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Wooks I will try and get the scan next week sometime I'm trying to get it for free on Nhs so because I'm not paying for it i don't know how long I'll have to wait
Heart- :hugs: hope it's just a sensitivity and I've heard lots of babies grow out of them as they get a little older, but I totally get why you're upset :( Let us know how the allergy tests go and what the Dr says. Yes, Bay has been biting me. Not just when she's getting a tooth either. She has 2 teeth already but she bites me when she's bored/frustrated also. I take her off as soon as I think my milk is running out, but the hardest time is getting the flow going! If she ges frustrated or bored waiting for the letdown, she'll bite and her teeth are really sharp! It's to the point where I'm scared every time I BF her :cry:

Fili/Melfy- glad you're both getting strong symptoms! Yay for your 2nd scan Melfy :)

Just- I've been wondering about Sara too :shrug: hope everything is okay with her and Eva.

Wookie- I had to start supplementing with formula when B was about 3.5 months old. I don't beat myself up over it any more. Neither should other moms that have to ff or combi feed or whatever. As long as you're feeding and loving your child, it doesn't matter! But there are a lot of moms that get smug about it, I know!

Hopeful- Happy Bday to A&D!!! :) LOVE the pics! Smash cakes are so fun! Hope you have tile and not carpet :haha:

Croy- I totally understand your not wanting the inlaws to know. Hopefully they don't ask too many questions!

Kat- :hugs: sorry about G. Did you check to see if his gums are inflamed? B had some sleep regression a couple weeks ago & was real cranky, it was shortly after she turned 6 months. I hope G doesn't follow in her steps! However, right after a couple shitty weeks she made a big developmental leap and started making way more consonant sounds & was suddenly more proficient with her hands too & started scooting on her belly (but she can only go backwards lol) I wonder if this is similar to what G is doing.

Rap- he's gorgeous!!! Love his lips! Welcome to marl! :)

Bumpy :wave:

Got together with my old coworkers that ended up getting married and having a baby together :) their son is 7 weeks younger than Bay and it was cute to see the babies play and catch up with old friends and reminisce. The next day I saw another old friend who babysits her 5 1/2 month old niece. So, Bay had 2 baby play dates in a row & it was good for me to get out and socialize too! She's too heavy to carry in her carseat now too so I wear her in my wrap when we're out & about. I'm going to eventually get an Ergo carrier but they're so darn expensive and hard to find second hand around here. Hoping DH is home soon! His next job is only an hour & a half from home so that's much better!

Bay mapped later than usual today and wasn't ready for bed until later than usual. Maybe it's the solstice! :shrug: hope this means we sleep in tomorrow...a girl can dream :haha:
Hopeful, they pictures are brilliant. I love the idea of those smash cakes, they sure are getting right tucked in with their hands haha.
I love that picture too where they are just looking at each other!

Rap, congratulations. No wonder your so in love, he is absolutely gorgeous..enjoy him, as you'll know all too well just how quick they grow!

Fili, that would be good if you get an early scan on the NHS as you should be entitled to that with your history.

Tuckie, your play dates sound good. It definitely is good to get out and about and socialise with the kids.
That must look funny Bay scooting around now. Emelia loves down on the ground now rolling from front to back etc and from one end of the room to another. I really shouldn't have worried so much, its so true that they all do things in their own time.

We're having problems with Emelia waking up at 5am because its so light! I have a black out blind up along with curtains but because they are white/cream they still let a lot of light through.
I cut the pram box to put the carboard up on the windows aswell but Im going to research into whether there is something better to buy.

Its still funny in the mornings the positions that we find her in her cot, she's obviously busy during the night wriggling from the bottom to the top in diagonal positions etc.
Tuckie, I wish we had a playgroup in my area...but being that Hannah's still a very young baby, I have some time to continue hunting for things that we can do.

Fili- A free scan would be best...I hope you get in on Monday, and all is perfect so far!

