Wookie - I can only imagine how busy you are. Thank you for all your hard work. I don't think teachers get anything near enough thanks or appreciation in our world but it is truly one of the most influential and important jobs out there. Wishing you a fabulous and enjoyable year - and a sense of time to be with your family and especially your sweet girl too.
Davies - Beautiful pic!!! I am SO THRILLED for you!! I can never tell gender by those scans but I think girl too, just on a hunch - although I secretly wish you have a boy just because I am so in love with mine (and yes, I know I would say girl if I had a girl)
Sara - When they come to give you hugs it IS the best feeling in the world. Levi started running up behind me when I am sitting on the floor and hugging me. I just love it. I think its because it seems like the way the express affection, unprompted and just because they love us

I think little ones just go through phases with eating. Levi is trying to feed himself with a spoon now when h eats yogurt. Its REALLY messy but after a few weeks he seems to be getting better and I end up wearing less of it!! It takes forever for him to eat but I guess its all a learning process. I am dreading the next steps of drinking out of a cup without a lid and teaching him to use a spoon or fork and eat from a bowl. Something tells me that I will need some back up dinners because I am guessing that dumping the bowl will be considered a great new game!
Pad - I totally missed your post, I cannot imagine what it is like to have DH be gone do long! You are amazing! I throw it hissy fit when DH has to work away for a night or two! I hope you have a good system around you so that you do get a break every now and then. Its hard enough when there are two of you.
Kat - How are you doing, lovely?
afm - It has been grey and overcast here lots of rain which we haven't had in months - Not the Seattle I am used to. I thought it would be perfect timing to go to Costco and I did have a list to get there of things we have run out of but then when we came out it was a torrential downpour!! I had an umbrella in the diaper bag which Levi thought was hilarious but then loading him and the huge box of groceries into the car was hilarious. Levi laughed ad pointed at his reflection in the little backseat mirror we have for his carseat because there was water dripping off his nose and eyelashes!! ha ha
Have any of your little ones started a scowl face? Levi has this scrunched up brow face he does all the time now! Its funny but I hope that its not because I make that face to him!
Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well,