Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Wow Fili!!! You too! Congratulations on another beautiful girl and sister for Lexi! Fantastic news! I remember you saying you wanted to get pregnant right away.
We've just started to ttc again since I'm still bfing and just got af back a month ago.

So it's Davies, Croy, Fili, and Mom2 preggars again! Anyone else??
Neversaynever and Melfy :) do you think you'll go on the clomid again? I did for this one and the steroids and the clexane and aspirin etc!! Rattle! Lol oh and croy and neversaynever became pregnant whilst breastfeeding :)
Fili- I won't use the clomid or the steroids while I'm breastfeeding so we'll just have to wait and see:)
davies im out this cycle i never used ov tests or that i just went with my body i misjudged my o date i am having a 35 day cycle so missed o xxx
Oh yes of course, well Croy has been fine not taking anything I dont think and neither did nsn
I have thought of you often and just assumed that you were overwhelmed with Eva to keep up. Tuckie and I have texted about you, and I think I posted something as well. I didn't think to PM since I figured you were just overwhelmed. I am so happy to hear from you. I have wondered how you were.

Awful reason why you were away. Am relieved for you that DH is fully recovered. Amazing, considering he was in the hospital for a month! In China for that matter. Yikes!

None of us are that regular anymore on the board except for the preggars who need extra support. All busy moms, so don't be bashful. I am relieved all is well.

AFM, Quick update for you. We moved into a lovely 3 story home in Redondo Beach, CA. We love it. G sleeps through the night, yet is still quite demanding. I joined a SAHM group and have met numerous lovely ladies. DH's business is going well. Our ultimate dream is to move to a beach home in Manhattan Beach, CA. DH works from home, and we do our family outing daily from about 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. He works more at night to compensate for our family outings. We have decided that a family of three is best for us, and I plan on getting an IUD as soon as my period arrives (should be next week or so).

Welcome back hon.
Sara I thought I could obly get pg if I took clod but def not hence I'm here lol!! So I wouldn't worry they say ur über fertile after 1

Jenny sorry Hun u miss judged I have a cbfm I have lent to my other sil at mo but can let u borrow that if u want there fab at pinpointing exact dates? I had a few 45 day cycles before this time! X

Kat I think ur life summary sounds so amazing, u really sound like u have a fabulous life!

Doc prescribed me tablets same as last time, at least I no I was ok! Also did u no doc said could b worse sickness wise coz its 2nd pg apparently can heighten symptoms! X
Sara!!!!! So glad you are back!!! No one here should feel funny about returning after an absence! Sorry to hear about your DH , but I'm glad he has recovered! I will try to post more later. Bay is still struggling with teething, separation anxiety, & general fussiness. The good thing is that she is a champ sleeper at night :thumbup: will come back later tonight hopefully and write more!
Sara, good to "see" you too!

My little princess Gloriana is sick. :-( She's not happy about it either. Runny/stuffy nose and fever on and off, Yuck!

On the bright side I got another HCG draw today that came back at 7463 so that's good, and I finally scheduled my U/S for Friday so I'll know something then. Fingers crossed.

Any first birthday ideas/plans anyone?
Hi ladies,

Sara, its lovely to see you back. That's not so good about your husbands accident. Im glad things are getting better and you've managed to pop in. Yeah you'll have no chance of trying to read back but so many new pregnant ladies haha. Good luck for your trying again.

With regards to ttc, I've brought it up to my husband again that I really want to be pregnant again whilst Im off work. I would ideally like to get past the danger stage and at least get to the 12 week mark whilst off with no stress. He kind of agreed but we didn't go into detail. This month I'd say we have not protected it at all but as of next month Im hoping that he will agree to actively trying. My ideal would be to go back to work in jan. pregnant and work for a few months and then be off again. I've decided that I will be really happy with 2 kids close in age and probably even leave it at that. If we ever decide for a third then it will be a few years down the line.