JkT- Those blackout curtains sound interesting. I usually put Hannah down in her crib around 8:00 at night, but it's usually fairly light out still. At this point, whether it's light out or not, she still conks out pretty well, but...that 4 month sleep regression thing is looming in the near-future, and I'm hoping we can just bypass that one. LOL!

AFM- We went to the public pool last night for the first time with Hannah, and it was very successful! I wanted to go in the evening, when the sun is weaker, and I figured it wouldn't be as busy over the supper-hour. She liked having her feet and legs dipped! She didn't seem to mind being immersed from about the hips up, and she liked just being walked around the pool. She did get splashed here and there by other little ones playing, but it didn't seem to scare her, or bother her too much. So, yay!

Does anyone have an Angelcare Monitor? We love ours, but, I did have my first real scare with it this morning...I had fed Hannah, and put her back to bed, and about an hour later, the parent unit beeped...just once. And every few minutes, it would just beep once. The movement/breathing ticker on there would stop, and that's when the beep would happen. After about 10 minutes of this, the alarm went off for just a few seconds, and of course I ran like a bat out of hell into the nursery...Hannah was fine. She was stretching. She hadn't scooted of the sensor pad like has done before, and obviously she was breathing, and literally scared the hell out of me. Ugh!!!
hey all!

Raps Lucas is so gorgeous! When are we going to meet up so we can have a cuddle, coffee and cake sesh with our boys! x

Kat being an Army Wife I am an expert mover! I completely understand the stress and strain it places on you! I hate living with boxes whilst you pack and unpack it is horrible and maybe G has picked up on your stress? Am sending lots and lots of light to you and hope your mole is as benign as can be!

Hey there Wookie and your lovely girl!

Hope OMG the twins are one! Where did the time go! Love the cake smash pics, esp the one where they are looking at eachother! So cute!

Tuckie I was unable to breastfeed... Leo wouldn't do it, however I can completely sympathise... you are an absolute hero to continue now Bay has teeth!!

Fili when is scan day? Am v excited!

Mel what fab news about your scan! May your bean go from strength to strength!

Croy what a lovely surprise your BFP is! Congratulations!

Hey Just. Mothercare do a complete black out blind. Even in the brightest sunshine it is still pitch black. x

AFM well Leo has his first virus... or it could be a reaction to his immunisations that he had on Tuesday. He was so brave smiling away at the nurse and then only crying for 10 secs. However, yesterday he woke up with loads of congestion and coughing and sneezing so of course I rushed him to the GP who said he is OK, keep an eye on his breathing and temp and if they worsen bring him back. In the meantime keep his fluids up and try to keep his airways clear. So not the best of nights sleep for me or him, but he did have a lovely bath with Daddy and I love the photo I took of him... he is my angel x


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Pad , I just looked at that picture and said to myself he looks like an angel, aww that is just beautiful!
Thanks for that info about Mothercare selling a blackout blind, Im just about to have a look right now.
I hope Leo gets over his virus soon and that it dosent come to anything much, it must be awful to watch them suffering.
Touch wood Emelia has never had a cold or any illness yet but probably a matter of time.

Wookie, that sounds really nice an outdoor pool, I wish we lived in a warmer country to have these things!
That monitor sounds like a good thing and a bad thing I guess, its obviously one of the more advanced ones with a mat etc. I just have a more basic one but it seems good enough, I used to always be the same and run like a bat out of hell with any activity on it. I've chilled out a good bit though.

We're quite lucky that Emelia is such a loud snorer, people keep laughing and saying they've never heard a baby like it!
So its good that we can hear her but she has started sleeping on her side at times now and that seems to stop the snoring so when I cant hear her Im a nervous wreck!
Welcome Rap! Lucas is such a cutie!!

Wooks - what a scare that would have been!! So glad it was a false alarm. I haven't got one of those mats but I know friends who swear by them for peace of mind.

