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He doesnt really sleep in the day no, i wish he would! His reflux is getting worse too, he's being sick a lt more and is more unsettled. He's on gaviscon but i can give him too much because he gets constipated then. Lesser of 2 evils.
Thanks girls, helps to have you to chat about it with

Amanda- I hope you get that house. It's beautiful, and you could use the guest house as your office too? ;) I should be your first client. If you could help us you would win an award.
The kids just are up at different times so sleep is hard to come by.

especially now that they are sick. They are in separate rock n plays (had to buy ava one) but wake up coughing various times and eat on different schedules (they go on same schedule then off again, and on and off). So can't get that sleep in a row. Before they got sick, we were getting there with them sleeping more and at the same time, they were able to sleep together too which helps. They can't lay flat now as they have so much mucous in their throats so are in the rock n plays

Any new Deliliah pics? Happy she sleeps for you that long! Mine love the swing but don't sleep too long in it for naps.

Pray your little ones do not get sick ever! ;) it's horrible but expected in MN

Puppy- singing at that time? Would drive me a little nuts. Does she wake up Samuel?

Croy- I keep thinking of Levi's hair and how you were saying about washing and drying it, couldn't imagine! (Dylan is bald, just tiny blonde hairs). Your trip sounds fun and I hope you can update some from the road.

Happy 35 weeks tuckie! Seems like you just joined the pal thread.

Kat- loved the preggo pic on beach, is there a jealous but happy for you smiley? ;)

A is 11lb 5 oz and d is 11lb 11 oz as of tues, had wellness check but more like sickness check... Hoping they are well enough for 4 month boosters on thurs.

Bumpy- get a ticker! You gettin any sleep?
Ah Jodi, it sounds incredibly difficult. You have sooo much on your plate babe! If it makes you feel any better, Delilah is getting very congested from her reflux meds and was up all night last night with a stuffy nose. I'm I wish I could help you and your hubby. Couples aren't my strong point. Actually, once I get my license, I was thinking of specializing in infertility and miscarriages.

I took this one of us yesterday. It's grainy but I think she looks so cute in it. She is 11 lbs 5 oz! Our babes are gaining at the same rate!

Puppy, damn reflux. Damn constipation. Why do these little creatures have to be so tormented. And then in turn, torment us?
Yeh it's very annoying and drives me insane!! She woke Samuel this morning, he's a light sleeper like me whereas Gareth sleeps like the dead.

Samuel's still only 8lb 9oz bless him.
Oh hopeful, I want to come over and give you a big fat hug. Or maybe a nap :winkwink: Do you have any friends who could help out a bit? Or could dh take the night shift since you have to go to work in the morning?

I'm sorry the little ones are sick. J is dealing with diarrhoea at the moment. It bothers me more than it bothers him, I think.

Heart, your picture is so cute. D has the most amazing magical eyes, I love them :cloud9:
She doesn't quite look like the sleepy head her clothes advertise, though :winkwink:
I’m sorry so many of you are struggling with sleep deprivation.:hugs: The early months are tough and even now Penny has the odd night of not sleeping well. Last night was one of them. She was up at 1 am crying and then finally settled at 1:30am. She woke at her normal time and had her usual bottle and slept until 9 am with her daddy. I was very jealous going off to work while they were cuddled and snoozing away. It gets better so hang in there:thumbup:

Hopeful- I cannot imagine how hard it is with two babies especially when they are sick and on different schedules. Double the work hopefully means double the joy later. Do you have family around to help?

Amanda- I replied to you in the disco thread:thumbup:

Croy- How exciting! Levi is going to be a little jet setter and well travelled before he is even 1. I think it is a good idea to wait until you get back to establish a routine. Enjoy your trip to Florida

Bumpy- Happy belated due date!

Puppcat- the singing sounds adorable but definitely not at 3 am so I can see why it is exhausting when you are already sleep deprived. Too bad her singing doesn’t help to soother her little brother. Does you DH help at night to give you a break? Maybe you guys can rotate every other night?

