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Mom2, whoa! Congrats! I know you're not terribly excited (yet)...but in the long run, your surprise baby will be every bit as much of a blessing to you as your other kiddos. You will never be given any more than you can handle in life. Best of luck, and don't feel bad or guilty. I'm sure it's overwhelming, and quite an unexpected shock...but there is a reason for it, certainly.

Am I getting that most of you ladies on here are SAHM's? Geez, what I wouldn't give to join you all. Who else is working full time on here? I love my career, but my daughter has completely rearranged my priorities. School begins tomorrow, so really, my new life begins also as a working mom. It's crazy, and but I'm coping somehow.

Thanks, I have to believe that I won't be given more than I can handle, God thinks much more highly of me than I think of myself. lol

I've been a SAHM for the past 10 years, when my oldest 2 were little I had them in daycare and worked full time, but when we had our 3rd we decided our priorities needed to change and I stayed home. I was a HUGE financial blow and has been far from easy but its the best thing I ever did. Now I'm working part time, but I'm home by noon and my oldest sons watch my daughter while I'm at work so she's still being cared for by family. I don't know what I'll do when this little one comes along! I'll just have to wait and see.
Hi ladies, I've not been on for a while but just read back.

Melfy, such lovely pics of Zoe, she is a doll

Kat, as always lovely pics of Grey, he just keeps getting cuter.

MrsM, yoiur right Louis really is growing into himself now and losing the baby featires and becoming a proper little boy, I love his hair.

Wookie, it sucks that your back at work so soon but Ive met so many other mums that are in the same boat.
Your lucky that your mum watches Hannah and as others have said you should try and leave as much as porrible at your mums so that you literally just drop Hannah off, even still in her pyjamas! It does sound quite hard going the rushing around and everything you have to do just before you even get to work.

Im taking 14 months off so not back until January and I feel ill about it, really don't want to go back. I work full time but its 4 on 4 off which is great, it just means long hours to still give us 35 hours a week. Im really torn though about going back part time which would be 2 on and 6 off. My hubby has just gotten a new job so could afford to do it but to be honest I still like earning my own money aswell so that I can treat myself with clothes and luxuries.
Im hoping that the thought of going back is actually worse than the reality and it will be good to have money again and adult company aswell.

Hi to all you other pregnant ladies, it sounds like you are all doing well.

Mom2, I can fully understand why you are in shock, wow 7 kids you will have! Lucky you have your older ones to help out Im sure. Congratulations.
Mom2 congrats my lovely, I felt bit similar to you an also I did feel guilty about it but I did tell my best friend on Friday an I have started to get myself a little bit excited an now I'm just hoping everything's ok!

Wooks I work part time to but I don't do a lot of days, last month was the busiest month of the year an I worked about 12 days all month?
An then I have my month off, next month I work 6 days throughout the month then I'm off in October. X

Croy how u doing?? I feel a lot like u were saying? Really suffering from nausea an struggling with finding energy! My house is a pit! An poor Lexi is such an outdoor child an I find myself cocooning us both in the lounge an me laying on sofa!! She's still waking in the night it's gone from 2am to 3am to this morning she woke at 4am I then couldn't get back to sleep! Now feel shattered an think I may snooze whilst she has her nap? Not got my scan till 28th August feels like forever! X
Jen r u in 2ww?? Also ladies does anyone have there sonolone Doppler they want to sell?? I sold mine an now stupidly wish I hadn't! X
At last I get a minute to jump back on the thread. It's difficult juggling everything with motherhood and being back at work!

So like I said earlier I have a few questions and I was looking to hear some of your experiences:

I've noticed the last week or so that Morgan is starting to feed more and more he has regressed back to two nightly feeds and an early morning one, he is also feeding every 2/3 hours in the day, he is doing really well with his weight gain he was 15lb 3oz at our last weigh in 2 weeks ago and is 15 weeks today.
I was wondering if he is ready for weaning as there really is no filling the boy up. I was happy to continue to EBF but even my gp has said that he may need to start weaning sooner.
Anyway, I was thinking we would do BLW but today when I was eating a banana he was just staring at me so I pureed some and in no time he had devoured quarter of it, he then continued to have his usual feed.
I am feeling a bit guilty as it is drummed into us that we should wait the full 6 months, anyone else wean earlier the the WHO recommended 6 months, I did read an article in the BMJ that said new research suggests that 4 months is sufficient time.
I would still like to do BLW at 6 months, would I be ok to switch at 6 months from puree.

