Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Hi ladies,

Exciting stuff all of these new pregnant ladies. I cant believe Melfy you are 15 weeks and Fili and Croy soon to be 12 weeks!
Great news Davies that all was well at the scan.

Nice to see you MrsM, haven't seen you on for a while. I hope you enjoyed your party, and I like how you just casually slipped in that your getting "quietly" married in October, that's lovely news!

Kat, Scary stuff how your heart stops when you think they are not breathing. I've had that too and calling Emelia loudly and prodding her and she woke up terrified one time! I hadn't even heard of neuro toxins either, glad all is well.

Hi to anyone else I've missed. I have such an active baby now as Emelia is crawling or shall we say her version of crawling but she is still getting everywhere from A to B and in at EVERYTHING!!! Its soo funny to watch but definitely harder work now.
i know i dont think i have girls ive had 4 boys so i think i can say that i just breed boys lol ive got everything from kieran really so im all set if we have a boy , just hope its a smooth ride this time and we dont go through what we went through to have kieran i dont think i could cope with those losses again it really almost sent me over xxx
Just - Hi there! God to see you. I cannot believe I am almost through the first tri. Seems unreal. Sounds like you have a busy one on your hands too :)

Mrs M - Congrats on the wedding! Hope you have a perfect day.

Jenny - Hoping that bfp is right around the corner and that this times its simple for you. I think there is something very special about this thread when I look at the crazy struggles everyone had before their rainbows and then how simply so many of us have fallen with what look like a second rainbow- I am still in shock and trying to believe it will work out! They say chances of having girls increase with a guys age.

Heart - I am so glad D has been settling more easlity for you. Maybe its just the age they are at because touch wood, Levi has gone down for naps really easily the past few days. If he is tired, when I put him down he just rolls around a it and settles. He did it for both naps today and yesterday! I can;t believe it! If he isn't tired however, he will through his lovies and blankets out and yell and shout! Its actually funnto listen to but annoying when I want him to sleep! Little booger.

I afm - I am trying to work on a few little craft projects for Levis party. I have a wedding the day before his party and its a long drive away so I am trying to get as much done before as I can. I made cookie dough and froze it but will make the cookies this weekend and freeze them to frost on Friday. Then I am making cupcakes that I think I will freeze too so I can make them ahead. We are just doing BBQ burgers and sides so most of the fruit and salad I can cut up on the day and my MIL is going to help too. I am making a banner with his monthly pictures on so I just ordered the prints from Costco and this morning I get the card stock and ribbon to make the banner. I am making the pelmets look like cars and trucks. I hope it will be cute. Its pretty much the only crafty thing I am doing for the party but I am glad to get to do something creative! I need it as an outlet!
Kat - OMG! Yeah, when you have a moment, please tell us how you all were exposed to neurotoxins...that's awful! I hope there are no further ill side effects from that for any of you!

I feel like I should address all of you preggos in a large group, as there are now so many of you, that I know I'd leave someone out - WOW!!!! I hope to high hell that I get knocked up as easily as the rest of you have come DECEMBER (we're now going to try when Hannah's 9 months old, rather than a year old), when we begin TTC again! So many of you are entering into the second tri (or nearly) already! Awesome!

AFM - Hannah just went on her first camping trip with us, and we just returned today. It was great! I think she LOVED being out on the pontoon boat, and enjoyed watching the campfire. All of that fresh air made her sleep so soundly, it was wonderful!
Haven't caught up yet as just got in from work, I had more bleeding again!! You no when u just have a bad feeling! We'll see if it gets heavier it's only light but pinkish/red when I wipe! It's only spotting right now but still worrying!! Thought it would b easier this time! X
Davies...I'm sorry you're having know from these lovely ladies that it doesn't always mean bad news. Sending you sticky :dust: as for thinking it would be easier...nope..I'm just as nervous/anxious/worried etc as I was with Louis :dohh::hugs:

MrsM...details woman!! Congrats and is the date a special one for you?

Kat...goodness how frightening..hope you're all ok now though :hugs:

Just...that's it...busy busy now :haha:

Heart...loving the trip details :cloud9:

Hopeful...are the children sleeping better? :hugs:

Croy...sounds like you're being kept busy as well as prepping for Levi's party :wacko:

Fili...good luck at your NT scan today

Wookie...yay for TTC earlier :dance:

:hi: and oops to anyone I've missed :blush:

AFM...pregnancy news...still able to hear the dude daily in the doppler which again is a sanity saver :haha: now 11+2 and its going faster now I can listen in :thumbup: still have only told on here and a select few close friends, will be telling family including parents after the official dating scan two weeks today :thumbup:

Louis' almost one and I'm dreading the day of his birthday. I'm so emotional I keep sodding crying at it all :dohh: he's just started walking with a walker so looks like I'll be having a walking boy in a few weeks :shock: uh oh!

