Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Bumps glad your meal went well and it's frustrating not to have a car isn't it?
Hi ladies,

MrsM, that's the thing about drunken states, how you can fall asleep anywhere! I mean in a hedge in the snow, oh my god!
Oh yes I was raging but when he got home he was so apologetic and so annoyed at himself and know he'd done wrong! We would have had a major fall out if he thought nothing of it! I said to him that I can absolutely imagine what he would be like if I done that! I have a night out with my friends next Saturday and may just have to return the favour...only kidding!

Your party plans sound great fun, you've got to love it how you had it all planned out whilst pregnant and now it wont be happening quite the way you thought.
My niece is also 4 and the minute she comes into my house she is straight up to my make up bag and wanting everything on and her nails painted etc. I laugh to myself when I think that Emelia is no doubt going to be the exact same.

Fili, I think that's natural how you feel about will you be able to love another baby just as much as Lexi. Of course you know you will!
I often think that about Emelia and how amazing she is and I tell her theres no baby like her (I know we're all biased).
Morning girls - Just wanted to let you know we made it home. Levi slept 50 minutes of our 3.5 hours flight but was playful and making friends all over the plane, the 6hour flight from Miami started rough - he took down his bottle and was so tired because it was already almost 3 hours after bedtime but he was overtired and teeth were bugging him and of course I forgot to pack the syringe for the baby tylenol in my carry on!! so we had nothing to sooth him. He would almost fall asleep and then pop right back awake. In the end hubs stood and rocked him. We got an empty middle seat on both flights (praise the Lord) so he could lay scrunched up on is belly and sleep and after about 30-40minutes he ws out. He woke a couple of time and I nursed him back in seconds.
He slept a few hours once we got home - but onle a few. Hes napping now and I am going to join him.
Just wanted to thank you for your thoughts and prayers and let you know. we made it!! We will be adjusting over the next few days. Happy to be home!
Croy, glad your all home safe and back to your home comforts. Its always good to be back to your own bed!
Just a wee quick picture of Emelia in her new garden swing, she loved it

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Haha love that just! She loves it!!

Croy that's great news so pleased it could have been so stressful!!
Hey, may I join you ladies? I was the world's worst contributor/reader in the PARL, but, I'll seriously try to be better in here! LOL!

Hannah Elizabeth was born March 12, at 11:41, via planned C-section due to a marginal placenta previa that just wouldn't move up. She was born at 39 weeks 2 days gestation, and was 6 lbs. 11 oz, and was 20 inches long. Surgery wasn't awful - it was a beautiful birth, honestly. I have posted the video of the entire thing (minus any gore) over in my parenting journal, if anyone would like to take a gander. Recovery was well...not so amazing, but we got by. :)

Anyway, Hannah will be 3 1/2 months old tomorrow...where's the time going? My little baby is definitely getting bigger! I am enjoying every second of raising our rainbow baby, and have never loved anyone so much in all of my life. I return to work (I teach) in mid-August, and am positively DREADING the idea of leaving her with her grandparents each day, although they're great, and love her so much.
Oh, I should mention that I am WTT for #2. Once Hannah turns a year old (next March), we're going to try for just one more child...the clock is ticking (I'll almost be 36 by then), and we need to get on it if we're going to try to make it happen.

But honestly, Hannah's such a blessing and miracle to us, that if we're intended to just have one child, then so be it...we are just so stinkin' lucky with her! :cloud9:
Come on over wooks!!! You're always welcome here and Hannah is a little doll!! :cloud9:
I really enjoyed seeing all the baby pictures! These little ones get cuter and cuter every day.

Congrats to all the newly arrived Rainbow babies!:cloud9:

Kat- Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful day and got a great present too. Good luck with the move.

Amanda- thanks for posting those recipes! I hope you aren’t coming down with anything. Feel better soon!

Jenny- I said it on the Disco thread but congrats again to Paul for getting a FT job:thumbup:. Hopefully it will make things easier on you. I saw the 30 Day Shred picture you posted a week or two a go and you are making awesome progress. It’s exciting you are thinking about #3!

Croy- have a safe trip home!

Fili- I agree… one of each would be great (he would be a mommy’s boy) but having a sister would be wonderful too. I love having a girl and tbh we would have definitely tried for another by now if we had a boy first. Everyone tells me that they worried about bonding with the 2nd but once the baby arrived their hearts just expanded and they can’t even think of what life would be like without both of them.

MrsMig- I had to giggle at Edie raiding your makeup bag and having meltdowns because Penny does this too! Little girls can be such drama queens but there is never a dull moment.

Your party sounds amazing! You must post pictures!

Just- I would have had the same reaction if my DH didn’t come home. If he is even 15 minutes late without texting I go into worst case scenario overdrive. I hope he makes it up to you.

Wooky- Congrats on your gorgeous girl!!!

Hi to everyone else I missed! This thread moves fast!

AFM- we had an exciting whirl wind trip to NYC for the surrogacy last week. We had such a wonderful time bonding with E & D and exploring the city. We will go back for 5 days in September for the transfer. I was really hoping for August but D will be in Boston for 2 months. Full details are in my journal if you are interested.

We had a lovely Father’s Day yesterday. We woke Tim with fresh coffee, banana and pumpkin bread. Once breakfast was done we spend 5 hours exploring the Denver zoo with some of his old friends. Penny had a blast and would stand by the exhibits waiving to everyone, giving high fives and shaking hands:haha:. For dinner I surprised him with his favorite, vegetarian lasagna, and we made cocktails and watch True Blood.

Here is one of the gifts Penny and I gave him:


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Hi Wookie, congratulations of the birth of Hannah, I remember you from over in PARL. I think it was your avatar I remember more than anything haha!
Hannah is indeed a little doll looking at that picture. Oh that's not so good about going back to work in August but hopefully the thought of it is worse than what it will actually be. Its scary though how fast time is going by.

