Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Fili - Hun pleaase dont panic - I have read so many time os the pregnancy test or ttc sights about those tests not being very accurate and everything being just fine. It all depends exactly when you conceived and rate of multiplication which can be 24-72 hours early on. Take a breath ,I am sure it will be fine.
But in answer to your question, no, I don't miss all the worrying. You and Melfy can go through it and when I (God willing) get there in a few months you can reassure me :)
Glad Lexi is being a good girl and you are enjoying vacation. Levi was a star traveler when we were in the UK nad Florida when he was smaller but now he is waling he is just into everything and the villa we are staying in is lovely but its not our home so I am feeling like I am constantly moving him away from stuff which brings on the tantrums - which by the way, no one warned me would start this flippin early! - and watching him wiht the pool etc as well as coping with the heat. Poor love. He is doing really well but not as easy as he is at home or day to day. Luckily we have family here to help us.

Kat - Sorry about the dumb ass pimple! What a drama, I wonder why the doc was insistent you went in? was he worried it was something bad? Glad its not but still. I'm excited for you for your move. Not just because it will help with all the washing stuff but because it is so nice to settle in and feel like you are making a place a home and you know you will be there for a long time.

melfy - how are you feeling hun, any sickness yet? Hope you are not too tired wither. Were you sick with Zoe? Im so curious for you and fili if you are feelingthe same way as with your little ladies or if you feel different this time.
I wanted to wait to start Levi on solids until 6 months but he was watching us and wanting our food at 4. I held off as long as I could but it was right before 5 months I relented and he did great. No spitting it out at all it went in and he knew what to do. Some kids just get it early an are ready early. He started with avocado mixed with breast milk and some sweet potato mixed with breastmilk which he loved.

afm - hubs and my dad and brother and a bunch of extended family went into the city to watch some charity football tournament with some semi famous ex premier league players. My mum and I stayed home to put Levi down and have some time together. Hes sleeping so its time for beans on toast for tea and lots of tea and a natter after that! The wedding was yesterday and it was lovely then off to the famous fish fry that happens on the docks on a friday night with market craft stalls and live music half and half locals and tourists it was so much fun but we pushed Levi. He was able to get good naps in in the day in between festivities and was a charmer at dinner but crashed as soon as we put him in his carseat!

Happy weekend ladies - talk soon
Croy: She spits some out but she's getting better at it; you can clearly see her tongue and mouth making some ''chewing'' motion. I gave her some prunes today for her constipation; the look on her face was priceless:haha: But it helped. It's actually easier to mix some with her oatmeal. Avocado is the next step! I'm doing okay, had a bit of MS this morning, but I'm mostly tired, just like I was with DD.
Thanks Croy :hugs: I looked back at my journal and I got a 2-3 at the same time with Lexi so panic over :dohh: I am stupid! I have the same symptoms as last time too (mild sickness at this point) but I think a little less tender boobs so far although I'm not sure as my journal says 'mild' boob pain. I've got cramping like I had with Lexi which I am pleased about. But as we all know ANYTHING can happen in this game. I will be grateful if this pregnancy works out but if not then I hope it's over quickly with no complications iykwim as fortunately I am obviously still getting chances quickly. I've def got pregnancy insomnia which is not tying in with when Lexi wakes up!! I loved your FB pictures it looks like a dream! I'm glad you had family there to help. I'm not looking forward to when Lexi is running around and into everything and maybe I won't be able to keep up!! When do you think you will try again? How long do you have to stop bf for to become pregnant again? xxx

Melfy my health visitor told me that constipation was only if the poo was like rabbits' droppings lol!!! And what do they look like exactly!!? I think she meant hard small balls and she reiterated that it was not the frequency of passing poo that indicated constipation (even if they didn't go for days) - I don't know if you know that already but just thought i'd mention as I thought Lexi was constipated all the time until I found that out.

