Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Tuck I'm the same as just like Owen Lexi feeds hersf snacks or bits of pasta but I spoon feed to its like her bottles now she holds all of them but at first she would only if sge could b arsed!! Don't worry Hun she'll get there in her own time! X

Ambiguous wow congrats my lovely, what a whopper was it natural birth or c section either way isn't it amazing I bet your on cloud 9! Enjoy your first few weeks Hun xx

Melfy its 710am here an now I fancy chocolate cake!!!! Man!!! Have fun camping Hun. Having a trailers not so bad but sharing with the in laws!! Lol x

Woken up hubs is up with Lexi who has decided she will sleep through but only until 615am an I could have a lay in but I can't!!! Sod's law! I think we're taking Lexi to the farm today!! Yay!! X
Congrats ambig he's lovely!
Welcome back abi and congrats!
Davies are you finding out this time? I'm going for a boy for you.
In terms of feeding Alfie is the same - I spoon feed him most of his meals but anything he can eat practically off his tray I give him to feed himself. So cubes of sandwiches, cheesy puffs, bits of rice cake, banana, pear spears, toast etc. he also likes to pick up veg like carrots this way. He has been doing this since he was about 8 months but lately has wanted to do it much more I guess it's their independence developing! Sometimes I give him a spoonful of say spag Bol and he will dig it out with his hands and re feed himself lol!!

Alfie will be 1 in 2 weeks and I have a couple of qu for those with older children....those that bottle feed have you stopped sterilising now? And have you switched from formula to cows milk? Also how much milk do your babies have now? Alfie only has 2 x 5 oz bottles now but he much prefers food so I give him snacks between meals do you think that's ok?

Oh and for those talking about crawling Alfie was a late crawler (just before 10 months) he army crawled for 3 days then just went for it!!! Now he is soooo fast and will cruise along furniture with ease. But he's just not interested I walking now that he can get about lol!
thanks everyone for the congrats an welcome backs! :)

ambig- congrats on your bundle he is gorgeous!

davies- enjoy the farm today :) and hope lexi loves it :D

bumpy- my boys 8 months and still not crawling oh well ore time that he isnt causing mayhem hehe! :happydance:

cazi- im really sorry your having a hard time with little one and naps! not sure as to what you can do about it tbh sorry to not be of any help i hope one of the other mumma has some advice! this is the down side to have very good babies when it comes to sleeping! lol

my OH went back to work today after a week off so home with my little boy today while big boy is at his dads for the day im shattered and havent even done anything yet! lol

i have had to get my eldest son referred to specialists to see if he has ADHD as he has had some really bad outburst's recently so am now waiting for the referral to come through!


hope everyone and there gorgeous babies are doing great
Ambiguous - congratulations! He's beautiful! Welcome to the world Carter.

Fitzy- great pic!

Cazi- Sorry to hear youre having sleep troubles.... I hope it passes soon! I can sympathize

Tuckie- with the exception of baby biscuits which she's been feeding herself for about a month now, we're just now starting to do finger foods. It's definitely 95% smear and 5% eat. I wouldn't worry about it. Bay looks adorable crawling around with that heart on her bum:)

Just- like you said, every baby crawls differently. Eva does this turbo commando crawl and has gone straight from that to cruising.

Abi- welcome back and congrats in your BFP!

Davies- sorry to hear your feeling poorly:( I'm sure your check up will be brilliant though.
just popping in to say a quick hey :D its been both the boys birthdays aarrons is today but will catch up properly tomorrow :D xxx
Hi to everyone,

welcome to motherhood AmbiguosHope, Calvin is so beautiful, congratulations.

Ladies, this forum is just getting crazier! You'll never believe it, I got a positive pregnancy test. My period was due on Friday and started with spotting very light on and off but never came to anything so I tested yest and got a line. This morning I did a digital and got 2-3 weeks pregnant and Im 14dpo so Im happy with that. That's the same as I got with Emelia.
I have been chasing around all day trying to get my prescription sorted for progesterone, clexane and aspirin. I finally got it so have started.

I kind of have mixed emotions but particularly feel terrified, I forgot just how much this early pregnancy stuff is scary business and I really don't want it to affect Emelia in anyway!
I am only about 4weeks 4 days just now so obviously just taking one day at a time. I have a scan arranged for two weeks today on the 10th.

Im trying to be as relaxed as possible about this and not to worry too much but just see what happens, that's all you can do I guess. Im telling myself that even if it dosent work out then I already am so lucky to have been blessed with my little girl.

Seriously who is going to be next now haha...
Abi, I meant to say congratulations to you aswell, I think we must be almost the same dates.
Wow just congrats! I'm almost scared of coming in here now its seriously catching lol!!!!!

