Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Lee and Fili,
Gorgeous shots. Fili, I like that you included some of just you without the baby. I forget that we are people outside of being moms too.

Sweet girl. I swear it is not as bad as you think it is. The stretchies don't look severe. I didn't know that belly buttons became misshapen, but I assume it will snap back. Try to be patient with yourself and trust that your DH is telling you the truth. I know you get zero help when DH is gone, but maybe you would feel better sneaking in a 10 min workout. PopSugar on Youtube has some good ones. That is what I do in a time crunch.

You're also younger than most of us. Younger girls are more prone to stretch marks because your skin is so tight.

I do think lighter girls do tend to gain more with pregnancy. Be easy on yourself too.

Just and Tuckie,
Grey has choked on Sophie's legs. He will gag sometimes. I never let him play with anything unsupervised, so it has not been a problem.

Thank you for the recipes.

Turning 36 tomorrow:cry:.
Hi ladies,

Fili, they are lovely pictures, I think Lexi must be a mixture of you both. It dosent jump out to me immediately who she looks like I have to say. Some babies I think immediately that they look like their mum or dad but I think most are just themselves as we say! She is really pretty, and dosent even look on the short side to me!

Emelia is like that aswell, I cant see her like any of us. People must see different things! Some say that she's my double with my eyes and some say her dads double with eyes etc. But our own parents cant see her like any of us.

Kat, happy birthday to you, I hope you have a lovely day. Don't dwell on turning 36, but I know what you mean the years seem to be flying by and you don't feel any different inside but the number keeps going up!
Kat I included pics of me and josh to see if you ladies could see us in Lexi - I don't have much of a life outside Lexi lol! Happy birthday! :cake: I was upset about turning 34 but then again I was also upset when I turned 32!

Thanks Just, I think she is a mixture too but sometimes I see loads of other family members in her even my grandad!!

Soooo tired and hungry atm these are all the symptoms I have. Boobs are a tiny bit sore. I wish I could feel more cramps!! I had lots of implantation cramps up to 4.3 but nothing since and I am 5.2 now I take it as a sign things are not growing but with Lexi I do remember them being off and on and maybe this time I don't have 2 placentas!!
Happy Birthday Kat!! I hope you can do some fun celebrating. Will you try and go out for dinner or something without Grey? Not sure if you have anyone close by you can trust to watch him for an hour or two. But whatever you do, I hope you feel truly celebrated.

Tuckie - I agree with the others, you stretchies really don't look that bad. I am sure its a change from what you are used to looking at though so I am sure its hard to make the adjustment in your mind. Glad DH is reassuring you though, you are beautiful. AND you had a baby - and she's beautiful too!

Fili - Glad to hear you are still feeling a bit uck! Hoping this is a single placenta sticky bean! When do you get a scan?

Ladies - I have to tell you nothing makes me more self conscious of all the baby weight I have yet to loose than spending the majority of the last week in a bikini...fortunately we have a pool at the villa so I have just been around family mostly but at the beach I have braved it a couple of times too. I gained just under 40lbs, and lost a bunch quickly but have been at the same weight, give or take for 6 months. I am more motivated than ever to loose it as we want to start trying again for number 2 and I would love to be a few lbs closer to my pre baby weight before. Still, with a busy boy on my hands and a busy schedule fitting in workouts is a bit of a joke. I am taking the summer off from school so I am hoping to allocate one of Levi's naps (when he takes them) to working out - the issue is that would mean not being able/being too vain to do anything before he naps because I couldn't be bothered to shower twice and I would want to wait and do it post work out. How/when do you ladies fit it in and what do you do with the baby? I am also interested in the stroller-cise classes that happen locally where you exercise with your baby in a group in the park. A friend does it and loves it - have any of you heard or done those classes?

