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I think you'll be Chat Happy Tuckie.

I'm working hard to become B&B Elite! Almost there.
I NEVER eat meat (except seafood) and my iron stores are so good that the nurses commented on it while pregnant. Your sister must have not been eating properly as there are millions of healthy vegetarians around the world. I am not vegetarian, but to think it is not as healthy as eating meat seems strange to me. Most people think eating meat is not healthy. I think both ways of eating can be healthy if done properly.

As far as iron, veggie sources are much easier to absorb (from my understanding). Nuts/legumes have more than enough protein as do dairy products/eggs/soy. My only severely anemic GF was a big beef eater. It is interesting the different choices we make for our kids. I would think you, as a LT vegetarian, would be more apt than Amanda and me to raise their child veggie. I respect whatever you think is best for E.

Good to hear that the nursery is good and that you can call in.

I have not started to pack at all. We will start next Sunday. I plan on hiring someone to do most of it. It would be too stressful to do ourselves.

You most definitely are not a bad mom. It is bound to happen when the baby gets older, curious and more mobile. Thank goodness she is okay.

You girls had me a bit worried, so I googled. According to Kelly's mom:
Foods that are high in iron include:
winter squash
sweet potatoes
prune juice
meat & poultry (beef, beef & chicken liver, turkey, chicken)
sea vegetables (arame, dulse), algaes (spirulina), kelp
greens (spinach, chard, dandelion, beet, nettle, parsley, watercress)
yellow dock root
grains (millet, brown rice, amaranth, quinoa, breads with these grains)
blackstrap molasses (try adding a little to cereal or rice)
brewer’s yeast
dried beans (lima, lentils, kidney)
chili con carne with beans
egg yolks
grains (cooked cracked wheat, cornmeal, grits, farina, bran, breads with these grains)
dried fruit (figs, apricots, prunes, raisins)
meat (pork)
shellfish (clams, oysters, shrimp)
tuna, sardines
If you are nervous about peanuts, give it to D while in the parking lot of your Dr's office. That is DH's and my plan. We will do that the first several times. Luckily DH and I are both crazy parents. (He actually insists we do it while IN the waiting room of the new Dr's office).

Avocados will last a couple of weeks in the fridge. You can get them very green and keep them in the fridge, taking out 1 at a time to ripen. Even if they are almost ripe, they will keep min 2 weeks in the fridge. I do this all the time.

If you can get D on peanuts, take organic pb with you. It will last your whole trip and is nutritionally sound. Same with egg yolks.

I don't know if you caught it, but Grey has been standing while holding onto furniture for the last few weeks. He falls a lot, so I need to fully supervise.

You are missing out on seafood hon. The cape is the best for clam chowder and fish and chips. Yum!

That would have been so scary. I am sure your hubby was so scared.

I barely post compared to you Elite. This is my only thread.
Heart- we plan to introduce peanut stuff around 12 months also. I didn't know about the 2nd exposure thing. Good to know! Let us know how D does with them. I will keep trying to give her green veggies. Maybe she wants cheese on them like D lol I should be Chat Happy after this post then ;) You're crazy for not eating seafood there! It's sooo yummy!

Kat- glad you can hire someone to pack for you. The army movers pack everything and load it all. It's sooo much nicer than doing it yourself. Thanks for the list of iron rich foods.
I got Baylyn doing a couple "milk" signs on video. Watch her right hand :D

Here's a different one in case that one doesn't work...I'm not super tech savvy :haha:
That is incredible Tuckie!

Kat, that's also incredible that Grey is standing while holding on! I feel like Delilah just started doing that a month ago!

Girls, I'm originally from Massachusetts where seafood is king. I also grew up with my step-father who was from a coastal town in Spain. That's all they ever ate. Fish was a big deal in my house. I most definitely know what I'm missing and I'm fine with it. Even as a small child I never like seafood.