No seriously couldn't be happier for you!
omg - congrats abi and just!

love the pic fitzy!

welcome ambig and he is such a cutie!

cazi - lack of sleep is torture!

bumpy - they say 16-24 oz of whole milk a day here, D & A probably get 16-20 oz, all in sippy cups now. I thinks you are ok as long as he gets calcium from cheese and stuff too.

I just stopped the supper bottle for A a week or so ago so no more bottles now! i gave them whole milk in a sippy around 11 months to get used to it with meals but still did the formula bottles, 3-4 each a day and then i mixed some whole milk with formula for a couple weeks then went to all whole milk a little after they turned 12 months.

I don't think heart gives D any milk? and her ped said they are fine as she has lots of cheese

i can't believe all the preggos on here. i seriously thought I was for a few days early in the month as i couldn't remember last time I had AF and i almost bought a test but then I realized I had just had AF 2 weeks before that. LOL I'm not trying and i don't think i had even dtd but you girls keep getting pregs and it's catchy. made me realize too that I am not having more. but i do miss that preggo feeling.

so happy for everyone!
Wow Abi and Just! Many congratulations!!

Bay I am dreading the separation anxiety stage! Hope it breaks soon!

Ambig Calvin is gorgeous! Well done you!

Hey Fitzy!

Hello there Bumpy! How is lil Alfie!

Davis sorry you are feeling rubbish x

Hey Hope! Wow, imagine if you were preggers...that would be 3!

So sorry I have been MIA. Hubby is away again until mid Dec and I miss him like mad... he will miss so much of Leo's early year. He is 4.5 months and Hubby will next see him when he is 8.5 months. He is rolling and chattering and has the most amazing giggle and smile and Hubby will miss him so much! I know my situation could be worse and I am just being a moaning minney... It is hard not having family around or Hubby just to say... 'what does he want?', 'what do you think?' or to see when he does something new...

Oh pad sounds hard on your own, my hubby worked away from week2-week 7/8! That was hard, but again now I think some days I will go crazy if he doesn't come home!! Lol x

Just abi congrats ladies!! Sure is catching!! X

Jenny happy birthday Aaron! X

Jodi Lexi is still on 20oz she likes her milk but isn't great at soppy cups! Are a and d walking yet? X

Lexi took her first steps yesterday I cried!! She's only done every now an again but still!! X

Bump no don't think I will find out I really enjoyed the build up an that magical moment after I love! I always wanted a girl an I have her so either way I'm fine with what I get, in a way it would be nice to no to prepare!! X

My scan is at 130pm tommorow!! Nervous....... Feels strange! X
Just posting to say congrats to Just! OMG!!! :) will catch up later girls!
Congrats Abi and Just! I can't believe how many of you are preggo again!

Welcome back Sara. It's so good to see you. I've thought of you often. Eva is adorable.

Sorry I haven't been around girls. I got back from my summer trip on Thursday and had terrible jet lag. I also learned that a friend died on Friday. She had fibroids and the pain had been bad for years so she decided to get a hysterectomy. When they did the surgery, they found cancer everywhere. She did 2 rounds of chemo but it didn't work. From the time she found out about her cancer to the day she died was only 3 months. I only found out she was sick a few weeks ago. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it. So I'm sad for her and her family. I'm sad that I had to leave Cape Cod and my mom. It's a bit isolating being back home with Delilah. I'm alone with her for most of the day. I miss my mom and my family. Blah. Generally just feeling blah right now. I've been reading and will try to be more active on this thread. I started studying for my massive licensing exam and that's going to take up a lot of my time. Wish I could be on here more. Just wanted to say hi to everyone. xo
Heart - I totally hear why you would be feeling blah. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I think it is especially hard when its so fast, reminds us life is precious and can be taken away so quickly. Also the sudden lack of adult interaction is a HUGE adjustment and when you are figuring all that out as well as just missing people and coping with time changes I imagine it will take a while to get back into a good rhythm. It will come but give yourself time, thats a lot on your plate - not to mention taking care of your sweet girl.

Ambig - Congratulations! Calvin is so sweet. Welcome to motherhood :) Its the best and most exhausting thing you will ever do!

Just -OMG!!!! Congrats!! Finger crossed this one works out for you. It is tough to go through first tri with a baby to care for, especially if you are sick, but Emilia loves you and just being with you is good enough for her. Take car of yourself.

