Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

OMG Sara!!! Congrats :)
I'm starting to think its contagious... :argh:

Hopeful- your parents need a computer! Tell them it's 2013, c'mon! :p

MrsM- they're adorable! Yay for sttn! & I think it's so cute Edie sings and reads to her baby brother :)
Sara, Oh my god, how crazy is it the amount of people falling pregnant again. That's fantastic news.
We will be going through this together again haha, we were almost identical dates last time around which is funny.

MrsM, Im still quite in shock about it too. Just taking it one day at a time as its still very nerve racking this time around.
Your kids are so beautiful. Gorgeous pictures, I just love Louis hair!
That is too cute Edie singing to him in the mornings haha
Congrats Sara!! Something in the air lol!! Well I just had my nt result back am its 1 in 1252? Is tgat ok I feels low, I cant rem what Lexi was?!? X
Sara CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! WOHOOO! Wonderful news! I will keep everything crossed for you and Just :yipee:

Aww hopeful I would come and see you if you weren't so far away!! Are there no local groups you could join? massive hugs xxxx

afm midwife check plus dopper this morning all is good! all bloods came back clear and low risk downs etc

Davies I really think that if the nuchal fold is low on the scan there is next to no chance of anything being wrong don't worry hun! Can't believe how many of us are preggo! And doing well! :wohoo:

Mrs migg :wohoo: for your little crawler! And that's so cute how Edie is with him!
Lexi is no where near crawling she just does press ups and rolls all day long haha!

The midwife commented on how small Lexi was for her age :-( she meant length wise as she is a little chubster! Made me a bit worried!!! Got over it now - she'll be what she'll be :-)

I am tired today :sleep:
We're back from camping!!! it was nice, but wow am I glad to be back home!! Probably lost a pint of blood thanks to mosquitos:haha:

Zoe gave us quite the scare though; turns out since it's a ''pop out trailer'' the bed's area are only attached by velcro, so of course she found a way to fall off the trailer, face first onto the ground, while DH was looking for clothes for her. Thank God she missed the wood that was right beside her. Poor thing was soooo scared, it was heartbreaking!! But nothing broken, no even a bruise.

Sara: whoa!!!! Another BFP. Seriously this is contagious, I love it!!! And it's all because of me, since I started the whole thing:haha: Lots of sticky vibes to you!!

Just: Also massive congrats on your BFP:happydance: Stick baby stick!!! Make sure to keep us updated after your scan!!

Kat: Are you sure you don't want another?:winkwink: And I agree, we totally are the most fertile ladies out there!! Glad you had a good day with Grey even with this heat. Here it's getting cooler, and gotta say I like it! No more sweating!

Fili and Tuckie: I think Zoe was around 17-18 pounds at 6 months, and that put her in the 55th percentile or so for weight. No idea for length though, I will get my tape! And indeed, babies are meant to be chubby, that's why they're so cute :) And Bay is such a doll!!!! So precious:cloud9: Don't feel bad about the teeth!

Davies: yay for a good scan!! Your risk is really low, so I wouldn't worry about it. You have a really healthy little bun in the oven!!

MrsMigg: Love the hair!!! And his eyes!! So big and blue! Beautiful little boy. Zoe isn't properly crawling yet, but she sure is able to get around. It's really funny to watch her doing the caterpillar dance:haha:

I've got my U/S in 2 days and cannot wait to find out the gender!!!!

Gotta go put little Z in bed. See ya :)
Melfy can I see your 12 week scan I would like a guess please lol!! X
Sara, whoa!!!!!!!! Huge congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!

MrsMigs- What a handsome little man! And your daughter is precious as well!

Melfy- Get some good bug bite stuff to treat those mosquito bites...the thought of it is making me itch!!!