Fili, that's fantastic news your having another girl.

Tuckie, I can relate to what your saying about Bay teething and fussy etc. its funny because normally whatever you post about Bay is can always relate to as they seem to be about the same stage of things they are doing.
Emelia has good days and bad days just now and I think its teeth.
Last week she had quite a few off days with diarrhea and high temperature. On one of the days her face was so flushed and roasting to touch and her temp was 39.2, we read online that if its reached 40 we had to seek medical help. I gave her paracetamol and it seemed to pass.
Hi ladies
It's been a while since I posted but have been reading and keeping up.

Sara it's GREAT to see you back I've often thought of you. Do you have any recent pics of your gorg little Girly? Your DH accident sounds awful must have been very stressful for you all but I'm pleased to read he has made a full recovery.

Fili - so excited that Lexi will have a sis close in age I bet they will be the best of friends!! Pleased to read the other preggos are doing so well too!! 2nd time round seems to be going well for everyone (I think it's the least we all deserve considering what we went through to get here in the first place!!)

Hi mom2 - congrats on your new pregnancy - wow 7 you are my hero!

Tuckie sorry to hear about bays fussiness - I'm sure it's just a phase. Sometimes Alfie has a right tantrum if I'm playing with him and walk into the kitchen or something!

Just - so pleased hubby is on board for trying for number 2.

Jen - sorry to hear you missed ov, good luck for next month though.

Davies sorry to hear you are feeling so sick Hun.

Hi Kat, your life sounds so much fun!

Hi to everyone I have missed heart, croy, mrsm, melfy, hopeful, pad, lee

AFM - life is good. Alfie's appetite is back he eats all the time!!!! We did have the blood tests but not got any results back yet. He has started putting on weight again also which I am relieved about! He's so happy and getting into everything he shouldn't. He crawls so fast now I struggle to keep up with him, he pulls up onto the couch and walks along it. Don't think it will be long before he takes some unaided steps but he's still a bit wobbly!
I'm busy sorting out plans for his birthday in 2 weeks time!! We are getting together with both families and then taking him to the zoo on his actual birthday as he loves animals!! I've bought him a vtech toy garage and some books and clothes. And from his grandparents he has got a smart trike which I think he's gonna love!!
Back to work now 3 days a week (one at home 2 in the office). It's not too bad I enjoy the money and his face lights up when I get home. Lee I think child care may be a good idea Hun. On a wed I have Alfie at home with me and my mum watches him but I find I barely get anything done!! From January my office may close and they are talking if home working contracts but I will still send Alfie to DH sisters twice a week as otherwise I will get nothing done!!!! Lee you will also find it harder as Morgan gets older as they don't sleep in the day as much and I find I gave to watch Alfie like a hawk now as he's so cheeky and always getting into trouble!!
Bumpy, Alfie is just adoreable. A proper little boy! I think you just love them more and more as they become actual little people and not so much babies. We keep laughing and saying how much Emelia is a little character now.

She zooms around in her walker and keeps going into the kitchen and stealing my tea towels and then comes zooming back into the livingroom with a tea towel in her mouth!

Bumpy, I think I may have missed something about Alfie having blood tests done, was that to investigate why he wasn't putting on weight? I just remember you mentioning that. I bet you are so glad that he has his appetite back now.
Sounds great for his birthday plans. A trip to the zoo sounds great. I also like those little trikes.
Bumpy, awww! Alfie's too cute! I LOVE that Rolling Stones DH is a huge Stones fan, and I'm sure we'll be needed a onesie or something for her.
cute pics bumpy!

congrats mom2!

congrats fili on another girl! yeah!

glad to hear things are going so well kat :cloud9:

sara- welcome back! you were missed on here! sorry to hear about all that happened with dh, sounds like a nightmare and thank god he's ok

wooks- i work full time and kids go to an inhome daycare

is hoping pregs? where are you hoping? hope you are ok :)

can't write more, took too long to catch up! hi everyone!
This is just some recent pics of Emelia at 9 months.