I am excited to be home - we leave tomorrow night - I want to be back in my kitchen, and I am excited to try some of those recipes that Heart posted. Levi has been eating like a 15 year old boy this week and I swear he has grown since we have been here. I found dome great local orgainc produce that I roasted and steamed for him, but he has been snacking off of our plates out at restaurants too. I will be glad to be back home and in a place where I can have good things to feed him all the time - and good things fro me too. The fact that there is so much Cadbury chocolate everywhere here is not good for my waistline!
Croy weight gain is my nemesis especially on the steroids! You went on steroids didn't you? Will you again? Can you carry on bf'ing while ttc? I have gained a stone in 4 weeks I think! :nope: I will have a scan when I am 7 weeks so in about 1.5 weeks! NOT looking forward to it.
It has been a long time since I suffered as many of you have. I wanted to share my story to encourage those with many recurrent losses. Over the course of two years, I had seven miscarriages all before the 13th week. The doctors were unable to find anything to cause the miscarriages but went ahead and started me on progesterone suppositories and a baby aspirin. After the seventh Misc., I resigned my job as a teacher and after 4 months of planning to adopt became pregnant. With a careful eye from the doctors, and months of bedrest toward the end of pregnancy I was blessed with a baby girl. She is now 10. After 14 months I was again pregnant. This pregnancy was easy with no troubles at all. My now 8 year old son was born. They are both beautiful and healthy. May God Bless each of you and bring you comfort!
Thanks Anita, that is really reassuring for me since I am pregnant again after 4 early mc's and a beautiful baby daughter! I am 5 weeks and so hoping I don't mc again. It's amazing that you/we can have so many mc's and then go on to have 2 children no problem!! :shock: Anyway thank-you :hugs:

Ps I had a lot of for-the-sake-of-it-treatment like steroids, clexane and aspirin like I am on this time again.
Fili - yes, I did a low steroid dose. and no I can't bf once I start it but I don't take it until I get a bfp. That is the main reason I am glad we are not pg this month because I suddenly couldn't bare that my bfeeding time was ending. I knew it would be sad but i couldn't imagine it might have been the last time to nurse, and i kept worrying what Levi would feel about me refusing him when he wanted to snuggle and nurse. I think we will work at getting him to take a bottle during the day slowly and hope he will adjust so if we got pregnant in the next few months it wouldn't be as big of an adjustment. A big part of me just wants to wait until he is 1 so we can go straight to goats or cows milk...need to talk about it more with hubs...i just wish i didn't have to choose!

Anita - Thanks for the encouragement!!
hey girls finally got a min to myself pretty hard these days paul works alot at the moment but just secured a full time job with a regular income yay

so whats the gossip :D what i have missed there is loads to go back on

here is some pics of kieran now he is almost 10 months old xxx


:hi: Kieran! Wow 10 months already!! Love his flat cap too!!

Croy that's good that you only take them at bfp. Shehata had me take mine at ov and this other consultant has me taking them round the clock! Can you actually get pregnant though if you are still breast feeding? I don't know much about it at all but one of the reasons I stopped bf'ing at 3 weeks (hope you're not reading this mrs migg lol) was so that I could get my period back and my prolactin levels right down in time. I've been ttc since lexi was 3 months lol!! Might be worth researching? I might be totally wrong (does anyone else know anything about this) but I would hate for you to have a longer wait for bfp that you wanted although I get the impression you're NO WHERE near as desperate as me lol! I do know that you can get pregnant while bf'ing but something is telling me it's more difficult??? Not sure like I say. Xxx
Jenny- I just said, "wow" out loud, what a gorgeous boy!! 10 months, him and Levi are similar ages. So glad to hear about Pauls job, thats great news. Will his schedule settle down a bit or is the nature of the job quite long days?
I'm so glad to hear you are feeling brighter too. WE MISSED YOU!

Fili - yes, my dear, you can most certainly get pregnant when still bfeeding. (My friend with boys due less than 1 year apart can attest to that) but pretty because you don't know when you will get your cycle. She didn't have a period but caught before and just went from pregnant to bfeeding to pregnant. No AF. Once you get your period you can get pregnant anytime. I have had 3 periods - not regular though and that is probably because I am still nursing quite a bit. I said this in my last post but I am debating nursing him until he is 1 and then weaning so that we are not making him give up his boobs too abruptly. I was hoping he would just become less interested but not yet! I just love nursing too so i am reluctant to give it up too soon. We don't know if we will even have another baby so I don't want to waste what may be my only chance.
I think that giving up bfeeding for you was a good plan though because you wanted to get pg so quickly. It helps to get your period back and regular so in that way you did the best thing for your family! I think this is another sticky for you! You better watch out - you are turning into quite the fertile mertyl :)
Hi everyone,

Jenny its nice to see you back here. Kieran is so gorgeous, what a cute little face in that second picture aww.

Fili, I don't miss that symptom spotting at all, worrying about lack of cramps etc. I am also another that does get period like cramps quite regular at the start of a pregnancy so remember worrying when I didn't feel them. My best friend that just had her baby said she never had any cramping..ever! It really shows that everyones experiences are different.

