Levi has definitely had at least 8 poopy diapers in a row before...usually following a day or two of no poops. When we have a clean day we are always worried about what's in store.
Amanda the flight was actually not too bad. It was a little over a 4 hour flight to Atlanta where we had a layover that only gave us enough time to go to the loo before we got on the second flight which was about an hour and a half. I have to say I was very nervous, but things went very smoothly considering.
Firstly I was nervous about what we would have to pack. I was worried we would have to take so much that getting through security and such would be ridiculous. We called the airline a few times to confirm exactly what we could bring. You should call if you have specific questions but this was our experience with Delta/Alaska.
We decided to take our carseat and base and our Snap and go for our stroller because we rented a car here but we still needed a stroller. We attached the base to the seat and that and the snap and go were checked at the gate. It was nice to have it to use at the airport and to get it right when we got out of the plane too.
In my diaper bag I had a small thing of diaper cream, hand sanitizer and also pumped milk in a little bag with an ice pack. I didn't do it on purpose, but I had the milk in two of the 2.5oz medela containers that I use to pump. I guess they are small enough that you don;t have to do anything weird to prove that its actually milk. My understanding is that if you need water for formula you can take that through too but I am not exactly sure how that works.
We made a point to ask the agent at the end of the conveyer belt to show us exactly what we needed to do and she was super helpful, and passenger behind us was reassuring that we should take our time and another guy helped J put the computer back in his back pack when he was holding the baby and I hadn't come through yet. In our experience, other people were really helpful.
I had all my liquids in one pocket of the diaper bag, ready to pull out to go thought security with our other toiletries and the laptop. That felt like a great time and stress saver.
They did make us take him out the car seat to put the seat through the scanner, and then one agent wanted us to fold up the snap and go to go through but the other lady just wheeled it through the body scanner.
On the plane I asked about changing the baby in the bathroom and the flight attendent said there wasn't a change table at all. They did offer to find me a blanket to put on the toilet seat but that sounded like too much effort. I said I would just do it on my lap and even though he looked shocked that I would rather do that i really think it was the quickest, easiest option for us. I change him on my lap at home or when we are out and about so he knows the drill and if he was poopy I might have done something different but he was just really wet. No one said anything or gave us weird looks so I don't think they minded. I also wiped everything down when we first got o nthe plane with antibacterial wipes and then I wiped things again at the end and wiped my hands too. - after all I read about how dirty the tray tables and chair pockets were the wipes were a must for us!
Jeremy and I managed to pack all we needed for these 5 ish days, things for the baby and work clothes for him too, in two checked bags, a diaper bag, a backpack and a regular carry on suitcase.
We brought the pump and accessories, our camera, our laptop and J's work one, Lots of clothes and onesies and jammies for the baby, probably at least double what we needed but I wanted to be prepared for blow outs and puking!
We also brought his little bassinet that folds up in one of the suitcases and his play mat and gym. The mat and the overhead parts folded down enough to fit on the top of the case and light enough that it didn't impose on our weight allowance. That has been a great addition because it is familiar and gives him a place to lay and just kick after being in the plane or in the stroller for much of the day.
The hotel actually provided a pack and play but he isn't in that yet.
When we go to England my parents have a stroller and a carseat and a bassinet so we don't need to bring any of those. We had to bring way more on this trip. I think we will plan to just have him in the baby carrier at the airport. We have a bassinet that folds down in the bulkhead row of the international flight.
One tip a friend gave me which I ignored and kind of regretted was bringing a Bobby on the plane so when the baby falls asleep aftr nursing they can stay there but you have your hangs free. I just felt stressed already about how much we were bringing but I think Levi would have slept so much better on the planes if I had brought it. Its bulky but I would have been next to hubby and the aisle so it would have been fine.
I took my hooter hider on with me and wore a nursing tank under my shirt to make access as possible

I nursed him during take off and descending to help with his ears adjusting/popping and he didn't seem bothered so I guess that worked? I also nursed randomly through the flight mostly because he was tired and it calmed him rather than him being hungry.
I woul dbe happy to answer any other specific questions. I hope that travelling home and then to and from England will be as smooth sailing. I am sure the longer international flight will be trickier but I will take enough pumped milk to have a glass of wine to ease my travel nerves! ha ha!