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Hi Pad, oh that sounds really good the baby cinema screening. There is a cinema in Glasgow Im sure that does that aswell, I've always thought that a good idea.
Its not the best that your husband works away so much but trust me you will get into such a good routine with yourself and Leo that you will be fine. My husband actually knocks us out of our routine at weekends when he is off haha. When we go out as a family together at weekends it seems harder to get us all ready and organised.
Baby swimming lessons is also meant to be fun. Im actually enjoying it this week having so many things on with other mums and babies especially when its coming into good weather. I'm never going to want to go back to work!
Fili - !!!!! omg Thank you for stopping by to share your awesome news!! Congrats hun! Hapy birthday.

Pad - Levi is almost 10 months but w took him to florida and England at 2.5/3 months and he was a dream to travel with. I think its easier when they are smaller, at least for him he adjusted very easily. Hoping things with hubs find a new rhythm soon. New babies are tough on even the strongest relationships but with effort and time you will find your way.

I can't wait to be posting about a bfp - but with all the travel Levi has been nursing a bunch and I am sure it's going to impact my already unpredictable cycle. I never was pre baby but I guess nursing can impact it for a long time. I can't take the meds I am going to take while nursing and wont put Levi in harms way of course so I think we might even wait until he is a year to start really trying so he can nurse all the way until he can drink regular milk. Not sure. I want to be pregnant but I don't want it to take something away from my baby boy - I wish I didn't have to worry and that we didn't need the drugs so that I could just try. The other thing is that the progesterone I am supposed to take a few days after i ovulate - which has been almost impossible to track because of flying and time changes as well as unpredictable nights so temping has been kind of a joke - and I have lost pregnancies on that anyway so I don't think that makes a dif for me, I think it is the other stuff that I take with a +pregnancy test. I might just try and take med if and when I get a positive and just stop nursing after may decisions...think i will order another cocktail and think them over by the pool. It's a hard life! :)

But I will say my friends wisdom to prepare that you don't take vacations with babies you take trips has saved us from crashing expectations of hours of rest and lounging etc. Its still work, just in a sunnier place. Its been good to come prepared for thet - she was not when she went on her first family vacation and it was a really rough time for her and her hubs. Thought I would pass it on to you ladies, to think about for when you pla vacations with your little ones.
Cgav just to quickly say me and hubs went through similar thing and now all is back to normal massive hugs xxx
Melfy- That is such great news about your scan! Congratulations :D

Cgav- the forgetting to breathe episodes sound scary! I would be terrified as well. I really hope your ped can shed some light and offer some suggestions. I think being through mcs does make us all more paranoid but now the stress of worrying about her breathing and then to top it off with some marriage issues seems to be contributing more to your anxiety. Your DH sound like a great dad. You are both getting used to your new normal and will find what works. Have you told him how much you miss the time you have together after the kids are asleep? Maybe you can make it a goal to set aside at least one day/evening where the two of you can be alone and reconnect?

Kat- that is awesome! G will be in big boy underwear before Penny. I’m glad the rash is gone too. Yay for AF

Just- good for you joining some mommy groups! I’m broody as well and can’t wait to get knocked up in August (FX)!

Fili- OMG! What an awesome birthday gift! Congrats and FX this one is extra sticky!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:Happy birthday!

Pad- I’m going to be a surrogate for a couple in NYC. Enjoy getting out and about with your little guy. I loved and still love to take Penny out with me. I think it is great you are getting him ready for swim lessons. I did it with Penny at the beginning of this year and she loved it. I’m sorry to hear your DH will be away a lot… I’m sure he is even sadder to be away from you and your adorable son.

Croy- so will you just NTNP until he is a year? How awesome would it be to have a surprise baby instead of having to work extra hard like we all did for our rainbows?! Enjoy lounging by the pool and sipping tasty beverages.

AFM- D called to say that we will be flying in Tuesday morning and then leaving Thursday afternoon! We will be staying in Manhattan and do some sight seeing with D &E. I am beyond excited and so is Tim:happydance:. We get along so well with the guys and have been video chatting weekly. We really did get matched with an amazing couple. I just wish we were doing the transfer sooner instead of waiting until August.

Penny has been a little dream besides the occasional eye roll when we ask for a kiss or tell her to do something:dohh:. She is definitely turning into a little girl and talking more every day. Before bed last night we went for a walk and splashed through puddles and then ate popcorn while we watched an episode of her favorite show, Mickey Mouse Club House.
Hi Ladies,
I made an oops. I did not mean to imply that G no longer needs diapers. He certainly does. I bought him underwear so that #1 his skin can breath more when he is at home and not naked and #2 I can know his timing post feed of when he pees. EC is going great though. I can predict the pees surrounding waking and feed as well as the 1st poop of the day. He is quite regular all of a sudden with 2 poops a day at semi-predictable time windows. You develop this sense of when he has to pee. Even DH can correctly predict during his 2 shifts a day. DH misses much more than me because he doesn't catch it in time even when he knows G has to go.