AFM- A week from today I'll have a big 6 month old girl. Where is my tiny baby??? Ugh. TBH, as happy as I am for all of you preggos on here, I am quite jealous...still waiting to try in December, once Hannah is 9 months old, due to having a c-section. I seriously hope you all shake a bunch of that fertile rainbow dust onto me around Christmas time. It would be greatly appreciated! LOL!
Wookie: I'm sure it won't take long to get your BFP:winkwink:

Davies: Here are my 13+5 U/S pics :)


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I'm jealous of all you preggo ladies too, even though I have my girl and my boy and my family is complete. It's sad to think I will never be pregnant again.
Speaking of jealousy! - (and I know you lovely ladies have innocent jealousy and are pleased for us if preggo) but I met a woman today at a singing group I go to with a good friend - an awful loud woman who is not the type of person I would be friends with anyway and when she learnt I was pregnant again she made such a hoo hah about it, saying she would commit suicide if she had to deal with another baby!!! My friend chipped in implying she was jealous (which she obviously was). Honestly these people are so rude!!!! I know they are jealous so I keep my mouth shut but I am finding it increasingly hard to. Another lady who we were with admitted she wanted another and was nice about it but her husband who seemed like a duh brain to me said lexi's hair looked like a troll's!! (because it sticks up) I mean where do these people come from?!? I could have smacked him! I am in preggo rage even if I wasn't pregnant! Would you girls have kept quiet? Aside from 2 good friends who are mums I am finding 'mums' rubbish to be around ATM!! I never thought that would be the case!!! Also I find this is the case too: when I am out and about with lexi LOTS of people of all ages and gender

stop me and coo at her and say she's cute / adorable / gorgeous etc and I wouldn't care if they didn't
because I'd love her the same if she had a huge birth Mark covering her face or something! And of
course I think she's lovely. However my point is that mums who I meet day to day (especially mums
of girls) make a point of saying something critical like: ohh that hair is wild etc! Or her cheeks are really red aren't they? I don't know why they would do this as I wouldn't dream of criticising their baby! I think it's really rude too. I generally think most babies are chubby gorgeousness anyway. Why would they do this? It really is only mums with girls I have noticed. It makes me worried for when lexi goes to school because if the mums are like that what hope for their children!!!? I can only imagine they are jealous somehow? Or is there another reason I am missing? Maybe they are just ignorant people!
Melfy- yay for a great scan! Keep us posted on gender! I love the gender scans!!! :)

Wooks- happy 6 months to Hannah! :)

Fili- *Sigh* there are a lot of annoying moms out there. There are just a lot of annoying people in general. I don't understand the need for some people to interject with their thoughtless or unhelpful comments all the time. I think it happens more when you're pregnant or out with a baby because strangers approach us more (they want to ask about your pregnancy or comment on the baby), but Most of the strangers in public that appraoch Bay and I are very kind and just say "How cute" "How old?" or comment about her eyelashes lol but once in awhile we get the annoying ones too..."she looks small for her age" "HE's so cute" (a lot have mistaken B for a boy! Esp in the ergo when they can't see her outfits) but I never say anything. I usually don't let these people bother me...BUT when I was prego you might remember me getting upset at a random lady that was intrusive with her questions about my pregnancy and asking "is the father involved?" Etc! Hormones and prego rage can make these people far more unbearable lol so I say feel free to bite their heads off! You're pregnant. This is one of those times in life where you can get away with it :haha: People have to give you a free pass to verbally assault them if they're rude to you :D I don't know if they are jealous, oblivious, or just Debbie Downers. They're everywhere :/
Thanks Tuckie! Yes you're right, I think you've just got to rise above it or give as good as you gt when youre peggo lol like you say, but when you have preggo hormones it can make you more emotional I know. The midwife yesterday (for this pregnancy) said isn't she small for 8 months when referring to lexi, i was like no she's really chubby!! (feeling like: is she implying I don't feed her! And she said she was referring to her length :dohh: can't win! I said she's in the normal range of percentiles for length. And that's a midwife! I am going to have to get out my rolling pin lol! :trouble: (if i had one) :haha: I just wouldn't ever make comments like that to other mums or if a midwife without a medical reason!!?? I remember when that woman said those things to you when you were pregnant. I think pregnancy and seeing pregnant women throws up a whole load of a range of issues for women (as it did for me when I thought I'd never have a bump) so I think I'll just have to remember that too. Thanks Hun your post makes me feel better! Ps Bay in no way on this earth looks like a boy!!!!! Stupid people!! Xxx
I think a lot of moms out there are playing the comparison game, Fili. I think I've probably even been guilty of this myself, to be honest. Once a woman has children, it's hard not to notice little things about other women's children and babies...and for some reason, a lot of these moms think this gives them the right to blurt out whatever stupid thought enters their heads. It IS annoying, and I guess the best approach would be to either disregard their comments, and just let it roll right off of you. Lexi IS a beautiful baby. 'Nuff said there.
Davies- I think those numbers are great. I have just had a blood draw for the Harmony test which is a new test for the NT. You dont get a scan but it takes out genetic material from your blood that is from the baby. Its crazy. You can get it at 10 weeks and it not only tells you if the baby has a stong chance of Downs or Trisomy but it can also tell gender!!!! I want to at least wait until the scan to see the gender but its crazy to think you could find out so early!
How are you feeling? I hope Lexi is letting you get some rest when you need it :)

