Lee- your boy is gorgeous! It's amazing how quickly they change! I marvel at how much B has changed in just 6 months! When she was first born, she looked exactly like DH & now she is starting to look more like me! I've heard parents say they'll go back & forth between looking like mom and dad for years
Speaking of which, Kat- I think G is looking more & more like your DH as he gets older
Just- yes, it's the giraffe. I got the so pure though (the white one) after reading hat some moms were concerned about LOs being able to choke on the long legs of the original Sophie. B really likes it! She fell asleep last night chewing on it
Heart- thank you so much for posting those recipes for us! We all know how busy you are so that's very kind of you to take the time to post those for us

they look really good & I'll come on my laptop and c&p them into a doc for later

the little farm sounds like fun! I bet D will love watching all the animals. Have fun
Afm, Having B sleep in her own sleeper has been a good thing. I can sleep however I like now and she only cries for a few mins or barely fusses and goes right out!

I've been putting her in a rock n play sleeper right next to the bed so still kind of cosleeping but she's done really well. The transition out of our bed was easier than I expected. I read an article about post-baby bellies and how long it can take for the linea nigra and stretchies to fade & it made me feel better about my own. I also saw a slideshow of women's pp bellies at various times after birth and it showed all kinds. Some of the bellies looked perfect! Like they never even had a baby. Others looked downright awful and many were worse than mine. That also made me feel better...like it could be worse iykwim. My stomach has really affected my body image. DH is very kind and always assures me he thinks I look good, etc. but it really has me depressed at times. I'm going to share a pic of what it looks like. I hope anyone here that is disappointed with their pp body will feel better after seeing mine

it's hard for me seeing all these celebs with their damn six packs while they're holding a 4 month old!

here's my 6 month pp, squishy, stretch mark covered belly, complete with a warped belly button, old piercing scar, linea nigra and all!
This is the article: https://www.babycenter.com/0_your-p...-changed-and-how-to-tone-it_1152349.bc?page=1
And the pp belly photos are at the bottom of this page: https://www.babble.com/baby/what-our-post-baby-bellies-really-look-like/#amber