Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Tuckie, thank you for sharing. I think your stomach looks great! I liked that website with all the different bellies. It's time to reclaim our bodies after babies. Some of us will bounce back quickly, while some of us may need a little extra time. All of us will notice some sort of change in our bodies. It's only natural. We carried babies in our bodies! I read that Jessica Alba subscribes to a 1200 calorie diet about a month or so after giving birth. I also just read that she wore corsets to flatten her stomach after having her babies. Maybe this isn't true, but I tend to believe that celebrities do all sorts of crazy things to maintain their looks. They have to, or they are out of a job. It makes me sad to be honest. I would hate to have that kind of pressure. That website you shared showed that real women come in all shapes and sizes. Oh and Kat is right about stretch marks. The younger you are, the more prone you are to getting them (aside from genetics). Finally, something we old ladies have on you youngsters! LOL!

Kat, happy birthday gorgeous mama! If it makes you feel any better, I'll be 39 in less than 4 months. I hope you are being pampered.

Croy, so glad you are going home. Good luck on the flight back. I also wanted to ask you about cloth diapers and swimming. Did you use cloth or disposables? We'll be swimming a lot this summer and I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.

Jodi, I forgot to answer your question about defrosting. I usually take stuff out of the freezer in the morning and leave it in the fridge to thaw. But you can also do it in the microwave. I can't believe the kids are trying to drop their second nap! We finally dropped our 3rd nap a little over a month ago. Delilah lives for her second nap right now!

Jen, welcome back. Kieren is so gorgeous.

Sorry girls, I'm doing this from memory with a splitting headache. Woke up this morning feeling hungover in the worst way. The bad part is that I got 8 hours of sleep and haven't had a sip of alcohol since last weekend! And no, I'm not pregnant. Just a little burnt out I guess. Tim took Delilah for a walk so I'm catching up. I should go rest though. xo
Kim Kardashian had her baby. Tim will be so happy. She annoys him and he was so scared she was going to have her baby on Delilah's birthday! :rofl:
Thanks all for the birthday wishes everyone!!! DH says it is stupid to feel old when we are going to live at least another 50 years. What a waste of energy feeling old every year. He is absolutely right and I have a great life!!!

We went to our new neighborhood, walked around the pier and beach, ate lunch at the cheesecake factory with our angel baby and had a wonderful day. DH bought be a pink cruiser with pink fenders... just what I wanted. He also took care of Grey all day while I relaxed.

Heart and Tuckie,
Jessica Alba wore 2 corsets (yes 2) day and night and ate 1200 calories after pregnancy #2.
I'm a bit like Jessica Alba, apart from I don't wear any corsets and eat approx 1200 calories per hour
Kat, Heart. I'm 40 next month. I'm not exactly ecstatic about the fact but I'm not depressed. If I have to turn 40 I'm turning 40 in style. I was a big party girl in the 1990's and went to lots of festivals, lots of gigs and stayed up all night more than I should have done. So my party is celebrating that, with a playlist I have chosen myself of 90's music, but I have invited all my guests to choose a song, all from the 90's. an old friend who used to DJ at a famous local alternative club in the 90's is doing the music, people are invited to wear what they wore in the 90's, and my birthday present from my dad is a hog roast for the party and lots of my old friends from when I was in my 20's and lived near Cambridge are coming up for the night. One friend is flying over from Stockholm! For one night only I'm going back to my youth. Except I can't really because I can't leave Louis with anybody yet so it looks like it will be a fairly sober night and he will be coming along.
Kat that sounds like an awesome day and an awesome gift! When do you move to your new house?

Claire, I was a party girl in the 90's too. Sometimes I wish I had a child earlier in life. But other times I relish the fact that I really lived it up in my 20's and early 30's. Even if you can't leave Louis, you must have a drink or two. For the sake of being fabulously 40, you must do it.

