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Tuckie I've received it today and she's wearing it now. It's under her pyjamas so I don't think there's any risk plus it isn't long enough to hook up anywhere.
My friend was the one that used it first with her daughter as she was suffering a lot while teething & she told me that once she started wearing she got no problems whatsoever with the next teeth. We'll see how it goes!!
Good luck with the sleeping too!!!

Kat I'm a bit like yourselves!! I love my various apples :haha:
Tuckie- I was going to suggest Hughes Net but you said satellite is still too slow. At least you have your iPhone to get on BNB!

Fili- I really hope that this cycle is successful so you don’t have to keep shelling out that kind of money and plus waiting is just so hard with out the financial burden. I’ll have to go check out your journal

Just- yes, that is pretty much the gist of the Monsanto issue. I hate that they are putting small farmers out of business and basically bullying farmers that are still around into using their genetically modified seed. It makes me cringe to think what our food supply will be like if they do end up totally monopolizing our food. I first heard about them when the documentary Food Inc came out. Since then there have been other great documentations that have come out.

Have a good night everyone!
Hi All-

Just reporting some happy news. G napped in his swing with ZERO fussing today!!! I did our nap routine and plopped him in. I checked in every 5 min. He was still up for a bit, but then fell asleep on his own. I think it makes a huge difference that I am doing it and not DH, who he is used to napping on. I LOVE it. No fussing makes me feel good.

We almost went rushing into the Dr. again and this time the Dr. actually said to come in. Grey broke out in yet another body rash. This time there were matching ovals. But then it faded. I think he might be allergic to the egg yolk I fed him. Dr is calling me himself later. Spoke to the nurse 3 times today. That is 5 times in 2 days. Thank goodness I have a fantastic pediatric practice used to "concerned" parents. I told her, "I know I am crazy mom." Nurse said, "we do not use the term crazy. we use the term concerned." i cracked up. i did not bring grey in even though the dr said to because they had all gone away by that time.
they have parents that literally call every single day. i don't feel that crazy. just mildly crazy.

I assume you mean $1000 of your money, so way more than USD. Yikes, now I know why you are anxious. I think IVF here is very pricey, something like $10K or so, but I believe you get more than 1 try. i know you are not doing ivf, thank goodness for your piggy bank.

Wow, that is the boonies. No DSL? Yikes.

I have not introduced any formula. I set the goal of EBF for 6 months. I broke this a week ago with avocado and egg yolk, but am still not wanting to intro formula. First, I do not know what to get. I will soon because DH does the dream feed. I used to EASILY pump out 4 oz during my dental routine AFTER feeding Grey. Now my boobs do not seem to want to produce more than 3 oz. It seems to be getting lower and lower. I tried pumping after a different feed and could barely get anything out. My milk supply has adjusted to only what G eats. I hate pumping, so I might intro formula at 6 months. I want to feed G only organic for the 1st year at least, so I will have to research what organic formula is tolerable.

I realize I got distracted in my last message to you. Is Tim still able to do his side business with being a SAHD? Are you enjoying work or do you miss being at home? Love that they spend all day in the yard. Great that your paperwork is finalized with your surrogacy. So great!

I think IVF here is along that lines in price. FXed for them.
Fili, that is a lot of money each cycle isn't it. I can understand why you go down that route again though as it worked to bring you Lexi.
Like you say if it dosent work this month then you could always try naturally to fall pregnant but then what would happen with regards to them giving you medications? If I remember correctly you didn't really get an actual problem diagnosis such as blood clotting did you? So it sounds like they just throw everything at it to give you the best chance possible.

Anyways positive thinking that you will be successful this month x
Kat I'm not sure about the conversion to us dollars now but yes £1000 :-(. We couldn't do it every month obviously, makes me feel queasy... Youre not crazy kat, I would do the same, has to be done! Great news about zero fussing! Our marl-babies are being good ATM! :)

Just thanks hun yes that's exactly right. We will prob just continue on the steroids and aspirin and nothing else next month.

Amber necklaces - heard great things about them! Where do I get one from online?

Lexi settled well at 9pm and with the exception of one shout out she slept till 4am :wohoo: long may it continue. However sleep after that was dire!
Hey ladies!

Well I did it! I have graduated to you all from PARL! Wahoooooooooo!!

I have seen some have done an intro to themselves... but you all know me and my story already lol!

My lil miracle man Leo will be 6 wks tomorrow and now weighs in at a lovely 8lb 1 so he is getting lovely and big now after resembling a little sparrow when he was born at 5lb 13 bless him!

We have had some issues with colic and they seem to be mostly concentrated in the evening, but we have made some changes to help combat that which seem to be helping him.

He is just gorgeous ... I am so so lucky!

It is so lovely to see everyone over here! Has LeeC made it here yet with her gorgeous boy Morgan?
Pad!!! :yipee: congratulations Hun!! Can we have more pics!! He looks adorable in your avatar! :cloud9: :hi: Leo xxx Lee is too busy showing off her gorgeous boy on fb :rofl: ... Like I can talk!!!!