Petitpas- I adore the avatar picture of your little guy! He looks so cool in his shades!


Penny Pumpkin Palooza is still in party planning mode and I am loving it :happydance:

Have any you started planning for Christmas?I think I've decided what I want to give Penny. She loves playing with her friend's kitchen set so I would like to get her a really nice one made of wood. My friend offered to pick one up on Black Friday so we don't have to brave the crowds or get up at stupid o'clock!:thumbup: I am asking my aunt to make her an apron and maybe a chef's hat. Lastly, I really want to get her a Cabbage Patch Doll. This little girl goes bananas and almost hyper ventilated with excitement when we walk down the doll isle in the toy section. It is beyond adorable and makes me happy to see her so excited!:cloud9:

Penny and I had the best girl's day on Saturday. She loves riding in the shopping cart and looking around the stores so we had a day of shopping for her party. She loves when I race her down the isles and squeals with delight. We had snacks together and fed each other. We spent some time in my room playing on the bed. She thinks it is hilarious when I chase her around the bed and we kneel and then face plant on the soft surface over and over. She gets so giddy and almost seems like a drunk little baby because she is delirious with laughter. We both ended up uncontrollably giggling:cloud9: As we lay there catching our breaths she looked strait into my eyes and stroked my face with a soft smile playing on her sweet little face:cloud9::cry: It was the most amazing thing and I will do anything for her to look at me like that for the rest of my life. I'm sitting here trying to hold back tears because I have no idea how I got so lucky. My little girl is absolutely INCREDIBLE!
Thanks Pip! She actually is a sleepy head, as advertised. She sleeps a lot! Actually I'm a bit concerned as she's not gaining weight. She's the exact same weight as she was last week. She's been sleeping so much that I only feed her 5 times a day. We have a docs appointment next week, so I'll address it then. She's very happy and never appears hungry, has very wet diapers and poops daily. Weird.

Amber, I replied to you on the Disco thread too.

I officially quit my job about 30 minutes ago. It's crazy! I may have to pick up a few hours babysitting for extra cash, but for the most part I'm going to be a SAHM! I'm really excited about that, but also sad that I'm saying good bye to my job that I loved.

Gotta run. Have to talk to a realtor now about making an offer on that house. How did this become my life? This time last year was sooooo different!
So happy for you Amanda! Congrats on quitting and hope you get that house now too.

Pip- love the pic of J! Wish you could come over too and bring some of that food you cook, read some in your journal, quite the chef

Hoping- that is so precious, love the story and what a fun time. I can't even begin to think about holidays, just trying to survive each day ;) they seem like they will be alot easier when they get a little older. The girls in the moms of multiples group almost all day the first 8-9 months are hell ( in a good way though). I don't have family around to help, they are 3 hours away and my friends are 2-3 hours away. My coworkers offered to watch the kids but I would feel wired about it, really wish my family was close. If I knew it would suck this bad living away from them I may not have ever moved. I wish I could experience family stopping by. My mom was here for 1 weekend, it was great. She's scared to drive in the city so won't come up here alone.
My MIL is really close by but doesn't help at all and rarely stops by, then she does nothing with the kids and stays 5 mins. She works nights though.
Hopeful- That is rough. I can't believe your MIL doesnt want to stay and help. :nope: If I was a grandparent I would be over there every chance I get but I guess the night shift does change that a bit. You sound like a wonderful mother and I am sure these babies of yours appreciate you.
Amanda- forgot to say that I love the pic! She is such a cutie. How much and how often does she eat? We are still at 7- 8 feeds in 24 hours each. Plus still doing the tri vi sol with iron once a day in an ounce of milk. I wish we could stop but the ped said to keep on until 9 months. They eat 100 to 110 per feeding usually.
Hoping, your little girl is ADORABLE! My heart melted a little reading about how sweet she is :cloud9:

Heart, congratulations on taking that step! If I hadn't lost my job already I don't think I'd be that brave. As it is, I will soon be looking at options for self-employment, too. Something that will work around J. It is incredible how our priorities change, right? I think especially so with our extra precious babies.