Forgot to mention, I gave Delilah her second dose of peanut butter on Thursday. No reactions at all! And I also found out yesterday she isn't allergic to bee stings. Poor little love got stung right on her inner wrist while we were at the Little Farm and I had no cell service. I kept an eye on her and she's been fine. I think I'll roll her around in poison ivy and give her shellfish encrusted in walnuts tomorrow just to cover all of our bases in one week. (kidding)
Hahaha. I'm glad she is isn't allergic. We move on Thursday!!!

That sounds fabulous. Love it!

Grey was out and about from 8:30-2:30 with zero fussing! How times have changed. I felt so very blessed.
Kat it really does get better, doesn't it? I promised you it would. I'm so glad you had such a fun day. Wait until you are doing more solids. It gets even easier (in some ways). We love going to a restaurant with her, putting her in a high chair and feeding her while we eat. So much fun!
Haha Heart!! Latex too don't forget!
Kat, good luck with the move. Moving with a baby is hard but well worth the end result.
Kat, how are you managing packing for a move right now? I'm daunted by packing for vacation!

Claire, how did you do it with two?

Hmmm, how to introduce latex to her. All I can think of is latex condoms. That doesn't quite seem appropriate to let her play with!
To be honest Amanda it was tough. Mark did it pretty much on his own while I looked after the children which I didn't like as I wanted to be involved. On the actual moving day Mum took Edie to a show and I called on a very helpful neighbour to watch Louis for a little while. Then when we got in it was just a case of making a liveable space, sorting everyone's beds out and doing it bit by bit. It actually didn't take that long.
Tuckie your stomach looks great. Like Kat said its worse when you are young. I escaped stretchies but I can't shift the weight. Same with Edie I really hang on to it while I'm breast feeding. I am so damned hungry.
Happy birthday Kat sounds like you had a truly lovely and relaxing day! Good for you! Good luck with the move on Thursday!

Jen - so pleased u are back? How's Kieran?

Tuckie - thanks for sharing. You look great, you just had a baby a few months ago don't be hard on yourself! Loved the video!

Heart, hope u are feeling better.

Hi everyone else. My other half has been away with the Lads for the weekend and he also took the car so I've been stuck at home looking after Alfie and my parents came over for lunch yesterday so I had to cook. Managed 2 puddings though which is rare for me! Fun but exhausting!

Happy Father's Day to all our baby daddies xx
yeah he isnt bad we have some health issues he has been in hospital with breathing problems doctor thinks he has asthma as he went through bronchitis so he has a pump that i carry around all the time he also had surgery at the end of jan to have his tongue tie fixed but other than that he is a happy baby at times but i find he gets angry cause he cant crawl he doesnt like being in the position much he wants to stand up all the time which can be quiet difficult if your trying to get things done lol he has two teeth he says mummy daddy hiya yeah nana and ta im pretty chuffed with how he is going he loves food too but still tends to gag on certain things which can be scary he hasnt spent a night away from us yet but i think my mil may have both boys next weekend which is quiet scary for me i dont know how she will cope with him he can be demanding at times but i think he is going through a stage pauls also talked about having another baby but im not sure if i am ready or if its the right time as i am still overweight im about 10kg over weight so i want to sort that out and get healthy plus im 30 in a couple of months and id like just abit more time to do what i want to do like have a glass of wine you know xxx

Kat, it sounds like you had a lovely day! I had to google what a pink fender was, is it a bike? Some lovely images of pink bikes came up. If so it is lovely, it looks quite retro and vintage style!
I hope your move goes as smooth as possible on Thursday.

Tuckie, Bay is just the cutest in that video, Im loving her milk signing. Looks like she was enjoying her food aswell.

Hi Jenny, I was curious as to how you discovered that Kieran had tongue tie? I've never actually had a look at Emelia's and wondered if it would be quite evident.
It amazes me to think that possibly in 3 months that Emelia will be saying words just like you described.