Pad - Sorry your little man is feeling off, it could well be a reaction to the shots. Levi always has slightly delayed reactions, hes usually fine the day of and sometimes the day after but then he gets fussy and uncomfortable. Each set of shots is different, though some are worse than others. I hope he is feeling better soon, lots of snuggles until then!!

Kat- Hope the move went well hun, I guess the unpacking begins now, right?!

Tuckie - So fun B has been having playdates. I am sure Bay loves the interactions, I saw some pics of FB - she has cutie friends!

Heart - Thanks again for those recipes. The spinach gnocci were a huge hit for my little cheese lover and I made a double batch of the pancakes too. He will get his first one of those today. I also have the stuff to make the burgers today. I am trying to stock the freezer with good things for Levi for a few weeks because if I do stay pregnant, I am anticipating not wanting to think about food much but I want him to have good things I can just pull out to give him.

Hopeful - Those pics wer adorable! I love the one where they are looking at each other. Precious. Did you have a fun celebration? Do they play together yet, or just next to each other? I am sure its fun to watch them together.

afm - Still pregnant. Waiting for the results from my second set of blood work yesterday. Also still full of cold! This thing is hanging around, is it true your immune system is compromised early in pregnancy? I wonder if that;s a part of it, and why neither hubby or Levi have caught it - at least so far - I am wondering if Levi is feeling off though because he is sleeping so hard.
I have weaned Levi, sad times. Although now he is having set amounts of formula (we do use organic to make me feel a little better about this pregnancy abruptly stopping it) he is eating mroe during the day because i think he was too lazy to nurse long enough to get really good feeds. The past two nights he has slept great t night. Last night he slept 12 hours, and we didn't feed him at all. He woke a few different times but wasn't really awake and put himself back to sleep in just a few minutes. It was great! I hope its not because he is sick but because he is getting all his calories in the day and doesn't need it.
Just- yay for E! :) so glad she enjoys rolling now! B hated being on her tummy at first too and now it's her favorite! She rolls to her tummy every time I try to put her on her back...makes diaper changes challenging :dohh: are the curtains the black out kind or just the blinds? You could try doing a double black out :D

Wooks- I barely socialized the first 3 or 4 months after B was born lol I'm just now getting more comfortable with taking her out & about. I have to wear her most times and time outings around naps and feedings, but if she's well rested and has a full belly, she is an angel in public now :thumbup: it was too stressful when she was younger though! You still have lots of time to get Hannah in a routine and plan outings :) I never had a monitor like that so I'm no help there, sorry.

Pad- gorgeous photo!!! He certainly is a little angel! I'm so sorry he's ill :( I hope it's just a reaction to his shots & that he recovers quickly. B only had drowsiness & fussiness after her shots & a low grade fever after her 2nd round. I think my niece got cold symptoms after one of her rounds though :hugs:

Croy- sorry you're sick hun :hugs: I hope Levi doesn't catch it. Yay for sleeping well! Sounds like he took to the weaning well so far. Please keep us updated on your blood results. Fx for a sticky for you!

Afm, Not much to report here. Bay is such a little joy! She was so happy this morning and we were laughing and snuggling and playing in bed. I just love her so much!!! It's the best feeling in the world seeing her big, bright eyes light up when she sees her mama :cloud9: she didn't bite me yesterday or this morning! I'm feeling slightly less frightened at feedings lol still keeping a finger close to her mouth so I can unlatch her quickly though!
Girls just quickly before I forget: in the uk the advice is that you can put the car seat in a forward facing position when baby is 20lbs. However a good friend on bnb has pointed out that in Europe the advice is to keep the baby / child rear facing as long as possible and here is why: This video

I will be keeping my car seat rear facing!
Blood tests in -

It doubled!! it was 107 and 24 hour later 257!!

Still early days but I am chosing to be hopeful - the only other doubling pregnancy was Levi so I am trusting that this is a good sign.
I have another blood test on Tuesday to check things are continuing to progress but the doc wants me to book an early (6 week) u/s for the week after next.

Just have to wait until hubs gets home to make the appt so that we can make sure he can be there.

