Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Hope u are having a great trip croy -i have been reading your blog and it sounds like you are having a wonderful time!

Wow clever lexi!!!! Croy a dream feed is when you cluster feed early evening and then before you go to bed you feed again without waking them and ideally you won't need to burp or change them. The idea is that it gives then enough calories to sleep longer, ideally through the night. Sounds like it might not be necessary for you Davies as she's already sleeping so well through the night?
I've tried a couple of times with Alfie but no joy so far, mainly because he gets a lot if wind so always needs burping and he also gets very wet nappies so he would prob soak through if I didn't change him! And both of these things would wake him up!
Davies how did you get her to sleep such long periods or did it just happen. At night life will sleep anything from 3-5 hrs at a time but no more!

Heart sorry about the house but sounds like it was the best decision for you! I'm excited for you about being a SAHM!!!!

Petit and hoping how adorable are your avatars!!!

Hopeful hope the twins are recovering from being sick.

I have a very tearful and clingy bubba the last couple of days - nothing in particular seems to be wrong but it's exhausting!!!!
Bumps hi Hun, lexi just decided at 7/8 weeks she was going to sleep longer! Everytine she emptied her bottle I would up an ounce she's now taking 5-6oz 5 times a day, she mainly slept 3-5 hours from birth apart from colicky nights. I think putting her in her room helped as I wasn't disturbing her! An also I do last bottle in her room in dark with just light part of mobile projects on ceiling so she watches it, I don't talk to her rreally then either I just keep it calm etc. during day she's awake 1hour 30 - 2 hours an then she needs a sleep for an hour at Least, I think she's happier as she's having un interrupted sleep, she slept from 8pm - 715am by 845 I put her back in bed an she was up at 1015am ready to go.
I don't let her sleep after 7pm! I play with toys etc talk roll her do tummy time! We strip her off an she loves naked time! Then do relaxing bath wash play then I get her out I do massage cuddles then bottle in rocking chair in dark with mobile on an she's half asleep, it's like a dream feed as she barely ever has wind as she do relaxed, an she sleeps. I'm very lucky at the moment I'm sure sge will wake up soon!! I am still awake till 1am waiting for her lol! It's true when people say u never sleep the same again! X

Pip dream feed can b beneficial to some people but not to others I thought I would try without an see an she's ok without it so far so fxd! X

What age are you going to wean?? Anyone no what u do? X
Thanks for the dream feed info. I feel like that's what Levi does, he is barely awake at night when I feed him, he just gets disturbed by his belly poor thing. Last night for hours he was grunty and squirmy and pushing, I clapped and cheered this morning when he finally pooped!

I was so impressed with him flying. He did great. I am way less anxious about flying to England next week now. Although it is a much longer flight so I hope he will do ok.

I am looking forward to our time there but also am excited for being done travelling because I am itching to get Levi on more of a schedule and maybe some sleep training to get him sleeping better at night. He still does a 4 or 5 hour stretch but he did almost 8 when we were in Florida so i know he can do it. I want to have more of a routine at night time to help him relax. I hope that we can help him to learn to do it. I am ready to have an evening again and I think its just better for him to have more of a routine.

Our babies are growing up so fast :(

Ok, off to make a cuppa. Back to Seattle and its 48 degree weather.
I wondered where all of u went. Going to spend my 2am feeds catching up, I've missed u all
Did any of you ladies get poorly in the third tri with coughs, colds and chest infections? I am getting worse by the day and getting a bit worried about the effect on baby. Off to the docs tomorrow!

Still stalking from time to time! Can't wait to join you all on here in 10 weeks and 6 days roughly lol!
Fili so sorry to hear you are sick. I think I had a cold sometime in my 3rd tri but it wasn't bad enough to see the doctor. I think that unless you have a sustained fever then baby should be fine and dandy in there. Make sure you are drinking lots of fluids and keeping down any fever you have. Rest up and take care of yourself mama. Hope you feel better soon and that the doctor gives you some other help too.

Keep those feet up!
Fili I wouldn't worry about being sick unless like croy said you get a fever or dehydrated.
Get some rest and look after yourself
Girls you were right, that's just what the doc said - thank you xxx
Check out page 449 in RMC thread...what we were doing last Halloween. Can you believe it?

I don't think dh and i gave candy to trick or treaters, we shut the lights off and were sad and had a new puppy. Who knew what was coming our way...

Croy- glad u had a good trip, I read some of your blog. Cute pics!

Hi emilie- glad to see you in here! How have u been?

