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Great news.


Grey does the whole on and off my nipple 100 times thing too. It is very annoying. I think he is having a wonder week. He won't bloody let me put him down. Luckily DH is here and is wearing him. He wants us BOTH to be here and entertaining him 24/7. G LOVES sweet potato btw. It is how I have gotten him to eat solids. I mix sweet potato with his avocado and with his egg yolk. He doesnt like blueberries or cherries. LOL, he makes the ugliest faces when I give him tart fruit. It is hilarious. My skin is clearing, thank goodness.
Yay croy fili and OMG Davies too!!!!!!!
Have u told hubby?

Cazi I'll be your ttc buddy next year lol as we are waiting until A is 2 so will be trying again around sept next year (if we do, still a bit undecided at the mo)

Hi everyone x
Davies!!! Congrats hun! Thrilled for you. Have you been feeling off at all?

Fili great news about your scan

Kat sorry greys having a rough week. Glad you and dh are finding something that works. We are the opposite, we like to switch off when Levi has rough days. I cam be very loving and patient but only if I get a break! Ha ha! Glad your skin is clearing up too.

Wooks you are being very restrained. But when you ttc and have #2 you can know that its totally the right timing for tour family.

Tuckie I hope you are right about them getting along by being close in age if all goes well our kiddos will be 18 minths apart which I always wanted as a gap (still can't believe ot might actually happen) but it means I have no preference really about boy or girl. I thought I would want girl only but now the thought of 2 boys close is really sweet so I don't care but I hope they get along!

Hopeful you contine to be my hero taking care of your two at once. Levi is exhausting and he's just one little guy! Are things still going better with dh?
Hopeful- No rush! I'm just grateful you're sending me the ones they outgrew! So kind of you :)

Kat- Glad G has come around on solid foods. B also loves sweet potatoes :) the going on & off the boob 100x is so frustrating! Almost makes me miss thenewborn feeds...Not! :haha: Sorry G is having a fussy week :/ B has a lot of separation anxiety right now too. She cries every time I leave the room but sometimes I have something to do and I HAVE to put her down. I've found she will sometimes cry as soon as I put her down or walk away but if I let her whine for a minute, she will get over it and will start playing independently just fine (until she sees me again :dohh: )

Croy- I think with an 18 month age gap they will play together very well! Of course there will be some squabbles too, but that's totally normal! When all the toddlers get together in my family, they're all stealing each others toys and getting mad lol but then they'll laugh and play together 5 minutes later. They seem to get over the spats pretty quickly! It's great you are open to either gender. Will you be finding out sex or team yellow this time?

DH got good news tonight. He came home for the night because he's only working an hour & a half away. His parents wanted to meet with us and my BIL. They told us that since we've been planning to buy a 2nd car and my BIL needs a car, my MIL is giving my DH and his brother $15,000 each for their vehicles when she gets her inheritance this summer :saywhat: We were shocked. That's so generous of her to gift them that money! DH thanked them profusely & we were all kind of stunned and just kept saying "wow" and "thank you"! So, now he wants to get a 2012 or 2013 Toyota. With our savings, we were looking at a 2002-2006 probably. So, now our 2nd car will last much longer. And I'm going to save some of our money we had been putting away for the 2nd car, so we'll have that for emergencies or whatever. We're SO appreciative of this :)
Fili, great news about the scan.

Davies, OMG indeed haha, am I right in saying you weren't planning a number 2? haha

Kat, Im glad to hear your skin is clearing up. Good that Grey is starting to enjoy his foods better, it must just be a whole new taste experience for them when they are only used to milk. E loves sweet potatoes aswell.
Have you tried him with natural yoghurt and fruit mixed in? that's another favourite around here.

Tuckie, that's fantastic news about the money you's are getting! What a nice little lift for you guy's.
What you describe about Bay fussing when you first put her down at times is the same as Emelia, she cries for a bit and then just plays with toys but when she see's me again and then I walk away out of the room etc she starts crying again. I think they really have a concept of distance now and know when we're going further away from them.

Hi to everyone else....