Tuckie, only now can I fully sympathise with you about Bay biting you whilst feeding. Oh my god how sharp are their little teeth! The other day I was fishing around Emelia's mouth trying to check for more teeth and she chomped down on my finger and nearly drew blood, they are little razors! This first picture is her little toothy grin now.
The last pic is of her new forward facing car seat which I haven't used yet but its more for my husbands car as she sits in the back and faces the back window and screams for all car journeys. She still travels in the front of my car so Im not going to use it until I get my new car.

Sara, I would love to see more pics of Eva aswell, would be lovely to see how she is coming on.

Bumpy, I know exactly what you mean about the temper tantrums when you leave the room. Emelia can be perfectly happy playing and the minute she sees me leave it is sheer devastation and she breaks her heart.
Thanks so much to everyone for the warm welcome back and good wishes for Dh :hugs:

Massive congrats to all the ladies who are preggers! I hope to join you soon though we're taking it as it comes atm

Kat- it really sounds as if your life is on a lovely path. I think it's wonderful that Dh is working from home and you get to have a daily family outing. With dh's job we really have to pour all our family time into the weekends. I'm glad to hear your settled in a new house too! Grey's looking gorgeous- really thriving.

Tuckie- I LOVE your avatar pic! Sorry to hear Bay's going through an unsettled period. At least she's got the night sleep down. How are you doing there in Nocal- is Dh still traveling frequently for work? It can be very tough.

Mom2- hope Gloriana is feeling better. I can't believe your preggers again. 7! You're a rock star!

Hopeful- lovely to see you! how are your georgeous twins doing

Just- Beautiful pictures. Sounds like Emilia's doing wonderfully. I love the image of her with your tea towels in her mouth:) I think your ttc plan sounds great. It would definitely be nice to get through the first tri before you head back to work full time.

Bumpy- he's GEORGEOUS! Such a wonderful smile in that first shot. I'm glad to hear he's eating like a champ now:)

Afm- Eva is thriving! Crawling up a storm and trying to pull up on everything. We had a well baby check up yesterday and she's about 70th percentile for weight and 90th for height. She eats like a champ and i pretty mych just give her salt free versions of what ever im making for us. We're just getting into finger foods and im trying not to obsess at the state of my kitchen (or her hair!!) She's babbling constantly too:)
Sleep remains an issue as she's incredibly willful. Most nights she'll sleep through though there may be some tears involved in the beginning (she still really wants to sleep on mommy!) unfortunately she's up at 5:30 am no matter how early or late I put her down. Napping has finally started to improve in the last month or so and she's taking two 1-1.5 hour naps a day. This is a massive improvement over her 20 minute naplet!
I'll upload some pics tomorrow since I'm in bed atm typing on my phone.
Wooks- happy 5 months to Hannah! Wow, your mornings sound crazy!

Croy- yay for 2nd tri!!! :happydance: I hear you on the guessing with nap times! Bays nap schedule used to be so predictable and now it's all over the place! Wonder what that's all about?!? :dohh:

Mom2- I already congratulated you on FB, but congrats again! :) welcome back to marl too

JustW- yay for Owen walking! :) glad you've rejoined us as well!

Hopeful- I'm sorry you have no family nearby :hugs: I am fortunate to have a lot of family nearby here, but I went through that in TX and it was rough. I missed my mom sooo much! We did Skype though and that helps. Better than just a phone call too because it feels more like you're there with them. I used to skype my friends at night after DH went to bed ao we could have "girl talk". Maybe you could Skype or face time some family members/friends? There's also tango, which is free as well. As the other girls said, you can try to find weekend mom groups to make friends!