Nervous and excited in equal measure
Great news, Croy!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

Hi, Padrat! Beautiful child!!!!!!!!!!
croy - that is awesome news!!! good he's sttn too. they don't play together really, they will play on the same toys and d often goes up to A and grabs her toy and she gets mad and starts crying. it's hilarious but you feel so bad for her so we try and keep him to his own playing but it's hard to do. he thinks nothing of it, has no clue it isn't nice to do. in the pic where they are looking at each other, it was like they were thinking, "what's that on your head?"

tuckie - that biting sounds painful! glad she's being a sweetie though

pad- he is so adorable!
Croy!!! :happydance: that's GREAT news!!! My HCG with my 2nd mc was low and super slow to rise, but with B they were rising nicely :thumbup: this is definitely a good sign :)

Hopeful- loved the pic of them looking at each other with their party hats on lol
Fantastic news croy!!! Yay!!! :yipee: I really don't think you need to worry now, you could try and enjoy every minute. That's the one good thing about betas: when they are good they are very very good and worry over, pretty much, I reckon!! So happy for you! :cloud9: is hubs pleased? I reckon :pink: :)

Omg pad he is just beautiful!!! You must be so over the moon and proud of him :cloud9: :cloud9:

Well my sickness, sore boobs and fake tan look (yes a new weird symptom) has kicked in big time! 6.3 weeks. I have some more hope now!
Croy that's great news about your results. Everything's looking good :cloud9:.

Fili glad to hear you are feeling awful and hopeful at the same time :thumbup:. Good luck getting your scan sorted for next week. I presume you can link up with an EPU locally? Totally agree about the carseats. Keep them rear-facing as long as you can as it's the safest they'll ever be.

Wookie lovely to see you and the gorgeous Hannah. You went MIA from PARL and I had been wondering how things had gone for you. Belated congratulations!

Tuckie my DD used to bite me too and then smile up at me. I used to just take her off and say no strongly and eventually she stopped. I Bfed her until one so she had quite a few teeth by then.

Pad oh my God Leo is gorgeous and that photo is just extraordinary. You have to get that one framed. Really excited to meet him. My mam is here for another week so let's try for the week after next. Will text you xx

Kat I'm sure you're exhausted after your move, hope it went well. I'm sure Pad is right and Grey was just picking up on all the change in the air. I'm sure he will settle back once you guys get sorted in your new home.

Another mum asked me how the sleep was going and as I said, not bad, he slept 4 hours, then 3 hours last night, I knew I would jinx it. Came back to bite me last night when he hardly slept at all!! I think I snatched 3x1 hour naps in total. Bit of a wreck today :wacko:. Still, he is generally a very happy, mellow and content baby so I can't complain.

Wishing everyone a great weekend.
My god! I miss a few days and I come back to a beautiful, beautiful baby and a bfp! Congrats Rapt, he is gorgeous. And welcome.
Croy, I had no idea! Fabulous news and great that the hcg has doubled.
Tuckie the play dates sound fab. I have always thrown my 2 in with others at every opportunity, its so much fun.
Pad, Leo is adorable.
Hopeful, can't believe they are 1! Happy birthday Dylan and Ava love the photos.
Heart, not long till Delilah turns 1 either! This year has flown.
Just, love that Emelia snores! How cute.
Kat love and light and thoughts. Hope the move goes ok (totally sympathise it was hellish for us) and the mole is benign.
Wookie good to see you here.
Hi ladies I feel so out of it!!!! I nearly cried hopeful when I read I missed the twins birthday!! I'm so sorry!!! I love there picture! They are soooo cute. How's things is hubby being nice now?? Hope you enjoyed seeing family xx

Croy fili wowsers ladies check u two out massive congrats I feel a bit jealous! I no I only want one but I do love the whole pregnancy testing etc as much as I hate it all to! Is that wierd? X

Croydon your hols looked fab gorgeous pics Levi is a cutie!! X
Fili your lexi looks as cheeky as mine!! Can't wait to see ur scan pic this time I was very adamant you were having a girl, lets see if I can get it right again xx

