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Happy Birthday to Ava and Dylan!!!! I can remember well the day I read that they had arrived!! Bless you little guys in your second year of life!

Girls, I am so sick today. Not pregnancy sick but a crazy head cold, streaming nose, ringing ears, banging head and hacking cough, I have the chills too. Not sure how I am going to handle my usy boy today - I almost cried when J left for work I was so tired and achy -and Levi is just so busy! I hope I don't fall asleep on duty!

Also, I forgot is it Tylenol you can take when you are pregnant? I am scared about the fever.

AND -has anyone heard from Tracie? I feel as though she hasn't been on here for ages. Just wondering if she is ok.
Croy: Sorry you're having such a bad day :( Tylenol is totally safe to take when pregnant:winkwink:
Aww croy:hugs: maybe it's something you picked up on the plane? I hope you get better really quickly :-( xxx

Yes good point about tracie! I hope she pops back on!

Melfy did you get many symptoms? I only seem to have huge boobs, hot flashes and extreme tiredness, no sickness really yet and boobs not so sore :shrug: I am 6 weeks 2 days. How are you feelin now?
Aww croy:hugs: maybe it's something you picked up on the plane? I hope you get better really quickly :-( xxx

Yes good point about tracie! I hope she pops back on!

Melfy did you get many symptoms? I only seem to have huge boobs, hot flashes and extreme tiredness, no sickness really yet and boobs not so sore :shrug: I am 6 weeks 2 days. How are you feelin now?

I've had extreme tiredness and some hot flashes at the beginning, but that's it! Now it's all gone:winkwink:
Thanks melfy, have you not had sore boobs at all then? That's great about no ms. I have to say with Lexi things kicked in later! I had second tri and third tri sickness more than 1st tri! My boobs are made of steel lol! My preggo tests are looking good but... The fear never quite leaves does it?!

And congratulations on your second scan :yipee: :yipee: just wonderful!!! Are you really excited? You've set the lucky precedent now onthis thread and I hope none of us have to suffer anymore mc's either.
Happy birthday AVA AND DYLON!!! :pink: :cake: :blue: :cake: I cannot get my head around that they are 1!!!!
Happy birthday to Ava and Dylan, hope they're having an amazing day.

Heart, sorry to read that about Delilah having a reaction to the peanut butter. It sounds like a wise thing to get her tested. I actually didn't know that it can take several times eating something before a reaction, the way you mentioned the 3rd time.
Of course your mind will be racing and thinking worst case scenarios and having to carry the epi pen.

Melfy, great news about the scan. I love your new avatar picture of Zoe, very cute.

I don't know Tracie very well on here but I was thinking to myself that Sara hasn't been on here in a while, hopefully just a busy mum!
Ha croy I'm just reading back lol!!! Yay!!!! I'm so happy you got your :bfp: that's made my day, I haven't read your actual post yet so I hope you're happy about it! I had terrible cramping this time just before my 'period' just after and then again at the end of 5 weeks beginning of 6 when it was just mild. :yipee: congratulations Hun I so hope it's another rainbow cutie pie like Levi or a Levi-ette! Xxx

Ps read your post, guess you are happy! Your hubs can take over bottle feeding now too which will ne a break for you sometimes? Sorry you've had to give up bf'ing so abruptly though :hugs:. Apparently back ache is more common in second pregnancies due to weakened abdomenal muscles but I do not understand that at all :shrug: however it is true and I have had some back ache for the first time in all of my five...FIVE :dohh: geeze pregnancies.
Heart so sorry :nope: and for all your day too. I really hope it was just a coincidental baby rash and not a reaction. Otherwise I hope you can get some proper tests carried out to find out for double sure. Also Josh does that with the sheets it winds me up so much as I can sleep on sand hills!

Tuckie I hated every minute of breast feeding when I did it for three weeks without teeth so I cannot imagine the pain you're in :hugs: I hope someone has some good advice for you :hugs:
Happy Birthday Ava and Dylan! I also remember the day very well. I remember seeing your post saying "I had my babies!" My jaw dropped to the ground. I also remember showing Tim a picture of them and telling him that if we ended up having Delilah at 34 weeks, she would be that big too. (They looked so big to me at the time). Little did I know.... I hope you are having a great day. I really think birthdays should be about the mama. We did all the hard work on that day! Well done to you, warrior woman, for carrying and delivering 2 gorgeous children.

Croy, you can take Tylenol while pregnant without worry. Sorry you aren't feeling well. I bet it's the travel and the fact that you are preggo. Your immune system just took a huge hit. I hope Levi behaves for mummy today.

Melfy, congrats on the sticky bean. Wonderful news.

Kat, good luck with the move. You must be so excited to get into your home

Wookie, welcome!!! Are you getting any sleep?

As for the pb reaction, I'm positive it was from the pb and nothing else. I keep wondering if it was a skin contact reaction now though. The first two times I gave it to her, I put it in her mouth with my finger. This last time I spread it on toast and she fed herself, getting it all over her face and neck. The doctor emailed me and said it could be an allergy but we would talk more about it on Tuesday when I have her 1 year visit. She said we could get her tested, but the problem with the tests are that they often show false positives and you end up eliminating foods that you didn't need to. The tests are very accurate though when they show there is no allergy or sensitivity. That's the bummer. She may not have an allergy, just a sensitivity, but the tests can't differentiate the two. I'm still going to get her tested though. I need more information. In the meantime, she won't have any nuts at all. I can't take that chance in case she has an allergy. In all honesty though, I really have a gut feeling that it is a sensitivity rather than an allergy. I have the most sensitive skin and so does she. I don't wear fragrances. Lotions have to be for sensitive skin. I have freckles. Good old Irish decent skin. Thanks for all the kind words. I'll keep you posted.
Tuckie, I haven't read back, but saw Fili's post. Is Bay biting you? Delilah tends to do that right before she gets a new tooth. I've never been able to get her to stop doing it. I pull my nipple out and say "ow, no biting. That hurts mummy." I have a very stern face. But she keeps doing it. :doh:

She usually only does it for a couple of days until the new tooth comes through though. She also likes biting me in general, wherever she can on my body. She pretty much bites everything. The finish on her crib has been worn off in places from her gnawing on it!
Happy Birthday to A & D today!!! 1 years old!!!!!!!! I really HAVE been out of the loop, haven't I? LOL!!!!