Davies- your schedule sounds fab with lots of time off lol how do I get yor job? :haha:

Lee- To your questions: have you considered having someone watch him at your home while you're working from home? I took care of kids when I was in high school and the mom saved money because I was a teenager and it worked for me because it was a lot of money to me at that time! Perhaps you could get a responsible young lady & save some that way?
We weaned Bay a few weeks earlier than 6 month mark. We did purées instead of blw so I can't give you blw advice, but her ped ok'd us to start solids at 5 1/2 months. She was already sitting with assistance, interested in food, etc.
Sorry about the fits and fussy behavior. Bay used to do that sometimes too & it was frustrating. Usually it was a growth spurt or gas, but she also started teething around 3 months. I recommend Mommy's Bliss gripe water. Not sure if you can get it in the UK but that stuff is awesome for gas, teething etc. Is he showin signs like chewing his hands, drooling?
I got AF back at 3.5 months and I was ebf at the time! :dohh: my cycles were super long though, like 35-40 days long!

Justkeep- sorry E had a fever and was unwell :( bay has never been sick (knock on wood) and I'm not looking forward to her first illness! I understand wanting to ttc soon so you can coordinate around going back to work etc. I hope DH will be on board with your plan :)
Funny that our girls are usually doing the same things! :cry: the teeth! My nipples retract just thinking about it haha! E looks so cute!

Sara- I second that we need updated pics of Eva!!!

Fili- congrats again on a sister for Lexi! :)

Bumpy- Alfie is adorable! So glad he is eating well and putting weight on :thumbup: Yay for the zoo! Bay loves animals too. She's obsessed with the cats and dog here lol

Trying to keep some sanity here with all the fussing going on these days lol Bay crawls like a little bullfrog all over and tries to open cabinets and drawers and pulls things off shelves, pulls herself up onto furniture, and grabs onto our fingers to pull herself into standing positions. She is seriously on the move now! I'm done BFing now too :cry: I got down to one pump each night and my supply dwindled fast and then I got AF again and I was getting 1/4oz- 1/2oz from both boobs. Oh well. I hope I can go longer with my next one...whenever that will be!
Sara- What a crazy time! I am so sorry that you had to go through that with your hubby being so far away. I am glad to hear he is on the mend now but can only imagine how difficult that was. I am glad that Eva if doing well and continuing to be your joy. These rainbows are such a blessing, aren't they?! And good luck with ttc too!! I was breast feeding Levi when we conceived. I had to stop when we found out because of the medication I started. I was on progesterone and dexamethazone as well as baby aspirin. I am not sure if I needed to be this time, but I didn't want to take a chance. I BF for 10 months, so Levi got a great start :) I think my supply might have been decreasing anyway because as soon as we switched to giving him 4x 8oz bottles he started sleeping through the night immediately when he had been waking a few times to eat,. Poor thing he must have just been hungry. I think with this one we will try to night wean much earlier. We missed you but we all totally understand. We are all on here when we can, sometimes more frequently than others just stop by if and when you have a moment :)

Bumpy - I love the pic of Alfie in the ball pit. I wish we lived close enough for a playdate, I know Alfie and levi would be great buddies :)

Jenny - Sorry you missed O this month. Fingers crossed you catch that egg next month.

Just - Sorry that shes having such a hard time in the car. Do you have a mirror so that you can see he in the rearview? I know that made a big difference for Levi, once he could see himself back there I think he felt less alone :) She is so cute, even with her little razors!!

Hello to all you other lovely ladies too.

AFM -I think we are officially going to be a one nap kind now. Yawn!! He sleeps about 12 hours at night and the doc said he should be getting 1/5-2 during the day. The problem is he was taking his one nap at around 8.30am to 10am and was then up until bedtime!!
Then yesterday with our doctor appt it through us off and he slept later, going down at 10.30am and sleping for over 2 hours!! I could live with one nap if it was that long :) Today he again refused the morning nap and eventually went down around 11.45am! I am thinking of switching his nap, trying to get him to go down later. That would be way more convenient for my schedule too :)

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