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Hi everyone, Davies has it sunk in yet? Who is going to be next lol? It's raining pregnant ladies in here!

Happy 40th mrsm saw some of ur fb pics looks like u had a blast!

How is everyone?

Couple of pics of my little man. His eating is slowly improving but he put on 1oz in 4 weeks so I suspect he lost weight and is slowly putting it back on. Health visitor was concerned enough for me to book a doc apptmt because his weight increase is slowing down massively so will see what they say. He's crawling around everywhere now and pulling up onto things it's exhausting keeping up with him!!
Bumpy...he's handsome :cloud9:

Davies...:saywhat: :dance: we need more details :haha:

Croy...I found the HB with this one at 9+1 was shocked. I have the sonoline B

Tuckie...hope B stops biting soon little tinker

Kat...glad you're all settled and G is doing ok apart from being clingy

Heart....sorry about the peanut allergy :( enjoy the rest of your vacation scary with the rash are those gorgeous twins doing?

Fili...can't believe you announced already...I'm putting it off. Nobody knows not even family so they'll all be shocked!

Lee...Morgan is handsome and well done on EBF

Wooks....hope Hannah's doing ok from the shots.

AFM...all fine as far as I know, have been listening daily to the HB and have another scan tomorrow. Louis is almost one already and he's being a cheeky chappy most of the time :haha:

Hi ladies,

Bumpy your so right that its raining pregnant ladies on here!

How handsome is Alfie...he is beautiful! Those pictures are really lovely! Im sure he is absolutely fine and healthy but doing no harm getting his weight checked out! If it makes you feel better my sister in law cant believe how big Emelia is as she is 18lbs 11now, because my nephew wasn't even 20lbs when he was one last year. I always thought he looked quite petite compared to other kids but he was all there and more just the same. He is now almost 2 and absolutely fine/normal and much bigger. They are all so different!

Davies, it must be tough that your flying when you have nausea and backache. I look forward to hearing more aswell!

NsN, that's great that you can find the heartbeat for reassurance! The first I ever tried my Doppler was 14weeks as that's when I bought it after having a spotting scare!

Croy, that was to answer your question aswell, sorry but not too sure when is the earliest you can find heartbeat. Your absolutely right though it can be a worry when you don't find it easily. The Doppler is a great thing though for reassurance, I thought so anyway in my case.
I borrowed it to my pregnant friend and her midwife gave her into trouble for using it, I imagine due to causing unnecessary worry at times. I was smart enough not to tell my midwife that I used one, I figured they may not like it!
I've never had any professional pictures taken but Im quite lucky that my dad used to do wedding photography as a second job so still loves to takes pictures. He took these which have still to be touched up and softened etc. but I thought they were cute, I would like one for my wall as don't have any wall pictures. I don't know why they are so small again that you have to click on them
Heart- hope D has settled and you are enjoying your time away with your family. Sorry about the peanut allergy but you have a good attitude about doing almond butter etc instead. Fx she grows out of it!

MrsM- I saw some pics on FB from your bday festivities and it looked like you had a great time :thumbup:

Kat- glad you joined a mom group & it's going well :) yay for G getting up on his knees & rocking! Won't be long now! Bay still army crawls but hasn't gotten all the way on her knees with belly off the floor yet.

Croy- I've heard women show sooner with #2. I found B on my Doppler @ 12 weeks, but I didn't try much earlier. I think with the good ones, you can find them earlier like 9 or 10 weeks :) I can't imagine taking care of an active baby with 1st tri exhaustion :hugs: hang in there.

Melfy- yay for a great scan! :)

Hopeful- thanks for sending those!!! I will check later this week :) sorry DH is being lousy. I guess the counseling didn't help much? :/

Lee- happy 3 months to Morgan! He's gorgeous :cloud9:

Davies- do you have a scan appt?!? Sorry about the nausea. Maybe Croy can share her crackers :haha:

Wooks- sounds like Hannah's appt went well. Glad she only had a fever the first night.

Bumpy- SO adorable! Hope his weight picks up!

Nsn- :wave: good luck on your scan!