Hopeful, that sucks that everyone is so far away. I have a really good friend living in the twin cities. Should I send her round to you to babysit while you sleep? I'm surprised you haven't fallen asleep at your desk at work yet...

AFM, I finally felt ready to leave the crazy cat lady image behind and Mummyfy my avatar. It has only taken me five months :rofl:
Just checked my feeding app and J fed 14 times in the last 24 hours! :shock:

He's not quite himself, mind. He also pooped 11 times!
Hey ladies,
Just writing to you from the hotel room, Levi sleeping in the bed next to me. Last night he slept almost 8 hours!!!! It's making up for not really napping or sleeping at all since we left Seattle, but I'll take it. I actually woke up at 6am and had the biggest most painful engorged boobs!! I had to fumble around in the dark in the suitcase to find the pump parts and had to relieve the pressure!! I am saying a prayer that you all get to experience some long sleeps soon. It really makes such a difference.

Jodi I hope the twins get better soon. It sounds really tough to take care of them, I am sure its a helpless feeling to hear them all snuffly and not be able to do anything about it. I wish I could send you my inlaws for a week. They would give you some nights off, they almost over-love Levi, they are always stopping by unannounced now he's here!!

Amanda - I love that picture, you look so contented and Delilah is so sweet, those bright eyes are just beautiful. I am so happy for you that you have made the decision to be home with her full time. I know it has been an adjustment for me as my identity switched to my new role. It's the hardest job I have every done but its also the most rewarding and as he grows I think it will get much harder and much more rewarding!! He still spits up a few minutes after giving him the Zantac but I wanted to give it a few weeks to see if it made a difference to his sleeping at night. I think he is doing better but I guess I don't know for sure if its connected.

Hoping - I loved reading your stories about Penny, what a fun companion!! She sounds so cute. You are so well prepared too, thinking about Christmas already. We paid a stupid amount of money to have our newborn pictures on a cd with the rights to print them, so our parents are getting prints in frames or a book from Shutterfly so we can justify the cost of the pictures by having them be presents too!

Pip - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new picture. What a cool kid!

afm - Florida is beautiful but being here pretty much by myself because hubs is at the conference all day makes it a different experience. They have so many beautiful pools but I haven't been able to swim because even if Levi has been napping its been too hot even in the shade for me to leave him poolside. Last night Levi and I joined Jeremy and some work colleagues taking out a client to dinner. I was nervous about how he would do but then they told me the client who was coming was bring his wife and 6 month old. It made the whole dinner less intimidating. She was really sweet and we even hung out some today by the pool because she is staying here too.
Tonight I think Jeremy has another fancy dinner but I think that we are staying here - I could go to an onsite restaurant but I might take the easy out and get room service. I have never done that before and this is fancy room service so it might be the perfect introduction! Hubs has been very clear I am to treat this as vacation and spoil myself :)

Do you ladies have plans/ideas about when you will start solids with your little ones? I wanted to wait until 6 months but the way Levi watches us so intently when we are eating and the way he is chubbing up already I am not sure that he will make it that long. I have a couple of baby cook books which I can't wait to use!
Croy I'm dying to know how the plane ride went. I'm also curious about logistics. How do you change a diaper? Those bathrooms are small. How do you nurse on the plane? Or did you bring bottles? Did you bring your carseat and stroller? We're traveling in December to Missouri to see Tim's family and then Delilah and I are going solo to Florida to see my mom. I need lots of tips!

As for solids, I want to wait until 6 months at least, because developmentally, she won't really be 6 months. I want to make sure all of her systems are mature enough to handle solids. Though she definitely watches me intently when I eat.

