Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

I really thought I wrote my first post a few days ago but it was the 9th August time is just flying by.

My little girls name is not short for anything although I do find myself calling her lex lol instead of Lexi

Lee I am having a similar experience as you are having with Morgan as Lexi has started to scream and cry with real tears for what appears to be no reason. Although she is not a hungry baby she is still only on 4oz bottles and doesn't always drink all of that. She was only 9lb 14oz last week (but she was only 4.5lb when born) I tried her with a tiny bit of farleys rusk tonight (as we had some in as husband likes them) and she took it really well and then drank the rest of her milk. She is also just over 15 weeks old. I was hoping to do BLW too but my mum told me this week that I didn't drink much milk as a baby or seem to like it that much and I think Lexi is the same. The HV are happy with her weight gain she is following the 25th percentile line but I just wanted to see if the rusks would fill her up more.

I am lucky I have my mum to help me with Lexi and she is happy to have her 3 days a week when I return to work I am just not ready for anyone to look after her yet and although I am self employed I don't need to rush back just yet and have 2 days work booked in for mid/late october. I need to go back to work in some capacity as hubby is self employed and we can't live off his money alone so I might look for some interim work?? The only problem I have is that my mum doesn't live in the same town and it will take me about 40 mins to get to hers in the mornings
Hello ladies, only taken me six months to find all you lovely MARL Mummies who kept me sane during all the many trials and tribulations of pregnancy!!

I must read back and catch up with how everyone is doing. Where oh where do the weeks go!

My little Rainbow Ellie is 6 months tomorrow and I still can't believe she is mine! She's a very good little girl...smiley and good natured for the most part, a great little sleeper. She is the best thing that ever happened to us and was so worth the long wait!!

Off to try and trawl could take a few days!!
My little munchkin!


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Sara, its lovely to see Eva, she is doing great by the looks of it, she's gorgeous. I love her standing up in her cot! I keep waiting for the day that I see Emelia standing up and looking out into our bedroom.
davies that would be great thank you hun the witch showed up today i feel terrible im so drained right now and have lots going on im sorry not able to catch up properly i need food and sleep xxx
Sara/Croy- I think we cross posted!

Sara- it's wonderful to see pics of Eva and hear how she is thriving! :D She is adorable! She looks like a happy girl.

Croy- I hope the later, longer nap will work out for you guys. Bay has been switching her naps up on me. She used to always do a 1 1/2-2 hour nap late morning and a 30 min "mini nap" in the afternoon, like clockwork. Now she drops the mini nap altogether or only does an hour nap late morning and needs a mini nap midday. I can't keep up!

Dexters- seeing them cry real tears is the worst! Really pulls on your heart :( as I said to lee, I recommend Mommys Bliss gripe water if you can get it in the UK. It's magic!


Got Bay a Zany Zoo activity cube on Kat's recommendation and she loves it! I'm thinking about getting Bay a pen lol I need to cage her like an animal :haha: I saw some online that are pretty big and have toys built into them.

Here's some recent pics of Baylyn:

Doing baby yoga:
Question for moms of older babies: when did your LO self-feed? Bay doesn't feed herself at all. She eats great off of the spoon and eats finger foods off my fingers, but if I put finger food on her tray, she just plays with it and makes a huge mess without ever actually consuming any food :dohh: today we shared a half of a cantoloupe (yes, an entire half just between the 2 of us! lol) and a cup of yogurt. She grunts angrily and flaps her arms when she wants another bite :haha:
Tuckie, as always gorgeous pics of Bay. She looks very strong at her crawling and up on her knees in that last picture.
Its more of an army crawl that Emelia does where she dosent go on her knees but used her arms to drag herself along superfast. Of course, you ladies will know me that Im always paranoid and was googling it but so many people said their babies done the same and then went straight to walking.

Also my mum keeps reminding me that none of the 3 of us ever crawled or army crawled or anything but went straight to walking.

That last toy looks really good for her development stage. I will see if they sell similar over here.