Every time I come on here and read or more pregnancies Im jealous haha, I look forward to having another.
hi just! i miss being pregs so i get jealous too just about being able to be pregs! lol

thanks croy - unfortunately no, dh is not nice to me. it sucks. you girls are so lucky to have good husbands, I couldn't imagine having that luxury. and it shouldn't even be a luxury, it should just be part of having a normal life.

having 2 the same age is super expensive and so much work but it is really fun to have 2. they don't really play together but they do go near each other and take toys away from each other and get mad ;) D and A ran into each other head on last night crawling super fast and A got a bloody nose, just a few drops but poor girl. i'm sure that wont be the first time i clean blood off of one of their shirts.

kat - my kids loved sweet potato too! now they aren't as into it as i make it into chunks for them to pick up. they LOVE carrots though and green beans. glad your skin is clearing up. is it something that comes back?

tuckie- that's awesome news! how sweet of your MIL!
Hopeful- Your DH SHOULD be nice to you, every second, of every day. That is in a perfect world, of course, but it should be nice at least 90% of the time. That's not much to ask for. :( :hugs: Oh, I would have fretted over the bloody nose thing! But Hannah's still in the boo-boo-less phase where she just hangs out in one area, and is not yet mobile...I'm sure once she's moving around, there will be all kinds of accidents and bumps and whatnot.

Just- I know what you mean...these ladies pregnant with #2 are making me REALLY want to get pregnant again. But, we're going to stick to our guns, and wait until Hannah's a year old before we try. And then Lord knows how long it'll take my old-ass to conceive again, but whatever. LOL!
Hi Ladies-

We were NTNP, but now we are flat out NT. with the last fussy month, we are thinking one is good. I won't say anything until I actually insert the IUD this time, since I've backed out twice already.

Great news hon!!! My parents always share money, so it's normal to me. Wonderful for you all. My parents chipped in $50K towards our home without us asking. It's very Asian.

PR doesn't usually come back. Poor babies. I'm sure it won't be the last time.

Haven't tried yogurt yet. Was thinking of waiting till 8 months.
Croy that's wonderful news. Yay for a heartbeat!!!

Fili, same for you! What a miracle!!

Davies :shock: I can't believe it! Congrats!

Sticky babies all around.

Fili, I can say with all sincerity that I won't be the next. I still haven't gotten AF from BF'ing and I only have 1 tube. And don't you have to have sex to get pregnant? LOL! We really can't afford another baby. It's too expensive where we live and I really need to start working again soon. That's fine by me. My girl completes me.

Our vacation has been good so far. Delilah was a dream for Tim's family. She has been less than a dream for my family. We've been on Cape Cod for a week now and last night was the first time she slept through the night. She's been waking up every hour and screaming for an hour or two. Tim and I have been exhausted. I think she's overstimulated by the amount of people here (there are 8 adults and 4 children in the house). Everyone will be gone by Monday and it will just be Delilah, myself and my mother for the next month. I'm going to move into a different bedroom and I hope that, combined with less people, means she'll sleep better. She does love the beach though. We've gone every day. The weather has been amazing.

I heard from her pediatrician regarding her blood test. She has a peanut allergy like I suspected. Apparently it's very mild. But I know that only 25% of people outgrow peanut allergies and while it is mild now, if she keeps getting exposed, it could get worse. So the plan is to keep her peanut free for the next year and then re-test her. Luckily, because it is mild, I don't have to worry about products produced where there are peanuts. I basically just won't feed her peanut products. Also, I got her tested for all of the other nuts and she isn't allergic. So at least I can give her other nut butters instead. Almond nut butter and jelly sandwiches will be equally as delicious.

Ok, just a quick check in. Will try to be on more when my family leaves. Hope everyone else is doing well. xo
hi amanda! glad to hear it's going well except for this part of the trip but i bet she will settle when it's less people. sucks about the peanuts! f'n peanuts! at least it's mild but still it will be a worry. did she have her 12 month shots? have you found any sippy cups you like?
Wookie, Im sure a few of us will be ttc buddies even if its next year.

Hopeful, I find it really sad that your husband is not good to you. It sounds like he hasn't really made any improvement then since the last time you were saying that he was nasty saying horrible things to you.
I know its easy for anyone to tell you that its wrong and you deserve better which you do but only you can make that decision. Sometimes I think people get into that much of a routine together that they just stay together even if not happy. :hugs: to you. At least you have your two beautiful children out of it and they will be with you for life no matter what happens in the future.

