Heart - Oh you poor thing - it's 5 o'clock somewhere!! Sounds like one of those days - but it can only get better, right? Hoping the rest of your day makes up for the morning, you certainly fit a lot into a couple of hours. I let Levi have a naked bum when he had a sore bum but fortunately the worst he did was pee - didn't mention that to dh, he's a bit of a clean freak. I cleaned it up but he would have a heart attack if he knew half the stuff that happens on the living room carpet these days!
I'm sorry that D is weaning herself! I always dreaded that day, but of course it never came with Levi because we had to stop cold turkey when I got pregnant. I made it 10 months which I am proud to have achieved and I am very thankful he transitioned easily to the bottle but I miss our nursing time. Is she a snuggler at other times? Levi is a big reader and snuggles to take his bottle so I feel as though we have carved out some of that time ito our day even though its not quite the same. Hope you can find that too.
Davies - thinking of you hun and waiting for an update - hope all is well. I can imagine how worried you might be but at least the scan can show you whats going on. Hoping all is well.
Pad - Hi!! So glad to hear Leo continues to melt your heart - their smiles are the best, aren't they?!!
Tuckie - yes you deserve a bf badge!! I know its been a stressful time for you but I hope you can find peace as you transition to this new stage.
Melfy - Hope you had a good time at the in-laws and got some naps in while they watched the baby

However, there is no place like home!
Dr appt tomorrow to check on the heartbeat. First pregnancy I feared bleeding and losing the baby that way, this time I have a real sense of fear that there will be no heartbeat, and I won't know anything is wrong until a scan. I will feel much better after tomorrow if all is well!
Levi is keeping us on our toes, the other day he walked out of the bathroom with the end of the toilet roll and walked around the house until it was all unravelled! Luckily there wasn't a whole roll on there but it was still a pain to roll it back! It only took him the time it took me to change laundry! He has also just discovered opening the toilet and playing in the water - so gross! We have put more and more cupboard and drawer locks because he was driving us nuts. I have left the tupperware and pots and pans open because i am fine with him playing there but he prefers to find medicine or cleaning products
He has also started climbing on the couch, the speakers by the TV, climbing over things, climbing to reach thing s on higher shelves! Our house is like a jungle gym - who knew?!
He slept 7.15-7.15 last night. A first but so nice to sleep in this morning. However, it throws our day off when he sleeps in so not sure what the day will hold?! Except grocery shopping because its like old mother hubbards in my house right now!
Hi to all you other lovely ladies too!