Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

I made it!! I've finally graduated to this thread!:happydance:

Gloriana Michelle was born on October 31st at 7:58pm, at 40weeks + 6 days after a Pitocin induction. She was 21 1/4 inches long at 7lbs 15oz. So small and sweet!:cloud9:
I'm still in a lot of pain and trying to recover from her birth. My epidural wore off before active labor hit so in the last hour I went from 5cm to hello baby and could feel everything! Gloriana flipped back to back and was delivered face up. Much harder delivery than any of my boys! But I'm in awe of my beautiful princess!


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Thank you! Its going well! The boys are completely in love with their sister. If she's awake they are taking turns holding her.
Gloriana is an awesome baby so far. She sleeps great and nurses even better. I'm very blessed.
Heart- congrats on ebf! And I meant to bestow upon you, pip and me the bronze boobie award! I think it's for 3 months of nursing/ pumping. Next up is silver at 6 months I think...
Anyone I'm missing?
Couldn't imagine ebf, must be so nice to be done with bottles, unless you want to pump for a night off...
I was sad reading back in the pal thread when I noticed too that Amos isn't pregs yet. I really think she needs to keep trying...and I miss her

Bumpy- hope the reflux gets better. He's gaining weight perfectly!

Hoping- love the pics, what a good looking family you have

Hi Andrea- I stalk ur journal, love the updates

Davies- we don't hear much from you! Glad Lexi is doing great
Heart I'm so happy for you. Such an achievement for you. It truly is a wonderful thing to do if your able.
D is adorable and is very lucky to have her mummy.

Bumps I hope the reflux improves. I had no idea premmies were more prone to it. My hat comes off to all u mums with reflux or colicky babies. Ur doing amazing.

Fili hurry up and have me-mo!!!!

Owen has been a bit sick with a cold the poor little guy but is hopefully on the mend.
He's has a big week first swim, first giggle, first half roll over and first illness.
He's getting so big he is about 7kg which is about 14lb I think and is in 00 clothes my boy is a giant.
He's nestled in under my boob taking a nap. Hehe
That is so cute Kellie! Did he like his first swim? I so so can't wait for Alfie's first giggle, a baby's laughing is the BEST sound!

Quick question - when you all do night feeds do you change your baby's bum? I read so many places that you don't need to unless their nappys are soaked or soiled but Alfie has a really wet nappy every time - my boy pees for England!!! So it often wakes him up when ideally I would love to do a quick feed and then put him back down again!

Hope u are having a lovely time in England Croy!

Mom2 Gloriana is beautiful!

Hope all the other yummy mummy's are doing well!
Hello Marl ladies. Not sure if I should be posting this or not (probably not) but someone a lot of you may remember has posted again in PAL under a new username. Not sure what to do about it. Any advice? Sorry to crash your thread with something off topic.
Bumpy have you tried changing him before you feed him? Then it won't be as unsettling.
Hopeful...I don't know how you pump/feed/work and care for your two babies...:howdy: big time lady and thaks for stalking my journal :hugs:

Davies...Lexi is looking more like daddy these days :winkwink:

Amanda...scary about the swing...I have been making Paul put Louis down for naps rather than snuggling him so he gets used to that rather than a person. Although he uses his thumb to self settle..he can only do it when he's lay on his front :dohh: How is D doing? Is she feeling better? :wohoo: at EBF....hard work paid off eh :yipee: how was the meal out? :hugs:

Bumpy...silent reflux appears to be becoming quite common and it's not nice for these poor little babies :nope: are the meds working yet? As for nappy changing...Louos used to soak through his clothes so would end up being totally changed during the night but he would go back to sleep at night. I now use a nappy cover that is meant for cloth nappies over the top of his nappies to catch leaks and smother his bum with Metanium cream to prevent nappy rash :hugs:

Kellie...good to see you in here Owen on the mend? :hugs:

Mom2...welcome chick and G is just beautiful :cloud9:

Hoping...Penny is just such a cutie :cloud9:

Apologies to whoever I have missed :dohh:

AFM...Louis was 12 weeks on Friday...where the heck did the time go :shock:

He is STTN, in his room (on his own for the last two nights which I hate) but have to compromise with some things :growlmad: I haven't slept properly as I keep watching the monitor lights to check Louis is ok. I hate being deaf in one ear because it makes me paranoid that I won't hear Louis if he wakes :wacko:

He absolutely hates his car seat so outings are so stressful. I think I have discovered that he starts being a little sick then gets the hiccups in the seat and also a rocker chair which incidently he hates too. Does this sound like silent reflux?