Never, the first birthday is the most emotional day ever. I DREADED Edies first birthday, I knew I was going to be a wreck and I was a bit. We didn't do any big party or anything, which made it easier but I was in pieces the day before. On her birthday itself I wasn't too bad, but for some reason whenever we are at a birthday party, even if its one of my friends kids, it doesn't have to be my own - I cry whenever we do the cake and singing happy birthday. My friends know to expect it now and at every birthday party I get tissues thrust at me.
Davies - so sorry you are bleeding. It's so hard, I'm keeping it all crossed for you.
Hi everyone,

Davies, sorry to hear your having an anxious time of it with spotting. I was another that had a lot of that whilst pregnant in the 1st trimester. I really hope it is nothing to worry about. I honestly don't envy the worry and anxiety and all of the down sides.
It really sounds like the worry dosent get easier second time around.

NSN, you've just confirmed that aswell!
Your really getting into this pregnancy aswell, 11 weeks in that's so good. Sounds like your hormones are playing up aswell getting so emotional about Louis turning 1!

Croy, your birthday plans for Levi sound great, those cookies and cupcakes sound amazing!

Wookie, glad to hear that your camping trip went well with Hannah. I see that your deciding to ttc earlier than you had planned. I swear its all of these pregnant ladies on here that make us want to do it even more.
Im the same aswell , although I find the thought exciting and very worrying at the same time.

I cant believe that my own baby will be turning 1 in 3 months time, its unreal how quick the time goes!
Croy- The party planning sounds like it's great!

Never- Awww, Louis really IS coming into toddlerhood, isn't he? He'll always be your baby, no matter how old he starts getting! :hugs: Glad to hear your pregnancy is going well thus far!

Daviies- Good luck, dear. I pray that the bleeding means nothing...keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Davies - So sorry you are having to worry about the spotting. I am sure its nothign but I know its impossible no to worry. It is certainly not any easier the second time. I am still waiting for something bad to happen too.

MrsM - I think I will be emotional about Levi's birthday on the day. I can't believe he is so old already!! Where does the time go?!

Wookie - So glad camping went well for you guys. We enjoyed our trip too. I think it would have been easier when Levi was smaller. He used to be able to sleep anywhere but now he is older he seems to have cottoned on to the fact that he shouldn't sleep if its not dark! ha ha! So I want to get some kind of black out cover for our tent the next time we go :)

I just got Levi the cutest T-shirts for his birthday and to be our announcement. The birthday one has a truck on it and a number 1, in the colours of the party - lime green, blue and orange. Its so cute!! The other shirt has a digger and says, "can you dig it? I am going to be a big brother" and then it had Levi's name and 'coming Feb 2014'. I got them both on I LOVE that web site!! I also just discovered custom bedding on there which is adorable and knitted newborn props like little hats and diaper covers. I wish I had seen them when Levi was an infant. But this baby will get one for sure!!!
Hiya girls, just wanted to let you all know that my 12 week scan today went well!!:wohoo: I'm so relieved and happy! Baby was moving around loads and the nuchal fold was only 1.2 so well below the 3.4 Mark. :yipee: I've posted the pic on fb because it's much easier! Will catch up soon xxx
Hi :hi:

Fili: Great news on your scan!!!! Can't believe you're 12 weeks already. It's amazing!!!

Croy and NSN: Almost 12 weeks for you as well!!!! OMG so exciting:happydance:

Davies: Sorry you're having some more bleeding. This is probably the last thing we need as PARL:hugs: The extra worry sucks:growlmad:

Tuckie: Awww Bay is crawling!! That's great :) Zoe is also trying to crawl, but she has yet to master the skill:haha: She is moving around by rolling/turning around/going backward though. So cute and funny

And to all of you struggling with diaper rash, there's hope!!! For the last couple of weeks, Zoe had a nasty diaper rash. Tried leaving her butt diaper free, but it didn't work. So I want to the pharmacy and ask for help. Well this amazing lady behind the counter gave me the miracle cure. The first thing is a strong zinc cream (by strong I mean 40%, not the usual 10-15% we normally use). Some polysporin (antibiotic cream) to get rid of bacteria and some Clotrimaderm against fungus (the same product they use in Canesten). Apply those at every diaper change and the diaper rash will go away!!! It's only been 4 days and it's pretty much all gone. Still a little red but NOTHING like what she had before. Poor thing was crying when she had to poop:nope:
Melfy I am so glad you found something to help her. Levi has been really lucky with diaper rash but the times he has been sore its so easy to tell they are uncomfortable. With him it happened when I fed him too much of something acidic like pineapple and peaches. Most other fruits don't have that effect but he was super sore after those.
We use cloth diapers wehich for him I think has been really positive for not having rashes. I know it can be the other way sometimes but they have worked great for. However, you can't use regular rash cream on them so I had to dip into our leftover disposables from vacation to slather his red buns to help it pass :)

