
hope it's just a sensitivity and I've heard lots of babies grow out of them as they get a little older, but I totally get why you're upset

Let us know how the allergy tests go and what the Dr says. Yes, Bay has been biting me. Not just when she's getting a tooth either. She has 2 teeth already but she bites me when she's bored/frustrated also. I take her off as soon as I think my milk is running out, but the hardest time is getting the flow going! If she ges frustrated or bored waiting for the letdown, she'll bite and her teeth are really sharp! It's to the point where I'm scared every time I BF her
Fili/Melfy- glad you're both getting strong symptoms! Yay for your 2nd scan Melfy
Just- I've been wondering about Sara too

hope everything is okay with her and Eva.
Wookie- I had to start supplementing with formula when B was about 3.5 months old. I don't beat myself up over it any more. Neither should other moms that have to ff or combi feed or whatever. As long as you're feeding and loving your child, it doesn't matter! But there are a lot of moms that get smug about it, I know!
Hopeful- Happy Bday to A&D!!!

LOVE the pics! Smash cakes are so fun! Hope you have tile and not carpet
Croy- I totally understand your not wanting the inlaws to know. Hopefully they don't ask too many questions!

sorry about G. Did you check to see if his gums are inflamed? B had some sleep regression a couple weeks ago & was real cranky, it was shortly after she turned 6 months. I hope G doesn't follow in her steps! However, right after a couple shitty weeks she made a big developmental leap and started making way more consonant sounds & was suddenly more proficient with her hands too & started scooting on her belly (but she can only go backwards lol) I wonder if this is similar to what G is doing.
Rap- he's gorgeous!!! Love his lips! Welcome to marl!
Bumpy :wave:
Got together with my old coworkers that ended up getting married and having a baby together

their son is 7 weeks younger than Bay and it was cute to see the babies play and catch up with old friends and reminisce. The next day I saw another old friend who babysits her 5 1/2 month old niece. So, Bay had 2 baby play dates in a row & it was good for me to get out and socialize too! She's too heavy to carry in her carseat now too so I wear her in my wrap when we're out & about. I'm going to eventually get an Ergo carrier but they're so darn expensive and hard to find second hand around here. Hoping DH is home soon! His next job is only an hour & a half from home so that's much better!
Bay mapped later than usual today and wasn't ready for bed until later than usual. Maybe it's the solstice!

hope this means we sleep in tomorrow...a girl can dream