbly sensitive skin. I figured this out when I realized the rashes came shortly after getting the new washing machine. I saw that it was still soapy during the rinse cycle yesterday and now am double rinsing everything. I feel better getting EVERYTHING on him checked from head to toe... I mean everything. Lip thing is eczema. Dr. confirmed that the rashes on body looked like it could be an allergy to detergent or we would have to go back to dressing him in only organic cotton like we did when he was a newborn.
Hey girls :wave:

Just- So glad E is okay! That must have been super scary! B's soft spot isn't as evident now as it was when she was a newborn but I'm always really careful not to bump her head. I'm so glad the X-rays were fine as well. Glad you got her checked out. It's always better safe than sorry & now you can rest assured she is doing okay.

Kat- how did you like the new doctor? I'm glad G's abscess cleared up! Poor G has such sensitive skin! What kind of detergent are you using! I wonder if you could use less instead of rinsing twice? I once had an appliance repairman tell me that the recommended dishwasher/washing machine detergents is almost always too much. He told us to use about half of the recommended amount on the bottle :shrug: don't know if there's any truth to that, but thought it worth mentioning.

We had a good weekend. Had family visit from Oregon on Saturday and we had a pool party at my grandparents house. They only live 15 minutes away so it's nice having Bay's great-grandparents close by. DH and I got a lot of quality time together too despite Bay being really upset by her teeth all weekend. I noticed yesterday her other central incisor is coming in too. So she has 2 teeth erupting at once!

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