Heart lexi was the same with peanut butter but I have given her very small amounts since an she's fine they told me to put a small amount on the skin first an if no reaction she's ok to eat it what date is Delilah one? X

Kat how's you?? X

Melfy congrats on scan x

Wooks congrats Hun u sound as good as me for updating lol!! X

Hi just bumps Jen pad embo pups lee an all you other lovely mummy's x

Me n lexi just had sickness bug man it's rough being ill with bubba! Other than that all Rosie n dandy here will do some pics soon x
oh girls, we took Levi to get his first real haircut today. I think its so cute but he looks so old!
Where is my baby?!! He was so good. He loved sitting in the little rocket ship seat and turning with the steering wheel.

Here is the before

Are you kidding me with these babies?? So gorgeous!!

Jodi I love those twins of yours. Did they enjoy their sugar rush? I still can't believe they are 1!

Rap, welcome and congrats. Lucas is scrummy. I'm so sorry you got such crap sleep. I never want another child because I can't imagine having those horrible sleepless nights again. You are a brave strong woman.

Pad, OMG Leo is so stunning. Those eyelashes! I hope he feels better soon. Poor love. How is your sleep? I'm so amazed that we are in this circle together.

Croy congrats on the early days and doubling numbers! It's a great start! So happy Levi liked the spinach balls. I just concocted a new recipe yesterday that has more cheese. They are quinoa veggie burgers. I adapted a recipe I found online. The original was awful. Bland and dry. Delilah hated it. I added some seasoning and cheese and now it's her new favorite. I also made mini veggie frittatas for her and she also loved them. I'll post the recipes soon. I can't believe Levi had a haircut. Delilah is still practically bald! He looks adorable.

Wookie, I've heard those monitors can give false alarms which is why I never got one. I wanted one but didn't want the stress. Honestly, by 3 months, she's fine. I stressed so much about SIDS so I understand why you want the extra security. It sucks that they can cause more stress though. Good for you to do the swimming. I found the early days very isolating.

Tuckie, hmmmm. Delilah doesn't bite me like that. It sounds really awful. All I can say is that I hope it's a phase. Glad she didn't bite today! I know what you mean. Some mornings we take the baby into bed with us. I LOVE waking up to that sweet face. Nothing in the world like it. I'm telling you, it gets better. Wait until she starts calling you mama. It's finally happening in my life and there is no better sound in the world.

Fili, I didn't go to that link, but I can tell you I'm keeping her rear facing for as long as she'll fit. The recommendation here is until at least 2 years old. Loving all the symptoms! Roll on scan day.

Just so cute about the snoring. Sorry about the 5am wake time! I used to love daylight. Now it is my nemesis! Lol

Davies! Hello!!! Delilah's birthday is Monday. We're having her party on Sunday. I can't believe she's days away from being 1. What happened when Lexi had peanut butter? I'm so scared of giving it to her again. Definitely post pics soon. Sorry you were ill!

Hi Claire! How is sleep going?

Kat, any news on the biopsy? How is the move?

As I mentioned, I'll post some new recipes soon. If anyone else has good finger food recipes to share, I'd love them. Most of you aren't at that stage yet. Any thoughts on Kim and Kanye's baby girl's name? North West! Doesn't do much for me. Getting ready for our little birthday party on Sunday. Making a banana and blueberry sugar free cake with sugar free cream cheese frosting. I hope it's good. I'll post those recipes too if they come out good. My girl slept until 7:30 am this morning. Bliss. She's so damn cute my heart hurts.
So happy for you croy! Congrats mumma. Love the haircut pics! It won't be long before Alfie needs his first hair cut too!

Davies sorry you have been ill how's work? I'm back the week after next.

Heart looking forward to trying out your recipes! Can't believe our babies are starting to turn 1!

Rapt and pad love your bubba pics adorable!

Have a good weekend everyone x

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