I am around 6dpo now and my stomach is all distended and swollen - do any of you ladies remember that as a very early symptom? I can't quite remember but I was such a fatty before I got pregnant anyway :haha: now I have lost stones I can really tell today. Also I am a bit crampy. Pmt or bfp!!?
Pad they do anti colic milk in boots (aptimil) I use the anti reflux one it's amazing she is never sick
Kat- I’m glad that the rash faded on its own. Your little guy sure keeps you on your toes. I can count on one hand the times I’ve called Penny’s pediatrician (Knock on wood it stays this way). Once I freaked out because I thought she had ring worm… I was Googling like a crazy person and almost ended in hysterics. I called the after hours doc at least 2 times for that one instance. We all just want to keep our babies safe.

Yeah, he does some work during her nap times or when I get home from work. Occasionally he will take Penny with him if a meeting comes up. I really miss being home with Penny but it will all work out in the long run.

Padbrat- it sounds like you are adjusting wonderfully to life with your little rainbow. Congrats!

Fili- FX that is a preggo symptom

AFM- we have seriously lucked out… Penny has been sleeping from 8pm to 9:30am for the past week! Tim doesn’t know what to do with him self now that he has an extra 2 hours in the morning. I really hope she continues this trend.

She has also started this thing where she will try to tickle me while I sing her bed time song and then we end up in a tickle war with her laughing like an adorable little maniac. I love it! As I tell her I love her and close her nursery door she is still giggling in her crib. It is the definitely the best way to end a long day.
Argh!! So much to catch up on. Welcome Pad, great to see you and Leo over here.
Fili, fingers crossed.
Kat, yay for the better sleep.
Tuckie, I have to rely on iMessage because I live in the boonies too and have no network coverage! But my iPhone uses my wifi so I can text people with iPhones and that's all.
Will catch up properly later.
Hi everyone...

Pad, its great to see you over here, I cant wait to see more pics of Leo, you need to show him off to us. We always thought that Emelia had colic aswell as she was so unsettled in the evenings. This started when she was about 6 or 7 weeks old she would cry from 6pm onwards until about midnight, it was hard. Anyways it ended up being reflux and she needed infant gaviscon in her evening bottles and it worked a treat, also I highly recommend the Dr. Brown bottles which help take the air out.

Hoping, that sounds just great to be laughing in hysterics like that with your little girl, aww I really cant wait for all of that! Your right, what better way to end a day.

Fili, its so hard to remember symptom spotting, implantation cramps were always a sign for me, fingers crossed tight.

Well, its been nice weather again here today so we had a lovely day at a park, me and Emelia and a friend with her little girl. I hoep we get more good weather to spend days like that.
Madrid- let me know how the amber necklace works out!

Kat- don't feel bad about being a 'crazy' mom lol We've all been there. I can go google crazy myself when I think something isn't normal with B. So glad G's napping without fussing now! As far as organic formulas go, I know Earth's Best makes them and so does Similac. If you want to be hardcore natural, you can make your own. I've seen recipes online :thumbup: too much work for me, but some moms do it.

Hoping- tickle wars are fun :) DH and I have them and look forward to B joining in on them. There's nothing sweeter than giggles from your LO :cloud9:

Fili- idk if that's a prego sign, but since you had to spend so much money, I hope it is! FX for you hun :) My first sign was always period cramps but no period in sight and sore boobs and nipples!

Pad- welcome!!! Yes, more pics please! I recommend Dr Browns bottles too and also gripe water. It always helped when B had an upset tummy or gas.

MrsM- how do you like living in the boonies? Despite all the tech trouble, it's soo peaceful & pretty! We love it! When DH & I buy our first home we want to stay rural. We both grew up in the sticks so we think it'll be nice for Bay to run and play and explore like we did :)

Just- glad you got to get out with a friend and enjoy the nice weather :)

Afm, Bay has her 6 month appt today and her shots :( I hope it isn't too painful for us (I think it's harder on me than her) I'm really anxious to see her weight. I think she's chunked up rather nicely! To give you ladies an idea of how rural we are, here's our house on google earth ( I blacked out the address since I was going to post it on the net) You can see we are pretty far out in the woods and our closest neighbor is a ways away lol
Wow Tuckie, you weren't kidding that you were out in the sticks haha, all of that forest! I guess it does have pros and cons at times.

I guess they do things differently over there with regards to injections at 6 months. Over here it is 2, 3 and 4 months they get them and then nothing until 12 months. Be sure to post what Bay weighs in at!

Kat, I meant to say aswell that its good there was nothing seriously wrong with Grey, I think anyone can get carried away with worry at times. Theres always something to obsess about.
Kat: Not sure what your pede recommends, but I was told no eggs, nuts, or honey until after 1 year old because the baby may develop a rash/allergy. You may want to delay feeding eggs again until after 12 months.
Pad: Most babies have a "witching hour" (aka 4-6 hours) in the evenings when they will cry for no reason. Might not be gas or colic, could just be Leo has a longer witching hour than most. :)
Fili: Crossing my fingers for you!
Tuckie: I'm not sure I could live that far away from a Walmart. LOL! I kid, I kid.