Hoping, Im glad you've had a lovely time in New York and get on so well with the couple. Sigh..tha t its now September for you to wait as Im sure your very excited to start the process.
A trip to Denver zoo sounds just lovely! What a gorgeous picture of Penny for fathers day.

Fili, Emelia is loving her swing, it was a great buy from Argos!
Love your pics of Lexi, Fili! What a little doll!!!

And Emelia is precious in that swing!

I just purchase one of those el cheapo plastic wading pools for Hannah and a floatie. I'm going to try it out with her tomorrow...I'll be sure to report if the first time is fun, or a flaming nightmare. LOL!!! It can go either way with a 3 month-old, I suspect.
Yeah. Think the sooner you get them used to things though the better maybe? Lexi loves baths but not 'cold' swimming pools on holiday! Let us know how you get on wooks :)
Heart- Lol @ rolling your baby in everything allergenic :haha: I think Jessica alba must not have been BFing on 1200 cals a day! I bet celebs just buy BM so they don't have to ruin their perfect boobies! I like what you said about reclaiming our bodies. I sometimes get that hangover feeling when I'm dehydrated! Sucks to feel like that when you didn't even drink though!

MrsM- your 90s bash sounds awesome! Don't forget some Spice Girls on your playlist and your platform sneakers :haha: (yes, I had a pair in jr. high :dohh: ) lol @ Edie having meltdowns over her outfits! I remember doing that to my mom...paybacks are ahead I suppose.

Kat- yay for a great BDay! :) I assumed by pink cruiser, you meant a beach cruiser bike? I'll bet it's cute! Isn't it nice to take the baby out and not fuss?!? Bay was a perfect angel when I visited my girlfriend in Tahoe a couple weeks ago & we were out & about all day! Your DH is so right about not fretting over another year! 2 corsets?!? :dohh:

Bumpy- Being stuck at home with the baby and no car is the pits, isn't it? I hope your DH had a nice time though. Men need their male bonding time just as we do with other women!

Just- yay for 2 weddings away for you and DH next month :) Sorry your DH did that but it's good he was sorry. I would have been worried sick and fuming mad too! That swing looks awesome & E is so cute in it!

Jenny- I've heard they say dada before mama because its easier. Maybe more so with the tongue tie? My nephew had to have his cut and he is doing fine :thumbup:

Fili- don't worry about not bonding with your 2nd as much. Your heart has a huge capacity for love. It's like thinking you'd love DH less cause you love Lexi so much! You will love them all SO much & your heart has plenty of room for #2!

Croy- glad you're home safe! Sorry Levi had a rough time on your flight :/

Wookie- welcome to marl! :wave: you should post some photos of Hannah! She looks so cute in your avatar :) Baylyn loves the pool as long as I don't put her in above her belly button :haha:

Hoping- your zoo trip sounds fun! I already posted in your journal about the NY trip & fathers day pics, so I won't repeat here! I loved your b&w photo of Tim & Penny on FB. So precious <3

Afm, we had a bittersweet Father's Day here. DH is still working out of town so didn't get to celebrate his first Father's Day at home :( but, I did a photo shoot for him and made him a video & told him to pick his favs and I'm going to print and frame them. I also bought him a small, vintage beer stein painted with a little cabin, mountains, a moose & trees. It reminded me of him. He adored the photos of Baylyn and the stein will be a surprise when he gets home :) here's a couple shots from our photo shoot! I am posting more in my journal if you want to see a bunch :D
Tuckie, those pictures are adoreable, I just love Bay's smile. Such a pretty little girl in her dress. I wish I'd done pics like that with a little sign, so cute!

I also have a little paddling pool for Emelia but with the weather we have it will probably end up used as a ball pool pit instead of filling it with water.
Well, our pool is filled. Waiting for the water to heat up in the sun, which will take several, several hours. :)

I kind of wished I took pictures of Hannah with signs when she turned a month, 2 months, 3 months old, etc. But, I do have professional photo sessions booked for her...she gets a newborn session, 3 months, 6 months, 9, and a year.
Hope she enjoys the pool. You'll need to take a picture of her and post it so we can see!
Tuckie - those pics are darling!!

Wookie- i love the idea of the little pool. i hope it goes over well, i bet hannah will love it, does she like the bath? Levi has always been a water lover, he loved the pool at the villa we stayed at on vacation and would fling himself in! We really had to watch him. he only fell in one time and hubs was there to catch him but we wanted to see if he really would just go in...we learned he would!!! so we were extra diligent. i might have to get a pool or water table for levi - now seattle has decided to have some beautiful weather!

afm - well ladies it's been quite the couple of days. my best friend had an unexpected bfp, which sent me into a bit of a strange place. i got pee on a stick envy so i peed on a stick just to get it out of my system...and i got a very strong bfp!!!!!
i had tested on vacation at 10dpo and it was negative so it was totally unexpected, i had been feeling like my period was right around the corner. i am having some bad back ache and last night had some pretty intense cramps and diarrhea which doesn't fill me with a lot of peace that this is sticky but at least we can get pegnant. I am also grieving not nursing Levi any more now I am on my meds. We made it 10 months, but I love his snuggles. So far he doesn't seem to mind it, but its just so convenient! I am not sure I am going to be good at remembering to take formula and bottles when I go out! I am having blood work done at 10am at my regular obgyn so I wont get the results until tomorrow I think and then i guess i will do another draw in a couple of days. I am feeling fairly confident I will start bleeding today though, my back is killing me and I lever had anything like that with Levi just with my losses. Trying to not hold too tightly to the idea of a baby at the end yet - its hard, but i know you parl ladies know how a bfp is no guarantee.

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