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Hi, Jenny! K is so big, and handsome! I can't believe he's nearly a year old!
i know the time has just flown by i get quiet emotional thinking about it to be honest he is turning into a right little character so he is xxx
Hi girls! :hi:

I've been reading but the connection here is terrible, so I often can't reply. Wish I could respond individually as you have all shared so much recently.

To answer a few questions I remember off the top of my head, Just, I did eat peanut butter during pregnancy. I honestly don't think that had any bearing on Delilah's mild allergy. My father apparently has a mild peanut allergy to peanuts as well and didn't tell me until recently. I think it was inherited.

Jodi, I use a Munchkin sippy cup that I bought from Target. I've used it for months. I only have one and it gets a lot of use. Lately the area that she sips from has been leaking when it is tipped over. I like the cup but I think I might try a different one next.

Croy I have no advice for fish.

Delilah is sleeping through the night again thankfully. I moved into another room at my mom's house now that the rest of the family is gone. Delilah does better in the room by herself. She also isn't letting me rock/pat her to sleep anymore. She gets agitated. So last night I just left the room after 30 minutes of patting her. She cried for a few minutes and fell asleep. Today for both naps I read her books and gave her kisses and then left the room. She cried for less than 5 minutes and put herself to sleep. I didn't want to do CIO but she's given me no other option. And given that she isn't crying very long, I feel encouraged. I can see on the monitor that she is lying down, playing in her crib and falling asleep which makes me happy.

She has started taking steps on this vacation. She's not fully walking yet, but it's coming soon.

How are all the preggos?

How is everyone else?

I'll keep reading as much as possible. xo
Oh and for those who are looking for a great, fun recipe, try this.

Almond butter and banana popsicles!

I got the recipe from Super duper easy and yummy.

3 bananas
1/3 cup rice milk
1/4 cup almond butter

Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into popsicle molds.

I halved the recipe which turned out to be:

1 and 1/2 banana
2 Tbs and 2 tsp rice milk
1/8 cup almond butter

Delilah LOVED them! Perfect for a hot summer day.
Girls I had spotting has anyone else had it? I had crampy stomach to off an on! I'm amazingly quite calm I think as I hadn't planned this I am for once having faith in my body! It doesn't feel right! Does this sound normal?? X

On a positive I have a scan tommorrow at 1120am so fate will show me What's in store? X
Girls I had spotting has anyone else had it? I had crampy stomach to off an on! I'm amazingly quite calm I think as I hadn't planned this I am for once having faith in my body! It doesn't feel right! Does this sound normal?? X

On a positive I have a scan tommorrow at 1120am so fate will show me What's in store? X

Are you on progesterone? Unless it's bright right and getting more abundant I would try not to worry too much about it, but I know it's hard:hugs:

Good luck for the scan tomorrow. Keep us updated:thumbup:
Just popping in for a quick post!

Heart- those Popsicles sound yummy! Glad D's sleeping is going well. Bay plays for a bit when I put her down, fusses a few mins, & goes to sleep :thumbup:

Davies- I wouldn't worry unless it gets worse or bright red blood like Melfy said.

Croy- I like to BBQ fish in foil with olive oil, herbs, lemon, & onion. That's how we do it when we catch fresh fish while camping and it comes out great. I also like blackened fish in a cast iron which hubby may like. Oh, & dill can be good to use too!

Hopeful- We got the sleep sacks! :thumbup: Thank you SO much for sending those. That was very kind of you. We love them :)

Bay is 8 months old today! Still do I get an 8 month BF badge?!? lol Hope everyone is having a great weekend! DH has worked 16 day straight with no day off so far :( he's come home a couple nights though but leave at 5am so we only saw him a few hours. B is army crawling and doing push ups all over the place :haha: she also goes from her butt to crawling position smoothly now.
Davies, how far along are you? I had spotting at 5 weeks that was pinkish red. Then I had a dark red bleed at 9 weeks and then brown spotting almost every day until 11 weeks. It was a blood clot as you may remember. Good luck at your scan tomorrow. Keep us posted honey.

Tuckie, you aren't BF'ing anymore? Is she biting too much? How is the pumping going? How many times are you pumping a day? You still deserve your 8 month badge.