Just- did you already attend the wedding? Was wondering how E did with her overnight away. Beautiful pics your dad took of E :)

Still in the midst of this BF battle with B :/ I'm basically exclusively pumping now & I'm not getting shit. I've tried to BF her the last couple days only to be bitten twice. I think I've exhausted my efforts with this. Our BF relationship may be coming to an end :cry: I wish I could do it longer but I'm so stressed about nursing now and it's just not working. Fx my pumping output increases!
Here's some recent pics of B: she love saying mama-mama all the time now :cloud9: so sweet!
Tuckie she's so gorg I especially love the bottom pic! Hope the pumping gets better for you.

Just - well Emilia is already bigger than Alfie he weighs only 17lb 4 and is over 10 months old! I can't see him teaching 20lb by a year lol!!! I hope he catches up and isn't a squirt, good to hear your nephew did!

Yay the royal baby is a boy!! Anyone got any name ideas? I'm going for George or David!
Sorry just I missed ur pics - how lovely she's adorable and they look like professional pics!

Nsn - wow to hearing hb already. I think it might be a little Girly!
Bumpy: What a gorgeous little man...girls are gonna be all over him :)

NSN: Yay for the heartbeat :yipee: It's such a beautiful sound to hear, isn't it. I never get tired of it!!

Tuckie: Bay is adorable, as always :) Sorry you're having a hard time pumping. I've been there, and I know it sucks!! This is my personal opinion, and I didn't breastfeed for very long (I admire you and all the ladies who are for BF'ing for so long) but don't waste too much time on pumping. Spend that time with Bay instead. Don't get me wrong, I know breastmilk is the best for babies, but she is 7 months (soon to be 8 months), she needs your attention and you need her. Spending that extra time with her is more important I think than pumping. She'll thank you for it:hugs:

Fili: Saw you scan pic on facebook, this is wonderful!!! Lexi is gonna be a big sister!!!

Croy: Tiredness isn't easy to deal with when you have a kid to take care of. Are you getting help? my mom watches Zoe often for a couple of hours (2-3 times a week) since DH is away and it's amazing!!

Just: she is such a little doll :)

AFM...I'm soooo constipated:blush: I'm actually considering eating Zoe's prunes:haha:
Hi All,
The house is finally coming together after a whole month of what feels like non-stop work. It's gorgeous and I love it!!! G is napping on DH in the ergo, so I have a moment free.

He is precious. Sorry you are having an eating struggle. I know this has been going on for quite a while for you. He looks perfectly healthy and robust.

Great news hon.:happydance: They'll be close together enough to be BFF.

I'm so sorry hon.:cry:
You have done well beyond above and beyond. I hate pumping and even my oversupply boob started barely producing. I stopped pumping all together since my move. I think our bodies just adjusted to what our babies were eating and the pump doesn't milk us properly. I know this must be challenging, but I do not want your nipple bitten off. I know you have tried everything. I am so lucky G has stopped gumming me at all and he has no teeth. I feel for you hon. Nothing to feel guilty about if you decide to stop BF. you exceeded your goal of 6 months and she is almost 8 months now. I have been pushing G to take more food because I want to wean at 1 year or at least cut down to maybe 2 feeds a day. I love BF and I don't... I am sure you know what I mean. I am getting unlimited text on the 24th since DH's business is doing so well we need an unlimited plan now.
She is as beautiful as always. Little devil in disguise. =)
It's easy to say, but try not to stress too much over this. It will be okay. She is super healthy and you need to be okay in your body (nipple attached).

Try not to stress with the doppler hon. I cannot imagine how tired you must be. I took 4 hour naps and went to bed at 8:30 during 1st tri at times.
There are way worse things that wheat thins to be craving, LOL. I really thought crackers must be different. They are something I truly do not care for. Now cake and cookies and ice cream... That is a different story.

I never thought of having professional shots softened and touched up. I think we will do that for G's 1 year family photos that I want to hang above our fireplace. She looks adorable. Look at her hair coming in. She is sweet and feminine.

