Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Jodi i hope things get better for you Hun :nope: and your babies get fully better and your husband finds a job, I felt your pain in your post :-( wish I could wave a magic wand for you.
Hopeful I really hope things improve and your husband finds a job soon. We were in that situation the whole of last year and its so hard. Now he has a job he still isn't happy because he doesn't really like it. I feel like shaking him.
Heart, I also sympathise. We are really struggling financially on one wage but I just refuse to work and put my daughter in child care. I just can't do it, I waited too long to have her. It's hard being a parent. Good luck, I hope you manage to make enough loking after the other child so you can stay at home with Delilah.
Hi everyone else. Just had a quick read back, all these feeding/weight gain/nipple stretching stories are bringing the memories flooding back. Just 10-12 weeks now until I shall be joining you with my own joys and woes!
Can't wait for you to join us mrsm! Not long now!!!

How are things Jodi?
Croy I bet you are getting ready for your trip! There must be so much to pack!!
Heart I feel your pain! Hope u are ok!
Hi to everyone else!

Just got my little chunk weighed and he's now 8lb 4! According to the growth charts and health visitor he is doing amazing and his weight gain is just perfect. Been told to keep doing what we are doing! So reassuring for a first time mum to hear that! So proud of my little man! X

Here is a pic of A looking ever so grown up!!

Image removed!
Bumpy he's gorgeous!

Mrs M You'll be here soon enough :) Hope you are feeling well and have some time to put your feet up in these final weeks.

Jodi - wishing you rest and sleep. I can only imagine how tired you must be, I am exhausted with one baby and not working outside the home. You are an amazing mother and a very strong woman. You are doing a fantastic job and your kiddos love you. On the tough days I hope that their smiles and hugs can ease your tired heart.

We are packing for Florida. I think we have to take way more than when we go to England in a few weeks. My parents have a car seat and a stroller and a crib, in Florida we have to take everything! Levi had a rough night last night with gas and being overtired Boo! I am borrowing a book from my friend called, 'healthy sleep habits, happy child' It looks really interesting and is about the habits more than just a schedule. It has been recommended to me by so many people. It will make good reading for the plane or by the pool :)

I am not sure how the time difference will affect him but I am hoping we can sleep it off in some warm weather if he has a tough adjustment.
Bumpy, he's gorgeous! What a little chunk! How old is he now? You need a ticker!

Mrs M, can't wait for you to join us. So many of you are so close. It's exciting!

Croy, I have that book. I started to read it. I found out he supports the CIO method which I'm not a fan of. I hope it works for you though. Enjoy Florida! If I end up not working, my mom offered to pay for a plane ticket to Florida to visit her (she lives there part of the year).

Jodi, how are you doing? I got your PM, sorry I haven't had time to respond. I'm so sorry things are so damn hard for you. How are you getting your babes to sleep. How does the feeding schedule go? Surely there must be some way for you to sleep a little longer than a 3-4 hour stretch. Can DH do all of the night feeds for a few nights? You need your sleep honey.

The only reason Delilah sleeps is because of the swing. I swear that girl could live in that swing if I let her. I don't want to make anyone feel bad about how much she sleeps, so I won't. It's not a competition after all. All babies are different and apparently I was an excellent sleeper. I'm currently crunching numbers to see if I've logged the required 3,000 hours towards my Marriage and Family Therapist license. I think I have! If so, I don't think I'll return to work. Instead, I'll start studying for the very intense 2 part exam that I need to take in order to be licensed. Tim and I are also crunching numbers for our finances. We saw a house we liked when we went to an open house on a whim. It's on the same block as his cousin and only 2 blocks away from where we live now. We are getting pre-approved for a loan and met with a realtor. We are pretty sure we can afford it on one income as long as the house doesn't go for a ridiculous amount of money. Currently it is listed at $429,000! It's so expensive here. If it goes to $500,000, we're not going to try for it. It's a 2 bedroom with a large studio in the back yard that has a full bath in it. That could easily be Tim's music studio, plus a guest house when we need it. It's quite ugly from the outside, and there is an ugly apartment building behind the studio, but if we plant a few trees and paint the house over time, it will be fine. It doesn't look like much, but it's all we can afford in this area. Here is a link to some pictures of the house. The music is terrible, so turn your volume down.
Hi Ladies.

I'm lurking on your thread eager to join.
Just popped in to see all the cuties and how fast they are growing.

Big hugs to you. You sound exhausted and have way tooooo much on your plate.

The home looks gorgeous on the inside. It looks in move-in ready condition, and I don't think the outside is bad looking. The last thing you need to do is live in construction.

I would be thrilled with that home. I think it would be at LEAST $1.5-2 million here, especially with the studio and bath in the back that could be used as a rental, or in your case a music studio. I hope you two can get it. I don't know the prices there, but it seems like a good deal. (I know the rest of the country would scoff at CA prices)
Amanda - Wishing you peace in all the decisions you have going on. I feel like my mind is jelly right now, I can't imagine figuring out finances and house hunting!! I hope that it turns out that you have your hours so you can be home with Delilah.
Where in Florida does your mum live?

Levi will nap for hours in the day in the swing, but at the advice in that book I am starting to turn it off after he is actually asleep because most of the time I put him in awake and the swing rocks him. I don't like the idea of cry it out, but I like the rough schedule that the book outlines and how often babies are overtired and need an earlier bedtime. I know that has been an issue for us because he goes to bed when we do and by the time we are all ready for bed its taken ages and hes been awake for hours so he's overtired, hard to settle and not able to stay asleep for long periods. It kinda sucks that we are going to be traveling so much in the next 4 weeks because I feel as though this is the perfect time to start some of this but we can't be consistent. I want to travel, but its just poor timing. Maybe we'll get a clean slate when we get home from England!

