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Davies- congrats!!!!! That's funny u ate a whole pizza Croy! Lol! I remember those days.

Amanda- they love fruit and each eat probably 2 of the little plastic containers of peaches or oranges a day or raspberries or something. Glad the wine was good, I had a glass too. The walkers I use are just the ones they stand behind; one is smaller but they still take up space. I have 2 shopping cart ones (fisher price laugh n learn I got used)
D sounds like miss independent - I like it :) glad she goes to sleep quickly. Ava does that too pretty much but then one of them has been waking the other for too many nights. Fingers crossed for tonight .

I give them whole milk in bottles morning and night and Ava gets a bottle of whole milk during the day. The get milk or water in sippys with meals. I don't let them drink more thsn 21 oz or so of milk. Try and keep it to 6 oz in morning, 7 oz at night and the rest in between. I read they should get between 16-24 oz I think? And ped said that too. We had been letting them try milk in sippys for a month or so and ped said we could change to milk after 12 month appt
Hi ladies no I'm not on progesterone this time, but I has spotting last time which was prob progesterone so I'm going to try without an see how we do! I'm so tired I don't no if I'm more tired or if its just harder having lexi to!

Active baby's.... I have one if those! She's a climber she climbs in the dishwasher she climbs on the dog! Basically everywhere she's not meant to go she goes! I can't seem to get her to watch tv she just isn't interested! Is that normal or does it mean sge will have a problem concentrating? X
Davies - Levi has no time for tv either. Its a good thing too because I confess, I dont have any desire for him to be aware of the real housewives :) I dont usually have it on when he is awake apart from the today show in the morning but thats harmless enough. He gets distracted by the music in the commercials and stops to dance a little with each one but otherwise he has no interest even in cartoons or kids shows so I dont bother. He does like a game on dhs phone though and would play on that for a good 10 minutes before he gets distracted and wants to eat the phone ! Hope in the future he will have more attention span for it because with another one on the way (God willing) I would love to have it to keep him occupied for a little while each day! Fingers crossed!
Davies my hunger has been out of control!! I can't stop eating smoked salmon either I wake up at eat it at 2am it's crazy! I just think all babies are different: lexi watches tv for 10 mins at a time! But she can't sit up yet or take the weight on her legs so well. She is quite active though. Can't believe my lexi will be 7 months in a week and your lexi will be one before you know it!! Im so happy you're pregnant again. I have my 12 weeks scan on thurs!!! When's your first scan? I really think you're going to be just fine.
Davies, there definitely isn’t anything wrong with Lexi! Delilah still doesn’t get the point of TV. Recently she has just started to even be aware of cartoons. She doesn’t sit and watch them, rather she glances up at them while playing or eating. I use TV as a last ditch effort to keep her occupied when I need some help. Oh god, I can’t load or unload the dishwasher when Delilah is around because she climbs into it! I know exactly what you mean.

Croy, Delilah is active too. She likes to turn the knobs on the stove when I’m cooking! I really have a feeling she’s going to be a climber like Levi once she can walk. She already climbs on things at her level. One of the reasons I wanted a girl was because I thought they were less active than boys. Guess I was wrong about that. I feel like I don’t sit down from the time I wake up until after she goes to bed. I think she eats a lot because I don’t give her juice or milk and she’s weaning, so she needs her calories from food. She also burns a ton of calories from being so active. Remember that milk and formula are liquid calories. The more he drinks, the less he’ll want food. Good luck with the fish. And ha ha to the pizza! You are preggo, it’s allowed. What game does Levi play on the phone? I downloaded Peekaboo Barn for our plane ride and she likes it, but she eats my phone too!

Jodi, I hope you got some sleep last night. My ped said we could do cow’s milk after 12 months too, but I don’t want to. She said it really isn’t necessary as long as calcium and Vitamin D are part of the diet. I don’t care if she drinks milk, I would just prefer her to drink water and eat more food instead. But that’s me. Neither Tim nor I are milk drinkers so it just seems weird to me to start giving it to her for some reason.

