Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Hey girls :wave: always reading, even if I don't post as often! :) will likely miss a few of you but I enjoy reading updates from each & every one of you!

Pad- sorry your DH is gone for so long! :hugs: my DH is gone weeks at a time but I can't imagine months! I can relate to doing everything on my own with DH working out of town so pm me if you need to talk. I do have some advice on how I manage :)

Hopeful- I haven't had any prego scares, but I imagine with the twins already you would have your hands extra full & were a bit worried. Thanks for going over your formula to cows milk transition. I can't wait until Bay hits one year. FF is so expensive!

Heart- :hugs: sorry to hear about your friend passing. As for feeling isolated with D, Kat & I were texting a couple weeks ago about how necessary daily outings are for us (& our babies!) that's the only thing I can tell you, go out with her everyday and do stuff or it gets really depressing! Also, thanks for the heads up about feeling down after finishing BFing. I did notice some of that but I know it's hormonal & temporary, so I'm doing okay :)

Sara- could her spoon strike be related to teething? Bay does the brief cuddle where she rests her head on us and its so sweet <3 can't wait for big hugs and slobbery toddler kisses :haha:

Davies- congrats on a great scan! Nice shot of your LO :) I vote girl! My bday is march 6th so you should have your LO 2 days before your edd :p

Justkeep- do you have a gender preference? Do you know your edd yet?? Excited for you! :)

Fili- your 2nd better be a girl because Lexis wardrobe is TOO cute to only be worn by one child! :D

Croy- poor Levi! :( it's so sad when they hurt themselves and cry those real tears! Bay is getting pretty banged up now too that she is more mobile. Kat said the same about G so I expect they will be getting hurt for awhile. Bay also bites her own hand or tongue and then cries :dohh: She does a scowl face & it's hilarious! She frowns and puckers her lips and starts making huffing & puffing sounds :haha:

JustW- I'm a naughty mom! I've only brushed Bays teeth a couple dozen times. I don't do it every night before bed like I should be. She has 2 bottom & her tops are coming through right now. I will have to incorporate it into our bedtime routine. Really, how long does it take to brush 4 teeth?? :dohh: bad mommy! Thanks to you for also discussing transitioning to cows milk. I will do it in a few months so I appreciate the info!

Kat- I've heard about the cramping for a few days...but weeks/months?!? Lets hope not!

:wave: NSN, Bumpy, Wooks :wave:

Bay just turned 9 months! She is pulling herself up to stand on everything! Ive been housesitting at my grandparents and she pulled my grandpas scale (it was leaning against the wall) over on herself because she was trying to use it to stand up :dohh: Her 9 month checkup went well. She is 20lbs, 27in long and was in 20 centlie for weight and 40 for height. Her ped was happy with her progress and said she is steadily heading toward the 50th centile on everything. She wants nothing to do with her sippy cup but loves drinking ice water out of our cups :haha: here's some 9 month pics. I weighed her with clothes on before they came in :p not a great pic of me lol but I think we look a bit alike
She is a beautiful doll.

Thanks hon. That is good to know. Of course when I googled IUD and cramping, horror stories came up. I stopped reading.

My kitchen has an open floor plan. I bought the biggest gate I could find and hope it works. We already have 5 gates in place. Aaargh. Do you have a gender preference? I am curious too.

Spent the afternoon at the beach with DH and Grey on a gorgeous, sunny day. Boogie boarded and jumped waves. On days like this, life is just perfect. =) It's a heat wave of 88 F here beachside in L.A.... Very hot for here.
Aww tuckie she's lovely :cloud9:

Kat that sounds blissful!

Just omg no that would just be socially unacceptable lol!
Kat, I'm pretty sure we're a 3 person family as well. If I was younger and we had more money, (and I didn't have these damn fertility issues) I would have wanted more. But the thought of having another one right now doesn't sound appealing and I'm 39 in October (Tim is 44). We're very happy with our child. I've heard the IUD cramping can persist. I'm toying with getting one though. Did the procedure hurt? I'm so sick of anything touching my cervix with all the hysteroscopies, hsgs, saline sonograms, weekly cervix checks, etc. I have a diaphragm but haven't used it yet! I hate it.