Pip, maybe you are still crazy cat lady, but with a baby! 11 poops in one day? :shock: Our record is 3.

It is an identity shift to be a SAHM. We decided not to put an offer on the house as it needed way too much work. The upside is that we are more financially comfortable which means I don't necessarily need to pick up a few hours babysitting. I'm thrilled I can focus my time fully to my daughter without having someone else's child with me as well. It's hard work being with her all day, but she's getting easier by the day. I think we've found our groove. I'm glad I don't have to hand that groove to someone else right now.

All that being said, I want to remain sensitive to those of you who have to be at work. I don't want you reading my post with bitterness. As I was nursing her last night, there was a part of me that was in a panic that I quit my job. I really love the work I was doing. And I miss adult interaction. And finally, I'm going to miss having my own money. There was a part of me that was looking forward to going back to work to have a break from being a mom. If only we could have it all! Being independently wealthy wouldn't hurt things!
Levi has definitely had at least 8 poopy diapers in a row before...usually following a day or two of no poops. When we have a clean day we are always worried about what's in store.

Amanda the flight was actually not too bad. It was a little over a 4 hour flight to Atlanta where we had a layover that only gave us enough time to go to the loo before we got on the second flight which was about an hour and a half. I have to say I was very nervous, but things went very smoothly considering.

Firstly I was nervous about what we would have to pack. I was worried we would have to take so much that getting through security and such would be ridiculous. We called the airline a few times to confirm exactly what we could bring. You should call if you have specific questions but this was our experience with Delta/Alaska.
We decided to take our carseat and base and our Snap and go for our stroller because we rented a car here but we still needed a stroller. We attached the base to the seat and that and the snap and go were checked at the gate. It was nice to have it to use at the airport and to get it right when we got out of the plane too.

In my diaper bag I had a small thing of diaper cream, hand sanitizer and also pumped milk in a little bag with an ice pack. I didn't do it on purpose, but I had the milk in two of the 2.5oz medela containers that I use to pump. I guess they are small enough that you don;t have to do anything weird to prove that its actually milk. My understanding is that if you need water for formula you can take that through too but I am not exactly sure how that works.

We made a point to ask the agent at the end of the conveyer belt to show us exactly what we needed to do and she was super helpful, and passenger behind us was reassuring that we should take our time and another guy helped J put the computer back in his back pack when he was holding the baby and I hadn't come through yet. In our experience, other people were really helpful.

I had all my liquids in one pocket of the diaper bag, ready to pull out to go thought security with our other toiletries and the laptop. That felt like a great time and stress saver.

They did make us take him out the car seat to put the seat through the scanner, and then one agent wanted us to fold up the snap and go to go through but the other lady just wheeled it through the body scanner.

On the plane I asked about changing the baby in the bathroom and the flight attendent said there wasn't a change table at all. They did offer to find me a blanket to put on the toilet seat but that sounded like too much effort. I said I would just do it on my lap and even though he looked shocked that I would rather do that i really think it was the quickest, easiest option for us. I change him on my lap at home or when we are out and about so he knows the drill and if he was poopy I might have done something different but he was just really wet. No one said anything or gave us weird looks so I don't think they minded. I also wiped everything down when we first got o nthe plane with antibacterial wipes and then I wiped things again at the end and wiped my hands too. - after all I read about how dirty the tray tables and chair pockets were the wipes were a must for us!

Jeremy and I managed to pack all we needed for these 5 ish days, things for the baby and work clothes for him too, in two checked bags, a diaper bag, a backpack and a regular carry on suitcase.

We brought the pump and accessories, our camera, our laptop and J's work one, Lots of clothes and onesies and jammies for the baby, probably at least double what we needed but I wanted to be prepared for blow outs and puking!

We also brought his little bassinet that folds up in one of the suitcases and his play mat and gym. The mat and the overhead parts folded down enough to fit on the top of the case and light enough that it didn't impose on our weight allowance. That has been a great addition because it is familiar and gives him a place to lay and just kick after being in the plane or in the stroller for much of the day.