Fili, I’m excited for your 12 week scan! Good luck! Davies just had her scan. Read back a few pages. Sounds like your body needs some salmon! Go get some girl.

My girl slept 12 hours last night. Bliss. The weather today is perfect and on Cape Cod, one of the things that most houses have is an outdoor shower. Every day I take a shower with the cool sea breeze and hot sun on my skin. It’s amazing. Delilah loves the shower too. She plays with the shampoo bottles while I shower and then I clean her. Summer on Cape Cod is wonderful. Not exactly relaxing with a 1 year old, but better than being in cold Berkeley right now.
Oh god, I've been MIA for so long and I've been so busy and I come back and Davies is up the duff again!!! Congrats girly!!! I'm going to try to keep up from now on!
Just a quick update. My heart sank when dr couldn't find the heart beat with the doppler but she reassured me its fine and very normal to not hear it before 12 weeks. I had to wait forever for the u/s machine to be available but when they did it there was the bean, heart beating away up in the 170s now. Bean had grown too. All looking good.

Next scan is the NT at 12 weeks, in 2 weeks.

They also told me of a new screening test that I can qualify for because I will be 35 when the baby is born and along with the screening it can tell you the gender. They can do the test from 10 weeks! Crazy that you can know that so early. I still am on the fence about wanting to know at all so I might not mention that to dh at all, as he really wants to know!
croy - my coworker had that screening, it's her first and she is 40. she knows she's having a girl. i think it would be nice to know! congrats on a good scan!!! get a ticker!

mel - love your ticker!

I'm in a sleep deprivation kids are conducting it. up from 12:30 to 3:30am. so tired today. ava gets a little fussy, I leave her to settle back down, then I finally go in and take her downstairs and change her and give her some milk, then dylan wakes up and does the same thing. going to try ibuprofen tonight, maybe it's teeth? molars? who knows.

amanda - sounds wonderful out there! i wish we didn't give the kids so much milk and I don't drink much now but did as a kid. will be cutting back more though and then give them more water as they rarely get water and never juice. no cleaning of poops today?
ok - ticker in place - hope that's not tempting fate

I told hubs about the other test and he is eager to do it (of course) so we can know, even if it costs us a little out of pocket. I could do it this week if I wanted to and we would know in just a few weeks boy or girl - CRAZY!
Still need to decide if I want to do it but now my mind is spinning.
hello girls how are we all :D

davies so chuffed everything is alright :D

amanda how is your holiday ?

hey mrs miggins :p xx

ive started a ttc journal if anyone is interested and i have a parenting journal in my spoiler im gonna try update as much as possible xxxxx
Thanks Jen are you ttc no 3? X
Mrs mig thank u I'm still a little shocked! X

Croy wow that's so early to find out but I guess if ur gonna no its best to no right now, I probably won't find out
Again I really loved that part of my birth an will remember it for ever, in fact I wish I could bottle that little moment, I loved it, even if Pete did day she was a boy lol!! X

Hopeful I think we're going through the sake Hun lexis up at all hours screaming isn't really hungry just being generally grumpy I think it's def teeth, I dosed her up last night an she slept so I'm hoping she will tonight, but she's stirred twice already!! X

Heart you sound so much like me, I longed for a girl so I didn't have to do climbing an dirt lol, an my girl is a toughie more than most boys! She has chewed on two snails in my garden she will climb the stairs empties drawers, I put clothes away she pulls them out, she pulls my hair I say no she laughs at me!! Hysterically might I add!! She's made of strong stuff bless her, I wouldn't have her any other way, but I have definately not got a tv addict. Lexi is the same as Levi she will dance to N advert or something but that's it! X

Mel I had my scan Hun all good measuring few days behind, but hopefully it's all ok I hAvent had appointment through yet for my scan but will do soon, I fancy fruit again strawberries nectarines am cheese, don't like meat again an also nausea still bad daily, a lot worse in the am than pm, I'm napping when lexi does which is needed. Not sure how I feel about salmon don't think I fancy that lol, are you going to find out this time? X

Hi everyone else xx

Afm tiredness nausea, lexi must have more teeth coming as she's clingy an not happy which isn't like her! I have two days at work then her first birthday party Saturday with my family, then the following week Petes family party!! X
Hi Ladies-

Quick pop in.

