Davies- Penny also has a strawberry birth mark at the base of her neck and it has already started to fade. It sounds like you have a good little sleeper on your hands

. When we first moved Penny to her own room I would try to put her down upstairs but sometimes that didnt always work. Now she goes down at 8:30 and I get some me & Tim time down stairs. I think I got af 2 months after birth but a couple weeks before I got bad af cramps on and off and a few spotting incidents.
Puppycat- Im sorry to hear it is taking some time for your DH to bond with Samuel. I think the other girls may be right about the jealousy thing. I hope it gets better!
Croy- the other girls are right about the weight gain. Dont sweat it as long as he is happy and content. Breast fed babies put on the weight slower than formula fed babies. There are all sorts of things you have to factor in as well like growth spurts, activity and bowl movements. It sounds like you are doing everything possible for your little guy. I think all of us mommies let our anxiety get the best of us. I had to laugh at your tweezer story. You would think pregnancy brain ends when the baby is born but it only gets worse and morphs into mommy brain!
I hope Levi gets back to his sleep schedule. Penny had some stints of rough nights and then between 4 months and 8/9months she started waking once in the night but now she sleeps like a champ
I probably just jinxed myself. We started a routine at 4 months once she was in her own room.
Jenny- Oh gosh. I hope you are doing ok, hun. Its been one thing after another. Feel better soon!
Hearty- You definitely did see me with a glass of champagne on FB
actually I had a couple glasses! It was super yummy.
Im sorry you are still struggling with Tim on parenting. Maybe he is not feeling confident in his parenting abilities at the moment because she is still so little so he leaves it up to you since you seem like you have everything covered? My Tim told me when he thought of having a baby he pictured the toddler stage and not so much the newborn part so he had to adjust. In the early days I was better at staying calm if Penny wouldnt settle but if it ever got overwhelming Tim would swoop in and take over. His grandmother and all the women in my family were surprised about how involved Tim was in taking care of Penny. I never had to ask him to change a diaper or make a bottle
he just did it. Bath time is another story though because I always do it. If I left it up to him she would bathe once a month!

Your DH is going to have so much fun with her as she gets older. Tim is amazing with Penny and sometimes can calm her faster than I can which makes me a little sad but they definitely have that father, daughter bond and love playing with each other. I think what helped us in the beginning is that we both confessed that we didnt really know what we were doing so we relied on each other greatly. I always asked for his advice and he did the same. I really think it will get better for both of you as she gets older especially when she grows out of her reflux. I cant imagine how hard that is on top of all the other stuff. It does sound like sleeping apart could be adding to the feeling of disconnect as well. We moved Penny into her own room at 4 months which makes it much easier to reconnect and have alone time. It definitely gets better!
I hope you had fun on your day trip !
Cazi- Welcome and congrats on your little girl!!! She is very precious and looks like she has a full head of hair. October babies are the best
Bumpy- Im sorry to hear your dad is still in ICU but it is great he is making some progress. Happy belated one month to your little guy!
Its so nice to see all the expectant mommies in this thread! It wont be long until you are all holding your rainbow babies
AFM- we had lots of fun at a fall festival this weekend. Penny got to go on a hay ride, barrel ride and completed her 1st ever corn maze! She even got licked by a baby calf and jumped in a bounce house!