I was constipated the ENTIRE pregnancy with G and it sucked!!! I had bloody piles from the constipation. Nothing helped except eating high fiber cereal. It was so bad I did a few enimas at the end because I was in pain. Eat the prunes.

Life is great =). I love our new home, G is healthy and robust, DH's business is doing great (He made more this month then we used to take in an entire quarter), I made some new mom friends that live in my area, we go to the beach/park/farmer's market daily (DH is his own boss, so he works more at night so we can do family stuff), my skin is cleared up super quick (in 2 weeks instead of the usual 6-8), and I feel very content.

I think I only want 1. The whole board is preggars, and we were going to ttc #2, but I really think G is 4 handfuls already... And I don't want to go through pregnancy again. I don't feel like a 2nd one is missing, but of course I might change my mind. Again.
Hi ladies,

Tuckie, Bay is so beautiful in those pics, they're lovely! Its a pity if your breast feeding plans has to come to an end sooner than you had planned, but you have done so well up until now and she is a picture of health so Im sure will be fine. I can only imagine the pain. Look at those teeth in that picture haha.

Kat, Its lovely to hear that your feeling so happy and content with everything in life right now, you cant beat that feeling.
I like how you say that Grey is 4 handfuls! I honestly think that this baby business is getting harder as they get older and remind myself of that if we are waiting a bit for number 2!

Bumpy, Alfie will be absolutely fine. You mentioned the Royal baby, I was quite excited watching it all on TV last night and my husband said to get it off! He likes to keep saying its just another couple having a baby no more special than anyone else haha. I do quite like William and Kate though as they seem just a normal down to earth couple. I think you feel a bit sorry for them though as imagine even trying to just go a walk with the pram etc. They will never be able to do just normal things.
Oh who knows what the name will be as they probably cant name it what they really want to as I think there are certain expectations about what is acceptable.

Melfy, that isn't so much fun about the constipation, I luckily didn't seem to suffer with that but I know most people do!

Well this morning I was giving Emelia a bath and I seen a tooth which has started to come through at the bottom, This seems to explain a lot about why she hasn't been herself recently and quite cranky, she must be in some pain.
Tuckie, you asked about the wedding we were at. It was a great day last Friday and apparently Emelia was great. My MIL and FIL keep saying what a brilliant baby she is and so good natured. They loved watching her overnight. That's twice she has stayed away overnights now and I feel happy about doing it. I don't think they slept a wink though just checking on her, I would be the same if it were me watching someone else's baby.
Bumps I think it's sinking in just about... Feels so strange! Gorgeous pics handsome boy!!! X

Never now far along are you?? X

Just again gorgeous pictures!! X

Tuck I need crackers plain yuk! But I need something! Wow beautiful eyes an again lovely pics x

Just yay for teeth??

Afm I'm off to doctors in a min to register! I'm booked at epau next mon for early scan, really suffering with sickness/nausea! Not hungry really but when I am I want fruit an chocolate/cake etc exactly like with lex! Hubby knows no one else knows an that's how it's staying! Will check in later girls after docs x
Good luck to all of the preggos on here! This thread seems to be bombarded with new pregnancies, which is wonderful! I hope to be joining you in the early part of next year, but like all things, we'll see...

Kat- I think life sounds wonderful for you right now! Isn't that the best feeling?

Tuckie- Bay is so beautiful and happy-looking. Do not beat yourself up if you have to discontinue your BFing relationship. Lord knows you did an awesome job, and you could try to continue it...if it's not working out, there is absolutely NO SHAME in that, regardless of what a lot of competitive moms online will say. Do what YOU need to do, and do it without guilt or shame.

Bumpy- Alfie is about as handsome as they get! What a doll!
Just thought I would have a catch up and cannot believe how any of you are pregnant again. :happydance::happydance:

Congratulations to yo all. I am secretly very very jealous. Oh is adimant there will be no more......we will see.:blush:

Well Isla is six months on Friday she is rolling over and sitting unaided. She's a proper little person now so interactive. I love it. Here she is with naughty grandad feeding her ice cream.