Just got into a lovely argument with DH about fooling around. I wanted to pump first and get it out of the way. He didn't want me to. We're at a standstill. So annoying.
How annoying Heart!!

Just realised that I am already Bnb Elite lol!

Kat that is incredible... and also that mushrooms have iron in I didn't know that.

Tuckie that's amazing!!! She's so clever. If I taught Lexi that I think she'd do it all the time!
I feel sorry for you Heart, him wanting sexy time while Delilah naps must be quite tedious. If Louis napped (which he doesn't) it would be quite low down my list of stuff to do. Certainly lower than having a nap myself, watching daytime tv, eating biscuits, ironing, hoovering and dusting :haha:
Haha mrsm I'm with you on that one!

Tuckie - wow that's clever! I hope your DH finds a new job soon. Glad bay is ok after her tumble.

Kat - I'm so pleased grey is now sttn it makes a huge difference doesn't it? So clever you are catching his pee and poop!

Heart - I think Delilah and Davies lexi look quite similar! Both beautiful! Anyone else think this?

Fili - I may have missed but do you have an early scan planned? Melfy fili nsn how are you all feeling?

In terms of work I'm a marketing mgr and my DH sis will have him 2 days a week and my mum will come to mine one day whilst I work at home. I'm greatful to be able to just work 3 days. Will be nice to be earning a bit of money again!
Bumps it will be great to earn money again I really miss that!! And it's great you've got your mum. Bumps I think you still need to be invited to the Facebook group UK BnB marls and parls meet up. I will try to invite you. I will do a couple of days a week supply teaching for 13 weeks if I stay successfully pregnant so I can get maternity allowance again.

Lol mrs migg I am the same!! I also prefer carefully folding up all of Lexi's washed and dried clothes to :sex: sad but true!

Bumps I'll go for a private scan again at 7 weeks. I need an expert expert to tell me this pregnancy is normal or not. I am going for my intralipid treatment tomorrow.

Lexi has lost a little weight since the last weigh in 2 weeks ago. She has never gone hungry but I stretched her feeding times to at least 3 hours (3-5 hours) and 8 through the night. She is so happy and active so I think this must mean I was over feeding her. She is still a diddy 6 or 7th percentile in length though. I can hardly believe this since I am 5'7'' and her daddy is 6'7''! My mum's family are all under 5 foot so I wonder if she is a genetic through back :shrug: She seems to be heading for dropping off the percentile chart for length though. If she gets any 'shorter' i'll visit the HV i think.
Hi ladies,

Heart, I was interested to read about you giving Delilah peanut butter. I was just talking about this last night with my husband. The other day I was making scrambled eggs for the dog and was going to give Emelia some and I couldn't bring myself to just incase she had a reaction to it. I had a look online and it seems really conflicting information as to when its safe to do it etc.

My husband is of the opinion that delaying these things and not giving them can actually cause allergies. I really want to try her with eggs and peanut butter but want my hubby to be there just incase. We don't have any food allergies thankfully.
But my cousin has a little boy at 4 and he has an egg allergy and his whole face swells up and can barely breathe, so it is obviously terrifying.

Kat, I like your idea of being close by to the hospital. It seems crazy to do this but I feel like doing the exact same.

Kat, I know what you mean when you say you'd think I would be the one that would be adamant on wanting Emelia vegetarian, that's what I meant aswell you would think I would be so set on it. I think my reasoning is because Im not vegetarian for moral reasons such as cruelty to animals etc , but just my personal choice that I hate meat and meat products.
I am so particular, Im full blown vegetarian and wont even eat gelatine in sweets etc. I know the ins and outs of most sweets and food products that I know what I can eat. Im not vegan but almost could be as I even hate the thought of products coming from animals. I can only have milk in cereal and could never drink a glass of it. I wont eat eggs by themselves, but obviously eat them in sponges/cakes etc.
I can only eat cheddar cheese as its from cows milk. The minute I see the mention of buffalo cheese/mozzarella that's me cant eat it or goats milk. Im so fussy and a nightmare when it comes to going to restaurants at times.