Also, as most of you know I work for myself from home, It's getting to be a struggle and my work and hubby's is really picking up and I am toying with the idea of putting Morgan in to nursery or with a local childminder 2 days or perhaps a couple of afternoons per week. I feel really guilty as I would love nothing more than to be a SAHM but we really are not in a financial position for me to do this, as hubby is self employed also and his work can fluctuate. Again, does anyone have any experience of nursery v childminder at such a young age. Morgan and I looked round the local nursery last week, it has a very good reputation and he was smiling and laughing the whole time but it really is a worry, we have an appt to see a childminder later in the week..... and how damn expensive is childcare by the way!

Lastly, and sorry for all the waffle. Morgan has started to act quite differently at times, he has always been so placid but has took to having the occasional crying fit, the first time he did it I was worried it was colic, went through the checklist and all was ok so appeared to be no other reason than him fighting his sleep, but he was screaming, thrashing about and red faced. I swaddle him and eventually thanks to swaying him and white noise he goes over, I hate seeing him like that, especially the real tears, breaks my heart. I am reading The Wonder Weeks at the moment and I suppose it could be him going through a developmental change. Has anyone else experienced anything like this.
He is in his own room most nights but we do tend to co-sleep too, he has no problem with being in his nursery and loves it in there, so I don't think that is the problem, plus he does it through the day, infact he is worse during the day than night. Also it's not every day but is getting quite frequent.

I was also going to ask the EBF mummies when AF returned, however that question has been answered as the witch showed up this morning :( best remember that birth control!!!

Sorry for the selfish post, I just find the HV's here can be quite regimented with their answers and advice.
Davies I have a doppler, it's not the Sonoline though its the Hi-Bebe 200, I am more than happy to send to you, I thought it was very good. x
Really lee I was just watching one of them on eBay but I didn't buy it coz I wanted to no what it was like, would you sell it to me?? Let me no how much u want Hun? X

Lee Morgan sounds like he's doing fab, Lexi had a stage of witchy time, nothing comforted her it was like she needed to do it an all research I found was teeth or growing/developmental stage, it did last a while but soon becomes a distant memory! Sorry that's not much help.
With regards to feeding I tried early weaning as Lexi who slept through the night started to wake up (an has done ever since lol) my HV advised bit of baby rice on a spoon (Lexi wasn't bothered by it at all! I tried few different bits but she wasn't interested, I personally would go with if he wants it give it to him he's a good weight an that's what my hv goes on she said Lexi weighed as much as some 6 month olds lol!!

The only other thing I had to b careful to try not to do was over stimulating as I found sometimes that made Lexi cranky at bed/nap time if there's to much going on she would freak out sometimes again its something she grew out of but little changes helped like I took pictures off wall that were next to her cha
Next to her changing unit I had few pictures so I took those down so when I changed her before bed she would only look at me or a blank wall, it sounds mean but I think she got a bit to excited an then it was bed time!! Hope u figure it out Hun but it sounds like u have it sorted u went with ur instinct gave banana he liked it stick with it Hun xx

Davies, I also have the Hi-Bebe Doppler and found it to be very good, I always found the heartbeat everytime and borrowed it to my friend and she liked it too. Im going to hang onto mines for now as I hopefully will get to use it again.

Lee, its ideal that you work from home but I can totally imagine that you could be doing with some proper time out from Morgan to fully concentrate on your work. Hopefully others will be able to advise you on the best option re. childcare at Morgan's age.

The nursery that Im hoping Emelia will go to has only ever taken children from 9 months onwards and they have only just started taking them from 6 months old the woman was just telling me so they must all be different.
With regards to weaning I can onluy telly ou what my health visitor told me and I was one of the lucky ones I think to have a very good HV. She said that 24 weeks is the recommendation as the enzymes that are required to break down food are only present by that time. She said at the very earliest 18 weeks as the enzymes should be present but not guarenteed. Apparently research is now showing that the nations health problems such as diabetes, heart problems, allergies etc. etc are now being traced back to early weaning.
I decided to start Emelia on baby rice at 20 weeks and I was so excited about doing it all but to be honest it was just messy business and I don't think she was ready for it as she didn't seem to know what to do.
My best friend had her little boy the same day that you had Morgan and I know just how big he is aswell and always hungry, she reckons the same that he wont hold off until 24 weeks but she is going to try and wait a bit aswell just incase he does develop an allergy and then there is always that wonder is it early weaning that caused it.
Thanks for the welcome. Wish I had kept up with the thread, I feel like a total outsider now. lol

JKT, JW, & Kat- Thanks for the understanding and the well-wishes. I'm in such denial I haven't even scheduled my ultrasound yet or asked for more HCG tests. I just kind of feel like this baby is going to be fine, I also feel like its another boy. We'll see...

