Heart - I totally hear why you would be feeling blah. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I think it is especially hard when its so fast, reminds us life is precious and can be taken away so quickly. Also the sudden lack of adult interaction is a HUGE adjustment and when you are figuring all that out as well as just missing people and coping with time changes I imagine it will take a while to get back into a good rhythm. It will come but give yourself time, thats a lot on your plate - not to mention taking care of your sweet girl.
Ambig - Congratulations! Calvin is so sweet. Welcome to motherhood

Its the best and most exhausting thing you will ever do!
Just -OMG!!!! Congrats!! Finger crossed this one works out for you. It is tough to go through first tri with a baby to care for, especially if you are sick, but Emilia loves you and just being with you is good enough for her. Take car of yourself.
Davies - Can't wait to hear all about your scan, I am sure it will be fine. Hoping bubs cooperates. And yay for Lexi taking steps! Life is about to get even busier for you guys

I am praying for a really slow mover this time around, I would be content if they didn't start taking steps until they were 2! I have paid my dues with my crazy early walker/climber/into everything-er
Hopeful - thanks for sharing how you got the twins onto milk, I have been giving Levi some in a sippy but he is still taking formula bottles. I need to start mixing milk ad formula I think and then work on getting rid of the bottles. I'll start tomorrow
Hi to all you other lovelies, Kat, Cazi, Sara, Tuckie, Melfy and all of you who I have missed. Hope life is good for all of you.
afm - Had my last appt with my OB today before the practice closes

I already found another doc but it's not the same. I was really sad saying goodbye. NT results for downs and trisomy 18 came back with essentially negative results which is a relief. I have to go back for my second blood draw in a couple of weeks and will get the results for those a bit later. Baby has a good heart rate, up in the 160's. Levi continues to be busier than anyone I know. Yesterday he gave me a heart attack, I thought we might be going to the ER. I was in the living room and heard a smack of head on wood floor followed by a scream which had me running I get to the kitchen and he is on the floor under the oven door which he is still holding onto but he has one of his feet caught in the hinge of the door as it pulled open!! He must have been climbing on the ledge at the bottom where the door opens and holding the handle and the door just opened. I thought he had broken all his toes but luckily it looked much worse than it was. He was so upset poor kid, tears streaming. I filled the sink with cold water and sat him on the edge and he actually thought it was great fun to splash. Not sure if it relieved his foot at all but today it was not too swollen. I just hate when he hurts himself on my watch. Saying that though he is always bumping into something r climbing and falling off something, he does not stop moving. It;s no wonder he is sleeping 12+hours at night. Thing is I need to sleep that long too to be able to keep up!