Babies do have sphincter control btw, they just lose it when they are conditioned to go in diapers and then relearn it when they are about 3. I know this because G was peeing, but I accidentally had his penis pointed out of the potty and it was getting on me, I jerked and G stopped peeing. I gently pushed him back while smiling and he proceeded to start peeing again... so clearly he stopped his pee stream. Plus when DH tries to put him on the potty chair when he needs to pee, it takes him a while to relax again to go.

Grey has also been sleeping very well with only one night waking in his crib!!! DH pats him down.

I cannot imagine doing it all myself. You are rocking it girl. I get upset when DH works full-time hours and misses putting G to bed at night. He has been basically home with me since before G was born and I need him.

Baby swim sounds fun. I am afraid with G's sensitive skin to put him in a pool just yet.


Thanks for the updates. I don't plan on taking a vacation for a long time. That is why we took the 1 month trip to Europe when I was pregnant.

I am so excited for you. I personally hate flying coast to coast, something I used to do frequently in a past life. Thank goodness you will be rewarded by some fun times in NYC. My sister lives in Manhattan in mid-town.

Definitely keep reaching out for support. I hope you don't feel like we were all giving your DH a pass. I understand that you have needs of connection. It's just easier to see from the outside looking in that there has been a huge, monumental shift and it takes time to get back into the groove. I would be devastated if DH and I were off for even a week, so I fully understand why you are frustrated and upset.

Hi everyone else!!!

kat - how do you make him pee in the potty? doesn't it shoot straight out? lol but true!
Fili- OMG! Congrats!!! :happydance:

Melfy- congrats to you too!!! Wonderful news! :happydance:

Cgav- B used to take pauses without breathing when she nursed as a newborn but only for a few secs. Maybe you should take her in to her ped just to be safe! I think it's normal to feel a little disconnect after having a baby. Especially if you have 2 other kids demandig attention too. I have to tell myself not to take it personally when DH comes home from work and tunes me out. Usually if I give him that time, he comes to me on his own when he's ready. If he had a bad day, I totally steer clear of him lol

Croy- "just a much work in a sunnier place" :haha: it's good you went with realistic expectations! I hope you are still finding ways to relax and enjoy yourself amidst all the work involved with caring for a LO while traveling!

Pad- what's the baby cinema? Just is right about getting into a routine. You totally will have a schedule soon & things get a bit easier after that.

Just- glad you're getting time with other moms & having fun! :)

Kat- Glad EC is going well! I can understand being worried about pool chemicals with G's sensitive skin. We have some areas up here that are natural mineral spring pools. I don't think SoCal has those but I could be mistaken. My mom and I swam in a pool like that in Calistoga and they had a natural hot spring jacuzzi at the resort too. It was sooo nice and we both noticed how soft our skin felt long as you don't mind the sulfur smell, it's quite nice! :haha: Anyways, it would be nice if G could go in a chemical free pool! B had her first dip in my grandparents pool over the weekend and she loved it!

Hoping- how nice that D & E are making sure you're being taken care of. The NYC sounds like a lot of fun and its so good you all get along so well :)

DH is back home for a day or two. It's good that he's home but he's pissed because he left the job because they told him they didn't have work for his crew :/ the subcontractors are running behind and they can't work until they're done with their part. DH wanted the hours so he's a bit annoyed with his disorganized company. He had to drive 3 hours there and back for one day of work! Grrr! I got a cute pic of DH and Bay in bed this morning & last night they fell asleep at the same time <3 I love them soo much!!! Baylyn is sleeping, DH is off getting the oil changed in our jeep, and I'm off to go post in my new parenting journal now :wave:
Girls, I'm writing from the salon! Aaron is watching Bay this afternoon and I'm getting pampered! Haven't had a pedi since I was pregnant. This is fantastic! :happydance:
Good for you!!! You deserve it. What cuties you have!

Put him far back in the potty chair and point that thing down. =)
Fili congrats!!!!!!!!! And happy birthday gorgeous lady!!!

Alfie is 9 months tomorrow and has finally cut his first tooth! I think more are on the way considering the pain he seems to be in! I'm back to work in 3 weeks :0(

Hi everyone! Catch up properly tomorrow x
Hi girls. Sorry I haven't been around. Seems I never have a spare moment to catch up. I've been skimming. Will try to read back this weekend. I have so much to comment on!