As much as its not for moral reasons and I never used to think of it as cruel etc. It actually made me think it is cruel when I watched a TV programme a few years back. It was called Kill it, cook it and eat it. Basically a factory line set up to see where your meat comes from.
They were taking in sheep/lambs and stunning them to death by putting these electrode things on their heads and it was awful to watch. Then they took pigs in and slit their throat and hung them upside down to bleed to death whilst their bodies were still twitching. It really disturbed me I have to say.

My husband is not vegetarian but can easily be put off meat if he thinks about it too much as we are both animal lovers. But he says he would die if he couldn't have steaks and chicken and fish.

But I sit on a leather couch and wear leather shoes and bags so I would have a cheek to preach to anyone.

Bumpy, that sounds ideal that you can work from home and have relatives to help watch Alfie.

Fili, it just shows you that because you are both so tall it dosent mean that Lexi is going to be, she will probably just be a dainty little girl or catch up. I think its when they are two that apparently you can predict what adult height they are going to be.
Just we feed Alfie eggs as long as they are well cooked through. He loves them and they are a great source of protein. I've heard the same as your husband about leaving things too long can cause allergies but I'm not sure if that's true. I would think of you have no allergies in your family it should be ok but obviously it's up to you. If you do try it leave it a few days before trying again in case of reaction.
Thanks Bumpy, I will try eggs in the next couple of days. I know they are good for you.
Tuckie, I've just watched your video, that really is amazing to see Bay using her right hand signal. Quite funny but Emelia stopped at attention when she heard another baby making noise, as though trying to figure out where it was coming from!

Just this week Emelia has been great at standing on her legs and sitting up by herself. She just wants to stand constantly and will not bend her legs. Her favourite is to stand and hold onto the couch. She's still not the best on her tummy and never going to be by this rate so Im hoping that she will even go straight to walking if not crawling. That's my mission to practice her on her legs all of the time. She is really getting too big for the bouncy chair now and that has been my lifesaver. She also likes in the walker and jumperoo still and rolling about the playmat.

She is such a wriggler and roller now. Two nights ago I heard activity on the baby monitor and went into her room, she had wriggled her way up to the top of the cot and was in amongst the soft toys chewing them so we had to move them all out of the cot. This morning I went in to find her back up at the top and chewing on the cot bumper. She has also started sleeping on her side which made me nervous at first but there is no stopping her. I figure she is big enough now to move herself if she gets into difficulty. God help me if she starts sleeping on her tummy like some of you have mentioned, I'll be a nervous wreck.

Just some pics now that she is 7 months old.
Aww she's just scrummy just I could eat her!! Is that white dress from boots? It looks like one lexi has :) xxx
Our APA changed their guidelines last year to introducing eggs and peanuts at 6 months, previously it was a year. They went by the newest studies out of Israel that show that waiting may increase allergies. My Dr thinks it is because the immune system is stronger at 1 year and recognizes the new stuff as bad. At 6 months the immune system is still new and is more able to accept. We were planning on waiting a year for everything, but because of the new studies will intro all starting today.
Yay for E getting so strong. She just doesn't want to crawl or roll. No biggie. She will move to walking.

Grey sleeps on his tummy in his crib. I was a nervous wreck at first and made DH spend the first several nights keeping an eye on him. He is fine. That is why the baby mattresses are so firm.

Brilliant it will be all family taking care of your sweet guy.

She is little. She will most likely grow tall later on. How are you feeling? When is your scan?

It's good you don't like seafood, saves you and Tim a fortune.

So cool!

Like the new photo. Sooo cute!

My little guy is 6 months old today! We will be doing our monthly photo shoot later on. I just spent 30 min rocking him down in his swing for a nap since DH is at a business meeting =(.

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