We're back from camping!!! it was nice, but wow am I glad to be back home!! Probably lost a pint of blood thanks to mosquitos
Zoe gave us quite the scare though; turns out since it's a ''pop out trailer'' the bed's area are only attached by velcro, so of course she found a way to fall off the trailer, face first onto the ground, while DH was looking for clothes for her. Thank God she missed the wood that was right beside her. Poor thing was soooo scared, it was heartbreaking!! But nothing broken, no even a bruise.
Sara: whoa!!!! Another BFP. Seriously this is contagious, I love it!!! And it's all because of me, since I started the whole thing

Lots of sticky vibes to you!!
Just: Also massive congrats on your BFP

Stick baby stick!!! Make sure to keep us updated after your scan!!
Kat: Are you sure you don't want another?

And I agree, we totally are the most fertile ladies out there!! Glad you had a good day with Grey even with this heat. Here it's getting cooler, and gotta say I like it! No more sweating!
Fili and Tuckie: I think Zoe was around 17-18 pounds at 6 months, and that put her in the 55th percentile or so for weight. No idea for length though, I will get my tape! And indeed, babies are meant to be chubby, that's why they're so cute

And Bay is such a doll!!!! So precious

Don't feel bad about the teeth!
Davies: yay for a good scan!! Your risk is really low, so I wouldn't worry about it. You have a really healthy little bun in the oven!!
MrsMigg: Love the hair!!! And his eyes!! So big and blue! Beautiful little boy. Zoe isn't properly crawling yet, but she sure is able to get around. It's really funny to watch her doing the caterpillar dance
I've got my U/S in 2 days and cannot wait to find out the gender!!!!
Gotta go put little Z in bed. See ya