Fili, massive congrats. And Happy Birthday!

Will catch up soon. Promise. We're doing well. Sleeping through the night still. Gettig ready for her birthday in 18 days and getting ready for our summer vacation in a month.

Proper post coming soon. Xoxo
Amanda -I always love seeing you have posted, even if its just a quick hello! Makes me remember the PARL days! Glad to hear D is sleeping so well 0 gives me hope for Levi! I can't believe she is almost 1!!! Crazy!

I wanted to post a link to the blog I wrote about managing expectations when vacationing with a small child, it has a little of our trip experience so far and a few darling pics of Levi in the pool. I would love for you ladies to check it out if you have a moment.

Blog link

I will post another one at the end of our time with more pics and a "how we survived" post :)
Hi ladies,

Tuckie, I love your pictures, its so cute to see your family all sleep together.

Bumpy, at last a tooth has finally cut, hopefully the rest will follow quite quicly and give Alfie some relief..poor soul. A big sigh for you back to work soon, 9 months just flys by eh! Do you have child care arranged?
I know how quickly the past 7 months have went. Im really hoping to be off until January which will be 14 months but I will only know nearer the time how money is going as its crap being quite skint.

I went to look at a nursery the other day to hopefully get Emelia in two afternoons a week when I go back to work, it was a reality check for me that I will need to leave her, it was really lovely though!

Croy, I loved reading your blog and your pics are great, Levi is soo cute. Haha I imagine that a holiday with a baby is not as relaxing as your used to.

AFM, we're still just enjoying days out and about in the very rare warm Scottish weather. Off to another park today with my sister and niece. Tomorrow is to be a scorcher aswell so we're hoping to go a family day trip to a beach somewhere. Me, hubby, baby and dog.
Just - enjoy the beach, i love those fist days when the sun shines and you remember that there are seasons beyond winter!! I confess as much as I am loving Barbados because its time with my extended family too (my parents, brother, aunts uncles and some cousins are all here for my cousin's wedding) I would take sunshine-y Seattle days over this any day. I love where I live and when it is sunny there is truly no where I would rather be - especially because Levi sleeps better at home! haha

I am so glad you found a nursery you like. I was a nursery nurse for years before I moved to Seattle, and I know that the kids we looked after had such great care - it alwasy makes me mad when people talk bad about nursery. I know some are probably not that great but we took pride in taking the very best care of all the babies and kids we looked after and I am glad it sounds like you found a place with the same feel for Amelia. I am sure that helps a little with the transition back to work. But I am thinking of you because I know you will miss her too.

Cousins wedding is today and so far Levi (despite being up a bunch in the night) has eaten a good breakfast and gone down for a nap - perfect timing so we can get ready and leave as soon as he wakes up. I will post pics on the blog of him in the cute outfit he s wearing. My friend got it from Thailand for us so its super lightweight too which I know he will appreciate in the heat!

Happy Friday girls, chat soon!
DH and Zoe are napping on the couch, so now's a good time for an update. Z is not sleeping really well due to not being home, and it's really cold in her room so I have a feeling she wakes up because she's cold... She was wide awake at 4am last night, woke up at 7 to feed and then I took her to bed with me and we slept until 9:45!!! She's never done that before!!

Kat: I am really impressed with EC!!!!!! And Grey is so young too. Nicely done:thumbup: The heat can totally make a rash a lot worse, or just make one appear. It was really warm and humid last week, and Z had a little rash on her arms and back, and it went away when it cooled down.

Tuckie: I hate car shopping lol!! Have you tried a Hyundai? They're very reliable car, and they're not overpriced like Toyota and Honda. They're also pretty good on gas. Bay is getting so big!! She's adorable! And love the pictures!!! I don't have MS, but neither did I with DD so I'm not too worried.

Fili: MASSIVE CONGRATS!!!!! What a beautiful birthday gift!!! Stick baby stick!!! When do you have your first scan?

Hoping: So sorry about the diaper incident; the smell really stays doesn't it? A while ago we had an issue with our cat peeing and sometimes pooping on the bed but I tried this and the smell and stain on the mattress totally went away:
-in a spray-type container, mix 50/50 water and white vinegar, and spray on the stain. Wait for 10 minutes or so, and then put baking soda on it.
-now empty and rinse your container and put 1/4 cup of peroxide with a tablespoon of dishwasher soap (the kind you use to hand-wash dishes, NOT the dishwasher one). Spray on the stain and with a toothbrush rub it in. Wait for a good 10 minutes, than you can add a little more baking soda, and then let dry! Hopefully it will work and it shouldn't bleach your carpet at all.

Just: Enjoy the beach!!! Zoe has hair but it's blond so I still see her soft spot.