I just started using our cloth diapers this week - after almost 10 weeks Levi has a big enough butt to fit them. I only did it for a few days so I could keep up with laundry and have them all clean before we go away.
Wow heart I love it my whole downstairs would prob fit in you living room xxx
Wow - I just looked at the link, that house is beautiful! I hope you get it. It seems like a good deal with the yard and the guest house.
Seattle prices are crazy too, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
Hopeful, just calling in and sending you hugs. I hope things get better soon for you x.

Hello to everyone.
Heart that place looks amazing! I love the large windows it makes it look so light and airy....just perfect!!!

Croy - as you can imagine its cold and wet in the uk at the moment!!!! I'm sure you will have a great time with your parents anyway though!!

You are right heart I need to get a ticker! He's 6 weeks old today - yesterday would have been my due date - how funny!!
Bumps, that's an excellent weight for 6 weeks! Yay! Our babies were only an ounce difference when they were born. Can you imagine how big they would have been if they had gone full term? It scares me to think about! Ha ha.

Get that ticker up girl. You deserve to show off your little man!
Thanks girls! The house is cute for sure. There are some issues with it, but none that can't be solved.

Kat, it's an incredibly good price for that home. They are accepting offers next week. We are expecting a lot of offers which is why I think it might go to $500K. Most houses we really love are in the $600 - $800K range, but that is out of our league right now. Sadly, if you compared any of those homes to where I grew up, they would be worth $200K! It's crazy how much location can skew prices.

Croy, I haven't yet bought our cloth diapers, but was going to soon. How much does Levi weigh? Delilah is about 11.5 pounds. Not sure if cloth will fit her yet as she's long and skinny. But I can't wait to use them. We've been using cloth wipes since she's been home. I agree with babies getting over tired. We are pretty regular with her routine now. Around 7 - 7:30, we give her a bath, then bottle (or boob, or both) in a dimly lit room. Then when she starts to get drowsy, we move her to the swing. Lately, when I'm up in the middle of the night to nurse her, I put her back down in the co-sleeper. But even at an angle, her reflux bothers her in it so I end up putting her back in the swing. I've been tempted to stop swinging the swing, but at the same time, I LOVE it when she sleeps! Interestingly, she's been on her activity mat a few times on her back and fallen asleep on her own. She'll go for about an hour. Good luck with travel and sleep. I'm dreading the time change. It's going to mess with our schedules a lot. My mom lives near Sarasota on the Gulf side of Florida in a place called Englewood. She left Cape Cod today to drive down there for the winter. On her way, she stops in Gettysburg for a week to visit my brother and sister.

Seriously excited for you PARL girls to graduate! I can't wait to get you all over here. This thread moves a lot slower, which is a good thing!
Have you tried the G-Pant Cloth diapers? I have these ready to go for Grey and they are for 8-14lbs, I believe. I also have bum genius which I think ranges from 8lbs all the way to potty training thanks to all the snaps. (these are very cost effective and allegedly save thousands of dollars on disposables) The G-pants look much smaller than the bum genius even when it is on the smallest setting. The G-pants also require an insert that you flush instead of just a liner that you flush, so it is more expensive per use. They are, however, adorable.

I understand that you are expecting a bidding war. That happens a lot with underpriced property. I didn't even make it into a bidding war a few years back with a list offering in cash on a condo in Santa Monica.

Yes, the same home in a small, rural town might be $150K or less... but we both LOVE where we live and that is worth the price of admission.

Congrats on hitting your 3000 hours. I did not even know that was a requirement (knew it was for social workers). Hope you get to be a SAHM and student studying for Phase 2.
Hopeful i feel your pain. Laura insists on singing at 3am these days and Samuel seems to hate sleep. I am horrific when tired and can't cope without sleep. I am there right now. Just want to sleep.

Samuel's been in cloth since birth. We have g pants too, they're so slim fitting :)
I'm going to use Gro-via and Fuzzibuns. She was too petite when she was born even for the adjustable ones and I couldn't justify buying newborn sizes. I tried prefolds and hated them. So we'll be investing soon.

Puppy sorry you aren't getting any sleep either. It's so hard. We have good nights and bad nights. I really miss having a predictable night when I absolutey knew I could sleep all night and sleep in the next morning. No wonder they use sleep deprivation as a way to torture people!

Kat the 3,000 MFT hours are even more strict than the social worker ones. It's a pain to log them all. I completed all my client hours. I just need a few extra paperwork hours to log. My old supervisor is coming over next Friday to sign off on some of those hours to get me to the finish line!
Hopeful/Puppy- sorry you girls aren't getting much sleep :/

Croy- have a lovely vacay! :)

Heart- that house is really cute! Very light and open. I like the hardwood too, sooo much easier to clean with a toddler too (I know this from experience! Carpet + toddlers= bad!) I hope you get it & good luck with your MFT too... I need to go back to school eventually too...someday!

I can't wait to graduate! I've been stalking his thread too :p of course it moves slower, you're all busy sleep deprived mamas now!
Happy 35 weeks Tuckie! You passed all of the preemie mamas on this thread. Well done!
Levi weighed 12.1oz at his 2 month check last week so he is probably close to 13 by now. He probably would have fit in them at 11lbs but I slacked at checking. We use bum genius.

Pups - So sorry you aren't getting sleep. There is not much in our house recently either. No that that makes you feel any better. Does Samuel nap in the day at all? Is it his reflux keeping him awake? Have they given you medication?

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