Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Heart- my aunt made a comment a few weeks ago (she has 5 kids!) after I said "the last thing I want to do after cleaning, cooking, washing bottles, & doing laundry all day is exercise!" She responded "No, the last thing you want to do after taking care of the house & kids all day, is have sex with your husband" LOL! The whole 'women seeing sex as a chore' thing is foreign to me. I've heard many friends say similar things & I don't really get it. I am usually in the mood whenever hubby is but if I weren't, he's never been pushy. Also, i have a high sex drive. My ex husband was never pushy about it either though. I have had friends tell me their DHs actually pout when they aren't in the mood for it. Pout?!? :shrug: Whats the big deal? They can always go "take care of themselves" iykwim! Men can be such babies! I understand not wanting to do it after taking care of a baby all day, being tired & everything else, but I don't understand the men that get pushy or pout over it! Anyways, I can see how you might have gotten burned out on seafood then :p that's how I am with football, etc. my dad was such a sports fanatic growing up, so now I can't watch sports at all! :haha: I would also love your recipes to save for later when B can eat less mushy food!

Bumpy- it's wonderful that you have family to watch over A while you work! So much easier than worrying about them with strangers.

Fili- B does do the milk sign a lot lol She does it when she's upset and she just wants the boob for comfort and isn't even hungry :dohh: Dont worry about lexis percentiles hun. I drive myself crazy over those numbers for months for nothing. She'll catch up :thumbup: congrats on all the good signs regarding your pregnancy!! :happydance:

Just- E is sooo cute! I love her little white dress! funny that she stopped and listened when she heard B on video :) yay for wiggling, rolling, & standing! B doesn't stand on anything by herself. She likes to stand when we hold her or in her jumperoo. Happy 7 months to E!

Kat- happy 6 months to G! Looking forward to seeing the latest pics :)

MrsM- tell DH to shell out for a swing! Or look for a used one? You can't have your baby napping on you all the time! You poor mama :hugs: I did notice my supply drop while on AF & just before :( I got AF again at 3.5 months! Even though I was EBFing! The supply drop is the other reason I started supplementing with formula. I saw ewcm about 12-14 days before AF arrived. I still notice it now too. My periods are less crampy now than before I had B but I feel O pain now and I never did before :shrug: Also, I have really irregular, long AFs since I'm still BFing...38-40 day cycles!

Croy- glad you're not stressing about being preg anymore. Lol @ hiding from your parents! Bet you felt like a sneaky teenager :haha:

Lee- welcome!!! Morgan is sooo cute! Love all the pics on FB :) I think the first 10-12 weeks were the hardest for us!

Afm, Aaron's boss convinced him to stay and give the company another chance. He was very apologetic and the company is paying for all the gas hubby wasted there & back & reimbursing him for the motel he had to stay in since no one let him in or answered their phones. He is going back to Indio but only for 2 weeks. The good news is they now know he will not put up with their disorganization and I think DH realized how valuable he is since the head honcho basically begged him not to quit :haha: the bad news is when he went to leave this morning, the jeep was making an awful sound and he turned around and came back home. His parents insisted they take their minivan that they rarely drive. That was really nice of them. They also have a truck so it'll be alright. So far the mechanics are quoting me $400...but I know it'll end up being more :( Oh well, shit happens! Bay has been pretty fussy the last couple days. I made the monumental mistake of not giving her her formula bedtime bottle and BFd her before bed instead and we slept so shitty. She woke up over & over from 4am-8am. I'm exhausted. I won't be skipping that bottle again!
Welcome and congrats on your sweet, miracle baby. Can't wait to see some pics.

Great news hon!!! I'm glad they are reimbursing him. He must be doing very good work. It still doesn't change that his company is superbly disorganized. Maybe they can move him up into management, so that he could organize. Also the bump in pay would be good for you both.
Kat- What handsome boys you've got there! You look fab as always and little G is sooo adorable! I want to eat his chubby arms!!! I wish DH could get promoted too! He has already been given a good evaluation and a nice raise after only 4 months with the company. I think that's a good sign, the only thing is the guys in management are much older than DH and have way more experience. Companies nowadays want so much experience and it doesn't seem to matter that they don't communicate and are super disorganized. Even though DH has less exp, I know he's more organized than his bosses are!

Fili- good you clarified :haha: I think I saw when I last stalked mrsm's journal that they are done now with the 2...?
Great news tuckie! Love the pics on fb of bay keep em coming she has the most beautiful smile!!

Just what a cutie - love her dress!