Over the moon for all you preggars:cloud9:... Looks like our rainbow babies continue.
Davies, Melfy, Croy, Fili, NSN and I am forgetting someone I am sure.

What an awful morning you had yesterday. I was in pain for you just picturing it. Hearing you wistful about BF made me much more patient about G sleeping on my boob for an hour or two some days.
Love the Cape. Glad D is sleeping so well again.

Sorry BF has come to an end, but you did amazing. B will be fine. Naughty little thing. DH is working so hard hon. What are your next goals? Is he going to stay in this line of work?

You poor thing. With 2 it must be soooooo hard.

Hi everyone else.

DH and I accidentally were exposed to a neurotoxin. It is a long story, but the last few days were HELL!!! My body has been zapping at random... Like being stung by a bee. (DH's was too but much less than mine) I have been so scared. This after having unsightly and itchy PR. Of course this neurotoxin might have affected G. :cry: I thought Grey died. I could not wake him out of sleep. I was screaming his name and shaking him vigorously and he would not awaken. He finally started screaming. I had a break down. I'm letting him nap on my boob. I just want to have him close.
Davies be careful what you wish for!! I longed for a girl with Edie and was thrilled to have her..and was even slightly disappointed when I had a boy as I also wanted to avoid the Lego and dirt etc, but oh man is Edie girly and its a nightmare!! We have a battle every day about what she is wearing, it always has to be a pretty dress, which hair slides she is wearing, how her hair is, she starts the day dressed in one thing and usually wants to get changed a couple of times, one usually being a princess or fairy or ballerina or some sort of fancy dress, now she wants her toes painted pink all the time, and I am thanking GOD that I had a boy second time round! Lol! So were you trying or was it a happy accident?
Kat, again quickly. That sounds like a nightmare. Louis naps on my boob too. It drives my OH mad. Thank god you are all ok.
oooo kat that sounds scary hun i hope your both ok xxx
Jenny- wow! Number 3! You are going to be t I r e d! ;)
Its awesome that we can go thru so much crap and then get to have babies, we r lucky
Will stalk ur journal

Kat- o m g that is so fn scary! Tell us the story some time . I've never known anyone to get neurotoxins. Thank god u r all ok
Jen so excited for you! Hope thay bro shows up soon.

Kat omg! So scary. I don't even know what neurotoxins are or how you be exposed. Please tell your story if you get the chance and I hope you are all ok.
Kat omg it sounds horrific not being able to wake lexi is my worst nightmare! I used to panic so much when sge was tiny an now I have to go in everytime I go upstairs I have to check she's breathing etc! I can't imagine how u felt! How did you become exposed? Like croy I have no idea what it is? X

Jenny wow ur brave my sister has 3 boys as lovely as they are they are hard work but so worth it! She said 3 was her limit an sge hoped for a girl but she had Alfie so she brought a girl golden retriever called her daisy x

Mrs mig I sound just like Edie lol!! I would only wear dresses an loved my hair a certain way, I would get my nanny to buy me the pretend lipsticks from Avon an sit nevt to my mum at the dressing table putting my make up on! Lol! I loved to dress up shoes etc bags! My step daughter was always like that to, I loved it most of the time but I no what you mean careful what you wish for she would have the biggest diva strops if her hair wasn't right! An no defo not planned this time I always wanted one, an after 4mc I felt like I was pg years, I don't really enjoy being pg to b honest I no that may sound selfish now after everything but I really don't! I love the outcome an weirdly I love labour! But I really don't like my changing body the nausea pelvic pressure million toilet stops! X
Haha I loved all that! I'm sad I don't get to do it again. But it lasts such a relatively short time and you get another beautiful bubs!!
I hope to get chance to read and catch up a bit but until I get chance to do that my news in brief, Louis is still crap at sleeping but enjoying his food, will be crawling any day soon, my 40th was a blast but I'm pleased its over and done with, and Mark and I are quietly getting married on October 12th.

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