Bumpy- poor Alfie

makes sense he doesn't want to eat when he's feeling poor. I hope he gets better soon. Hang in there hun & let us know how it's going.
Melfy- yay for a free a/c

hope it helps with Z on those hot days! That's great sleep too
Kat- happy 7 months to G!!!

he is sooo cute! Love his big grin! Hope your skin troubles are clearing up.
NSN- congrats on your pregnancy!!!
Just- omg! How scary! I'm so glad it's just an allergy and not something more serious. I know I would've been freaking out in your shoes. Let us know how E is doing with the rash. FX it clears up quickly.
Croy- congrats!!!

that's a great hb! So happy for you
Wooks- shots are always hard

poor babies. Sounds like her development & percentiles are really good though! B just slept a lot after her shots, but after her 6 mo shots she kept waking up with this high pitched wail intermittently in her sleep...only the first couple days & then she was back to normal. I always have the eagle eye after shots too! I always checking for a temp, rash, etc!
Hopeful- thanks for the heads up about the 1 year shots. So far B has had mild reactions (drowsy, low grade fever once, some pain on her legs) but now I'll be nervous about the 1 year ones

hope your LOs recover quickly.
Fili- :wave: saw a pic of you (can't remember if it was here or FB), but I love how you do your hair in soft ringlets. So cute! Just thought I'd tell you lol I rarely curl mine because its so long it takes forever and never holds! Always falls out in a few hours
We've been busy visiting family. My cousins came into town from Idaho and we had a big BBQ at my grandparents this weekend. All the little girls loved B and she loved watching them run around all day. She was utterly fascinated by all the children! That night B was up just before 1am and would not go back to sleep! Idk if it was all the stimulation from the day or what but it was crazy. She wasn't crying. She was just hyper! I put her in her jumperoo at 2am when it was clear she wasn't the least bit tired! She jumped for a half hour and then we tried to go to bed again and she finally went back down after 2:30am!!!

So strange! Anyways, she's been pretty fussy this week with teething but is sleeping pretty well. I've been pumping (I'm with you Kat, so over it!) since B constantly rolls, bites, & pulls my nipples while nursing. I'm still trying to persevere with BFing but she is certainly testing my patience! She's been blabbering all day long too. She talks sooo much! Most of it sounds like nonsense, but I love when she says ma-ma-ma-ma!