Madrid- let me know how the amber necklace works out!
Kat- don't feel bad about being a 'crazy' mom lol We've all been there. I can go google crazy myself when I think something isn't normal with B. So glad G's napping without fussing now! As far as organic formulas go, I know Earth's Best makes them and so does Similac. If you want to be hardcore natural, you can make your own. I've seen recipes online

too much work for me, but some moms do it.
Hoping- tickle wars are fun

DH and I have them and look forward to B joining in on them. There's nothing sweeter than giggles from your LO
Fili- idk if that's a prego sign, but since you had to spend so much money, I hope it is! FX for you hun

My first sign was always period cramps but no period in sight and sore boobs and nipples!
Pad- welcome!!! Yes, more pics please! I recommend Dr Browns bottles too and also gripe water. It always helped when B had an upset tummy or gas.
MrsM- how do you like living in the boonies? Despite all the tech trouble, it's soo peaceful & pretty! We love it! When DH & I buy our first home we want to stay rural. We both grew up in the sticks so we think it'll be nice for Bay to run and play and explore like we did
Just- glad you got to get out with a friend and enjoy the nice weather
Afm, Bay has her 6 month appt today and her shots

I hope it isn't too painful for us (I think it's harder on me than her) I'm really anxious to see her weight. I think she's chunked up rather nicely! To give you ladies an idea of how rural we are, here's our house on google earth ( I blacked out the address since I was going to post it on the net) You can see we are pretty far out in the woods and our closest neighbor is a ways away lol