Lexi seems to be demanding more and more milk does this mean she is ready for solids now? I have no idea how to wean and how much milk to give alongside and as you know I am trying to keep her weight gain steady since her length is so diddy. She has actually dropped to 6th percentile length now as she was 5 months yesterday.
Thanks Croy :hugs: I looked back at my journal and I got a 2-3 at the same time with Lexi so panic over :dohh: I am stupid! I have the same symptoms as last time too (mild sickness at this point) but I think a little less tender boobs so far although I'm not sure as my journal says 'mild' boob pain. I've got cramping like I had with Lexi which I am pleased about. But as we all know ANYTHING can happen in this game. I will be grateful if this pregnancy works out but if not then I hope it's over quickly with no complications iykwim as fortunately I am obviously still getting chances quickly. I've def got pregnancy insomnia which is not tying in with when Lexi wakes up!! I loved your FB pictures it looks like a dream! I'm glad you had family there to help. I'm not looking forward to when Lexi is running around and into everything and maybe I won't be able to keep up!! When do you think you will try again? How long do you have to stop bf for to become pregnant again? xxx

Melfy my health visitor told me that constipation was only if the poo was like rabbits' droppings lol!!! And what do they look like exactly!!? I think she meant hard small balls and she reiterated that it was not the frequency of passing poo that indicated constipation (even if they didn't go for days) - I don't know if you know that already but just thought i'd mention as I thought Lexi was constipated all the time until I found that out.

Lexi seems to be demanding more and more milk does this mean she is ready for solids now? I have no idea how to wean and how much milk to give alongside and as you know I am trying to keep her weight gain steady since her length is so diddy. She has actually dropped to 6th percentile length now as she was 5 months yesterday.
Hi all hope everyone is well. I read but struggle to have time to post.

Just a quick post for Fili I got a 2-3 at 14dpo / 4 weeks exactly. I'm sure all is fine chick xx
Fili: Yep her poo was exactly like rabbit's droppings. Little hard pebbles. The prunes helped a lot!! Yesterday it was back to a soft pasty look:thumbup: As for Lexi wanting more milk, it could only be a phase but if she's showing other signs of being ready then it's your decision. What do you want to start with? Cereal or veggie? We started with oatmeal, and she loves it. No rice cereal, because it has little nutritional value and would probably make her constipation even worse. We're trying avocado tomorrow!

2 nights ago Zoe only woke up twice so I was sooo happy and hopeful, but last night it was back to every 2-3 hours again:wacko: At 4am I asked her why she hates sleep, and of course she just gave me the biggest smile lol.
Am reading also but not much time to post seeing as Louis is crawling around and in to everything :haha:

Lets just say that this pregnancy dust has blown my way :dohh:

Got my two lines yesterday :wacko: :haha:

thank you honey i am so sorry i have been gone so long but im back to stay i having a working laptop im on top of my issues and im almost my old me xxx
Never!!! - Congrats hun!! Exciting times with all these new bubbas. I think its all of you with 4 month olds and younger who are back on the horse again so soon. I wonder if I left it too late now because Levi is into everything and as much as I am excited for another baby I a not sure how I will manage pregnancy and my busy boy...In God's time I guess. He knows what I can handle! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months, mama!

Jenny - SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!!!! I am glad to hear things are brighter for you. How is Kieran doing? I would love to see a recent picture of him. I just posted a link a page or so ago to my blog with some pics of Levi. I forgot they were so close in age! I am sure he is keeping you busy!
So I read back, but simply can’t respond to everything at this point. So I’ve arbitrarily picked page 222 to start my comments from.

Cgav, any news from the ped about Annabel’s breathing episodes? That’s really scary. We had some episodes when Delilah was in the NICU, but it was to be expected of a preemie. I hope they can shed some light. I do remember times when her breathing was erratic and the doctor said it was normal. How are things with your DH? Adding another child is going to throw you off in some way. Even if you were in a groove for the first two, you’ve never had 3 before. This is a completely different ball game. It’s no surprise to me that neither of you have a lot of time to put towards the marriage right now. My marriage was put to the test with just one baby. I can’t imagine having 3. I imagine with time you will both get back into your groove. It might just take a little longer this time.

