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Croy, that's fantastic news on the doubling numbers. It should make you feel more positive.
I only had bad experiences with HCG numbers so didn't get them done with Emelia's pregnancy, just weekly scans starting from 6 weeks.

How gorgeous is Levi with his haircut, Im jealous all of these babies with lots of hair haha. Heart , Emelia is also a baldy and her hair is soo fair. Apparently I was the same until I was about 2 before I had much hair.

Davies, nice to see you. That does suck a sickness bug (touch wood) Emelia has never been ill yet but Im dreading it! I hope works still going ok, and yeah you need to post some pics.

Rap, it is hard going the lack of sleep, but as you say if he is a contented little baby in general then you've landed lucky.
My health visitor used to say to me in the first few weeks that she could tell Emelia was a very calm and contented baby and I thought she was just guessing these things but she said she goes into all sorts of babies.
She was right, we have landed so lucky with her , she is such a contented easy baby from day 1. Long may it continue for you although they all have their moments.

Kat, I hope your move went well and your getting unpacked and organised as stress free as possible. Its not easy moving house at the best of times let alone with a baby.
We moved a year and a half ago and continued to stay with my inlaws whilst moving things gradually, I've never had to do it all in a day. I probably wouldn't cope very well.

Well Im having a day/night out with my friends today for dinner, drinks and cocktails. Hubby is watching Emelia and Im hoping that he see's just how much work it can be, especially when he's not the best at multi tasking in general.
I will need to watch myself as not had drinks in a while and the thought of being hungover tomorrow isn't very appealing. Im looking forward to it though!

Oh and Fili, thanks for posting that link about the forward facing car seats. Im just going to watch it.
I have to say though that Im very keen for Emelia to go into the forward facing seat as she is too heavy for me to carry now in her car seat.
I've been getting her weighed recently to see when she can go in. Im reckoning it will still be 9 months before she is 20lbs anyway.
I may change my mind when I watch this video but have to keep in mind that everyone I know has put them into forward facing at 9 months.
In my case Emelia has to sit in my front seat because my car is a convertible. Its fine because the air bag switches off. My MIL has said several times that she dosent think its safe but the way I see it is I prefer it because I can see her right next to me. One of my work colleagues said her grandson nearly choked to death in the back seat of her car and I hate how you cant see them.
She goes in the back seat of my husbands car or anyone elses but she freaks out and cries because she cant see anyone.
Fili, just watched that video and it does put fear into you but I honestly don't think that forward facing seats would be allowed and sold in the UK if they were so dangerous.

I had a quick look on Halfords website just to see if they sell extended rear facing seats and I thought I found some but then when you read the print they all say until 9 months or 20lbs and then forward facing.

Its just another thing to worry about.

At my baby sensory class that I used to go to there is a woman with a little girl the same age as Emelia and she refuses to drive with her in the car at all! She has never once done it even though she can drive.
I think if you were to keep thinking of everything that could possibly happen and car accidents etc. you wouldn't leave the house.

Emelia's car seat is a Recaro and we bought it as it came up top for safety, it says on it that it does until 15 months but there is absolutely no way. She is starting to look uncomfortable in it.
Also friends of ours bought the Recaro aswell as they were advised by several places not to buy a Maxi-Cosi car seat as they are not very safe.
I found that very strange as nearly everyone that I know has a Maxi cosi car seat and they are so popular. I think they are more or less all the same and the most important thing is that they are fitted correctly.
In my car I seat belt it through and my husband has the iso fix base for his car. I was told that they are both just as safe methods aslong as done correctly.

Just like everything there is conflicting information out there on car seats aswell I guess.
Here in the U.S., they're strongly recommending that children remain rear-facing for as long as possible...I believe (and this number may be wrong), that they're suggesting it until a child is around 40 lbs., so they are majorly extending the time spent like that in the car.

Daviies, I'm glad I'm not the only bad stalker! LOL!!! Good to see you!

Croy- Love Levi's haircut! What a gorgeous little boy he is!!! Love those blue eyes/blonde hair.
Just you are so right about ... not leaving the house! That's interesting about Maxi Cosi. I think you can keep them rear facing if you want they just give that as a guide?? I am buying a new car seat for Lexi on Monday - up to 30lb and prob Maxi cos it fits my pram. Lexi is still the same weight as she was 5 weeks ago when I realised I was over feeding her so it shows I was!! I have my own baby scales to weigh her once a week now. Here's a pic of Lexi looking very determined on her tummy!


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She rolls confidently now so I never leave her even for a second on her own on the change station. Lexi doing some more rolling and Lexi with her daddy watching TV holding his hand in the big peeps chair :cloud9: and me and with her daddy in the library today reading a book she was really interested in!!