Happy 6 months grey - gone so fast! He looks so happy and smily too!

Fili yay to 3+ this is a keeper I'm sure! Will u find out what u are having this time?

Yay lee welcome over how are u finding mummy hood? Your little boy is stunning!!!! I really think MARL babies are just gorg! Our little present for waiting so long for them!

Hi croy, heart, mrsm, melfy and everyone else

Oooh heart those recipes sound delish.....yes please!!

Afm - Alfie is trying very hard to crawl don't think it will be long now although his fav thing is still to walk holding onto my fingers!! He's so much happier and sleeping well again now those 2 teethy pegs have popped through!
It's true Bumpy, they are extra gorgeous. Very scrummy indeed :)
I am loving all the BFPs.

Congrats NSN and Melfy too, delighted for all 3 of you.

Just/Kat. I have so many Morgan pics, I am sure I have bored everyone to tears on FB with my mamma mania for posting pics, so of course I'm happy to oblige on here.... I'll get some on later today.

Morgan has gone from 6lb 11 to 10lb 4 (weighed last Thurs) he has changed and grown so much already, I had a little cry packing his tiny baby clothes away, it's true, the time goes way too quickly with them.
Hi everyone,

Kat, lovely pics of Grey, he looks such a happy content little guy! He really is a mixture of you both as I think he is like your husband when I see the two together.

Tuckie, good news that your DH still has his job, and hopefully this is a wake up call for the company that people aren't going to put up with that s**t. That sucks about the car repair, its the one thing we all really depend on our cars but absolutely grudge forking out for them!

Hi Bumpy, good news that Alfie is a bit more settled after his teeth have broken through...probably until the next lot! Sounds like Alfie probably prefers on his feet to crawling, if he likes to walk with you holding his fingers that's a good thing!

Lee, They really do grow so quickly and its amazing how you don't even see them change until you look at pics. I was quite upset packing away all of the tiny baby clothes, it was like I was losing my little newborn baby. Just last week I opened up my little memorabilia box of the tiny baby grows and showed them to my husband and we were thinking how was she ever that size. That's when my husband said we'll need to have another one when you look at the super cute tiny clothes.

I've definitely lost my little baby and gained a little girl now who is a real character and in at everything all of a sudden. Trying to grab phones, remote controls, I-Pads, etc etc. She has developed a little temper I have to say aswell when you take something off her!
Aww Lee I know but that is a great weight gain and he will one day be a strong handsome man but you'll always be his mummy! :cloud9: he is such a beautiful little boy I still want to eat him!!!

Love your pics kat!! Grey is adorable and your man isn't bad either :rofl: and another gorgeous pic of you too :)

Lexi is still fitting into her 0-3 months clothes especially dresses! I've packed most of them away though now :-(
Kat - Happy 6 months to Grey! What a little chubber he is just adorable. Levi is starting to thin out now with all his moving/walking and I am missing his rolls :( You still look fab, you did even though you did even when Grey wasn't letting you get any sleep but it seems those long stretches have been kind to you too!

Fili - I love the pics of Lexi on FB, what a doll, she really is!!

Lee - Welcome!! So happy to see you and know that sweet Morgan is here! I am sure you are just loving every second. Hope you are feeling well and recovered. Morgan is gaining weight at a great rate. I still remember the tears I shed packing away Levi's first set of clothes. Now he's huge!
Here are a couple of pics from Levi's 10 month photo shoot - no pooh bear in this one because he didn't fit in our luggage and we took the pics on a lounger by the pool. Last one is with hubs. I just think it's cute.



Growing up so fast and getting more cheeky every month!
Hey all!
Am going to try and risk posting again and hope that bnb doesn't eat it all again! Still sulking lol!:dohh:

NSN and Fili and Mel I am so chuffed that you have your BFP's! How fantastic that the next wave of rainbows will be coming! Yes Fili... positive PMAPMAPMA!!!!:hugs:

Just how cute is Emelia in her little frock!

MrsM you must be shattered! I was against using dummies too, but my MW was round one day when Leo wouldn't settle and he was rooting... or so we thought. We were just about to feed him again when she told us not as he wasn't hungry, he was just looking for something to suck as it helps them to ease their wind. She suggested we try and dummy so we do, but only use it when he really really needs to sleep and can't settle on his own.

Awww look at G... 6 months old! What a handsome man he is too! Love the pic!

Croydon what a lovely blond boy you have! Love the pic with his Dad(?)!!

Tuckie I also love the pic of Bay with her Daddy! She looks so content!