Kat, I was wondering about your “oopsie” moment. Glad to hear that you feel relieved about AF showing. It’s really hard being home alone with them, isn’t it? When do you think you’ll really start trying again? I know a woman who did EC and got her baby potty trained at 9 months old! I’m always impressed with people who do EC. Keep it up! So cute about the peeing, stopping and starting again. I’m so happy you are getting such great sleep. It’s a game changer. Grrr to the butt pimple saga. And his sensitive skin. Poor baby.

Melfy, congrats on the heartbeat! Sorry about the constipation. We went through it when Delilah started solids. Pureed prunes mixed in with her oatmeal helped as did some prune juice. Now I give her 3 oz of pear juice mixed with 3 oz of water in a cup every day to help keep her regular. Zoe is beautiful. What a stunning smile!

Pad, how did the baby cinema go? It is really hard work being at home alone with them. I can empathize. It’s true though, you will find a groove with him. And then when you DH comes back, he’ll mess it all up! LOL! So glad you made it to this thread.

Amber, have fun in NY! How exciting that you get to hang out with the intended parents. August will be here before you know it. It might be better so you don’t have to be pregnant during the heat of the summer.

Croy, I agree with the statement of working in a sunnier place. That’s exactly what it was like for me in Florida. I didn’t feel overly relaxed, but it was nicer weather. I do think it will be more of a vacation when I go to Cape Cod this summer though as there will be lots of family to entertain Delilah and to keep me company. Most days at home it’s just the two of us all day. I just read your blog post. It’s all so true! So much to consider when traveling with them. Naps are my #1 priority. I’m pretty rigid about her getting them. I can’t imagine how hard it must be when you are in an unfamiliar place. Thanks for writing it. The only vacations I’m willing to take right now are to visit family so it can be as easy as possible. Lucky for us my mom lives in Florida during winters and Cape Cod during summers! The pics are beautiful. You don’t look sunburned at all. What kinds of solids did you feed him on the plane? Did you let him walk up and down the ailse? Delilah is still crawling. I don’t know how I’m going to do a 6 hour flight home from Cape Cod with her by myself. I need ideas.

Tuckie, those pics are gorgeous. Some people were commenting on teething (but you wrote about it on a page prior to 222 so I didn’t see it). It’s no fun though. In our case, it’s gotten easier and more predictable. Before Delilah cut teeth, she seemed to teethe forever. Now, she has a day or two of being fussy (including being up at night) and then she’s back to her sweet self who sleeps through the night. Sure enough, there’s always a tooth cutting through at the same time. We give her ibuprofen as it lasts 6 hours rather than Tylenol which lasts 3. You asked me about veggies. Delilah loves her food, including veggies. She prefers broccoli with some cheese on it, but she gobbles it up. She adores butternut squash and avocado. She loves fruit too, but honestly she could eat a plate of veggies and be happy.

Happy 9 months Alfie! Sorry you are going back to work Bumpy. I dread and look forward to the day.

Fili I know those tests are unreliable which is why they don’t sell them in the US. Glad you are feeling better about it all. Lexi might be going through a growth spurt rather than being ready for solids. You know she’s ready for solids when she shows an interest in watching you eat and when you spoon feed her, she doesn’t thrust the spoon back out at you with her tongue. You start weaning slowly. You still give her the same amount of milk at the beginning, and then once or twice a day, after her milk, you give her some solids. Usually only a tablespoon or so per feeding session. When she hits 9 months, you start feeding her 3 meals a day plus some snacks and can feed her milk after she eats solids. It is a bit confusing, I admit.

Andrea, I said it on your journal, I think you are crazy! But congrats babe!

Welcome back Jen! You look fab on FB. Great job on the weightloss.
Jodi, 2 weeks left until Delilah is 1! You have even less time. We’re doing a very small party. Just my dad, step-mom and Tim. I’m making her a sugar free cake. I just can’t give her sugar yet.

Hi everyone else!


AFM, we’re doing really well. She’s sleeping like a champ and is getting more teeth. She has 2 on the bottom and 2 on top and 2 more cutting through on top. She is getting into EVERYTHING right now. I’m constantly chasing her. She pulls herself up to standing and even lets go and can stand for 5-10 seconds on her own. She can crawl up stairs. Luckily we live in a one level house. She’s gobbling up food like nobody’s business. She had a massive growth spurt and gained 12 oz in 6 days. That’s a lot for a baby her age. Especially given how active she is. She’s still petite (not sure that she has quite hit 19lbs yet) but she’s growing quickly. I’m pretty sure she says mama discriminately now. She says hi. She waves at dogs, ceiling fans and her poop flushing down the toilet.