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I didn't get carried away or anything! She smiles every time she wakes up! Bet she wont be like that when she's a teen!


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Fili, what a beautiful little girl! Love that shock of blonde hair, and such adorable chubby cheeks!
Don't they have convertible car seats in the UK? They are seats that can be both rear and forward facing and some can hold up to 80lbs. In these seats, it is usually it is the length, not the weight that determines when you need to face them forward because their legs will hit the back of the seat rear facing.

I still am using an infant car seat, a Maxi Cosi. It has been fine. I don't carry her in it anymore. I haven't for a long time. I leave it in my car and carry her to and from the car in my arms. The weight limit for this car seat is 22 lbs. She is almost 20. Her height will be measured on Tuesday, but they say as long as there is an inch from the top of their head to the top of the seat, they still fit in it. There is a little over an inch for her. I'm researching a convertible car seat now to see what one will fit in our car. We'll keep her rear facing until she gets too tall.

Have fun on your night out Just! Do be careful with the drinks. It takes so little for me these days. I had one glass of wine last night and feel awful this morning. Don't forget that alcohol can make you fall asleep quickly, but then the sugars act as a stimulant, so after you fall asleep, you generally don't have a restful sleep. That's what happened to me last night. I tossed and turned all night. I'm awake now and the baby is still sleeping! All that said, have a blast. Your DH can manage. Even if he doesn't do it your way, he'll get the job done one way or another. That's the hardest thing for me to come to terms with sometimes. I have a particular way of doing things. If my DH doesn't do it that way, I get annoyed. But Delilah is always healthy and safe with him, so clearly there is more than just one right way to do something!

Fili, Lexi is stunning. I just love her. I bet you'll get those smiles at different times when she's a teen. Just not when she's waking up!

Bumps, how is it being back at work? What finger foods are you feeding Alfie? I'm always looking for new ideas.

I'm so tired! My girl woke at 5:30 and talked to herself until 6. She fell back asleep. It's now 7am and she's still sleeping. I've been awake since she woke at 5:30 and couldn't fall back asleep after my restless night. No wine for me tonight!
Rap- hang in there! Sleep deprivation in the early months is killer. It gets better!!!

Heart- I think my heart will explode when B calls me mama :cloud9: we're all so blessed!!! North West?!? I couldn't believe it...waiting for the fragrance line to come out in 20 years: North by North West :haha: hope you get better sleep tonight!

Davies- sorry you and Lexi are ill :( feel better soon hun!

Kat- hope things are going better with G and the move stress is letting up and you all are getting settled now :)

Just- yay for a night out with your friends!!! :) have a blast! I worry about DH not doing things the 'right' way too lol I wrote him out specific instructions when I went to the salon for a few hours :haha: guess I'm a control freak! B'a carseat is rear facing and goes up to 35 lbs. I can't carry her in it for long at all these days. She's too heavy! I wear her when we're out now.

Croy- yay for Levi's first haircut! That shop looks cool! Love the little planes and he is soo cute!!!

Fili- adorable pics of Lexi! What a little princess :cloud9: yay to her for rolling too!

Nothing to report here except B's cheeks got really rosy yesterday all the sudden. No fever or anything so I guess it's teething but I thought it strange since her bottom 2 are already in :shrug:
Love all the photos! Croy Levi looks so cute getting his hair cut. Here is my little member of the Hair Bear Bunch
Amanda, sleeping is slightly better thank you though we still have rough nights. The solids seem to keep him full that bit longer but he is still waking. Good nights are a little more frequent now, but he is a way off STTN.
Mrs Mig - Love him!

Fili - Thanks for my Lexi fix too -

Seriously, we may have had heartache on the way to parenthood, but we are overly blessed with cute on this site!
Hi All-

Thanks for all the light and well wishes for my move. I am reading and looooove all the cutie pie photos. Yay for Croy!!!! I don't have time to do one of my long posts, so I'm giving a quick update and letting you all know that I am thinking of you ladies.

Moving has been hellish. The movers damaged one of our walls trying to get my super heavy massage chair up the third flight of stairs. We ran the dishwasher for the first time and flooded our entire kitchen. (repairman coming Monday) Today I ran outside half dressed with Grey because I thought we were having a gas leak. It was gas, but it was due to a pilot light issue on the stove. We are painting the exterior and every window has been plastic wrapped shut, so I could not ventilate. My mom screamed at me to get out of the house with the baby... I did in my nightgown. aaargh. My neighbor who we just met allowed Grey and me to stay at her house even though she was leaving for the weekend. She told us we could stay at her home for the weekend while we sort out the gas issue. She gave me her keys and alarm code. I am so lucky she is sooooooo sweet. DH was not home. The gas man came and explained the issue. It is now fixed.