Today he has been a PITA....good job I bloody love him :haha:

Hope you are all having a good weekend :hugs:


MrsM...just ignore her...:winkwink:

MrsM, I saw her too. I agree with what Andrea said. There are a lot of new girls who don't know who she is. If she isn't PARL, it's really not the right thread for her.

Andrea, that does sound like silent reflux to me. Frequent hiccups are a symptom of reflux. Delilah only gets them when sitting in her bouncy seat. Contrary to popular belief, car seats aren't good for babies with reflux because when they are in that position their stomach contents get pushed up into their esophagus. I try not to feed Delilah immediately before putting her in a car seat. Every time I feed her and then put her directly in, she always spits up.

Bumps I usually change Delilah once during the night because they get so full. Sometimes I skip it, but I like to make sure she is comfortable. Because of the reflux, I have to hold her upright for a while after she eats anyway, so I do a quick change as well. I have all of the supplies right next to me so I don't bother turning on lights. I just do it on the bed, throw the wet diaper on the floor and then dispose of it in the morning.

Kellie, Owen sounds like Delilah. She's been giggling a lot recently. Has her first illness. Had her first half roll over. Hasn't had her first swim but will soon when we go to Florida. He's such a chunk! He could flatten my wee baby! LOL!

Welcome Mom2! Gloriana is so lovely. You must be in heaven having a girl finally. So happy for you.

Jodi I recently had to throw milk away that was in the fridge. I hadn't been dating it since we were using it so regularly. All of a sudden Delilah was getting so satisfied from the boob only that we stopped giving her bottles. Next thing I know, there is milk in there that I didn't have a clue how old it was. I made Tim dump it as I was too traumatized. I've pumped a bit recently to make sure she is getting enough as she still has diarrhea. But when I give her a bottle, I pump right after and I always pump the same or more than she is getting in the bottle. I now pump 3-4 ounces for every pump. I also went out last night so I pumped a lot so she had milk while I was gone. I more than made up for the milk we tossed. And I started dating it so I know when to freeze it.

Tim babysat while I went out for a fantastic meal. Apparently Delilah screamed for 2 hours, which she NEVER does anymore! Finally he put her in her swing and left her to cry so he could eat dinner. He ended up playing her videos of me which calmed her down. I have to say, that made me feel really good.

Right now she's lying on her activity mat watching Tim as he plays guitar for her. She's enamored with him. Super cute.
Owen is on the mend. Still wakes up more frequently thru the night but hopefully he'll stop that again soon. He can go 4 hrs during the day but only 3 at night cheeky monkey.

Bumps I don't change Owen for 12hrs over night unless I have to and then I Do it mid feed. Disposables hold heaps. But if they leak try using the size up at night.
Just - glad Owen is feeling better.

Amanda- Good for you, Mama on the breast feeding. That's amazing!! I know you had to work so hard, i hope you can celebrate with a glass of wine knowing you have extra milk if she gets hungry before its out of your system!

Mom2 - Gloriana is beautiful, congratulations!! So glad you are here with us

Hoping - Penny is darling, what a fun party!

afm still getting over jet-lag. I'm exhausted. We have been pretty busy since we arrived but tomorrow we have nothing planned at all. i am excited to nap A LOT! Levi has done great. W e have seen lots of friends and family and he has been passed around a bunch but he has been a real trooper. ok, off to eat dinner now :)
Amanda- they outgrow things so fast don’t they?! I hope for both of your sake she gets over the reflux before she has fully outgrown the swing. I finally stopped putting Penny in her swing at 4 or 5 months when she figured out how to wiggle out of the straps. I’m glad you still have a happy baby on top of the reflux and illness. She must be a complete angel when she is not plagued with these things. I hope the cold goes away soon!