Delilah is weaning big time and I'm sad. She nurses in the morning and then has been refusing during the rest of the day. She just started doing that this week. I pump after she goes to bed to keep my supply going but I fear we are quickly coming to the end of our BFing relationship. I'm thrilled we got this far and I'm happy she still nurses in the morning. I'm really not even sure she's getting much milk, but it is a nice way to start our morning. Tonight I read books and tried snuggling her to get her drowsy. She wouldn't snuggle. I put her in her crib and walked out. She screamed for less than a minute but enough time to get me to cry. Then she plopped down and fell asleep. I think we are in a new phase of separation and individuation. I learned about it in grad school. Here's a good explanation of it for anyone who is interested.

Off to have a glass of wine and some chocolate now. I'm mourning the separation from my baby, but I know it's a necessary part of her growth.
Heart- I started exclusively pumping her about a week or so ago. I tried a few last ditch efforts with latching her but it almost always ends with biting. I've been trying to stop this habit for months and I've finally said forget it. Also, when she isn't biting me, she takes a few sucks & pulls off. Takes a few sucks, looks at something, takes a few sucks, wants to touch something etc...& between that kind of BF behavior and the constantly damaged nipples, my supply has really suffered. I'm pumping 3x a day right now and I'm really not getting much at all. I did just end my period today though and it lasted 8 or 9 days for some reason :dohh: I'm dissapointed about our BF relationship ending but I'm proud of what I was able to do (my minimum goal was 6 months) & I'm tired of being stressed out before every feed so it is what it is, but it's sad of course :( I'm sure you can relate with D is weaning. It's bittersweet. Thanks for posting the link. Pretty interesting. I'll remember that as B develops as an individual too & as you said, it is a necessary thing for them...but it does make us mommies sad! Enjoy your wine an chocolate mama :hugs:
Well I think you BFing Mummies are amazing. Leo never wanted to BF... he would take a few sucks and either fall asleep or get really angry. My supply was rubbish and even with meds wasn't ever good. We expressed until 7 wks and combined fed with formula to get his weight up and then the Consultant told me to stop as it was completely exhausting me and he said it was better to have a happy Mummy then breast milk at that stage.

I felt a failure. So I admire you all very much ... then again... me and Leo have never done what was expected so I should have known BFing would be the same lol.

I have to confess I do keep popping into PARL just to see how you second timers are doing.... sorry.. can't resist hehehe!

Have to say... am beginning to get tempted... never thought I would say that .. but Leo smiles so much and giggles it just melts my heart. He is rolling and holding his head up now and I look back at his new born pics and I can't believe he is mine!

Aww I should shut my mushy trap now! Haha
Sorry I've been MIA. We got back from my in-laws saturday, and gotta say I'm glad to be home!!!

Tuckie: You did a wonderful job BF'ing that long!!! And you still deserve your badge:winkwink: Pumping is hard, I hated it!!!

Pad: I also had to combi-feed with Zoe because even though she would feed she would never suck long enough to get the ''fat'' milk, so she simply wouldn't put on weight with breastmilk alone, even after 2-3 weeks she was still losing weight. I am sure of it because the one time she actually gained weight at 2 weeks and the nurse was so happy...well turns out she had formula the day before because I was sick with stomach flu and needed a little break....kinda hard being on the toilet and BF'ing at the same time:blush: and Leo is such a cutie!!!! Love his eyes!!!

Heart: I can imagine how hard this must be for you:hugs: But like you said, they need it.

AFM...Felt the baby move yesterday:happydance: I was worried I wouldn't feel it early because I have an anterior placenta this time, but I felt flutters for sure!!!

Also a good friend of mine is now almost 15 weeks pregnant after 2 miscarriages. Her due date is 5 days after mine, so quite exciting:happydance:
Davies, waiting for an update. Hope everything is ok.

Tuckie, I remember when Delilah started pulling off a lot. All of a sudden they realize that there is a fascinating world around them and they need to look at everything. It was really frustrating. I didn't have the same kind of biting issues you have though. It got to a point where I could only nurse her in her room with the lights off and no distractions. You did an awesome job with her. Pumping 3x a day is a lot when you are also trying to care for her. I hope you come to a comfortable place where you feel ok with stopping soon. Beware though, depression can follow weaning due to the drop in prolactin and oxytocin. I've been reading about that recently as I've been feeling quite sad. So when you do start to phase out the pumping, do it gradually.