I've never left Emelia with anyone overnight yet but we have two weddings in July so have our baby sitters organised to do overnights. My sister will watch her on the first one and my MIL on the second one.
Before she was born I thought to myself that I'd be more than happy to give her away overnights but since she's came along I've had to miss out on some nights out because of this. It hasn't bothered me really as I fugure that she is my responsibility and this is what you have to accept when you have a baby. Unfortunately my mum had a heart attack scare just when Emelia was born and ongoing problems so I've felt that she's not fit enough to watch her overnight as I know myself it is a big responsibility for someone and always checking that she is ok through the night and dealing with her when she wakes up etc.
But I now feel comfortable that she is old enough and will be absolutely fine away from home. So I think it will be good for us to get away ourselves to enjoy being a couple.

I had a panic this morning as my husband never came home since going to the Stone Roses concert yesterday in Glasgow. I had no text message or anything and his phone was unavailable. At 12 noon today I started a mission to find him texting around etc. Panic over when he phoned to apologise that he had fell asleep at someones house at 1am this morning and his phone battery had died. I was so worried and raging at him but he was so sorry about it and its never happened before so that's why I was so worried.
My mind started racing about him lying in a ditch somewhere with his phone stolen. I couldn't be angry for too long though as didn't want to ruin his first fathers day.
Kat - Sounds like you had a fab day - I'm so glad. How is packing going? I spent the morning packing up our villa and Levi was driving me nuts climbing in and out of the suitcases, then up onto one of the toilet seats when we turned our back for a second! I can't imagine trying to pack up and move a whole house. Saying a prayer for you guys for sure! I know it will feel great to get settled and put your own stamp on things. We have talked about moving but we have a few little things we want to do to our house to sell - outside painted, fence replaced, some inexpensive bathroom remodeling (replacing countertops/painting/new lino) We were going to do nice remodels in the bathrooms but now we are ot planning to sty we just need to brighten things up to appeal to buyers. Right now the bathrooms border on offensive! The housing market in Seattle right now is crazy - such a sellers market. Which would be great to sell but to buy in the ame time frame might be tricky. We have decided if we do get it ready to sell soon soon and the market is the same we would sell and then move in with my in-laws for a few months until we found a place we loved. We want this to be our "forever house" o we want to find something we love. Now I can drive its not a problem to be at the inlaws because i can drive everywhere i need to go. Still its a few months off and I will be taking tips from you for sure when we go!!

Heart - Sorry you aren't feeling good. I hope you can rest up and that your head feels better soon. We bought 2 iplay brand swim diapers which have worked great here. The comments about the diapers were that they were too small but if you look a t the weight not the age then it is fine. We had to get Levi 18 month ones I think because of the weight size, I just think their ages are off. So if you order them go by weight. They are snug on the legs but thats the point. Levi loved them and hasn't been uncomfortable. We got his swim suits at consignments sales. I got a Janie and Jack one which would have retailed for $39 for the shorts and $29 for the shirt (does anyone really pay those prices for kids swim wear?!) I got the set for $8. He had a couple of other sets that I picked up for $1.50 a piece too so when things got wet he could be changed. I also got him an iplay swim hat with great coverage - and 2 Old Navy sunhats which were just a few dollars each on sale. I love a bargain!!
I;m really looking froward to trying out your recipes.

Jenny - I can understand wanting to have a few months to yourself especially with K needing so much extra love and care with being sick. If I wasn't heading for 35 in September, I would not be wanting to get pregnant so soon. You have half a decade on me so you have time :) What a little talker you have!! I can't wait for Levi to say real words. What was his first word?

Fili- I have such a good feeling about your little bean!! Are you hoping for another girl or would you like a boy this time? I always thought that I would want a daughter if we got pregnant again but I have a sense if we do I will have another boy and I am feeling peace about that. I really would love a daughter but I don't see it happening. Maybe I would feel different if and when we get preggy?