I laughed at you say Bay gets annoyed when she wants another bite. Emelia is so greedy, when Im having my dinner she zooms right over to me and almost jumps out of her walker and starts a tantrum if she dosent get any. She is a great little eater, but like you've said too she only eats off the spoon.
She will just play around with food if I let her try to feed herself. Ikm thinking there is plenty of time for that.
Just- E sounds like she's doing everything just fine. B started out army crawling and she does get up on her knees & pulls herself up with furniture, but her crawl is bizarre lol She does a belly flop between each crawl so she looks like a bullfrog trying to get around :haha: I've also heard lots of parents say that their LOs went straight to walking or only crawled a few weeks and then walked. Funny that E is greedy with your food as well! I suppose she will self feed in due time. I was just curious about when to expect it. Don't fret or google too much! Our rainbows are all so healthy :)
just - dylan army crawled forever, probably 2.5 months?, then ava started crawling (never army) and finally he started on hands and knees

love the pics sara and tuckie! don't you love those heart on the butt outfits?

tuckie- i can't remember when they started self feeding but it goes so slowly, sitting at high chairs for about an hour, even now it's like 45 mins to feed them as we want to make sure they eat enough and they eat good. maybe was around 9 months or so? and they were still on baby foods. think we started with those gerber puffs
Tuckie, Im laughing at the image of bay belly flopping like a bullfrog haha

Hopeful, thankyou! Its good to know that Dylan army crawled.

People say that no two babies will crawl the same way, they all develop their own techniques I guess and if their getting from A to B then they will be happy!

I was laughing out loud at Emelia yesterday. She takes the heels off me in her walker! In the kitchen if I go into a cupboard or drawer then she zooms right over. If I go to the fridge she is right there aswell. She steals the tea towel off the oven handle so I bring out another...I turn around and the 2nd one disappears aswell and you find the 2 on her walker.
Right now she is down at the TV unit emptying every DVD out and having a little chew whilst she's at it! She is a real character now, I love the stage she is at.
Hey Just. I've been meaning to reply to you for ages. I live in Cambuslang but I can drive to wherever, I don't know why I thought you lived in Wishaw.
Let me know when you wanna catch up, I will mail you my mobile number xx.
Hi ladies, just wanted to say how delighted I am to read how well all the little Rainbows are doing...proof that all the heartache was worth it...I feel grateful every single day, even in the more trying ones!!

Huge congratulations to all of the MARL's who are pregnant again and doing great by the looks of things. I really hope to be joining you all again soon although I have PCOS and very irregular cycles so not sure how things will go!

Will try post a pic of my little angel but on phone so not sure it will work...


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Ah Fitzy she's cute!! Ladies I'm tired worn out!! I keep having stomach pains an had some funny cramps! Had nausea still but two days ago I had diarresh an that has worried me now!! I have my scan Wednesday it feels like eternity!!! X
Hello ladies!
i've not been on in ages, so thought i would pop by and say hello
welcome to all the new people on the thread , and congrats on your rainbow babies!
and those of you that i already know wow time flies! and how lovely to see how all your little ones are growing and well xx
Noah is now just over 8 months chatting has 2 teeth and a few more very close to cutting , rolling, laughing,sitting up and does these cute little babbling noises!
and now i have just found out im expecting again! i wasnt expecting it tbh but im ok about it despite the nervs! im 4 weeks 4 days today so will take it 1 day at a time now i guess

to those of you who dont know me im Abi im nearly 25 and have a 6 yr old boy called josh and a 8 months old boy called noah i had 3 mc's 1 st was in 2008 very early on 2nd was 2010 a mmc at 8 weeks and my 3rd was another mmc at 10 week baby died at 8 weeks, these were all inbetween my boys so im hope that this time will be ok..

anyway hope your all well! how are you all doing?!
Hi all I'm sorry I don't get on here much but try to read as much a possible.
Here comes a selfish post sorry in advance! So I think we are separation anxiety and its affecting her naps! To get Freya to nap in her cot for 1,5 hours am and 1hr pm I use to put her in her cot and lie on the floor with my hand in her cot and she would go to sleep quite quickly! Now she screams blue murder and there is no comforting her while she is still in her cot she stands and screams! Today I had a 1.5 hour battle with her and she only had a 20 min nap! Night time she is better and will hold my hand to go to sleep but if I let go before she is asleep she screams! Touch wood she is still sleeping through! She has also started crying whenever I leave the room which is why I think its separation anxiety!