Croy: Enjoy your vacation!!!!:thumbup:

AFM...well I wanted to wait a little longer, but Zoe kept drinking more and more formula (she was up to 50 oz/day and was getting constipated because of it), so I started oatmeal 2 days ago. She loves it!! She is sitting well on her own, just needed a little towel because the high chair is just HUGE lol, she holds her head very well and moves forward to reach for the spoon. I figured at this point giver her so much formula was doing more harm than good because it's been going for over 3 weeks. Still no poo so maybe a bit of prune juice would help to clear things up? Or any good homemade remedy? In a few days we will slowly start veggies. I want to try avocado; it's such a wonderful food!!

I also took her to the swimming pool, and she LOVES it!!! She's all smiley, kicks her little legs in the water when you put her on her tummy, and just smiles when you dunk her!!! No fussing, so crying, just a very happy baby!!!


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Just popping on while I can! Melfy, Zoe is gorgeous! I love the image of her in the swimming pool :cloud9: I am 4 weeks 3 days today but I got a 2-3 on a CB digi and it panicked me a bit because with my 4th mc that happened (never tested at 4 wks 3 with Lexi) and my hcg levels were too high - an indication of a chromosomal abnormality like a trisomy which it ended up being. However my friend on here who none of you know because she was LTTC not RPL is now 20+ weeks pregnant :) and says she got a 2-3 on the Clearblue Digital tests at a similar time to me so that's made me feel much better. However I have not missed all this early pregnancy worrying over trivial things - that is definitely an argument against trying again so soon!! Does anyone else remember when they got 2-3's (I think in UK only?) Anyway to answer your question (lol) I will book in with my ob gyn when I am 7 weeks :) How are you feeling?

Tuckie beautiful pictures of Bay and your handsome man :cloud9: you are so blessed indeed!!

Sorry my post is selfish and disjointed I am just dipping in where I can as pages take ages to load!

Heart :hi: xxx

Croy I am finding it easy with Lexi on holiday but I think it will much harder when she is older??!

Kat I am going to look into EC when I get home alongside my revision about how to wean Lexi onto solids!
Love the blog and the cutie pie pics. Update us with wedding photos.

Hi Hon. So good to see you hear even for a quick hello. I cannot believe D is almost 1 year old!!! Time moves so quickly. Update us on what she is doing.

So cute! I can't believe she was drinking that much formula. I hope you do not mean she has not pooped in 3 weeks... I think you are referring to the 50oz of formula. That is a lot. Is she actually swallowing the oatmeal? G seems to swallow very little. I just went back to EBF for now. It's much easier for us and since he didn't seem to care about food, so be it.

I had to google squint, lol. British slang is unknown to me.
I keep thinking everyone is a SAHM because you all have such long mat leave compared to us.

Yay fo Alfie cutting his tooth.

Grey FINALLY slept through the night!!! I mean really STTN. From dream feed at 10pm-6:45AM!!! All on BM alone. DH and I were thrilled.

Another trip to the Dr. since G's butt pimple filled up for the third time, and the Dr. insisted we come in again. She took a one second look at it and determined it really is just a F***ing stubborn ass pimple:haha:. Pun intended. I could have bought a designer dress for how much this pimple has cost me. She promised me that she would not make us come in for it again. That is 2 doctors and 3 visits for this pimple.

Funny Side Note: I was telling the receptionist that, "I know we must seem crazy, but the Dr told us to come in both Monday and today." The receptionist replied, "You aren't crazy parents. Until you are coming in twice a day, you are doing okay." She said this in rhyme with a lot of flavor. I was shocked and said, "there are parents that come in twice a day?". She strongly affirmed Yes. No wonder they have such a beautiful and large Beverly Hills practice with separate wings for sick vs well visits and can charge and admin fee of $150-$300 per child just to be part of their practice.

His tummy rash is all but gone. It really was my awful, new mini washer. I have also switched him back into only organic, cotton clothing. Either way, his poor skin is on the mend. I have been using 1/4 the detergent that is recommended and then doing a 2nd wash in plain water. Can't wait for less than 2 weeks from now when we will be in our new home with a brand new, full size washer.
Fili: Great news on the clearblue!!!

Kat: I should have been more specific, the 3 week period was for the formula, she pooped 2-3 days ago but it was hard, although she didn't seem to be in pain. As for her oatmeal, she swallowed most of it, and just kept her mouth shut and turned away when she was done, and she had some milk after.
Melfy did you do a CB at any point?

Not with this one. With DD I did one at 4 1/2 weeks in the afternoon and got a 2-3, then got a 1-2 with FMU the next morning, which scared me, but it might have been my hcg levels being high and messing up with the indicator

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