EBF is a HUGE accomplishment! Well done! :thumbup:I hope you enjoy your dinner… I love watching Top Chef

I got teary eyed reading about your post from 1 year ago. It is absolutely incredible to see how much can change in a year. I remember reading your post when you saw Delilah’s heart beat for the 1st time. I just remember being so happy for you and thinking you deserved that LO so much after all you went through.

Bumpy- Thanks Bumpy! I am just smitten with my sweet little girl. It sounds like your little guy is thriving and packing on the pounds. I would change Penny’s diaper if it was really wet. Usually I could do it and still keep her asleep. If I didn’t she would wake earlier.

Mom2- Congrats on your rainbow baby and welcome! She is beautiful and I love her birthday! My daughter was born so close to Halloween and I love it. I think it is so awesome she has 5 older brothers to dote on her and protect her.

Hopeful- Thank you! I hope you and the twins are well. Have they gotten over their colds?

Just waiting- Sorry to hear your little guy is sick as well. It sounds like he is a busy boy

Neversaynever- Thank you! Happy belated 12 weeks to Louis. I worried a lot when Penny 1st went into her own room. I loved her sleeping next to me because I could hear every breath. A monitor helps in the early months. I still can’t go to sleep without going into her nursery to hear her breathing.

Croy- Thanks! Enjoy your trip and your nap day. I bet your family is just smitten with your little guy.
bumpy - we always change them, overnight feeds or not, wet or poop

mrsm - hi! i saw that too....shouldn't be in pal

hoping - they are over their colds for the most part but Ava still has a cough when she wakes up and dylan coughs every once in a while...

we are going to start putting them in their own room in the next few weeks. really hope they sleep in there! we will probably sleep on the floor by them for a little while

i'm pumping at work... can't wait for the day when I throw these pump parts!
anyone else have hair falling out? i've had so much come out, know it's normal but wow...

also - anyone else use their iphone like a light to look at the baby without turning on the lights? I use mine all the time!

anyone else not have a period yet? I haven't.

it's almost 1 year since we all got pregs heart and croy!

we dtd on nov 6 and trigger shot, then had iui nov 8 (tuesday)
then heart on nov 11 (friday)
remember it like it was just a couple months our tickers are soon going to be the halfway point before their 1st birthdays!
Thanks ladies for the nappy advice!

I use my iPhone as a light too lol!!!

I haven't had a period yet but then Alfie is only 8 1/2 weeks old, the rest of your bubbas are much older. I didn't think you got a period whilst you are BF or did I get that wrong?
Bumpy- I think that bfing can delay periods coming back but its not a hard and fast rule so don't use it as your birth control! I have a friends with kids almost less than a year apart who was bf-ing and didn't think she needed to use anything - oops!

Jodi - Yes, tons of hair coming out over here. In handfuls! I have heard its normal even though its freaking me out a bit! I am not sure how I am not bald yet!
My periods came back when I stopped exclusively breast feeding and started to wean her onto solids. If you are on the mini pill as birth control that can affect things. Some people don't get a period on it, I bled constantly so I stopped taking it.
Croy I need more plane details! I'm obsessed with reading about how to fly with an infant since I'll be doing the cross country trip by myself. Hope you are having fun fun fun!

Jodi, I still pump and hate it! Not as much as you though. Good thing we love our babies so much.

I keep saying I wish I would lose weight as fast as I'm losing my hair! I lost a lot of hair before I got pregnant, but this is ridiculous. Every woman I know who has had a baby warned me of it, but I didn't think it could be that much. I keep telling Tim I'm going to make a hair rug!

I haven't gotten my period either. I've had some cramps and ewcm, but no period.

I'm dropping all my stuff off at my old office tomorrow. I'm bringing the baby. I hope she feels up to it. We went to the doctor today as we're on day 7 of diarrhea. She poops about 10 times a day. Poor babe. She pushes so hard, she sometimes spits up at the same time. The doc thinks it is a virus as everything else is ok with her. Makes me sad though. I'm giving back their laptop and the one I own is broken. So I may not be on here as much. All I have is an iphone. Tim has a work and personal computer, so I can use his, but it won't be the same. Just wanted to let you all know.

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