I'm trying to keep up reading! We're doing well here, settling in to a routine. Colton is growing and growing, already at 10lbs 14oz. He's almost outgrown all of the newborn diapers I bought, so mad! I only got 3 weeks or less out of them and I'll have to sell them. Oh well, trying to stock up my OS stash. Got some fluff mail today, made me so happy. Michael Miller fabric/minky diaper, Sesame Street diaper, and a Mario Brothers diaper. They are too cute!
Wow Tuckie that is remote! Ours is less remote in that we are 3 miles from the town, which is a small market town but there is a lot going on. The village we live in was bypassed some years ago and a little further back from our house is the main road from the motorway to the coast, but on the other side is miles of field and farmland. It's a traditional Yorkshire wolds village. Here is a picture of about half the village, our house is the white one you can see on the right. I love it, I left my sat nav on display in the car for two days and forgot to lock the car, but no danger of it being pinched, even though we live next door to a pub.
Just- A play date at the park sounds wonderful!

Tuckie- we have tickle wars too but mostly because Tim knows how much I hate to be tickled. You really do live out in no man’s land but I am sure it is gorgeous out there!

MrsMigg- Your village is so charming! I love it and your daughter looks darling in her white dress.
Lovely pic.

That is far from everyone else. No wonder you feel isolated without DH there. I think you prefer space to city from what I remember.

Congrats!!! he is perfect and so handsome. =)

So cute. Love tickle goodnights.

Then now say 6 months for eggs because they felt the delay was actually causing allergies based on the latest research out of Israel for peanuts. I pushed it by giving G eggs at 5.5 months. My ped was not pleased.
Good to hear Colton is thriving and chunky like my guy.

I am back to EBF. Even though my Dr is lovely, I am switching when I move. He is too old school for me. I need someone more alternative that understands us more and that wont try and talk me into giving vaccines I do not want to do. He is also the one that talked me into giving G food even though G did not want it and now I do think it is what caused the latest outbreak of rash.
MrsM- your village looks so cute! Great photo too! Love how the dog is looking back at you lol

Just- here the traditional vaccine schedule is 2, 4, & 6 months and then no more until 1 year. Some parents here do alternative schedules & do things differently. We're following the traditional vaccination schedule & I'm glad there's no more shots for 6 months now! It looks like yours aren't too different.

MM- the closest Walmart used to be an hour drive from here but they just built one in town a few years ago so now there's one 20 mins away lol You can't get too far from Walmarts in America..they're everywhere :haha: I do the same thing as you; I always load up on diapers and get the huge boxes to save money and then B outgrows them when I still have leftovers :dohh: I make her wear them anyway haha

Hoping- I've lost every tickle war with my DH. I'm a wimp lol

Kat- yes, I do love having space. I went to college in sacramento and it was too hectic for me, but I liked that there's always something to do in the city. It's nice to have a ped that is well matched to your parenting style. I don't know much about Bay's ped. He's always in & out. He's the only ped we could get though & it's still better than her seeing nurse practitioners who don't specialize in pediatrics. Do you or DH have food allergies? I can't remember.

Bay had an eventful day. She got her 6 month shots & her first tooth cut through! Not the whole tooth is there yet, but the top of her tooth is. I felt it when she bit my finger in the waiting room & i felt something sharp and upon further examination, I saw the little tooth! She weighs 15 lb 10.5 oz. & is now in the 15th percentile. Last time she was 11th percentile. She is slowly working her way up and her ped was pleased with her gains. I was SO pissed off at her appt though because her appt was supposed to be at 2:00, We didn't see the Dr until 3:00 and then the nurse came in with the shots at 3:30! Bay was super fussy and needed a nap before the damn shots even happened. I asked the nurse 'Are you guys behind schedule today or something?" She said reception screwed up and didn't check us in so 2 people cut in front of us :dohh: Entertaining a squirmy 6 month old for an hour and a half at the Drs is NO fun! DH got to come home last night and is working at the shop for he next few days so he's only an hour from home and gets to come home every night while he's working at the shop :D
Well done Penny!! Aww love the tickling story too :cloud9:
Mrs migg lovely photo as always. Love where you live :cloud9: I love Yorkshire I used to spend a lot of time in Thirsk and Harrogate cos of an old long term boyfriend - had some good times there!
Glad all is well with Bay at her check up Tuckie! Sounds likes she is doing well bless her
:hi: mighty mum Colton is doing well! It's annoying when they suddenly grow out of stuff isn't it!!
I am going away to Portugal for a week on Sunday which is why I might not post as often, I will try and tell you all if I get a bfp though... Def got crampy, tugging pressure where you might feel period pain and I am 5 days off my period being due yet.
Heart :hi: hope you and Delilah are doing well xxx

Lexi slept 9-4 but had to do an extra cluster feed as she was hungrier yesterday.

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