Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Kat - Yes, that's me. My hair might be shorter than before and I think it looks darker because its shaded. Its actually growing out now, but I did have it cut pretty short after having it long forever. (Of course, as soon as I cut it I wanted to grow it out again!) I will post one on here with a better pic of me. I can't believe Grey is getting so big! He's adorable, and I am sure he's keeping you busy now he's moving. It just the beginning :) I love the way they just soak in the world around them at this age. They are just so aware and into everything. It's precious!

MrsM - OMG Louis is gorgeous! I love that hair!! I think its been a while since I have seen his face and he is so grown up! I hope that the STTN continues and your body adjusts! I felt like a truck had hit me the first few days Levi slept through too. It's funny how your body can get used to little sleep!

Lee - Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hope you and Morgan are on the mend now. It's so hard when you aren't feeling well and you have to take care of a sick baby too. Ask away with questions!

afm - We had our 12 NT test scan this morning and saw our sweet baby wriggling around! We get the results in about a week with the blood work too. I just tells us risk factors for some diseases. It was so great to see the baby actually looking like a baby, and the guy who did the scan was awesome. Baby measuring 12+3 just perfect. I am starting to really get excited.
awww thats amazing :D well done for a good scan hun :D

i can't believe kieran is 1 next week where has the time gone :( xxx
Croy- Yay for a great scan! Whoohoo!!!!

AFM- Hannah turned 5 months old on Monday...where has that time gone? School starts next week, and I've dropped Hannah off with her Grandma (who will be our childcare) 3 different times this week, so I could go in and work on preparing my classroom. It feels so wierd to finally be going back to work after having 5 months of SAHM-time with my LO. The mornings are hectic around here trying to get ready to take her over there...I wake up at 5 a.m. to shower, I make breakfast and warm up a bottle for Hannah, and prepare a T or so of brown rice cereal for her also. Then, when she wakes around 6:15 (ish), I change her diaper, give her a bottle, and then pop her into her high chair to have her little taste of cereal. Then I clean her up, change her pants again, and put her into her clothes. Then, she either plays on the floor or in her jumper for a bit, or takes a nap while I scramble around, packing her Grandma bag with cloth diapers, toys, and other necessities, trying not to forget anything. If I have time, I'll stuff some clean diapers, or fold clean baby laundry and put that away. Then, I have to load up the car, load up Hannah into the car, and take her over. It's a lot. Evenings are crazy too, as I try to squeeze in as much interaction with her as possible, and it's hard because she's typically pretty tired after being at Grandma's, and I have to unload everything I took over, reorganize the bag, play with Hannah, fix supper, clean up, make bottles, wash bottles, bath time, etc. It's a lot more hectic now...things were rather easy breezy when I stayed home with her, quite honestly.

And then there's the emotional difficulty I'm having in leaving her with someone else. It's hard. I miss her terribly, and have a lot of guilt. I worry our bond will suffer. I just...WORRY.
It was a few pages back but I am lending stuff owen has grown out of to friends who are having babies shortly, so by the time I have a 2nd they will be done with it all. I'm keeping all clothes though.

Such great news about all the preggo's scans.
Are you all doing all the steriods, progesterone, asprin etc, you did the first time round. Fili i saw you were but were wondering about the rest of you. I'm weighing up whether to do the cycle tracking and all that again or just try for a normal conception and pregnancy. I will insist on extra scans but not sure whether i'll cope especially if something goes wrong and I didn't do all that stuff.

My lil man is walking. He looks like a zombie hehe, but he is loving his independence and loves taking me for a walk.
hope your all well.
jw - congrats on walking and happy belated bday owen! I think I missed it?

croy- love the pics! and congrats on a good NT scan

jenny - do you have a party planned? the time has just flown

wooks- YES, it's way easier staying home for me too (the only time I get to is when the daycare lady takes vacation days) as then you get stuff done throughout the day instead of scrambling at night. totally understand. I shower at night and cook at night for the next day. no time for that in the morning or after work. it's great you have a grandma there to help watch her during the day. you'll get more used to it and find ways to cut down some things so you can save time.

does anyone else besides me have no family around? I'm really struggling with that and feel awful that my kids don't get to experience how I did growing up, with my grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins around all the time. we get no visitors but once in a while I can schedule a play date with a couple of twin moms I met, we just haven't much as we are so busy. and of course, the other twin moms are with their families (moms/dads/cousins, etc) all the time too.

the cable guy came over to fix our cable and the kids just stared at him and smiled and dylan wanted to play with his stuff. they aren't used to having people come over.

i don't get it when people complain about having too many visitors and too many people calling, makes me kinda mad. the opposite end sucks. i'm taking the kids to my parents tomorrow as it's my mom's bday. it's tough to pack everything up, make the drive, stay for a night then come back home but so good to have them see their grandparents and for me to get out of the city.

