DH and Zoe are napping on the couch, so now's a good time for an update. Z is not sleeping really well due to not being home, and it's really cold in her room so I have a feeling she wakes up because she's cold... She was wide awake at 4am last night, woke up at 7 to feed and then I took her to bed with me and we slept until 9:45!!! She's never done that before!!
Kat: I am really impressed with EC!!!!!! And Grey is so young too. Nicely done

The heat can totally make a rash a lot worse, or just make one appear. It was really warm and humid last week, and Z had a little rash on her arms and back, and it went away when it cooled down.
Tuckie: I hate car shopping lol!! Have you tried a Hyundai? They're very reliable car, and they're not overpriced like Toyota and Honda. They're also pretty good on gas. Bay is getting so big!! She's adorable! And love the pictures!!! I don't have MS, but neither did I with DD so I'm not too worried.
Fili: MASSIVE CONGRATS!!!!! What a beautiful birthday gift!!! Stick baby stick!!! When do you have your first scan?
Hoping: So sorry about the diaper incident; the smell really stays doesn't it? A while ago we had an issue with our cat peeing and sometimes pooping on the bed but I tried this and the smell and stain on the mattress totally went away:
-in a spray-type container, mix 50/50 water and white vinegar, and spray on the stain. Wait for 10 minutes or so, and then put baking soda on it.
-now empty and rinse your container and put 1/4 cup of peroxide with a tablespoon of dishwasher soap (the kind you use to hand-wash dishes, NOT the dishwasher one). Spray on the stain and with a toothbrush rub it in. Wait for a good 10 minutes, than you can add a little more baking soda, and then let dry! Hopefully it will work and it shouldn't bleach your carpet at all.
Just: Enjoy the beach!!! Zoe has hair but it's blond so I still see her soft spot.
Croy: Enjoy your vacation!!!!
AFM...well I wanted to wait a little longer, but Zoe kept drinking more and more formula (she was up to 50 oz/day and was getting constipated because of it), so I started oatmeal 2 days ago. She loves it!! She is sitting well on her own, just needed a little towel because the high chair is just HUGE lol, she holds her head very well and moves forward to reach for the spoon. I figured at this point giver her so much formula was doing more harm than good because it's been going for over 3 weeks. Still no poo so maybe a bit of prune juice would help to clear things up? Or any good homemade remedy? In a few days we will slowly start veggies. I want to try avocado; it's such a wonderful food!!
I also took her to the swimming pool, and she LOVES it!!! She's all smiley, kicks her little legs in the water when you put her on her tummy, and just smiles when you dunk her!!! No fussing, so crying, just a very happy baby!!!