Pad, I love your mushiness! It's so lovely. Feel free any time. I know what you mean about having thoughts about a second. I'm 99% sure I don't want another one, but there is definitely 1% that thinks about it a lot.

Melfy, congrats on feeling the baby!!! What a wonderful feeling that is!

Well I had a shitty morning....literally. I woke up and nursed Delilah around 6:30 this morning. She nursed well, so I was feeling good. Then I changed her diaper and it had some poop in it. She has horrible diaper rash right now and was crying when I cleaned her. So I popped her in the tub to wash her more gently. I decided to keep her out of her diaper so she could air dry. She loves pulling her books off of her shelf and playing/looking at them. So I left her for less than a minute to get her cloth wipes out of the dryer. When I returned, she was sitting next to a pile of poop on the floor, was playing with a piece of it, and there was a small piece near her mouth! EEEEEWWWW! I quickly put her back in the tub but all she wanted to do was play with the floating pieces! Gross! Finally got her cleaned up and had to figure out how to clean the floor without her getting into it. My mother was playing tennis so I had no help. Thank god for cartoons. She is finally getting the point of watching them, so on the TV went and away I went to clean. Only to realize she had gotten poop on 3 of her books. 1 of them was a library book! Ugh. Cleaned 1 book and when I was starting to clean the next, I knocked over a wine glass on the counter. It shattered all over the floor where she constantly crawls. She got terrified and started crawling towards me for comfort. I had to jump over broken glass with bare feet to grab her so she wouldn't crawl in it. Then I collapsed in tears. She clung to me quietly. Thank god for cartoons, food and a high chair! Into the high chair she went. I gave her some food to eat and faced her towards the TV. Then I had the lovely task of cleaning up all the glass and vacuuming the entire kitchen floor. Finally, 2 hours after waking up, I got to eat my breakfast. Then it was nap time where she promptly pooped again. (This time in the diaper). Changed that and got her down for nap. Did 30 Day Shred for the first time since I've been on vacation just now. She's still napping and I still have 2 poopy books to clean! And it's not even 10:30am! Is it wine o'clock yet? :wine:
Heart - Oh you poor thing - it's 5 o'clock somewhere!! Sounds like one of those days - but it can only get better, right? Hoping the rest of your day makes up for the morning, you certainly fit a lot into a couple of hours. I let Levi have a naked bum when he had a sore bum but fortunately the worst he did was pee - didn't mention that to dh, he's a bit of a clean freak. I cleaned it up but he would have a heart attack if he knew half the stuff that happens on the living room carpet these days!
I'm sorry that D is weaning herself! I always dreaded that day, but of course it never came with Levi because we had to stop cold turkey when I got pregnant. I made it 10 months which I am proud to have achieved and I am very thankful he transitioned easily to the bottle but I miss our nursing time. Is she a snuggler at other times? Levi is a big reader and snuggles to take his bottle so I feel as though we have carved out some of that time ito our day even though its not quite the same. Hope you can find that too.

Davies - thinking of you hun and waiting for an update - hope all is well. I can imagine how worried you might be but at least the scan can show you whats going on. Hoping all is well.

Pad - Hi!! So glad to hear Leo continues to melt your heart - their smiles are the best, aren't they?!!

Tuckie - yes you deserve a bf badge!! I know its been a stressful time for you but I hope you can find peace as you transition to this new stage.

Melfy - Hope you had a good time at the in-laws and got some naps in while they watched the baby :) However, there is no place like home!

Dr appt tomorrow to check on the heartbeat. First pregnancy I feared bleeding and losing the baby that way, this time I have a real sense of fear that there will be no heartbeat, and I won't know anything is wrong until a scan. I will feel much better after tomorrow if all is well!
Levi is keeping us on our toes, the other day he walked out of the bathroom with the end of the toilet roll and walked around the house until it was all unravelled! Luckily there wasn't a whole roll on there but it was still a pain to roll it back! It only took him the time it took me to change laundry! He has also just discovered opening the toilet and playing in the water - so gross! We have put more and more cupboard and drawer locks because he was driving us nuts. I have left the tupperware and pots and pans open because i am fine with him playing there but he prefers to find medicine or cleaning products :)

He has also started climbing on the couch, the speakers by the TV, climbing over things, climbing to reach thing s on higher shelves! Our house is like a jungle gym - who knew?!