Fili - Some people! Geesh. Lexi is a beautiful baby. It can be hard to find good mum friends. I hope you can get a few more good ones :) It is hard not to compare but when I have those thoughts I try to give my self a heart check and tell myself to stop being so silly. And I would never say anything out loud that was critical. It takes nothing to have manners. but some people seem to forget that.

Sara - congrats!!!!! Hoping this is another sticky! I love that so many of us have been blessed with a simple pregnancy this time around. How are you feeling?

Wookie - I hope that December comes quickly for you :)

Melfy - Do you have a hunch? I did for sure with levi and have a small one this time. I guess I will find out soon if I am right :) Keep us posted!!! I love a gender reveal!!

Tuckie - I can't believe anyone would think Bay was a boy. She has such a delicate little face. Although I have known people to ask about "him" when I was out with my friends daughter in a BRIGHT shiny pink coat. Just goes to show that they dont really look before they speak.

AFM - We made it after a 7+ hour trip to the coast with my hubbys parents and sister. Actually just his Dad is here. His mom and sister are coming tonight. Our condo has a huge glass front lookingo ver the Oregon coast its beautiful. I cant wait to go exploring the beach tomorrow. Levi did well in the car but he was getting really bored poor thing. We stopped a few times to let him run off some energy but otherwise I was on entertaining duty. I am exhausted. Hes finally asleep but hes in the pack and play which he is almost as long as and he never sleeps well. Could be a long few nights. Sigh. Im ready for bed :)
Fili, some people just are seriously annoying and say really inappropriate things with no regard to how cutting it can be to others.
I think that's a bit extreme for someone to say in front of you that they would commit suicide if they were to have another baby!!
Some people clearly have no understanding of the fact that it was difficult in the first place for you to have a baby and its a double blessing to now be having a second. Yes it will be hard Im sure with the close age gap as well as lots of happiness it will bring.

When Im out and about with Emelia we often get strangers coming up and saying how lovely and beautiful she is. But we also get lots of people saying that she is a boy and it is seriously starting to bug me. This is because she does not have much hair Im sure haha. But its crazy because its still when she has pink on! I even went out and bought more dresses for her.

I think it is only natural for any parent to make comparisons between their babies and others but it is wrong really because its not a competition. There are lots of little kids out there that have serious disabilities and disfigurements etc.

I also agree that its the pregnancy hormones that heighten how things that really bother you more easily. I get like that too.

Melfy, Im excited for your gender scan, cant wait to hear what your having.

