Heart- Lol @ rolling your baby in everything allergenic

I think Jessica alba must not have been BFing on 1200 cals a day! I bet celebs just buy BM so they don't have to ruin their perfect boobies! I like what you said about reclaiming our bodies. I sometimes get that hangover feeling when I'm dehydrated! Sucks to feel like that when you didn't even drink though!
MrsM- your 90s bash sounds awesome! Don't forget some Spice Girls on your playlist and your platform sneakers

(yes, I had a pair in jr. high

) lol @ Edie having meltdowns over her outfits! I remember doing that to my mom...paybacks are ahead I suppose.
Kat- yay for a great BDay!

I assumed by pink cruiser, you meant a beach cruiser bike? I'll bet it's cute! Isn't it nice to take the baby out and not fuss?!? Bay was a perfect angel when I visited my girlfriend in Tahoe a couple weeks ago & we were out & about all day! Your DH is so right about not fretting over another year! 2 corsets?!?
Bumpy- Being stuck at home with the baby and no car is the pits, isn't it? I hope your DH had a nice time though. Men need their male bonding time just as we do with other women!
Just- yay for 2 weddings away for you and DH next month

Sorry your DH did that but it's good he was sorry. I would have been worried sick and fuming mad too! That swing looks awesome & E is so cute in it!
Jenny- I've heard they say dada before mama because its easier. Maybe more so with the tongue tie? My nephew had to have his cut and he is doing fine
Fili- don't worry about not bonding with your 2nd as much. Your heart has a huge capacity for love. It's like thinking you'd love DH less cause you love Lexi so much! You will love them all SO much & your heart has plenty of room for #2!
Croy- glad you're home safe! Sorry Levi had a rough time on your flight :/
Wookie- welcome to marl! :wave: you should post some photos of Hannah! She looks so cute in your avatar

Baylyn loves the pool as long as I don't put her in above her belly button
Hoping- your zoo trip sounds fun! I already posted in your journal about the NY trip & fathers day pics, so I won't repeat here! I loved your b&w photo of Tim & Penny on FB. So precious
Afm, we had a bittersweet Father's Day here. DH is still working out of town so didn't get to celebrate his first Father's Day at home

but, I did a photo shoot for him and made him a video & told him to pick his favs and I'm going to print and frame them. I also bought him a small, vintage beer stein painted with a little cabin, mountains, a moose & trees. It reminded me of him. He adored the photos of Baylyn and the stein will be a surprise when he gets home

here's a couple shots from our photo shoot! I am posting more in my journal if you want to see a bunch