Tuckie, thanks for the kind words. I go out every day with Delilah to a playground, library, shopping, for walks, etc. I really just miss my family, especially my mom. There is no getting around the 3,000 mile separation. I always feel melancholy after a visit. It gets better with time. Bay is gorgeous. I'm really surprised she's in the 20th centile for weight at 9 months and 20 lbs. Delilah was 20 lbs at her 12 month check up and I was told she was in the 52nd centile. Weird. I met a little girl today who is 22 months and she is 24 lbs. Delilah is about 22 lbs now and was the same height as her! I think Bay is bigger than they are giving her credit for.

Fili, just wait until you see how 2 feels before planning for a 3rd! You are addicted to pregnancy! LOL!

Just, do you have a scan scheduled yet?

AFM, went to the funeral yesterday. Very sad. My step-mom babysat and it was the first time anyone put Delilah down for a nap besides myself or Tim. She did great. I was so relieved. She has decided to become the easiest baby ever. She sleeps for 12 hours and I have to wake her up in the morning so it doesn't affect her naps. Then she takes 2, 1 hour naps every day. She goes down without a single whimper. I really think this walking is tiring her in a really good way. She LOVES walking! I thought I would hate it, but I love it too. It's so fun to take walks with her now. We usually only make it around the block and half the time I carry her, but when she walks, she is discovering everything. Every flower, every leaf, every stone. It's so cute. 14 months is an awesome age so far.
Arghhh I just typed my post and Emelia came over and touched my laptop and it disappeared! Then took a temper tantrum when I moved her away.

Tuckie, Bay is soo pretty, such a little doll. I do see similarities between you both.
Im another one that has to make a point of getting out the house each day or Id go crazy. Even if its just a walk with the pram or I keep going shopping when really I shouldn't as I need to watch my money now that Im down to no pay.

Kat, if your open plan I imagine you would need plenty of gates to keep Grey caged in at times.

I have a scan booked for 10th Sept. when I should be 6weeks +4 days to check for heartbeat.
Gender wise Im not so bothered this time. Now that I have a girl I will admit that I secretly did want one last time around.
This time I think another girl would be brilliant for Emelia to be close to and get another use out of her clothes etc. but a little boy would also be lovely aswell. I just cant imagine a boy for some reason.

Heart, its good to know that Delilah will settle when your not around, it sounds like she is a good sleeper aswell.
The procedure did not hurt. I was prepared for it to because they were trying to give me Advil prior. I refused it since I don't like meds. It felt less than a needle prick for a shot. Because we both have had babies, I don't think it will be a big deal. My cramping is all gone. It lasted about 24 hours. I have just never had cramps except for less than minor cramps during my first MC. I didn't like the reminder. After that, nothing. I even went jogging today (less than 48 hrs later) and felt perfect. The 1st 24 hours or less, I had minor cramps, backache, slight nausea and mild headache. I think it is worth it. Down side is that it can make your periods heavier. Mine were always light to moderate, so it's not that huge of a concern. I'm looking forward to walking now that I know it is actually easier. G has been great lately. STTN except one 10pm feed.
Omg just!!!!! Congratulations I didn't even realise! Haha! So pleased for you. Keeping everything crossed xxx

Aww heart I'm sorry :hugs: on a separate note I'm glad Delilhah is such a joy :-) xxx
Thanks Fili! Where have you been haha!
I cant believe how far into this pregnancy you are now, I wish I could trade places out of 1st tri. Im just taking one day at a time.

Kat, that's good your cramps have gone and your managing to exercise again.
Yeah I know just, I found it a little nerve racking in 1st tri but I wasnt as nervous as I already had lexi ifykwim? How are you feeling? I have a bit of morning sickness back and my boobs have been really sore but they have eased up now. I didn't really have any symptoms in the first tri as my journal nervously documents and I was so worried I had NO cramping lol! It didn't mean a thing!