Lee! My twinnie! Lovely to see you! Can't wait to see you and Morgan in person at the meet up when we all finally agree a date! Morgan is growing so well! Leo is still the smallest in our NCT class... even though he was the second born! Must get him weighed soon!

Heart! You are a domestic Goddess! I can never get organised enough to feeze food. Delilah is so gorgeous! Love the pic of her and Tim.. it actually made me laugh out loud!

Leo is doing well.. still a bit colicky on occasion and still perfectly petite! :cloud9: He goes to bed between 9.30-10.00pm and wakes between 2.30-3.30am and then usually every 4 hours from then. So we are really lucky he is such a good boy. Colief, Comfort Formula and a routine have been life savers for us... he loves a good routine it appears.. and his daily bath! LOL

He will be 2 month old tomorrow... he smiles as me and wraps his arms around me when I have him on my chest to wind him and it just makes me glow with love for him... no matter how tired I am. I cannot believe how lucky I am to have him. This pic is of Leo smiling his head off with his Papa (Grandad).. i love it!:flower:

Can I also echo that I believe our MARL babies are truly the most beautiful of all babies... ever...!!!:hugs:


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Look at that gorgeous blondie =). Oh, and DH is handsome too.

What a giant smile on your little cutie. Glad he is such a good sleeper, especially since I know you are on your own a lot.
Just a quick post while I'm giving Louis his bedtime feed. Lee and Pad, soooo good to see you both back. You are Very Naughty Girls for staying away so long! Anyone would think you'd both been busy! Lol! :winkwink: What gorgeous gorgeous boys you both have.
Fili - you can't kid me. You just put Lexis 0-3 clothes away to give you an excuse to go shopping :haha:
Kat, beautiful pictures of Grey and happy 6 months! In fact gorgeous pictures all round. Croy, I love that one of Levi and his dad too, they look so happy and it could almost be an advert!
Just - no I'm not pregnant! No chance sadly, though I would never cope with 3! I meant to say ages ago what a horrible shock it must have been for you when your OH hurt Emelias head and thank god she is ok.
Will catch up properly later. Here is a photo of my little smiler
And Edie giving him breakfast
Pad - Noe that's a smile to break your heart, so precious! And I totally agree that this thread of babies are particularly scrummy!

Bumpy - I liked your page. Ill have to get my mum to see it she lives in Croydon still, and I am sure she would be interested too.

Mrs M - Your little ones are gorge too! Love the stripy outfit on Louis

afm - we just went to the wildlife reserve here in Barbados and watched the monkeys being fed all around us, mummy monkeys with babies too such a delight! Levi was fascinated with them and even more with the huge tortoises that were walking around everywhere. He kept making this cute barking noise he makes when he sees a dog so I think he was a bit confused, but hey, he's only 10 months I guess he might never have seen a tortoise and that was the closest thing he knew to compare to. I.m hot and humid, hdh just got Levi down fo ra nap and i am headed to the pool to cool off.
Yay so pleased to see u here pad and lee!! Sounds like u are both loving being new mums!

Croy thanks for liking my page and happy 10 months to Levi!! He is so cute! Looks like his curls have dropped out a bit? Blondie!!!

Loving the pics everyone keep em coming!
What beautiful families on this MARL thread! I agree with Bumpy that rainbow babies are extra cute!!! :cloud9:

Bumpy- How cute that A walks holding your fingers :) I noticed B seemed better after her 2 teeth cut also :thumbup:

Just- Our LOs are growing up, aren't they? :( DH & I joke about how you can buy babies all these cool toys and they only want remotes and phones :dohh: LOL They do get quite the temper at times too!

Lee- I'm also obsessed with taking photos of Bay! :haha: I have sooo many between my digital camera and iPhone. Glad I'm not alone haha! Isn't it so sad when you have to pack away the clothes they've outgrown? :( I get emotional too! Fab weight gain for little Morgan :)

Pad- Love the pic with grandpa! He looks sooo happy :)

Croy- lovely pics of Levi! I agree with MrsM; that pic of Levi and your DH could be a magazine ad! The wildlife reserve sounds awesome :) look forward to more pics!

MrsM- love Louis' big ol smile! How nice of his big sis to help out! That must melt your heart <3 your children are beautiful!

Hopeful- LOL You mean about wanting sex? :haha:

Baylyn's Sophie teether finally came after a bunch of shipping issues because USPS won't deliver to our house. She seems to love it :) picking up the jeep in a couple hours. $446 later. Ouch. Oh well, gotta have safe transport for our precious cargo.

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