Davies - Can't wait to hear all about your scan, I am sure it will be fine. Hoping bubs cooperates. And yay for Lexi taking steps! Life is about to get even busier for you guys :) I am praying for a really slow mover this time around, I would be content if they didn't start taking steps until they were 2! I have paid my dues with my crazy early walker/climber/into everything-er :)

Hopeful - thanks for sharing how you got the twins onto milk, I have been giving Levi some in a sippy but he is still taking formula bottles. I need to start mixing milk ad formula I think and then work on getting rid of the bottles. I'll start tomorrow :)

Hi to all you other lovelies, Kat, Cazi, Sara, Tuckie, Melfy and all of you who I have missed. Hope life is good for all of you.

afm - Had my last appt with my OB today before the practice closes :( I already found another doc but it's not the same. I was really sad saying goodbye. NT results for downs and trisomy 18 came back with essentially negative results which is a relief. I have to go back for my second blood draw in a couple of weeks and will get the results for those a bit later. Baby has a good heart rate, up in the 160's. Levi continues to be busier than anyone I know. Yesterday he gave me a heart attack, I thought we might be going to the ER. I was in the living room and heard a smack of head on wood floor followed by a scream which had me running I get to the kitchen and he is on the floor under the oven door which he is still holding onto but he has one of his feet caught in the hinge of the door as it pulled open!! He must have been climbing on the ledge at the bottom where the door opens and holding the handle and the door just opened. I thought he had broken all his toes but luckily it looked much worse than it was. He was so upset poor kid, tears streaming. I filled the sink with cold water and sat him on the edge and he actually thought it was great fun to splash. Not sure if it relieved his foot at all but today it was not too swollen. I just hate when he hurts himself on my watch. Saying that though he is always bumping into something r climbing and falling off something, he does not stop moving. It;s no wonder he is sleeping 12+hours at night. Thing is I need to sleep that long too to be able to keep up! :)
Thanks everyone for the good wishes. I ended up having to go to back early last night with a major headache and today I feel so nauseaus. I think this is going to be tough first tri! Just need to push through.

Heart, that is awful about your friend. Im really sorry to hear that. Its completely understandable how you are feeling right now, you must feel like coming down from a high and being alone again and trying to adjust to your routine.

Croy, that's brilliant news that your test results came back almost negative. Poor Levi, its quite scary the thought oof what they get themselves into. Im glad he is ok.

Good luck with the scan Davies. You must keep us posted.

Pad, that is ashame that your husband is away until December. I hope you have other adults around as you do need socialisation even away from the baby as much as we love them to bits. Your not being a moan at all, its completely normal.

Hi to everyone else...
Heart I'm so sorry about ur friend!! Life is so cruel was she young? It's so scary how it happens so fast, it's true what they say live everyday like its your last! Jet lag is actually quite depressing, I always find myself very miserable Pete always tries to keep busy when I'm jet lagged as I'm like a hungover premenstral teenager lol!! It will be hard adjusting back to having others around, adult company, someone to watch her whilst you shower etc! It's just readjusting Hun an news of your friend will def knock you for six, don't be to hard on yourself, an give yourself time to grieve. We're always here for you Hun x

Just I hear you with the hard first tri!! My Doc said it is quite normal to have heightened symptoms 2nd time around! I had bad vertigo yesterday was awful but touch wood today I actually feel normal. X

Croy bless Levi!! Hoping his foots ok, Lexi is the same she's into everything climbing pulling grabbing making a mess! Lol I think about next one an Moses basket how do we stop them climbing in?? Or do you think they will get it a bit more by then?? X

Well scan day is here!! Nervous!! Lexi is going to a childminder for the first time, for 2 hours whilst we go! We have been round to her house 3 times an Lexi loves it round there with the other children! The lady is lovely she's 57 an has really old fashioned views, but myself an Pete are quite similar she makes all children sit at the table to eat they all say please an thank you, they all share everything! She lets them make a mess in the garden paint get dirty she cuddles them they eat proper homemade meals not crap!! Everything I believe in myself, she's seemed quite happy so far round there so will see how sge gets on today! It's a big day in our world!! X
Thanks everyone. Funeral is tomorrow. My step-mom will come to look after Delilah. No one besides me or Tim has ever put her down for naps, so we'll see how that goes. My friend was 56, so not super young, but not old either. So very sad.

Davies, good luck today! Please keep us posted!

Croy, I could barely read your post about Levi. Delilah is just as active. She's a real bruiser of a kid and I'm constantly running after her to save her from some catastrophe. She also sleeps a lot. Now that she's walking she's exhausted all the time. I'm so glad to hear he is ok! What a huge scare! And congrats on the first results of the NT scan. I'm so happy for you.

Just, welcome back to early pregnancy! Yuk! LOL

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