Croy, sorry you feel like crap on a stick. Yup, Tylenol is about the one safe thing to take during pregnancy. LOL! Fortunately, it's always helped me. Take it easy!

Fili, I too am a formula-feeding mama. I so much wanted (and TRIED AND TRIED AND TRIED) to BF, but as it turned out, I ended up being one of the rare women with IGT (insufficient glandular tissue), and no matter what I did, I could not BF Hannah. This left me heartbroken, and feeling so inadequate as a mother...UNTIL I found this amazing blog, The Fearless Formula Feeder. It isn't pro-formula, or's pro-feeding choice, and it supports the feeding choices of ALL mothers. So often we bottle feeders are made to feel like we "gave up" on giving our child "the best [i.e. breastmilk]", or that we are making some type of substandard decision for our kids. Well, I call B.S. on all of that, and so does this blog. It's worth checking out. I'd recommend to anyone, no matter how they're feeding their baby, actually.

Kat- Look at Grey! He's adorable, oh my goodness!
Heart maybe you could take some comfort in that she doesn't have a massive reaction to it - is that called anaphalctic (sp) shock? So maybe it would never be a life or death situation? However I see your predicament and that is incredibly frustrating. I will be praying they come back negative and then maybe you could trial the samples again to be sure :hugs:
Kat good luck with the move Hun!!

Aww wooks how frustrating for you, you must have been upset because really it would have been nice to have had the choice ey? :hugs: I think I would have been upset about that too despite the fact that:- We should have swapped boobs as I HATED it and only did it because hubs really wanted me too and I wanted her to have at least 2 weeks colostrum. I found it irritating, painful sometimes, frustrating, and I just wanted my body back to myself so badly!! I am absolutely dreading doing it again and hubs thinks I am doing it for 3 months but no way Jose!! Anyway I'll probably want another baby by then... Kidding!!! Lol. Poor Lexi though because I said to her: No little baby girly this booby shop is closed now! And promptly shoved a bottle in her mouth. I ate three thousand pain relief tablets a day though for a week for going cold turkey like that, grieved emotionally for about a day (as there is a bit of a bond with it but I got over that quickly) and Lexi didn't seem to mind too much although one day she went for hub's 'boob' :rofl: we were in stitches laughing! I'm sorry for the situation you found yourself in though as you must have been quite devastated about it. Im glad you found a supportive group too, we all know how that helps! I hope my story gives you some comfort - maybe you wouldn't have liked it either!? Xxx
:hi: tracie! Hw are you doing?

I've ordered a set of baby weighing scales off eBay so I can keep track of Lexi and make sure I'm feeding her enough or not too much. They are nearly new good quality ones for £37 including p+p. I get them on Saturday. I can't be bothered to keep going to those community clinics and queuing. I've met some lovely mummy friends here now - really lovely I have landed on my feet! And I am doing lots of nice things with them. We are going to a sing a long baby class tomorrow in Canterbury and then we meet for coffee and cake on a Friday at this farm and we are going swimming next week with the babes. :thumbup:
Wookie that blog sounds awesome. I wish that thetr wasn't so ny h finger pointing and judgement around every choice we mama's make. What you chose for your baby us your right and you make the best choice for you and your child. Each baby and fany is different and we are all just trying to do the best we can, even when we make different choices. Sorry that you didn't get a say in breeding though, ny close friend also has that condition and struggled with guilt even though she did nothing wring. I'm going to send her that blog. Thanks for sharing.

Heart I was totally going to ask if she night have an allergy to the oils. The baby I nannies had that. She could eat peanut butter but if it got on her hands or face it made her break out in hives.

Fili thanks for the congrats. Yes, once it happened and it started to sink in I am getting hopeful, but its still too early to get too excited. I am only 16dpo at most today. Long way to go but whey day without bleeding is a good one right?

Trying to keep hydrated and keep my temp down. Hoping that doesn't hurt the chances of this bean sticking around. I need to getoout my pregnancy books though because suddenly o can't remember what I can and can't eat etc.I used to be a pro!
Croy, your virus/cold/infection shouldn't do any harm to your baby, particularly this early on...the most important thing is to stay hydrated, and keep any fever down the best you can. If you have trouble controlling your temp, then I'd see a doctor. Otherwise, rest up (haha with an older baby, but you know what I mean! LOL), and take care!
Thanks for the bday wishes!! What happens to the siggy ticker now? Lol ;)

I hope it's just the oils Amanda! That would be so much better than a full on allergy.

Croy- I took Tylenol and Sudafed when I was pregs.

Congrats on a good scan Melfy!

Kat- how exciting, new house tomorrow!

Will post pics tomorrow- smash cakes got smashed. D is napping and A is wide awake. They have been taking a second nap now but its later and only an hour at most.
They really liked balloons but get Mylar! I got latex ones last night and they are on the ground already.

Bumpy- smash cakes are supposed to be little cakes that they can smash up and have to themselves- I didn't know what they were until people were talking about them. I got 2 free with a $20 bakery purchase at a nice grocery store here but cut 1 cake in half as they are huge! They have this promo of a free smash cake on first bday and u have to show them the birth certs too.

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