Wooks- happy 5 months to Hannah! Wow, your mornings sound crazy!
Croy- yay for 2nd tri!!!

I hear you on the guessing with nap times! Bays nap schedule used to be so predictable and now it's all over the place! Wonder what that's all about?!?
Mom2- I already congratulated you on FB, but congrats again!

welcome back to marl too
JustW- yay for Owen walking!

glad you've rejoined us as well!
Hopeful- I'm sorry you have no family nearby

I am fortunate to have a lot of family nearby here, but I went through that in TX and it was rough. I missed my mom sooo much! We did Skype though and that helps. Better than just a phone call too because it feels more like you're there with them. I used to skype my friends at night after DH went to bed ao we could have "girl talk". Maybe you could Skype or face time some family members/friends? There's also tango, which is free as well. As the other girls said, you can try to find weekend mom groups to make friends!
Davies- your schedule sounds fab with lots of time off lol how do I get yor job?
Lee- To your questions: have you considered having someone watch him at your home while you're working from home? I took care of kids when I was in high school and the mom saved money because I was a teenager and it worked for me because it was a lot of money to me at that time! Perhaps you could get a responsible young lady & save some that way?
We weaned Bay a few weeks earlier than 6 month mark. We did purées instead of blw so I can't give you blw advice, but her ped ok'd us to start solids at 5 1/2 months. She was already sitting with assistance, interested in food, etc.
Sorry about the fits and fussy behavior. Bay used to do that sometimes too & it was frustrating. Usually it was a growth spurt or gas, but she also started teething around 3 months. I recommend Mommy's Bliss gripe water. Not sure if you can get it in the UK but that stuff is awesome for gas, teething etc. Is he showin signs like chewing his hands, drooling?
I got AF back at 3.5 months and I was ebf at the time!

my cycles were super long though, like 35-40 days long!
Justkeep- sorry E had a fever and was unwell

bay has never been sick (knock on wood) and I'm not looking forward to her first illness! I understand wanting to ttc soon so you can coordinate around going back to work etc. I hope DH will be on board with your plan
Funny that our girls are usually doing the same things!

the teeth! My nipples retract just thinking about it haha! E looks so cute!
Sara- I second that we need updated pics of Eva!!!
Fili- congrats again on a sister for Lexi!
Bumpy- Alfie is adorable! So glad he is eating well and putting weight on

Yay for the zoo! Bay loves animals too. She's obsessed with the cats and dog here lol
Trying to keep some sanity here with all the fussing going on these days lol Bay crawls like a little bullfrog all over and tries to open cabinets and drawers and pulls things off shelves, pulls herself up onto furniture, and grabs onto our fingers to pull herself into standing positions. She is seriously on the move now! I'm done BFing now too

I got down to one pump each night and my supply dwindled fast and then I got AF again and I was getting 1/4oz- 1/2oz from both boobs. Oh well. I hope I can go longer with my next one...whenever that will be!