Fili - Great news on your scan!! I said this on FB but I think you are having another girl. Will you wait to find out this time too?
I really want to wait but I dont think huubs is on board at all. He is too much of a planner. Maybe I will ask the person doing the scan to tell us she cant tell?! :)

Ladies, I am still in complete shock about this pregnancy, I cannot wrap my head around it at all. I need to start taking belly pics or doing something that can get me focussed!! I am so hungry though, I was running errands at the mall mid morning and I couldnt handle it anymore so I stopped at Chipotle for a burrito bowl and chowed down in the car in the parking lot! It was gone in about 4 minutes.
I took Levi to story and song time at the library today and got him his first library card!! We only lasted about halfway through the story time, it was 'family' story time not the 'toddler' one so i think he liked the songs but the books were too long and didnt hold his attention so we went and checked out some books. I love our local library.

Then I took dinner to our friends who just returned home with their 9 month old daughter that they adopted from Ethiopia, she is so cute!! They already have 2 girls aged 4 and 6 so they have their hands full but they are such great parents. Playing with baby Juliet only confirmed that I want us to adopt in the future too. I think I am done being pregnant after we have #2, but I want more kids :)

Busy day - I am pooped but hoping to get a few party things done fro Levis birthday tonight. Almost finished his banner :)
Hi everypne,

Fili, great news about the scan, so happy for you!

Croy, I love that idea of the T-shirt you got Levi to say he's going to be a big brother, that is so cute. That's lovely that your friends have adopted a baby and you like the idea yourself. I also think that would be a brilliant thing to do. I often think that fostering children would be good but very hard and demanding aswell, there are so many kids out there in need of love.
Ah Croydon so cute coming in feb 2014!! Love that idea!!

Bleeding has stopped for now but I had a strange colour stuff instead!! Like an orangy colour! I can't think about it right now Esau won't scan me again I just have to wait for 12 week scan!

On a positive lexi is having her 1st party Tom with my family can't wait, spoilt monkey!! X

Croy we were due today this time last year!! X

Hi everyone x
Davies we all had bleeding as you know, I really hope it stops soon to put your mind at rest - most likely nothing to worry about but that doesn't stop is does it? Can we have pics of Lexi at her party!! Wow time has flown!!

croy i secretly want another girl so I hope you're right!!! :) I would love to adopt a child in need too but only once id had my own children. I think I want 3!

I am sooo tired the tiredness just won't go away but the sickness has def got better :)
Fili thats what we are thinking. No more pregnancies after this one but adopt one or maybe even a sibling set once our kids are a little older. Perhaps adopting kids who are 4 or 5? once ours are that age or older. I just didn't want Levi to grow up alone if we wanted to bring more kids in in the future, that didnt seem fair to him but hopefully this pregnancy will work out and him and the new baby can learn what having siblings is all about before we unleash our crazy family on some other kids :)

Glad your sickness has eased. I have to say that the tiredness has been much harder for me this time around than any nausea has. I'm exhausted all the time.

Never - I cant wait to take the pics with Levi in the shirt - I promise I will post a link so you can see it. I think its super cute.

Hubs took Levi with a friend and his son who is the same age on a hike. I t was nice to have time to myself, I made 4 dozen dump truck cookies for Levis birthday and took a nap but I am still pooped. I was going to make a freeze the cupcakes too but I am all out of energy so thats going on tomorrows list.

Got to feed my boy some dinner. Hes going a little crazy because he didnt really nap at all because of being out all day hiking. So we are trying to make it to 6pm and then he is going to bed!!! We cant wait :)

Hope all you lovely ladies had a great weekend too.

Davies - How are you, chick?
I'm good croy, no bleeding this weekend an my boobs have been sore, off n on nausea though an tiredness, peace whilst they were hiking how lovely!! Z

Does anyone else babies still wake up?? Lexi is up every night either between 2-3am or 5-6am!!! I'm starting to lose the will nothing I do changes it! I do feed her! I'm in the process of actually diluting the milk so she's only having 4oz water 2 scoops milk! But she doesn't want to b put down!! It's hard work!

I sold my car ladies.... Remember me buying the ford focus which I hated!! Well it's gone yippee! I put a deposit down on a bmw x5 which I hopefully collect today all being well! Yay!! X
Awesome update Davies - I think this is another sticky for you :) Good news about your car too, I bet you can't wait!!
So sorry Lexi is still waking you up. Do you think she is hungry or waking up for comfort?
Since I weaned Levi he has slept through. It was nothing we did or didn't do so I don't really have any advice. Is she eating a lot of food in the day? I wonder if Levi's sleep will get disturbed when we stop feeding him formula and switch to smaller amounts of regular milk.

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