I feel like i'm the only person in the world who is so f'n isolated. my friends are back in my home town, i haven't really made good friends up here because everyone here is friends with all their high school buddies as they all grew up here.
wookie - I can totally understand why this is so hard for you. I am glad you can know she is with grandma so you know she is with someone who loves her (almost) as much as you but I can imagine its very hard to leave her. I hope that things settle down as you get into more of a routine. Hugs.

Jodi - I don't know how you do it. I have hubbys family close by and a great community of friends for playdates and company. Are there any mom groups in the evenings you could join? I am not sure you would have energy for that but I am sure there are other working moms looking for connection. i know there are a few groups like that in my area. I am sorry you feel isolated. I can only imagine. Would you consider moving closer to family? I think you are a total rockstar for doing all you do, and doing it so well. Your kids are so blessed to have you as their mama, You are doing an awesome job. Big hugs. I wish you lived closer. I would love to meet up for a glass of wine once the kids were in bed :)

Just - I never figured out my cycle really this time, just a general one but we got pregnant. I was taking progesterone and dexamethasone (the steroid I was on) and I will be taking baby aspirin until 36 weeks.

Levi has been keeping me guessing with his naps this week. Sometimes refusing the afternoon one and today refusing the morning one? He crashed in the stroller in the middle of the day so I transferred him and hes been out for an hour and a half...hoping he wakes up so we can head tot he zoo for a couple of hours this afternoon. We need to make the most of our membership :)
We have zero family here abd I prefer it this way,though my mom would be very welcomed. It's diff cause I am a sahm and have a solid group of sahm friends from my baby group. My area has tons of sahm, so I don't feel isolated. Plus DH and I are close and he works from home. Your situation sucks. In going to echo croy in joining a group for working moms or weekend playgroup. It makes a huge diff. I felt isolated till I moved and joined a play group.
yeah jodie we are gonna have just a little get together nothing fancy xxx

i understand where you are coming from i am exactly like yourself hun im feeling isolated as my friends are 400 miles away back home too, i have some friends here but we hardly have visitors too :( xxx
Oh girls hello how is everyone?? Jen Jodi I feel all emotional for u! N guilty I moan sometimes as I have one best friend with a baby an then just ante natal group I met we normally meet once a week, sometimes I feel isolated as most of Petes family smoke in there houses an I'm not leaving Lexi in a smoky house!! An one that doesn't had a 3 year old devil child who constantly wants to take Lexis toys off her of hit her, it sounds horrible but I can see a real evil look in his eye an I just don't trust him!!! His other sister has a son who is 10 he is autistic quite severely, doesn't talk etc still wears nappies, he's a lovely boy but I feel she has to much on her plate already! In fact Petes there tonight looking after him lol!

My mum an sister both work full time so it's only weekends we can ever really get a baby sitter an then one of us is usually working! It's hard but not as bad as u have it! I do have people round an I feel lucky that Lexi is a sociable kid!
Sorry didn't finish that lol! I met a great group of mums when I was pg that have similar ages, a lot of them do classes etc to an meet other mums? Could you try that?? Xx