Grey was crazy, crazy fussy with all the change and did not allow me to barely put him down for 3 days, so I could not help unpack. I have had to nurse him down about 6 times a night until tonight (thank goodness). I was able to unpack a lot and DH and I organized. We have both had very little sleep and were edgy with each other, to be expected, but feel good after getting some stuff in order.

Living with boxes drives me crazy!!! I can't believe Pad has to do this all the time. There is so much I want to do to the house. One step at a time.
Claire, Louis is soooo cute! OMG! That hair is adorable!

Kat, what a nightmare! The silver lining is once you get it all sorted, you'll be in your HOME!!!!

Want to write more, but am getting ready for our little birthday party. :happydance:
All these adorable babies...Fili Lexi is just scrumptious. And gorgeous boys too Mrs Mig Louis is such a smiley boy with wicked hair! And Croy, Levi is adorable in his before and after pics. Too cute.

Kat glad you survived the move and are settling in. Sounds like you've had a few teething problems but it is great that you have such a nice new neighbour as well as your lovely new home. Good neighbours are a real bonus.

Heart happy first birthday to Delilah. I hope she has a fantastic party xx

Lucas is 3 weeks tomorrow and hasn't been off my boob today, and hasn't slept very much at all either. I think he is having a growth spurt. Not sure if that means he will sleep tonight, or if he has started as he means to go on :wacko:. Wish me luck people......
Oh Rapt, the joys of cluster feeding!! It doesn't last long I promise.
Kat - hope things get fixed soon, what a mess. Did he sleep better last night?

Happy birthday Delilah!! Amanda- I remember that day too. I got a txt from u that your water broke and I was so excited! I knew she would be ok as I just went through I all with preemies so I was just happy you were going to be a mom. Can't believe u were updating throughout! How was the party?

Write more later. I have to stay home today as daycare lady's dog is sick and she needs to take the day off
wow yes sorry i had loads to catch up on just started my new journal parenting one lol well pauls started his job and gone 13 hours a day kieran has now stayed the weekend at nannys house this is the first time he has gone away over night it was so good just to have me time and to catch up on stuff stupidly i got out all kierans newborn clothes and sorted through things omg i just got really broody again lol xxx
Kat - what a time you have been having! Glad the gas leak didn't turn out to be anything serious, but must have been frightening! Is Grey seeming a bit more settle now? I hope so. Sounds as though you have been able to start some unpacking which is good. I am with you about the not liking living in boxes.

Ladiss, I am freaking out a little about some cramps I had this morning. I was starting to feel peaceful about this working out but just one little out of the ordinary ache or pain and that goes out of the window. No bleeding or anything but something just felt off this morning. I know you girls all know what I am talking about.
Also, I stopped nursing cold turkey and been working out some knots since, but then the past two days I have been leaking everywhere!! I need to dig out my nursing pad leftovers from when I started nursing because I am wet. I don't know if its because of the new pregnancy or the stopping nursing, maybe both, but its weird. And my boobs are so sore and huge! Not huge with milk, I am only getting a little but swollen. I didn't really have this with Levi but my doc says its normal. Seriously hurts so bad when Levi launches onto me - our fave game! So I am having to try and position his hands so they miss the girls!! ouch
Another blood draw tomorrow, results Wednesday. I'm exhausted from stressing about this cramping already. I wish I just knew either way.
MrsM- what cute pics of Louis! He's adorable :) Gotta love those messy food shots!

Kat- what else could go wrong?!? :dohh: at least you have a really kind neighbor! Hope things get settled for you soon :hugs:

Heart- happy 1 year to D!!! :D let us know how the party goes!

Rap- cluster feeding is sooo draining! I BF'd B nonstop in those early months & I somehow managed to survive those growth spurts and sleepless nights, but they are so rough! :hugs:

Croy- of course you're nervous hun. We all know that feeling! :hugs: I hope the HCG results are good this week and ease your mind some. Hang in there!

:wave: Jenny, Fili, Melfy, Bumpy, Just, Hopeful, Davies, Wookie, Pad, Lee & everyone else :wave:

B is still biting. I give up ](*,) Should I just express? I don't want our BF relationship to end :cry: I don't know what to do ladies! Some days she doesn't bite me at all and then other days she bites me repeatedly. My right nipple is so damaged and sore right now that every feed on that side hurts me sooo bad.

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