I’ve been making lots of food for her. I found a great website with awesome recipes. Lots of good finger food recipes, but also lots of good puree food ideas.

I just made her the veggie burgers and she loved them. I’m going to make her the veggie nuggets this week. I don’t eat meat and am struggling to give her any. Tim eats it and wants her to have it. I eat poultry occasionally, but that’s it. I will give her some chicken soon, but I really would rather not. And I don’t want her to eat beef at all. Tim agrees that we can wait on that. I’m hoping I can convince him to keep her beef free. I gag when I’m around it. I really can’t see myself preparing it for her.

Here’s another site I like for more basic recipes. She adores the sweet potato pancakes. They freeze well too.

I’ve been exercising like crazy and eating well. I’ve lost all of my baby weight plus some. I’m really proud of myself. Tim doesn’t want me to lose any more. I’m happy with where I am now.

That’s about it. I’ll post a few pics in a second. Will try to keep up more regularly. We’re always so busy that by the end of the day I’m exhausted and want to watch TV, read a book and go to sleep! The computer is the last thing I think about. But I think of all of you a lot and try to read when I can. xo
A few pics
Congrats Hon!!!

So good to hear from you. Wow, look at your big girl!!! What a cutie pie! Love that you are sleeping well and staying busy. I understand wanting to veg out. I have more free time than most of you SAHM, but I still feel exhausted at the end of the day.

DH and I agree that we are not feeding Grey any meat until he understands that it is an animal and he makes the choice to eat it. My GF's son is a vegetarian and was very upset that he was fed meat when he did not know what it is. He made her keep her 2nd child veggie until she could decide for herself. Her 2nd child LOVES meat, LOL. I will respect Grey's right to choose, but I will never prepare beef. Yuck! I do not prepare any meat of any kind. He will eat veggie at home.
Thanks Kat. I like that reasoning of letting the kid decide. I don't prepare any meat in my house either, but Tim does. I'd really like to avoid giving her poultry too. I only eat organic free range when I do, but I hate cooking it. I'm 99% veggie. I'd like her to be 100% until she can decide. I'll try that on Tim and see what he thinks. Of course we could never be vegan. We love cheese too much in our family! I just made her a grilled cheese and avocado and she's devouring it.

Are you feeding Grey solids yet?
Kat - I like that idea too. I just saw a darling video on FB and it made me wonder about how Levi will think about meat when he figure it out. I was vegetariam for a ecade but stopped when my job required lots of international travel and going into more remote places in the world where meat is considered an honor and you have to eat it or its an nsult. I didn't want my stomach to hinder any relationships so I gradually added it back so my stomach wouldn't react badly during a trip. I still cook a lot of meat free meals at home but we are by no means veggie. We bought an eighth of a cow last year so we know any beef we have is grassfed and as natural as possible but I still wonder. Here is the link, this little boy is darling

Amanda - Those pictures are so sweet I love the one with her and Tim making a face. She is just too sweet. On the plane I took some of the squeezable organic pouches. I havent tried them before but I got sweet ones I thought he would like, similar to combinations he has had. I pulled them out of my luggage to go through the scanner but they didn't say anything at all about them. In my bag I also had some cheerios and a nutrigrain type bar, some puffs and a banana too I think. Luckily, it was a night flight on the way down so we just had to feed him on the plane "breakfast" and I let him snack too distract but he doesn't usually snack much at all! Then while we were waiting for bags it was lunch time so I was glad to have the other pouch to feed him while we were waiting. On the way home I have more pouches. I found some gerber organic food here in Barbados which I have been giving him with his other food. Scrambled eggs, toast, bread with cream cheese. I bought some local pumpkin and okra and squash that I have prepped for him along with melons and bananas and fresh fish. I have had to lay down some of my organic only rules just for this trip. Lots of the local produce is farmed without chemicals anyway and its so fresh but I had to realise that for the couple of weeks we are here if he doesn't eat that way its not going to kill him. Thanks for the website, I want to check it out. I have loved the Tyler Florence start fresh book that has lots of family friendly recipes. I make one thing an we all it it. Awesome!