Hi everyone else x
its hard to groups hun esp when aarron is at home , ive joined netmums and trying to meet people local to me im gonna start going to mum and baby groups too to see if i can meet any mums the same as me xxx
Wookie can u leave stuff at ur mothers place, like nappies, wipes, food etc so there is less for u to get ready? I just have to pack a spare set of clothes and a few random snacks and mum has the rest.
I don't envy u girls working full time.
Hi there ladies, I haven't been on here in FOREVER! I've missed you ladies, but man has life been crazy!
I just found out that I'm pregnant AGAIN! Yikes! Looking over the thread I see I'm not the only one! Congratulations ladies!
I'm having really mixed feelings right now. Gloriana has been such an amazing little princess, my life finally felt complete, but now it looks like we may be adding to it. I really thought we were done, but I guess we didn't get the vasectomy in time. lol:blush:
I'm still breastfeeding so I haven't gotten my cycles back, therefore I have no idea how far along I am. I got an HCG quant on Tues the 13th that was 751 and another on Thurs the 15th that was 1910, so it looks like I'm not very far and the HCG is going up, so that's good.:happydance:
I'm really struggling with this one though. This is the first time I've been pregnant and haven't been thrilled. I'm feeling a lot of fear and inadequacy, and very little happiness. :cry: There's a lot of guilt that goes along with just admitting that I'm not happy about it. :dohh:
Mom2 - yI was wondering how you were doing! So glad to hear from you! You are not alone, lots of preggos here. Congrats. I hope that you will soon feel more peace about this pregnancy. We wanted another one but it happened so fast, our first try, so unexpected that I am struggling to really feel like its happening, and your sweet girl is younger than Levi too. I can imagine it seems like a lot. I get overwhelmed thinking abut just the two of them but you have you fab boys as well! You will do great I am sure. How old are the boys now? Is DH excited? Maybe Gloriana just needed a little sister :) Will hubby be getting the snip now?!
Mom2, whoa! Congrats! I know you're not terribly excited (yet)...but in the long run, your surprise baby will be every bit as much of a blessing to you as your other kiddos. You will never be given any more than you can handle in life. Best of luck, and don't feel bad or guilty. I'm sure it's overwhelming, and quite an unexpected shock...but there is a reason for it, certainly.

Am I getting that most of you ladies on here are SAHM's? Geez, what I wouldn't give to join you all. Who else is working full time on here? I love my career, but my daughter has completely rearranged my priorities. School begins tomorrow, so really, my new life begins also as a working mom. It's crazy, and but I'm coping somehow.
Mom2 Congratulations, I'm sure it was one hell of a shock finding yourself pregnant again. Hopefully this pregnancy goes smoothly for you.

Wookie, work 3 days and 1 night a week and one weekend a month. So part time, I hate the days when I work, as you say it's very rushed and not a lot of quality time with the little one, We struggle with me not working full time but hopefully I can continue part time for as long as possible. I know how lucky I am to be able to work part time.
I wish I had the option to work part time as a teacher, Justwaiting, but, it's definitely a 40+ hours a week-type gig! I'll cope. From here on out, it'll be about QUALITY time, not QUANTITY of time with Hannah. We had a lovely day today together as a family, so it was a nice way of kicking off the work week!
Congrats Hon. I understand why you aren't thrilled. You have your hands full already. We are thinking one is enough for us. Cannot imagine 6 with one on the way. Glad you popped in. Have thought about you.

I am a SAHM. Heart left her job to be one for now. Tuckie is, but isn't planning on staying one for too long (I think). Hopeful and hoping work. Croy is/was in school and is a SAHM. Just is a sham. That is all I can think of. Sorry transitioning back will be tough.
Mom2 - yI was wondering how you were doing! So glad to hear from you! You are not alone, lots of preggos here. Congrats. I hope that you will soon feel more peace about this pregnancy. We wanted another one but it happened so fast, our first try, so unexpected that I am struggling to really feel like its happening, and your sweet girl is younger than Levi too. I can imagine it seems like a lot. I get overwhelmed thinking abut just the two of them but you have you fab boys as well! You will do great I am sure. How old are the boys now? Is DH excited? Maybe Gloriana just needed a little sister :) Will hubby be getting the snip now?!

Congrats on your pregnancy too! This will be my 7th child, I don't know how on earth I'll handle it! But God must know something I don't. My boys are almost 16, 14, 9,7, and 5. I just got a part time job at the post office across the street, so my teenagers watch Gloriana while I work, but I'm home by noon so it works out fine.
Yes, my hubby is excited. He said last month he wouldn't mind having another child, so I think he was prepared for it. Is going to get the snip, we had it in our budget for November, so we'll go forward with it as planned.
I do hope Gloriana gets a sister, if its another boy I don't know where on earth we'll put him! :dohh:

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