Haha heart everyone said that for Lexi, having 2 will be fine. I always cope somehow and I am very lucky to have Josh at home too, I will be broody again this time next year lol!!
I remember when I was going through the mc's and thinking oh no we will have a quiet house forever when all I want is a big happy family. I'd quite happily have 4 but you have to think about transport and Hols etc... Now that might be too much. On the other hand having one only has many advantages one being that all your resources can be poured into one child, you can get your life back etc etc. I think it's just a personal preference for what you want eg some people want their careers back and I
can totally understand that! You def lose your identity a bit when you're a mum, well I feel like that! I
am a frumpy mummy not a yummy mummy lol!!

Tuckie / heart Lexi is on this afternoon's weigh in, just over 19 lbs and pretty much 8 months which
puts her in the 75th percentile for weight in the uk, however she is still only 20th for length giving
her chubby legs lol! She is also waking up at midnight and 2am for attention and fun and games so I think controlled crying is back on the cards! She's not hungry she just wants to come downstairs and play. She's a monkey!
Heart- I think I misunderstood her ped or he told me wrong. He has a pretty thick accent so sometimes it's difficult to understand him. I thought it sounded wrong too and I checked a few different charts and all put her in 50-75 for weight. My little peanut is a chunker now! :D glad D is doing so well with naps and going on walks with you. I'm sorry you miss your fam :hugs: I misse my mom so much when we lived in TX. We are super close and it sounds like you and your mom are also. That makes it harder. Maybe she can come out to CA in a few months around the holidays or something?

Just- I know what you mean about the temptation to shop! I always look for clearance/sales but I still have I be careful not to spend out of boredom. Bay loves to shop too. She's always so good when I push her around the stores. I told DH he's in trouble with 2 women that love shopping :haha: fx your scan goes well! :) you probably can't picture a boy because you've only had E, but you will be smitten with #2 no matter what!

Fili- wow! You're already 16 weeks!!! :) sounds like Lexi is a big girl. Bay has chunky legs too :haha:

Not much to report here. Planning on taking Bay to the local Labor Day town bazaar/parade tomorrow. My friend from Oregon is visiting & wants to meet up there. Should be fun :)
Both Bay and Lexi are perfect for their ages Tuckie - who wants a skinny baby!!! So long as they are not way off the percentile charts it's fine. They slim down when they start walking anyway. Bay is a beautiful little babba as I'm sure you know lol :-) I would like Lexi to be a bit taller though, maybe it will kick in later! Controlled crying worked a treat! The first time it was a teething problem the second attention as she was super happy when we picked her up and started giggling! Monkey!! So she was kissed and cuddled and then put back in her cot asap whereupon she tried to cry and scream and got ignored! 5 minutes later? :sleep: What a naughty baby I have! :-)
Yeah I know just, I found it a little nerve racking in 1st tri but I wasnt as nervous as I already had lexi ifykwim? How are you feeling? I have a bit of morning sickness back and my boobs have been really sore but they have eased up now. I didn't really have any symptoms in the first tri as my journal nervously documents and I was so worried I had NO cramping lol! It didn't mean a thing!

Fili, my only real symptoms are light cramping every now and again which is normal for me and Ive had in every pregnancy. Boobs are only a little sore and only slight nausea a couple of mornings. I was getting a bit worried that my symptoms aren't very strong but I looked out my diary from last year when pregnant with Emelia and it was def. around 7-8 weeks that I started to feel mega nauseaus.
I shouldn't complain I know as it wont be much fun if ill and taking care of a little one.
Im hoping this week rushes in until next Tuesday for my scan.