He slept 7.15-7.15 last night. A first but so nice to sleep in this morning. However, it throws our day off when he sleeps in so not sure what the day will hold?! Except grocery shopping because its like old mother hubbards in my house right now!

Hi to all you other lovely ladies too!
amanda- omg on the poop! i've worried about it going into mouths! my kids each pooped 4 and 5 times yesterday! what is the deal? is it getting molars or something and loose poops? sucks about the wine glass all over too. could use a glass of it now ;) between my kids and dogs i cleaned about 10 poops yesterday gross. I tried about 9 kinds of sippy cups? the one I like is the cheapest! it's the take n toss ones. Just a lid you snap on and they leak a little but at least they dont have to suck their lips off to get stuff out. and I stopped making formula! on Friday. So now they still have some bottles but just whole milk. dylan has bottle morning and night, she does 3 a day as she doesn't drink much from sippy's during the day.

makes sense on the peanut allergy being inherited. at least you found out

my kids stopped sttn now, geez. D was up at 3am - ish and A was up off and on. I think they sttn about 3 of the last 10 nights. they take steps when they are behind a walker toy and with holding hands with me but not on their own. we don't let them in bathrooms or the kitchen as the dogs are in the kitchen (unless we clean the floors good and let them in). Wonder if it's bad for them to not experience going everywhere in the house? it's too hard though to manage them.

melfy - congrats on feeling him! I will guess boy ;)

hi pad! i love hearing about these second time preggos here too :)

davies - are you on progesterone? could that be the spotting? I had some spotting on it

croy- that's great he's sleeping in! i would freak about the climbing on stuff, does he get down ok? my kids don't know getting down backwards yet on steps. i really think your pregnancy is going great, i'm 50/50 on guessing gender for you though...

hi jenny!

kat - haven't seen you here lately- you doing ok?

tuckie- glad you like the sleepsacks!

hi bumps and wookie!
Hi ladies,

Oh heart you poor thing! Is it wrong that I giggled at the first bit! Alfie always tries to grab his poop too or put his foot in it, or pull his penis - that's his new favourite thing to do ewwww!! Lol. We have been referred to a pedeatritian as he's not gaining weight, is pooping up to 7 times a day and not weeing much. Want to rule out allergies etc so just waiting for an appointment. He crawls around so fast now I'm exhausted!

Davies any news? Thinking of u x
All ok ladies well I was a few days behind but I will take that! 4 days exactly! But all good no sign of bleed but had that with lexi to, so thought it maybe the same.

Baby's measuring 8w1day an a heartbeat of 149bmp can anyone rem what there's was at 8weekz? Sorry I didn't report earlier my lexi wasn't well today not sure if ur was teeth but she had few dirty nappies off her food an a bit of a temperature bless her so lots of snuggles, an then I told my mum tonight, I ended up crying on the phone ( hormones! Lol)
I'm worried how I will cope with 2 a new born an a 20 month old! I struggle some days now, it doesn't help lexi doesn't sleep through the night! She still wakes every night it's exhausting! Sge sleeps from 8pm -8am up between 2-3am depending some days she will go straight off after cuddle an milk other days were up till 5am! Hard work!

Heart I'm going to your link in a min, poop stories bless d, lexi loves books to she has about 20 for her birthday so far lol! X

Hopeful how did you no Dylan was ready to change to normal milk? Lexi like Ava is still on 3 bottles a day, like Ava lexi will only have a small amount from her sippy cup, but yet will drink water fine from a bottle! X

Melf tuck bump just hi ladies thanks for your well wishes xxx
Davies that's great news! Major congrats babe! Are you doing progesterone? I don't know how you'll cope with a newborn and 20 month old, but you'll figure it out. I imagine Lexi will be sleeping through by then. Let's hope anyway.

Will write more later. Just put the girl down and am going to have dinner. Finally, it's wine o'clock! :wine:
Davies great news! I don't know how it will be with 2 little ones, guess we have a little while to try and wrap out heads around it! At 8 weeks this baby had a heart rate of 154.

Hopeful dh taught him to turn round and go backwards down stairs and to get iff our bed or the couch and he's pretty good. He's also pretty bouncy and doesn't seem to mind when he falls every now and then
I was just aboit to ask for arvo e on weaning to milk. It looks like you guys dont give regular milk in bottles, just sippies? Should they drink the same amount as formula? Do they eat more regular food when they switch over?
Think i need to get googling to make a plan.
Ok, wine in body. Feeling better.