Jodi - oh no on the nap dropping! Levi also just dropped his third nap a months or two ago and we wouldnt function without our second nap - -even though his naps are shorter, just 1.5hours. I am hoping when we get back to start to have a more consistent nap an bedtime routine so we are not ever rocking him or nursing him to sleep. He has to learn to settle himself, now standing up isn't such a novelty I am hoping he will figure it out. I have no classes so I have the whole summer to help him.

afm - almost all packed, enjoying a few last hours in the glorious Barbados sunshine before we head out. leci is napping but has been super grumpy and touchy this morning. Prayers and good thoughts for that to be over when he wakes up appreciated otherwise the flights will feel like forever!! Still no new teeth either which I fear may still be the issue...Tylenol is our pal today! Check in with you all from Seattle soon!
well i dont know if you remember i had problems with kieran and his positioning while bf when he was 16 days old he stopped breathing and was rushed to hospital he was ok thank god but it was discovered then he had tongue tie , his first word was dadda he doesnt say mum or mummy alot which makes me feel sad but hey cant force him lol im so glad i have got him he just makes my world so awesome lol , my eldest is a nightmare days he is good days he is bad im going grey lol xxx
Jenny, I cant remember about Kieran's breathing problems back when he was so young but that is very scary. Glad that the tongue tie was picked up on and rectified!
Haha I can imagine the kind of disappointment when they start to say daddy first! Still so cute though when they say first words!
He does sound a lovely little character, it sounds like your older boy is a handful just now, hopefully he'll grow out of it by the time Kieran is at that stage!
Reading back... Just caught your post croy thanks Hun, i want another girl tbh but I would be over the moon with a gorgeous little boy too of course (like Levi!)! I have a thing about lexi having a sister because I am so close to mine. I also love dollying her with dresses etc lol! But you know i will just be so grateful if I can have a sibling for her. The other thing I am worried about is that I love lexi soooooo much, everything about her (sometimes I cry with happiness all over her cos i can't believe she's mine and she's so lovely in every way) that i am concerned that number 2 won't match up and I'll struggle to bond! Is that crazy!! Anyway let's hope I even get a chance to have that worry. Also poor Levi with his teeth :-( makes me sad that he's in pain. I really hope that he's better for the flights,s ending thoughts and prayers your way. Xxx

Just i caught your post too. Omg you must have been beside yourself with worry!!! :hug: glad it all turned out but geeze....

Reading back
Jen I remember that :hugs: it must have been terrifying when he stopped breathing!! :shock: how come he doesn't say mummy is it because the sound is harder relating to Tongue tie (sorry I know nothing about Tongue tie) I'm sure it's not because he loves you less :hugs: and sorry your eldest is difficult ATM :hugs: xxx ps I am definitely missing the wine and having my body to myself being pregnant again so soon after but hopefully it will be worth it!
I thought I wanted another girl Fil, now my girl is heading for 4 and already raiding my make up bag and having a breakdown pretty much every morning about what I want to dress her in I am bloody thrilled that I have a boy this time. She wears me out.
Just - I would have been furious. Mark fell asleep in a hedge (I know) after a night out when Edie was 4 weeks old and it was snowing and he could have died of hypothermia and all you can think of is why weren't you thinking of us? And they probably were.
Talking of nights away you imagine it will be so much easier than it is. I planned my birthday party when I was pregnant and how naive of me, I imagined I would have a baby like Edie who sleeps for England. I thought I would find it no bother getting someone to have him for the night. I don't know why I thought that because I didn't leave Edie with anyone for years. I still never do. So it looks like Louis is coming to the party.
Jenny I hope the surgery for tongue tie goes ok.
haha mrs migg i can imagine re Edie and dresses lol!!

Lexi is sleeping through the night now 8pm till 7 or 8am - no night feed - but we still have to get up around 3/4 times to dummy push :dohh: not sure what to do about that as she loves her dummy to get her to sleep - then again, once she's tired she will go to sleep (with dummy) pretty sharpish so maybe she'd adjust to not having a dummy? Would feel bad taking it off her. She is such a happy baby, she rarely cries anymore she just chuckles and chats away to herself when left on her own and when we are out she smiles at everyone!! EVERYONE! She pulls her dummy out and holds it while smiling and then when the person has gone she puts in back in again and carries on sucking regardless. :rofl: She even smiles at dogs!!!

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