The hotel actually provided a pack and play but he isn't in that yet.

When we go to England my parents have a stroller and a carseat and a bassinet so we don't need to bring any of those. We had to bring way more on this trip. I think we will plan to just have him in the baby carrier at the airport. We have a bassinet that folds down in the bulkhead row of the international flight.

One tip a friend gave me which I ignored and kind of regretted was bringing a Bobby on the plane so when the baby falls asleep aftr nursing they can stay there but you have your hangs free. I just felt stressed already about how much we were bringing but I think Levi would have slept so much better on the planes if I had brought it. Its bulky but I would have been next to hubby and the aisle so it would have been fine.

I took my hooter hider on with me and wore a nursing tank under my shirt to make access as possible :) I nursed him during take off and descending to help with his ears adjusting/popping and he didn't seem bothered so I guess that worked? I also nursed randomly through the flight mostly because he was tired and it calmed him rather than him being hungry.

I woul dbe happy to answer any other specific questions. I hope that travelling home and then to and from England will be as smooth sailing. I am sure the longer international flight will be trickier but I will take enough pumped milk to have a glass of wine to ease my travel nerves! ha ha!
Oh thank you so much Croy! Very helpful! I'm going to refer back to your post before I travel. If I think of anything else I'll let you know. But this was very thorough!
Croy, that was really useful info, thank you :thumbup:

Although, I have to ask: what on earth is a Bobby?

J is normally very regular, pooping once sometime between 10-11 in the morning. Today was a bit better than yesterday. I didn't count but it was probably around 8x. He seems to have diarrhoea but is otherwise ok.
A bobby is an auto correct, apparently my phone dictionary doesn't include boppy...the nursing pillow
Hi ladies wow finally caught up!!!! Sorry I have been Mia!! Been busy busy....

Croy I'm very jealous I love Florida an miss it sooo much your lucky to b there an having lovely weather am so jealous!! X

Amanda anything u need to no about flying just ask chick I'm cabin crew, an should b able tk answer any questions, if I haven't forgotten lol!! There's usually a drop down table in at least one toilet on the aircraft an it pulls down there's enough space to change baby on it, but Croy is right take anti bac wipes an a travel changing mat as everything is dirty on an aircraft!! X

Gorgeous pic Amanda beautiful eyes d has pleased ur sahm congrats Hun xx

Jodi my heart goes out to u, u should take up ur colleagues offers my lovely for ur own good, u need to sleep! I wish I was closer would b round in a shot to do bit of housework an take ur twins out for a nice walk an let u sleep, it must b so hard xx

Hey everyone else i have read everything just really tired now!!
Lexi is 13lb 12oz an 61cm long!! She sleeps 11pm till 7/8am but tonight I put her to bed at 8 to see how she does! First time I put her up an I was downstairs we tried couple if times but she screamed so will see how she does. She sleeps well at night but cat naps in the day an coz if this gets grotty! She had a twenty min screaming session today in a shop so I went back to the car to try an feed her nothing worked! Eventually she took the bottle but I was close to tears!
She's had 2 colds thrush in her mouth an is teething!!yep teething!! So she can b very miserable sometimes!

She rolled from her front to her back yesterday for the first time, which made me proud.

She has a bit of a flat head on one side an has a bit of a stiff neck when trying to look to her left so I have to monitor her for a week an sed how she goes as she may need physio.

Has anyone thought or used the dream feed? She had a bottle at 8pm an has been in bed since! Do I wake her feed her or see how she goes? I considered waking her bit went to check on her at 11pm an her arms were above her head in such a lovely sleep it felt mean! X

Hope your all well an all have gorgeous sleeping bubbas xx
Never heard of the dream feed what's that?
Can't believe she is teething already, poor thing. I'm not looking forward to that.
But how exciting that she's rolling! Clever girl!

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