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I can't remember who was talking about resemblances in their babies, but I think there's a resemblance between Bay and MrsK's DD :)
Bay reminds me of Edie when she was a bubba! Bumps, I liked your page and I've noticed a couple of my friends have too.
Really MrsM? That's neat! I'll have to look for a baby pic of Edie. She's such a cutie! I love her hair :)
As promised here are a few pics, I have so many it's hard to choose.He has changed so much since then an I am def noticing a huge difference, even his hair is changing colour.


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Spinach gnocchi (not really gnocchi as there isn’t any potato)

• 10 ounces block frozen chopped spinach
• 1 cup whole milk ricotta cheese
• 2/3 cup parmesan cheese, plus 2 tbsp for sprinkling before serving. (This is a lot of parm which can be expensive. I did part parm and part Monterey jack cheese)
• 1 egg yolk
• 2 tablespoons flour, plus more for dusting your hands while rolling

1. Defrost the brick of frozen spinach (you can also do this in the microwave).
2. Squeeze ALL (and I mean ALL) of the water out of the spinach in small handfuls (I use my hands and do it over a bowl to make sure I don’t lose any spinach).
3. Place all of the ingredients in a food processor and pulse. You want to make sure the spinach is in tiny pieces and the mixture is thoroughly combined.
4. Dust your hands with a little flour so the mixture doesn’t stick to your hands.
5. Take 1 teaspoon of the spinach mixture and roll into tiny balls. Place on a plate covered with waxed paper or parchment.
6. Bring a large pot of water to a boil for cooking the gnocchi.
7. Add the gnocchi to the water in batches and cook for 3 minutes or until they rise to the surface.
8. Using a slotted spoon, remove the gnocchi to a plate or bowl.
9. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese, cool and serve.
*After step 5, place on sheet tray and freeze for 30 minutes. Transfer to a ziploc bag, label and freeze up to 4 months. When ready, thaw to room temperature and follow steps 6-9.

Veggie Burgers

• 1/2 cup bulgur wheat
• 1 cup water
• 1 15 oz can pinto beans, rinsed and drained (I used black beans and soaked and cooked dried ones as there is no salt that way).
• 1/2 cup monterey jack cheese, grated
• 1/2 cup carrot, grated
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
• 1 tablespoon oil

1. Place the bulgar wheat and water in a pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cover for 13 minutes.
2. After the bulgur has cooked, place in a bowl and let cool.
3. Place beans in a food processor and puree.
4. Add the pureed beans, cheese, carrot, salt, garlic and onion powder to cooked bulgur and mix thoroughly.
5. Form into patties.
6. Heat oil in a large saute pan over medium heat and cook the burgers for 3 minutes on each side.
7. Serve with accompaniments.
To Freeze: After forming patties and before cooking, place patties on a baking sheet in the freezer for 1 hour, then transfer to a zippered bag or other food-safe freezer container. Defrost in the refrigerator then follow recipe directions for cooking.

Veggie Nuggets

From the Wee-licious Cookbook. I found it online at

2 large russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 2-inch cubes
2 medium carrots, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
1 cup broccoli florets
1/2 cup frozen corn kernels, defrosted
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 large eggs, whisked
1 cup bread crumbs (I made my own whole wheat bread crumbs)
olive or canola oil cooking spray

1. Place the potatoes and carrots in a steamer pot over boiling water and steam for 15 minutes.
2. Add the broccoli and steam for 5 minutes.
3. Place the potatoes in a bowl and mash them. Place the corn, broccoli, and carrots in a food processor and pulse to finely chop.
4. Add the chopped vegetables, salt, garlic powder, and onion powder to the mashed potatoes and stir to incorporate.
5. Spread the mixture ½ inch thick on a baking sheet and freeze for 1 hour (no more than 1½ hours).
6. When you’re ready to make the nuggets, place the flour, eggs, and bread crumbs in three separate bowls, forming an assembly line.
7. Preheat the broiler and line a baking sheet with foil. Coat the foil with cooking spray.
8. Remove the pan from the freezer. Use a 1- to 2-inch-wide cookie cutter to cut out shapes from the potato mixture, or use a knife to cut into small squares. Gently coat the nuggets with the flour, then the egg, then the bread crumbs, and place on the baking sheet.
9. Lightly coat the nuggets with cooking spray. Broil for 2 minutes on each side, or until golden, keeping an eye on them so that they don’t burn. (You can also bake the nuggets at 450°F for 10 minutes.)
10. Serve with ketchup or mustard if desired.