Croy, good luck tomorrow. I have a very good feeling about this, but I completely understand the worry. Levi sounds like an active kid. Delilah is too. I've been looking forward to her walking, but reading your post makes me think twice. Not that I have a choice in the matter! How did the sleep schedule go today? If Delilah sleeps in, then I count 2.5 hours from when she wakes for first nap and 3.5 hours from when she wakes for second nap. I try not to let her nap past 4 though as that means she's going to bed super late and I hate that! To answer your questions, she doesn't really snuggle that much, though is doing so a little more lately. She's such an independent girl. She does love to read books before bed with me though, so I really enjoy that time. She still nurses in the morning so we get a good snuggle in then. As for milk, I don't give her milk. She gets water all day. I just keep her sippy cup full at all times and put it in places where she can reach it. We give her one 7 oz bottle of pumped milk and formula before bed but I need to stop that habit. I didn't want to face that battle on vacation, so we'll address it when we get home. She gets plenty of cheese and yogurt so my ped says that she doesn't need cow's milk or a substitute like almond or soy milk. She eats a TON of food. She poops A LOT. 4-5 times a day. I feed her 3 meals and 2 snacks a day and she eats adult portions. People are shocked at how much she eats. But she STTN, is gaining weight appropriately and is content so I'm not worried.

Jodi, as you might have just read, Delilah poops 4-5x a day every day. She eats so much that it needs to come out too. The doc said as long as it isn't diarrhea, then it's fine. It's not diarrhea. She just poops a lot. How much fruit are your kids eating? That could be the reason for the loose poops. I wonder why they aren't sttn now. You must be tired. We don't let Delilah into the bathroom either. Too much work, I agree. Do what makes your life easiest. Don't worry about keeping them out of certain rooms. Our house is too small for a walker. I think she would love it.

Bumpy, laugh away. It's a hilarious story (in hindsight and with a glass of wine.) What is the theory about pooping a lot and allergies? I'm always concerned about allergies for Delilah. Keep us posted.

Davies, I wonder why she isn't sttn yet? Do you ever let her cry? Does Pete go in to settle her? When Delilah was waking in the middle of the night and not settling by herself, Tim would go in and she would fall back asleep. Soon she just started sleeping through. I think she wanted me and when she couldn't get me, she couldn't be bothered! LOL!

So apparently my baby really doesn't want me patting her bum to get her to sleep anymore. When I put her down awake in her crib tonight, she laid right down. I told her I loved her and started to walk out. She stood up and cried. By the time I shut the door and picked up the video monitor, she had laid back down, stopped crying and self soothed by twirling her curls on the back of her head (so cute) until she fell asleep. It was AMAZING! I'm sure I'll have to start over once we're home, but at least I know she is getting the hang of this new system. She hasn't cried more than 10 minutes tops and then she sttn. Feeling lucky about that though I know it can change on a dime. Probably will tonight LOL!

Good night everyone.
Heart - Active is certainly an accurate description! Today he figured out how to reach up and pop the covers off the knobs front of the gas stove! He also learned to climb fromth e couch tot he end table and STAND UP! He started clapping and cheering which alerted me but I had just turned around for a second! Geesh! He only had one nap today but he crashed at 6.15 for the night so we'll see how early I am up in the morning! He went down great this morning and this afternoon he had a hard time settling, I dont let him sleep past 4 either and it got late enough that I decided to just get him up. He rested for a little of that time, and yelled to himself, or to me or whoever LOUDLY about who knows what for the rest of the time, but he didnt cry. He was so tired tonight though - and so was I - he crashed in less than 2 minutes!
Wow, D does eat a lot! Levi used to but since we switched to formula he has stopped eating as much real food. I also think he doesn't have the attention span to stay sitting in his chair which doesn't help the matter. I am hoping as we decrease the formula nd intro milk he will pick up eating people food again. I bough some sole today for him at the fish counter so we'll see if he continues to expand his fish repertoire :)

I made and ate a whole pizza at 2.30 today - I was starving because I hadn't got to eat lunch by then, but I can't believe I ate the whole thing. I planned to save half of it for later but I was still so hungry I went back and finished it off!! Now I have to think of something else to make for dinner, but honestly I will be asleep before 8pm I just feel it. Hubs is out teaching a class tonight until 10pm so I don't have to act like a grown up and keep him company!

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