OMG I just got totally distracted and spent 45 minutes reading back on our PARL thread from early in our pregnancies. How far we have come!! I brought tears to my eyes. So thankful for wach of you ladies and the care and support you have given to me on this crazy journey!
We have not used protection this month but I am not sertain when i=I ovulated, I had some ewcm and a + opk last week but I think with the unfamiliar place and the heat and possibly a growth spurt thrown in there Lev has been nursing a lot. Not sure if that affected the egg release and haven't taken any more opks to see. I keep forgetting. So yesterday and today when I have had an upset stomach i am obsessing that it might be a pregnancy symptom. I think all the recent bfps are making me read way too much into it. I actually hope I am not (who would have though it!) because I want to have energy to get through the flight home and be able to nurse which if I am pg I wouldn't be able to do because I would be on meds. Might have to find a test over here (that should be interesting!) I would only be 7 dpo if the opk was right. The chances are so slim and I am torn between getting my hopes up and not wanting to know. I just want to be home and planning it out. I wish we had just waited so there was no possibility and I couldn't go reading things into any obscure feelings I was having. I don't want to take any chances if I am by not taking them meds but geesh I wish we had decided to actually take precautions last weekend. Is it weird to ask that you have crossed fingers for me not to be preggy this month? - now next month that 's a different story!! Ok, stressed and rambling now. Off to bed I'm pooped.
Croy I have everything crossed that you aren't preggers this month! How crazy would it be if you were? I haven't had AF yet, so I have no idea about my cycle. We had a night of unprotected sex and 2 weeks later I was feeling crampy. I took a test but luckily it was negative. I want to hear all about your adventures of finding a test if you decide to get one there!

I bought some pouches and have given her 2 to try and get the hang of. I'm definitely taking some on the plane. I was also thinking of Cheerios, those sweet potato pancakes I make, and a banana. We're traveling during the day so I need lots of food to keep her occupied.

I'm stressing about feeding her while we're gone. I know they sell organic in Kansas City and Cape Cod, but we're very spoiled with the quality of produce here in the Bay Area. I'm sure it's the same for you in Seattle. My mom said the avocados the stores are selling aren't very good and are expensive. My child could live on avocados alone. Like you, I'm most likely going to have to lower my standards a bit. I know it's not going to kill her, but I work really hard to put very healthy things into her body.

Reading back on the PARL and RMC threads for me always astound me. I sometimes still can't believe I'm a mother. Sometimes I think I'm an overworked babysitter and the mother will be coming to pick her up any time now! It's still surreal to me that I'm her mother. I'll always be her mother, no matter what. We have a bond that is the most special bond in both of our lives. It's amazing. I feel very lucky. There were so many dark moments. I didn't think I'd ever meet her. When I read back on those threads, I wish I could tell myself (and all of us) that it would be ok. Now look at us! Some of you nutters are already pregnant, trying for #2, talking about trying for #2, or in Andrea's case, having a second oopsie moment.
Oh Croy, thank you SO much for sharing that video! My eyes are all teary now. Absolutely beautiful!
So happy for you never!! Wow the journey for no 2 begins for nsn, fili and melfy (and maybe croy but fx for a bfn until next month!!!!) I couldn't imagine trying again right now but I'm very happy for you all.

Heart - what a big grown up girl!! Her bday plans found cute!

Croy - hope u are having fun on your vacy - Facebook pics look like you are having a great time.

Hi cazy, hi Jen welcome back!

Hi everyone else

Afm - we have 2 teeth appeared in 3 days! I thought this might happen as he has been in so much pain. Not looking forward to going back to work but I will have had a nice 10 months off and it's only 3 days a week and I should be able to work from home one of those days - could be worse. Jealous of all you SAhM though!
OMG BnB just ate a huge post I did to you all!!

Am now sulking! BAD BnB!

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