To Freeze:

After step 8, place the breaded nuggets on a baking sheet and freeze for 30 minutes. Remove from the freezer, place in a zip-top bag, label, and freeze for up to 3 months. Makes 40 to 50 nuggets

Sweet Potato Pancakes

1 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted
1/2 cup cooked sweet potatoes, mashed (I poke holes in one and wrap in aluminum foil and bake at 400 degrees for an hour or until soft. I often do this a day or two before I make the pancakes. I use the rest of the sweet potato to give to her as finger food).
1 egg (or 2 egg yolks)
1/3 cup all-purpose flour (use graham flour for a nice taste.) (I split the 1/3 cup flour into part white and part whole wheat flour. I also add about 2 Tablespoons of wheat germ)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/3 cup milk (or more)

Mix sweet potatoes in a mixing bowl with egg. Stir in the flour, wheat germ and add the baking powder.
Add up to 1/3 cup of milk while stirring. Stir in 1 tbsp butter.
The mixture should have the consistency of thick, lumpy sauce like an "instant" pancake mix.
Place a non-stick or heavy iron skillet over medium heat on top of the stove and add 1/2 tsp butter.

Spoon batter into the skillet and cook until bubbles rise to the surface of the pancakes and break. Approx. 1 to 2 minutes.
Using a spatula, flip the pancakes and cook another 2 minutes.
Remove pancakes from the skillet and keep warm on a covered plate in the oven. Freezes Well.

*You can also add some cinnamon and steamed, diced apples to this mix to make it sweeter.
Hi everyone, lovely to see so many beautiful baby pics again.

Croy, Levi is just gorgeous, his hair his sooo blonde and just lovely. Yeah that's a really cute picture with his dad.

Pad, oh my god that little smiley face is just amazing, they just melt your heart when they are so happy and smiling, just wait till the laughing starts, its the best thing ever and you just cant get too stressed for long even on the hardest days! Leo is adoreable.

Lee, Morgan is beautiful, its unreal how they change when you look at pictures. It was the best advice that someone gave me when I was finishing up take as many pictures as possible and that's what I have done aswell.

Tuckie, is that a Sophie the giraffe you've bought? Emelia has one of them and loves it for chomping on.
Hi ladies, will properly post later. Wanted to get you all those recipes. Delilah doesn't like the veggie nuggets, but everything else she adores. It took her a few tries with the spinach balls, but now she gobbles them up!

Love all the rainbow pics! They are the most beautiful. I'll comment more on them later. Delilah and I are going to a place called Little Farm right now where there are cows, sheep, ducks, bunnies, and goats. You can feed them and pet them. We're going to have a little picnic too. It's summer weather here today.

More later. xo
Lee he's so gorgeous!

Heart thanks for the recipes they look yummy!

Sophie the giraffe is a big hit in our household too :0)
Lee- your boy is gorgeous! It's amazing how quickly they change! I marvel at how much B has changed in just 6 months! When she was first born, she looked exactly like DH & now she is starting to look more like me! I've heard parents say they'll go back & forth between looking like mom and dad for years :)

Speaking of which, Kat- I think G is looking more & more like your DH as he gets older

Just- yes, it's the giraffe. I got the so pure though (the white one) after reading hat some moms were concerned about LOs being able to choke on the long legs of the original Sophie. B really likes it! She fell asleep last night chewing on it :)

Heart- thank you so much for posting those recipes for us! We all know how busy you are so that's very kind of you to take the time to post those for us :) they look really good & I'll come on my laptop and c&p them into a doc for later :thumbup: the little farm sounds like fun! I bet D will love watching all the animals. Have fun :)

Afm, Having B sleep in her own sleeper has been a good thing. I can sleep however I like now and she only cries for a few mins or barely fusses and goes right out! :thumbup: I've been putting her in a rock n play sleeper right next to the bed so still kind of cosleeping but she's done really well. The transition out of our bed was easier than I expected. I read an article about post-baby bellies and how long it can take for the linea nigra and stretchies to fade & it made me feel better about my own. I also saw a slideshow of women's pp bellies at various times after birth and it showed all kinds. Some of the bellies looked perfect! Like they never even had a baby. Others looked downright awful and many were worse than mine. That also made me feel it could be worse iykwim. My stomach has really affected my body image. DH is very kind and always assures me he thinks I look good, etc. but it really has me depressed at times. I'm going to share a pic of what it looks like. I hope anyone here that is disappointed with their pp body will feel better after seeing mine :) it's hard for me seeing all these celebs with their damn six packs while they're holding a 4 month old! :haha: here's my 6 month pp, squishy, stretch mark covered belly, complete with a warped belly button, old piercing scar, linea nigra and all!