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Melfy - All my family is in England so as much as my parents would love to help they can't. My in-laws are great but its not the same as my own family so I dont feel comfortable just calling them ou of the blue and saying "help me!" We have some set times when they are going to come and take Levi out but they are not always the best at respecting nap times and such so I have to be very specific about when I ask them to come. Honestly, its not all that restful to plan to have them to watch him. But these days I will take what I can get.

Debz - Such a cutie! cant believe she is so old already.

Tuckie - Gorgeous pics, Bay is so sweet.

Kat - what a great season of life to be in. I love the moments when life is just good. Enjoy it! :)

afm - shoot me now, Levi slept less than 30 mins now (usually 1,5 hours) and this afternoon he has been SCREAMING for over an hour in his crib. I have gone up to try and settle him a bunch of times but he won't go down. So I am just sitting here on the verge of tear because I am so tired - and so is he - and when he wont nap he sleeps crappy at night. I was already thinking I need to go to bed earlier tonight - like 730pm - how am I going to get any rest this afternoon if he won't freaking sleep!!!!! Drives me nuts. Its too hot for this crap kid, I don't know what to tell you.

I'm spent.
Croy I empathise! This heat is UNBEARABLE!! And with grumpy babies too :trouble: I want it to snow :xmas7:

Davies :yipee: :yipee: A sibling for Lexi I just know it!!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo: you'll be just fine hun, 'glad' you're feeling sick! Hope it continues!! xxx

I can't believe my 12 week scan is about a week away and I haven't had an appointment through for it yet!

Aww Debzie she is gorgeous! :cloud9: Are you planning another?
wow i have missed alot :p congrats daviessssss wow lots of pregnancys being announced lol

just finished up for school holidays now cant believe my boys will be 9 and 1 next month eeek how is everyone xxx
Fili no we are not planning another but I ave got that feeling at the moment that despite all that happened giving birth to Isla ( I developed eclampsia and it was touch and go for a while) I am not done having babies. It may pass. Else ally tonight with a very grumpy teething baby.
love everyone's picks!

croy - totally understand, I was up from 1am to 4am monday night and last night. so I had to smile at your post but just because I am there too!
Jenny!!! - Hi friend, so good to see you on here! Do you have lots planned for the school hols? I remember the first week out my Mum would always take me to Chessington World of Adventures. It was my fave summer holiday treat :)

Hopeful - UGH! To being up so much at night! So sorry. Are they teething? I hope they snap out of that very quickly!! Poor thing. I am eating dinner now and then will be heading to bed!

Hubs has been away the past couple of days for work so I have been solo! I am pooped. Happily Levi napped like a champ the past couple of days and slept through last night so he has been very sweet to be with but he is no less busy when he is awake!! We went to the zoo for the first time today and he was fascinated pointing at everything and growling! I think we might get the year pass so we can just go when ever we want and we won't have to worry about having to make it worth the money every time. i worked it out that the membership pays for itself after 2 visits and this way when he is fussy we could literally go and see the bears or the lions and then go home, we only live about 10 minutes away. Lots of my friends are members too so it means we could have free zoo playdates too.

One funny/gross thing that happened today (why does it always happen when I am solo?) I waas rocking levi to sleep for his afternoon nap havong just fed him, like I do every day and this burp comes from deep, deep within and makes him bring up the whole 8 oz, along with some undigested sandwich , he was facing me when it happened so it went down inside my shirt, all over hte floor, the crib and a quilt as well as him. I didn't know what to d o first, he just started laughing thinking it was so funny! Took a while to get cleaned up and then settled but he did go down.

So I have a questino for those with babies eating real food. I baked a talipia fillet that i got at the fish counter tonight for Levi and he gobbled it up, I just put on a little butter and lemon and he could not get enough. I was just wondering if any of you had more exciting ways to prepare fish. I love to eat it but I don't cook it often. I would love to encourage this because its so good for you. Hubs doesn't eat (unless its deep fried in batter) it so I am happy to have someone else to prepare it for too.
hey :p

well not much yet i am planning trips to the petting farm zoo london aquarium swimming soft play parks etc im gonna try look for deals and free days too as money is tight with both the boys birthday in a few weeks xxx

how is everyone ? xxx

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