Davies- I didn't know you were preggers too, congratulations. You don't have ticker yet, how far along are you?
Mom2!! I was thinking about you the other day! You pregnant again too??
I am! Although I'm not sure how far along yet. I haven't scheduled my U/S, I keep putting it off. I think I'm still in denial. lol
Mom2 I'm I'm denial lol!! Don't feel like an outsider Hun I had times where I literally made it on here once a month!! That's life!! I'm 12 weeks Hun same as before no ticker yet I will wait for my nt scan which is a week tommorow an then all being well I will do one.
I have been to doctors today as really bad ms!!! Nausea feeling crap! Sorry to moan, just feel bad, I did take Lexi to weigh in clinic an had a coffee with another mum from antenatal who is also pg! She lost a little boy at 36 weeks (her 1st pg) then she had Tom when I had Lexi, an now she's 16 weeks pg so pleased for her such a lovely lady.

So I had a little moan about feeling crappy then I came home!! X
Davies - So sorry you are feeling so rough. I know how hard that is. I hope Lexi is giving you some good naps during the day so you can rest up. Poor thing. I am sure your NT will be great. I am still waiting for my results they should be here today or tomorrow. I am finding it hard to relax until I hear its good news. Don't feel bad about taking it easy. Lexi loves you and is happy just to be with you even if you are laying on the couch all afternoon. Did the doc give you something for the sickness?

Levi is finally napping. Poor kid. I booked his 12 month appt when he was napping on a different schedule so this morning when I took him there he was really sleepy. He did great but he cries as soon as they lay him onthe paper on the bed in the room. Even just to make it to get his height. He is too sharp for his own good and remembers its where he gets shots. He did that last time too and the doctor commented that she usually has a few more visits before the react like that! Then at the end of the appt he did have to get a few shots and he screamed and just looked at me like, "why are you letting them hurt me?" I felt awful. Next time hubby will just have to come with us. I don't have it in me to do it alone anymore,makes me too sad. Hormones are ot helping either. Anyway, he had had a restless night too so I know he was exhausted.

He is 31 3/4 inches tall (98%) and 22.3lbs (60-65%.) He has always been 85% for height so that is a big spurt and weight has stayed the same %.
I feel a little sheepish coming back here after so long... I guess it's been over 4 months since I've logged on- though so many of you have been in my thoughts so often.

The quick version of why I was away (at least initially):
In mid-april Dh was involved in an accident on ship whose repairs he was overseeing in southern china. He is absolutely fine now, fully recovered, but he spent almost a month in a Chinese hospital before he was released for travel. I cannot even begin to express what things were like during that time. After we got him home there were just a million things- doctors and physical therapy, lawyers and depositions at the various embassies (The ship he was on was moored when another ship rammed into them and there were and still are legal and insurance issues). In this midst of all that there was beautiful, wonderful Eva being the demanding baby she is supposed to be and I was completely and utterly overwhelmed.
By the time time the dust really settled it was mid June and I had been so long away that it felt strange to try to come back and catch up... Though I did think about it quite a bit. But just now I was googling something and one of the search results came back bnb. I clicked it without even thinking and saw that I had a few pm's from ladies here checking to see if I was ok. Tbh I've quite a bit of guilt for not checking in and am truly touched that some of you have taken the time to wonder if I was ok. (You know who you are and I will pm you. Massive thank you's and :hugs:)
I love this forum and all the wonderful ladies on here. I hope it's ok if I come back into the fold.

That said I've over 100 pages behind! F**K I may have to just start from here...

I missed the arrival of some highly anticipated rainbows... Welcome!!!

Davies, Mom2 - Holy Cow!!! You're preggers again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats
Holy Sh**
Croy- OMG! How did I miss your ticker!!!!!You're pregnant too... and so far along! I just saw. Such wonderful wonderful news! Congrats!
Sara so nice to see u back an like I said to mom earlier were all guilty of not posting we're all busy mummies now! Ur still always welcome were like old friends/family always here!! Sounds like you have def had enough on ur plate?? Wow did u go to china? Ur poor hubby I hope all is ok now! X

Yes there's a few of us pg again!! Don't no what were letting ourselves in for lol!! I'm 11 weeks Tom! Scary!! Nice to have u back xxx

Croy thanks Hun I no I shouldn't feel bad but I do!! Went to my sil for pizza for tea, saves me cooking!! Injections r horrid!!! I hate them!! I'm going to go n check lexis height n weight out but she's huge!! Had massive growth spurt, she weighs 25lb 7oz whopper!!! 98th centile she's off the scale for her height I will tell u in min x
Hi Sara and Mom2!! Sara I'm sorry your hubs was in an accident that must have been a TERRIBLE ordeal for you both!! Xx

Just to let you all know that my gender scan today showed I am having another girl!!!! I'm so over the moon I secretly (or not so secretly) wanted a little sister for Lexi! :cloud9: it has been an emotional day!!!

Congratulations mom2!!

Davies I'm sorry you've been sick Hun xxx

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