We discussed it last night and not going to find out again, as I personally think you cant beat the surprise at the end of labour. I really don't have a gut instinct yet. Last time I was so sure I was having a girl.
Thanks everyone. A boy!!!!!!!???????????? That's ridiculous Emelia's features are too fine even without hair and in pink too. I really do think some people want to get a reaction sometimes or they are really dumb! My pregnancy hormones are having me on uppers and downers it's not fun at all but I am liking having a bump again and showing it off haha! Just I think you may have a boy this time then!! Croy I hope you enjoy your trip to the coast xxx
2 1/2 'til my scan!!! Eeeeekkkk!!! So excited:happydance: My mom offered to take Zoe for the night (and anything we feel like having a little break, she is a blessing!!) so we accepted. We dropped Zoe off after her dinner around 6, then DH and I went out for dinner at this amazing italian restaurant (the last time we went out was for our 2nd wedding anniversary...6 months ago:haha:). We had a wonderful time. The food was amazing, the waiter was really nice and relaxed, and it was not that expensive, considering all the good food and the service you get. LOVED it!! DH was amazed by this place and said we'll go back for sure (which works quite well considering it's a 5 minute walk from my parents:haha:)

Fili: Committing suicide?! Seriously some people need to keep their mouth shut:growlmad: So far I've been lucky with people. I usually get the ''she's yours?! How old are you?! (I look a lot younger, like 22-23 and I'm short, which helps). Two days ago I went out for brunch with my mom and Zoe. She was wearing pink pants, with a pink and white sweatshirt and had a purple hat you'd think it'd be girly enough for people to notice...but nope. I got the "HE's so cute, what a precious little boy, how old is he?:dohh:) I was telling DH about it last night and as a joke we decided that if this one's a boy we won't even bother buying boy's clothes:haha:

Croy: I have a very strong feeling it's a boy!!! DH also hopes that I'm right, but we'd also be really really happy with another little girl! We're actually more excited to find out for this one that we were with Zoe :)
Thanks everyone!! I'm bizarrely calm and over the moon!

Hope you're all out enjoying a wonderful weekend!

Fili- yay for team blue!! Congrats!
I'm impressed you hold your temper so well. I find those kinds of comments extremely obnoxious! I agree it seems to come mostly from other mothers- we all compare, even when we don't want to and know better, but that doesn't give us the right to say whatever inconsiderate thing pops into our heads. Bitches!

Davies- congrats on your great scan!

Melfy- rhats so scary about Zoe falling out of the camper! thank go she wasnt hurt! good luck on your scan! Keep us posted.

Croy- 7 hours driving! God you must be knackered, I'm tired just thinking about it. Sounds like Levi did splendidly though. Hope you enjoy the beach

Wookie- With the sticky vibes on this thread ill bet you fall pregnant immediately!

Afm- things are just starting to sink in but only because I'm feeling really tired. Otherwise no serious symptoms to speak of- just some mild cramping. I'm strangely calm about the whole thing... I feel like since I know my body can do this it will all be fine. I did forget how much I hate the f-ing heparin shots though!!
My only real concern is Eva. She's such a mommy addict, and has a very strong personality- it's going to be quite an adjustment for her. many pregnancies...have to admit I too am a little jealous but delighted for you all at the same time!! I went back to my acupuncturist this week so hopefully won't be too long before I fall again. I have PCOS so very irregular cycles was a huge issue for me but since I got my first period after Ellie in June I've had a 33 and 31 day cycle so hoping that's a sign that things have improved a bit!

I completely empathise with all of the random people who feel the need to comment on your baby..pushing a buggy just seems to attract attention and everybody has an opinion! I frequently get complimented on my little boy too. Ellie was weighed on Monday and is 15lb 12oz at 6.5 months so about 35th centile. According to the general consensus among Joe Public though I have a very big baby..I just agree with whatever they say!!;)
My U/S went great!!! Baby is healthy, but it took FOREVER to see the gender!! And we are team........... :pink: :happydance: Turns out I was wrong about the gender. Gotta say I secretly wanted another girl:blush:

Zoe is still 18 lbs (roughly 60th percentile or so) and 28 inches (between 90th-95th percentile).

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