Heart, you've got to love how they are angels at times and then a nightmare at times. I honestly think your right about over stimulation. That sucks about the peanut allergy but at least it has been diagnosed and you can take steps to avoid it. Out of curiousity did you avoid peanuts whilst pregnant? I did because I kept being told conflicting I was scared to eat them but I have read that by avoiding them whilst pregnant you can sometimes cause an allergy, I genuinely don't know what to think, who knows if there is truth in that.

Hi to everyone else...

Im busy getting ready for a wedding we are going to tomorrow. Emelia will be staying with my MIL for the day and overnight, whilst the dog is going to a dog sitter again so we can let our hair down and enjoy ourselves.
Oh, Heart...major thumbs down to the peanut allergy. I was hoping that little reaction was just a flukey thing. But at least there's a chance she can grow out of it, if peanut products are avoided for a while...
Hi ladies, sorry I've been MIA. So busy lately. I shall try to catch up. I'm 40 tomorrow! Scary shit.
Happy 40th!!! I know you have an awesome party planned.

So sorry for the allergy. At least it is mild and she isn't allergic to anything else. Hope you all get some sleep. I am sure Tim will be so happy to go home and sttn in peace.
Tommy Tippy sippy cups are great. G is using them... well, kind of.

I must have missed your post. Is your DH being an Ahole again?

I heard both ways about peanuts. I heard that if you eat them you can cause allergy. I ate a ton of peanut butter. I love it. I gave G PB for the first time at the drs and so far so good. I accidentally gave him some pesto with walnuts today. He was fine.

Did you start solids yet.

I know what you mean by having to entertain all day. Yikes.
MrsM, happy birthday to you. I hope you get lots of lovely treats and have an amazing party x

Kat, glad to hear that Grey was ok with peanut butter. I've still to try it. Im not actually a fan of nuts, I only like cashew nuts and pistachio buts. I hate nuts in things like cakes and chocolate etc. and I couldn't eat peanut butter but all of my family love it.
Hi :)

I have an app with my OB in 2 hours and my NT scan in 5 hours...kinda nervous and excited and the same time:happydance:

MrsM: Hi!! Hope everything's fine. Happy birthday :)

Kat: Glad to hear your skin is clearing up:thumbup:

Heart: That sucks about peanut butter :( But like you said at least she's ok with other nuts and nowadays many peanut free stuff, like cookies, cereal and granola bars are available since it's a common allergy:hugs:

Gotta go. And have a nice weekend:)
MrsM - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you are celebrating hard :)

Melfy - Good luck with your scan. We are going to do that too - not because I am worried but more because I like to have the extra sscan :) I am sure it will be perfect, enjoy looking at your bubs.

Heart - So sorry about D's peanut allergy, but glad its only mild. Still, its another thing to worry about! Will they give you an epi pen to keep with you just in case? The little girl I nannied or had to have one because of a nut allergy. She got hives around her mouth from the oils but thankfuly I never had to give her anything other than benadryl and shes 4 now and much less sensitive already. Hoping Miss D grows out of hers too. So good to hear that you are enjoying vacation time. It looks like its HOT out there!
Kat, no we haven't started solids. Hannah's only 4 months old, so we are waiting until the recommended 6 months to start giving her real food, in which case we are going to do BLW at home, and give Grandma and Grandpa purees to try for her lunches when I return back to school (I'm a teacher) in a month...I wish all three meals a day could just be actual food-food, and that I wouldn't have to mess with making purees, but I'm sure if I try explaining BLWing to the grandparents, they'll treat me like I'm nuts, so I'm giving them purees. At least she'll get 2 baby-led meals at home to play with and eat. LOL!
wooks - i didn't know you were a teacher, what do you teach?

happy bday mrsm!!!!!

kat- yeah, same old stuff but better in some aspects. He just got a job and starts Monday, we thought he wasn't getting it but then he just did now so hoping that makes him feel better and not stress out so much.

i ate a ton of peanut butter when pregs.

melfy - can't wait to see cute nt scan pics!
We started solids after 5.5 months. Some people start at 4 as you know. I'm impressed you are going all out BLW. The one purée a day should be fine.

Lets hope he feels good and it carries over into home. Most men need work. Mine does.

Can't believe you don't like PB. If I were full veggie, I'd live on it.

Hi All. Still settling in. Joined moms baby group. Going great. Skin is almost all cleared after only 2 weeks. Usually lasts 6-8. Eating healthy and trying not to stress seems to help. G has been needy. He is sleeping on my boob since DH wasn't home for nap. I'm too wimpy to attempt the crib.

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