Fili- u have nursery ready?

Bumpy- is he getting much sleep now?

Davies- hadn't seen you in awhile until lately- what a good sleeper! And teeth? Are they the bottom two? I hear they usually come first. A and D have rolled over too but not consistently. I have D on video.

Heart- how are you and Delilah? Is it colds? Coughs? D and A still sleep in their rock n plays as they were so congested and needed to be upright. I think we will have them back in the arms reach cosleeper bassinet tomorrow night though. They haven't slept together in 3 weeks. Where is Deliliah sleeping? Swing? I'm nervous for when they grow out of the swing!

Hi pip! I stalk ur journal.

I'm pumping...2:40am, sometimes would skip this one but they hurt so had to do it
Lol, I know the hurty booby feeling :)

I'm so slow with catching up on bnb...

Davies, congratulations on all that sleep :thumbup:
Things are a little better here since J's first tooth came through and we discovered the miracle that is pink juice (baby paracetamol). I was reluctant at first but it turned my upset baby into a happy one in 20mins so I know he needed it.
pip - we have purple juice (grape childrens tylenol)...

here's a link to pics
Slowly getting some normality back in my life so I will hopefully be posting more :happydance:

Amanda...hope you and D are feeling better :hugs:

Jodi....your babes are beautiful :cloud9:'s bloody freezing here so bring your warm clothes :winkwink:

Hoping...nice to meet you :howdy:

Pip...I chuckled at your pink juice :haha:

Sarah....yay for lots of sleep but boo to teething already :wacko: is Alfie doing hun? You getting on ok?

I know I have missed peeps sorry :wacko:

Evening ladies

Heart and hopeful hope your babes are feeling better now?

Davies and nsn I'm jealous of all this sleep you are getting! Your babies are soooo clever to be sleeping through the night and I'm very jealous :0)

AFM we found out why Alfie was being so clingy and teary he's got silent reflux (heart Delilah has that too right?) we have infant gaviscon for him now and so far so good. The pain seems to have eased which is great as I felt so helpless. My tiny little premmie is turning into a chunk, I love chubby babies haha! I last got him weighed 10 days ago and he was 8lb 4 and I'm getting him weighed again on fri when he will be 8 weeks old and I won't be suprised if he's 9lb now. Andrea the sleepsuits you have me are just starting to get tight but we got some good use out of them so thankyou so much! He's got his jabs a week fri and I'm not looking forward to them!!
Girls I thought I'd share this with you all if you're in need of a giggle this morning! Check out this video on YouTube:

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Croy- I’m glad your Florida trip was a success! I’m sure he will do amazing on the journey to England. Penny was a great flyer until she became mobile. On our last trip all she wanted to do was get down and crawl around. Luckily I had a friendly passenger sitting next to me who helped keep her entertained.

Justwaiting- congrats on your little guy! He looks so precious in your avatar.

Fili- I’m glad the girls gave your some good advice regarding your cold. I don’t remember being sick in 3rd tri besides the last week I projectile vomited twice for no reason. Those 10 weeks will fly by in no time. Are you all prepared for your little guy’s arrival? I will check out the video on my next break:thumbup:

Hopeful- Last Halloween Penny was a few days old and we spend all day waiting around the hospital getting her jaundice tests taken care of. I was a very nervous new mommy. The year before that I was still recovering from my last MC. I hope the congestion has eased for your LO’s. I bet it is beyond cute seeing them sleep together.

Davies- Yay for your little girl giving you all that sleep:thumbup:

Peptitpas- Congrats on J’s first tooth! Penny still only has two… the teething phase is rough.

Neversaynever- it is great to meet you as well!

Bumpy- it does sound like you have a little chunk on your hands

AFM- I am completely exhausted and returned back to work today. I will update my journal with pictures of Penny Pumpkin Palooza as well as a full report sometime today or tomorrow. It was wonderful and we all enjoyed ourselves. I can’t believe it is over and now my baby is a one year old! Yesterday we got dressed up and went trick or treating with some friend’s at the mall. Penny and her BFF, Boston, scored tons of candy for their daddies and also each won a free round of mini golf for their next baby date. Later we went to a Halloween party and played games and munched on yummy food. Towards the evening we took the babies and kids trick or treating around the neighborhood. It was a lovely time and so much fun to see the babies dressed up and so excited!
Pictures of Penny Pumpkin Palooza in my journal if you girls are interested:thumbup:
Bumpy, yes, Delilah has silent reflux as well. We don't have gaviscon here. We had her on Zantac and it didn't work. Now we have her on Prevacid which is a very powerful med. It stops all acid from being produced in her tummy. So I also have to give her probiotics. I wondered if that's what was wrong with Alfie. I'm glad he's feeling better. Silent reflux is horrible. And very common with preemies. It's going to be a long road ahead, so be prepared. Let me know if I can offer any advice. Oh, and sleep will happen even with the reflux. The heavier babies are, the longer they sleep. I've been told that 12 pounds is the magic number. Delilah sleeps very well and isn't quite 12 pounds yet. But it happened suddenly. One night she just slept and slept and slept. Now it's what she does every night. It will happen. Have faith.