This is the article:

And the pp belly photos are at the bottom of this page:
That doesn't even show my csection scar either! I didn't show it because I need to shave :haha: gross!
DH is out of town...ain't nobody got time for that! LOL
Sorry MrsM, I didn't mean to forget to comment on Louis picture aswell, he is also so lovely and such a cheeky little grin. How cute Edie feeding him.

Tuckie, I am honestly not just saying it but I have seen much much worse post pregnancy stomachs with stretch marks! Yes you do have stretch marks but you also have your miracle girl and a husband who clearly loves you no matter what! It is unfortunate that you did end up getting them but I think its one of those unlucky draws, you just never know if your going to end up with them and have to accept that. Apparently it is genetic as to whether you develop them!
All the way through my pregnancy I kept saying to myself that its not the end of the world if I get them because its worth it and Im not a big belly exposer anyway, it dosent even bother me wearing bikinis on holiday anymore as Im happy to wear tankinis or really nice swimsuits you get these days!
I landed very lucky and didn't get any stretch marks but I do still have a very faint linea negra. It continues to get more faint but I can still see it!
I know what its like though, people can give you all of the reassurance in the world but if its something that really bothers you then only you can try to change that and get over it.

I may have escaped the stretch marks but seem to be the only one that put on 4 stone whilst pregnant because I was clearly a greedy pig! I used to make the excuse that it was because lighter people to begin with always put on more but now I realise that isn't true! I've now lost 3 stone but struggling with this last stone!

I didn't actually know you could get a pure white Sophie giraffe, I must google that. Also didn't realise babies were choking on the long legs, just like anything else I guess you need to supervise.
Just- thanks for your post. I have noticed the stretchies are starting to fade in some places already so I hope in another 6 months, they'll be all white. I gained over 40 lbs (almost 3 stones) so you're not the only one that gained quite a bit. was never much for showing off my tummy either but I don't like the way I look nude now. It's funny when I take B in the bathroom with me to shower and she sees me naked and makes this funny face lol it's pretty humbling!

I am grateful to have B and I wouldn't give her up for a nicer body in a million years! It still sucks though!
Just I put on 4 stone or more!!!!!! For being a greedy pig before and after but was on Roids too... I've put on weight already with this pregnancy :-(

Reading back whilst :cry: ing for no reason lol!!!
I am the proud owner of beautiful, glistening red stretch marks in a delightful pattern on my stomach :wacko:
Tuckie, its normal that you feel self conscious about it. you've got to love the expressions they pull. I also take Emelia into the bathroom whilst I shower and she sits in her bouncy chair just staring but I often think to myself what a sight for sore eyes I must be to her haha.

Fili, that's obviously just the hormones, all normal and a good sign though!

Thanks ladies for reassuring me on the weight gain too! It seems everyone that I speak to in "real life" only put on 2 stone maximum and I see the look on their face when I tell them I put on 4!
My stomach is like yours tuckie I will post a pic soon. I don't know what could be done about it :shrug: I think you are beautiful anyway and your hubs obviously does and that's the most important :hugs:

Heart thanks so much I have printed that out you're so good to us doing that xxxxx
Tuckie I am up to 2600 and odd photos of Lexi!!! Some of these are of Lexi on holiday a week ago and some taken yesterday. I have included a recent pic of me that doesn't show my double chin lol as I am interested to know if you think Lexi looks like me or Josh! It makes me so happy to think we are now sharing all our gorgeous rainbow babies with eachother when there was a time we thought we might never have them!! :cry::cloud9:


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A few more... The pic of me and josh together was taken 9 years ago!!! :shock: I just found it. The other pics are recent. I am on the right of the pics


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I will post a full body pic soon (need to get hubs to take it) and you will see how grim I look!!! As will I lol! I want to do something about it after number 2 but for now I don't think we should be too hard on ourselves - we have got gorge babies after all. It does bother me though :nope: xxx

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