Its good to know that your symptoms haven't been too severe either and you have been just fine.
Just!!!! How have I missed that you are pregnant? (Obviously because I haven't been on the forum much, but you know what I mean) wow what news! Can't believe how many on this thread are all now expecting #2! Keeping everything crossed for you.
Right, I've had a read back and a catch up, let's see what I can remember.
Ambiguous - congratulations and welcome to the Mummy club! Calvin is gorgeous.
Heart - my most sincere condolences. 3 months from diagnosis, god how cruel life can be.
Pad - sorry to hear hubby is away so long. I hope the time goes quickly.
Abi - I congratulated you on FB but congrats again. Welcome back.
Kat - hope those damned pains soon go. I thought about an iud but thinking maybe Mark will just have the snip. I can't be arsed having sex at the moment anyway :haha:
Davies - congrats on a great scan!! That looks like another gorgeous girly to me too, but if not its equally ace! I secretly hoped Louis was a girl when I was pregnant but as soon as I clapped eyes on him I knew he was the best man I will ever have in my life! I can't imagine any different now. I also think that's a great advantage of Team Yellow, if you are slightly leaning towards wanting one gender once you see your baby any feelings of disappointment completely disappear. You just fall in love with your baby.
Fili, congrats on another girl! I never had the "I want my life back" feeling, I love being in the Mummy bubble. I guess we are all different. Or maybe my life was just crap, haha.
Hopeful - sounds like your twins are coming on so fast. I still think you are Supermummy.
Tuckie - good to see you. Bay is adorable and perfect.
Fitzy - gorgeous pic.
Melfy, Cazi, Jenny - hope you are ok.
Justwaiting - good to see you too, always enjoy the photos you post on Facebook.

Afm - all good. Louis started crawling at 7 months, back to the conversation about crawling its funny how they are all so different. Edie was a lot later at 9 months. It's funny to see Louis zipping about everywhere, he sort of looks too little to be crawling. I have no idea what he weighs, I will take him maybe tomorrow or next week but he turns 8 months tomorrow and is just going into 9-12 month stuff. I have no worries anyway. He enjoys his food and is getting a good balance of proteins and fruit and veg. He is the most ridiculously happy little boy. I'm pleased to report he is FINALLY sttn. Not every night, especially has this week he has cut his first two teeth, but generally he sleeps from 7-7. He is now sharing a bedroom with Edie, which they both adore. She pulls up a chair to his cot when they wake up in the morning and sings to him and reads him stories. It's lovely. They would probably both sleep later if they weren't sharing, but it's a small price to pay. I genuinely think its helping them to bond with each other.
I would have another baby in a heartbeat, if I was younger, had a much bigger house and a willing partner! This is definitely it for us, but I am ridiculously happy with my lot.
And here are my munchkins -
Tuckie- she's gorgeous! I love the close up shot. Sounds like her weight's spot on too. Enjoy your labour day fun.

Kat- glad to hear you're feeling better.

Mismig- :hi: sounds like Louis is really thriving. I think it's wonderful that he and Edie are bonding so well.

Afm- it's got to be this thread because I just got a BFP as well! I'm 13 dpo. I had a blood draw and my 1st beta came back 86 which seems fine. I feel pretty good.
I'm completely calm so obviously in shock :shock:
Mismig- (we cross posted) Theyre having so much fun, they look wonderful! What amazing eyes he's got!
OMG Sarah!!!! This is the most fertile bunch ever. I'm so happy for you hon. You all can support each other through #2. I feel a bit sad about not wanting #2, but not enough to change my mind.
Congrats Sara! That is awesome, so happy to hear you are pregs

Mrsm- gorgeous pics. Love his hair! So cute Edie can entertain him

Kat- glad u feel better and things are going great/ the beach sounds perfect

Tuckie- yeah- she's more like 50% or more I would guess which is perfect/ beautiful girl and I think she looks like u too

Fili- happy 16 weeks!

Amanda- did u get my txt ? Was worried u didn't know who it was from. So sorry to hear about your friend. D sounds like a really good kid! I would think walking is easier to manage than crawling, mine wont walk on their own so its alot if work helping them and they are into everything crawling and pulling up and cruising that I would rather just have them walk.
All that work u did with D really paid off with sleeping! Dylan will only sleep for 9 -10 hours at night, up at 6:30 like clockwork but Ava sleeps until 7:15

Croy/ so scary about Levi falling. Glad he's ok.

HEY! Where are the bump pics girls?

Thanks for all the kind words on my loneliness too! My parents don't have a computer. I wish they did.
Hi to everyone - read but don't post much. Still can't believe all the preggos. It's exciting to follow u on your journeys

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