Jodi, Delilah is still in her swing. She's super long and her feet are almost hanging over the edge! I'm having a mini heart attack at the thought of her outgrowing it. We've tried the co-sleeper and even in my bed. She does well for 1-3 hours and then her reflux gets the better of her. I'm really hoping she has outgrown the reflux by Christmas when we have to travel. She still has her cold. Lots of mucus that I have to suck out. And she's had constant diarrhea for 4 days straight. She's peeing a lot and her mouth is wet so her doc assures me she isn't dehydrated. She's in pretty good spirits too. But if it continues through the weekend, I have to bring her back to the doctor. I'll check out page 449 in a minute. I can't believe it's almost been a year since Delilah was conceived. 11/11/11 was the day. Last year I made DH answer the door to trick or treaters.

Hiya Kellie! Glad you found us. I'm horrible keeping up with journals these days so I'm glad you found this thread.

Amber, I couldn't resist your journal as I was dying to see all of your pics. I posted in there. Penny is so gorgeous! What a fun time. I want you to coordinate my birthdays from now on please.

Pip, I've already invested in the pink/purple juice as a precaution! Sounds like magic.

Andrea, tell us all about Louis!

Fili, that video is hilarious. I watched it with Delilah on my lap and she was mesmerized! Hurry up and get to 40 weeks so we can meet your baby!

Sarah, Lexi sounds like a dream. I can't believe how much you feed her! Delilah is a 3oz girl. Has been for a while now. I wonder when she'll need more? Yay for sleep!

I just said this on the PAL thread, but I also wanted to say here that I am finally exclusively breast feeding. I worked so hard to get to this point. There were so many tears. I can't believe I did it. I was ready to throw in the towel so many times. It was so hard to build my supply back up. But here we are. I know that if I went back to work, it would have been the end of breast feeding. But luckily I can continue doing it for as long as she needs now.

Doctor said I could start giving her solids, but I'm waiting at least until 6 months. I worked too hard to get this breastfeeding thing going. I don't want to ruin it now.

Off to bed. It's past my bed time at 9:30!
Awwww hoping the pictures are just gorgeous! I love all your outfits and the action shots on the trampoline and with the birthday cake etc. it looks like you went to a ton of effort! Happy birthday Penny, by the way she has the most beautiful eyes.

Heart thanks for the info about the reflux, it has been tough and I hate seeing him in pAin but I'm sure things will get better. Got him weighed yesterday and he is 8 weeks old and 9lb 9 I can't believe he is growing so well!!!! I hope you are right about 12lb being the magic number as it can't be too far away for Alfie!!!

And way to go with the breast feeding you should be SOOOO proud of yourself!! That's an amazing achievement!
Thanks Bumps! It feels good to BF, but I know it wasn't in the cards for you. I hope you don't mind me talking about it.

Jodi, I went back and read page 449 of the RMC thread. It's amazing that almost everyone on that page has babies now or is pregnant. Sadly, Amos is the only one who isn't. I read my post and was disheartened by all of the FB announcements, but said one of them made me happy because it was a B&B girl who had had losses. That girl was Amber (hoping)! Now Penny is 1! Incredible.

I'm having dinner at Fleur de Lys tonight. If anyone is a foodie, or has watched Top Chef Masters, Hubert Keller is the chef. It's a Michelin Star restaurant and has won many awards. It's supposed to be amazing. And the best part is they have vegetarian dishes. It's my step-mother's 60th birthday and she and my father invited us to go. I'm not comfortable with anyone new babysitting Delilah at night yet, so Tim is staying home and I'm going. I can't wait!
That sounds so much fun! Enjoy yourself!

Of course I dont mind you talking about BF silly!!! I would have loved to have at least been able to do it for a bit but after everything that happened I wasn't able to, but A is healthy and thriving so I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I have a lot of respect for all you ladies that are still managing to BF

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