At last I get a minute to jump back on the thread. It's difficult juggling everything with motherhood and being back at work!
So like I said earlier I have a few questions and I was looking to hear some of your experiences:
I've noticed the last week or so that Morgan is starting to feed more and more he has regressed back to two nightly feeds and an early morning one, he is also feeding every 2/3 hours in the day, he is doing really well with his weight gain he was 15lb 3oz at our last weigh in 2 weeks ago and is 15 weeks today.
I was wondering if he is ready for weaning as there really is no filling the boy up. I was happy to continue to EBF but even my gp has said that he may need to start weaning sooner.
Anyway, I was thinking we would do BLW but today when I was eating a banana he was just staring at me so I pureed some and in no time he had devoured quarter of it, he then continued to have his usual feed.
I am feeling a bit guilty as it is drummed into us that we should wait the full 6 months, anyone else wean earlier the the WHO recommended 6 months, I did read an article in the BMJ that said new research suggests that 4 months is sufficient time.
I would still like to do BLW at 6 months, would I be ok to switch at 6 months from puree.
Also, as most of you know I work for myself from home, It's getting to be a struggle and my work and hubby's is really picking up and I am toying with the idea of putting Morgan in to nursery or with a local childminder 2 days or perhaps a couple of afternoons per week. I feel really guilty as I would love nothing more than to be a SAHM but we really are not in a financial position for me to do this, as hubby is self employed also and his work can fluctuate. Again, does anyone have any experience of nursery v childminder at such a young age. Morgan and I looked round the local nursery last week, it has a very good reputation and he was smiling and laughing the whole time but it really is a worry, we have an appt to see a childminder later in the week..... and how damn expensive is childcare by the way!
Lastly, and sorry for all the waffle. Morgan has started to act quite differently at times, he has always been so placid but has took to having the occasional crying fit, the first time he did it I was worried it was colic, went through the checklist and all was ok so appeared to be no other reason than him fighting his sleep, but he was screaming, thrashing about and red faced. I swaddle him and eventually thanks to swaying him and white noise he goes over, I hate seeing him like that, especially the real tears, breaks my heart. I am reading The Wonder Weeks at the moment and I suppose it could be him going through a developmental change. Has anyone else experienced anything like this.
He is in his own room most nights but we do tend to co-sleep too, he has no problem with being in his nursery and loves it in there, so I don't think that is the problem, plus he does it through the day, infact he is worse during the day than night. Also it's not every day but is getting quite frequent.
I was also going to ask the EBF mummies when AF returned, however that question has been answered as the witch showed up this morning

best remember that birth control!!!
Sorry for the selfish post, I just find the HV's here can be quite regimented with their answers and advice.