Croy, Im really no expert at all but I also thought that was right what Fili said about breast feeding and ttc. I thought that acted like a contraceptive. Although I know that its not a 100% reliable method of stopping pregnancy.
I hope it dosent take you too long to conceive when you are actively trying again.

I keep swaying about how and when to start trying again for number 2. We have always been lucky to fall pregnant very quickly. Using my CBFM we fell pregnant the first time for the first two pregnancies (which resulted in miscarriage). Third time lucky for Emelia it took 3 months of trying. It worries me to think that it would take long and I really hope that we are lucky again.
I keep saying that Im going to start temping again just to check that I do ovulate and what day etc. it was always day 18 like clockwork. My periods are back to normal more or less although cycles are fluctuating between 28 and 32 days.
I have noticed that I don't get as much period cramps as I did before.

The fact that a few of you ladies are now pregnant again gives me reassurance that our bodies do return back to normal after pregnancy and can fall pregnant again!
Sorry Croy, just realised we cross posted and your obviously very clued up on that you can still breast feed and fall pregnant! That's a lesson for me!
Croy that's great also Neversaynever is pregnant again quickly and she is still breast feeding. I think you will get your bfp just when you want it! I am going to try to bf a bit longer with the second but tbh i found it pretty irritating - just irritating lol not even painful really - I remember feeling like I just wanted to be left alone so I'll probably give up again even with the best intentions! I think it's so lovely to keep going though and when I gave up bf'ing it was a emotional and I never thought it would be but poor Lexi got cold turkey! She didn't seem to mind though she took to the bottle and never looked back. Can you carry on bf'ing when you're actually pregnant? I know you mentioned steroids but maybe they would be ok too??
Just, no you're right the symptom spotting is terrible, it's terrible being early pregnant no two ways about it. Thanks Hun that's really reassuring. I will have a scan in 10 days so I'll know for sure then. But 10 more days of symptom spotting... Sigh. preg tests are lining up with Lexi's but wish my boobs were sore. Sigh!! Same old! Lol!! I had loads of implantation cramps from 3-4weeks then nothing up to now... Time will tell. If a duff I'll just try again :haha:
awww thanks :D yeah things will settle down when he starts but i have feeling he will still will work alot but not as much as just now cause hes abit like self employed at the mo so he has a new job in the new chanel store in new bond street so its a 40/50 hour week but i think its like 4 on 4 off something like that will find out next week xxx
Love the pics girls
Welcome back Jenny!
Happy bday kat!
Tuckie- I don't think it looks that bad and it will fade for sure, my line nigra is barely there now and I didn't think that would go away.
Glad to see pad and lee!
Reading some but busy, kids are trying to drop their second nap. I say too soon. So struggling with that now a little
Hi fili! She looks like u
Ladies, thanks for all the reassurance about my pp body issues :hugs:

Fili- you and DH are a very cute couple :) I think Lexi is a combination of both of you. I don't see just one of you.

Kat- happy birthday! :) no tears mama! You look great, you're healthy, & you have a beautiful son. 36 is young! What will you do to celebrate?

Croy- Good for you for rocking a bikini on the beach :) The stroller-cise class sounds interesting. I've never heard of it. I'm sure it'll be nice to be home again. I always miss our bed when we're away.

Jenny- he's so cute & so big! Love his smile! Yay for securing a FT job :thumbup:

Anita- thanks :) glad your 2nd pregnancy went well. That's reassuring to those of us that want another after our rainbows!

Just- when do you think you'll start ttc again?!? You'll probably have no problem getting preg again since you or preg so quickly in the past. I never had problems getting preg either, staying preg was our problem. I tried for 3 or 4 cycles after my first loss. I had my 2nd mc in Nov. 2011 and got my BFP in March 2012 and one of those cycles we missed, so it took 3 cycles of trying for B, like you with E. I think that's pretty good. I imagine trouble getting pregnant on top of recurrent mcs would be so hard. My old Dr even told me it was a good sign to conceive rather easily (when she was reassuring me after my 2nd mc).

Hopeful- thanks hun. Glad your LN has faded!

Baylyn has been a hand full the last couple days! I got that wonder leap app, that someone here mentioned, and she is in a 'gray' period on the chart. I hope this fussiness is just part of something developmental and she gets over it soon! Here's a video I posted on FB already today. We were trying to make a video at lunch to send to DH, but Bay just signed for milk during her whole meal :dohh:
I need to post my body pic then you'll all feel much better lol!

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