I don't know what to do and really don't want to create more bad habits now to deal with later! Help and advice would be greatly appreciated. xx
Just- they're into everything now, aren't they?!? It is a very fun age though! Baylyn likes to take all the books of the shelves :dohh:

Fitzy- she's adorable! Love her outfit too! :)

Abi- glad to see you back on marl :wave:

Cazi- I feel your pain on the separation anxiety! Bay has it pretty bad right now, but I've noticed with her it is actually easier if I'm not in the room when she's trying to sleep. She needs no distraction or stimulation and if I'm in there, it stimulates her too much. If she needs to be settled, I will sing to her and rock her for 10-15 mins and then I leave. She used to fuss for awhile before falling asleep, but now she usually just plays for awhile and then falls asleep. It may be helpful for you to have DH put her down if her separation anxiety is worse with you. Bay has to have a bottle to go to sleep now. Do you express or ff at all? I would recommend giving her a bottle at nap/bedtime. If you only bf from the breast, then just make sure her tummy is nice and full before putting her down. We have a bedtime routine too and I think that helps. We do the 4 "Bs"of bath, books, bottle, & then bed.

Afm, I figured out why B had been so whiny even after her leap passed...her top 2 teeth are erupting atm. I can see the white coming through on the left top tooth and we gums are inflamed. Poor baby. Hope they erupt quickly so we can move on to the next leap, growth spurt, teething phase! More fussy times ahead lol
Hi :)

I've been MIA again:blush:

Just: Zoe is also trying to crawl. She gets on her knees and rocks back and forth to give herself a swing, and she recently added the arm crawling. This morning she tried the caterpillar crawl, which was hilarious:haha: But she rolls all over the place and will find a way to get where she wants (and what she wants...i.e shoes, carpet, cat, flyers and so on, haha). And Emelia is adorable!! all grown up in her new car seat!!

Tuckie: Zoe is also spoon fed. The one time I tried to give her some banana to eat with her fingers I ended up with the entire tray covered in banana I decided to wait:haha: Love her smile with her little teeth:cloud9: Zoe has yet to have a tooth come out, what I thought was a tooth turned out to be...well nothing...kinda embarrassing:blush:

Croy: Glad to hear naps are better and that everything is well with your little bean :)

Abi: I remember you :) It's so nice to hear from you!! Massive congrats on your BFP, and sending you tons of sticky vibes:happydance:

Davies: Scans always seem to be soooooo far away!!! Even 2 weeks seem like 3 months lol.

Fili: Another little girl!!! So exciting!! My next ultrasound isn't until September 6th...such a long wait!!!

AFM, we're leaving for a week for a camping trip...I don't like all!!! We have a trailer, so I shouldn't even complain, but then again we're sharing with my in-laws, so it's not like it's gonna be a quiet time for us anyway. I like nature, but what can I say, I'm a little princess and I like being comfortable:blush: And since I have to pee 2-3 times a night and have no idea how far the toilet is...that's gonna be interesting, and I hate being cold:haha:

Zoe is doing very well, we went to a friend's house for her son's 1st birthday. Poor little guy had a cold though :( She had a tiny bit of cake and loved it!! Homemade chocolate cake with an amazing icing...delicious!!! Little bubba is also doing great, moving well and having a little party every once in a while, you can actually see the little kicks through my belly, I love it!! I'm CONVINCED it's a boy, which is another reason why we're so excited about our next scan. DH said he will never doubt my ''gender feelings'' if I'm right again :haha:
Ahhhh I can't believe I'm finally a MARL! It's so great to see so many familiar faces. Calvin Robert born 08/14/13 at 12:09 am. Weighing 9lb 6oz and 21" long. :happydance::happydance::happydance:


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Tuckie - I mix feed owen, He gets his meals spoon fed to him and I finish off with some fruit or something for him to fee himself and all snacks are finger food. He's been doing that for about 2-3 months.
He just doesn't eat enough otherwise.
Bay will get there in her own time, just persist

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