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Melfy, it's hard to believe you are 20 weeks gone!!!!!!! Congrats on another :pink: bundle!!!!!!! Little girls are so special, you know? Awww!

Fitzy, at 6.5 months, and a tad over 15 lbs., I'd say the opposite is have a little girl on your hands! :cloud9:
Melfy, that's lovely news another girl!

Sara, I have not been missing the clexane injections either. My stomach is so bruised already much worse than last time. Also Im finding it harder to pinch my stomach each time to inject into as its more flabby than last time haha.

Fili, I have a feeling that it may be a boy this time aswell. As much as I say we're not going to find out officially. If its like last time they gave me so many scans that I was always scrutinising the screen to try and see anyway. Apparently if its a boy its unmissable the 3rd middle leg haha.
Just cant imagine a little boy as everything is so girly around here. Everything was bought in pink even the baby walker so everything would need to be bought new.

Wookie, going by the rate of pregnancies on here I think you'll have no problem in falling pregnant again come December when your trying.

Fitzy, you too, I hope you have success again aswell. I know what you mean aswell about people commenting on weight. If Ellie is 35th per centile then she's not a "big girl" like some people like to keep saying.
I have people keeping saying that Emelia's massive and huge for her age but clearly she is normal as 5oth per centile.
All these comments even on weight have you paranoid whether your baby is too big or small!
JKT- I totally know what you mean about comments made about baby's size and weight. No one really says a lot about Hannah's build, other than she's chubby, which she is, but most of the time, people are just sort of running their mouths, and don't have much to compare the child to when they make those comments.

Babies are PEOPLE, and like all people, grow at different rates, and come in all shapes and sizes. I think all babies are beautiful, seriously. I am truly one of those "baby people"...I think it's the one time in life where a person is at his/her most beautiful, inside and out!
Wookie: so true about the baby comments. We all want our babies to be textbook, but it's not that easy!!

Here are some pics. The first one is actually showing her lady parts:haha: You can see the 3 lines. And the other one she was having fun giving us a hard time with her legs crossed.


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So true about the baby weight / size comments! Stupid people - we need a swift comment to shut them up don''t we! Like: "I wonder whether people think you're a man / big / small for your age? In fact what is your age? Do people think you're older? Shame." :rofl: double dare anyone to say all of that!!! :rofl:

Aww Melfy that is wonderful news! :yipee: Congratulations another beautiful girl.

Sara I just know you're going to be fine hun, I just know it! :yipee: Congratulations!
ps I'm team pink! I wanted a sister for Lexi but next time (!) (planning to be preggo again in another full year after our girly is born) I want a boy.
Melfy - A girl! Exciting times, and you get to use all your adorable girl stuff again! At the beginning I though this was a pink baby too but as time goes on I am less and less convinced. I don't care wither way but its a good reminder that mummy intuition is not always 100% :) With Levi I was "sure" he was a boy but I guess its true as dh says, I had a 50/50 chance of being right!
I would like the chance to use all the cute boy stuff we have again, it makes me sad that we might not but I wouldn't be sad to have to shop for a girly either. So happy for you.

We are having a great time at the beach, the view from our condo is just beautiful.
Wookie, I completely agree with all you said!

Fili, Im laughing out loud at imagining saying those comments to someone haha. Exactly can you imagine if we were to ask a woman "are you actually a man" haha.

Melfy, how cute those little legs crossed. Your pics are so clear, like an actual little girl in there, it really is amazing.

Croy, Im glad your enjoying your trip. I agree, you can always have your gut instinct about what your having but your right there is a 50/50 chance you'll be right anyway...or wrong.

We took Emelia out to a restaurant yesterday and she sat great in her highchair. the waitress made comment about how she was great and not a peep out of her. Little did she know we were sat on edge the whole time just waiting for her to kick off with boredom. Its a hit or a miss taking kids to restaurants.
We also took her swimming during the week there, that was her second time. She absolutely loves in the water and its a good way to tire them out kicking their legs.
Been MIA due to summer hols. Frightened to contribute to this thread in case I fall pg again. It seems to be catching here! Congrats to all you ladies expecting number two. Very exciting.
Lucas is now 3 months old and a real little love. He is sttn and very smiley and happy so I couldn't ask for more. Hope to get on here more now my DD is back at school. Will post a pic up soon.
Ok ladies, I have a couple of questions for you. Totally different subjects...

So firstly, I am starting this pregnancy about 15lbs heavier than with Levi and I am already having trouble getting into some of my pregnancy jeans and pants. I carry most my extra weight on my thighs and bum. My question is, do you have any advice about how to keep my weight gain this time to a reasonable amount. I haven't gained a ton so far which is a miracle considering what I have been eating but I don't want to diet or anything silly or not eat enough calories but I am wondering if you have any tips? I do not exercise on a regular basis except for walking a lot and so I am hesitant to start doing much extra just because I am a worry wort, but I also know I am going to have a lot of work to do post baby and I want to make good choices to be as healthy as possible in pregnancy without gaining crazy amounts of unnecessary weight. Any advice welcome. (with Levi I gained about 30lbs total, maybe a little less)

and my other question - totally different topic is about Halloween. I am trying to think of a fun costume idea for Levi and I am stumped. I wanted to start looking now so ebay wouldn't be too picked over, or other stores too. Have you ladies even started thinking about it yet (Am I crazy? In my defense, i am in a wedding the end of October and will have started class for school so I wanted to cross it off my list!) Ideas or places to look would be appreciated!

Happy Sunday girls!!! Hoping the Seahawks can make this a good start to the season :)
Yeah, I've been thinking about it too, Croy. Hannah's either going to be a lobster or a banana. LOL!!! I'm leaning more toward lobster, however. Don't ask me why. :rofl:
Croy, Im also very conscious about not putting on the same amount of weight this time around. Its so ironic but it took me 9 months to get the weight off and back down to 9 stone/130 pounds only to start putting it on again.
I've mentioned several times that I obviously did eat way too much and use it as an excuse and put on 4 stone.
This time around Im not wanting to diet either but Im still going to eat healthily and not make it an excuse to eat cheese all of the time. Because Im vegetarian I used to tell myself that cheese was a good source of protein and pigged out on macaroni cheese, toast with cheese, rolls with cheese you name it.
Last time around I was scared to do anything and more or less put myself on couch rest etc. This time around Im going to try and carry on as normal walking etc. but I wont be going on my cross trainer machine or anything, I don't want to push it too far. Also when you already have a little one you have no option but to still be active I guess.
I think you'll know yourself not to overdo it, yes there will be times when you really crave junk food but overall I think you'll know your limits. Plus having two babies to care for when they arrive will probably give us no time to eat and run around like crazy.

Halloween costumes I hadn't really thought about as yet, how cute it will be to see pics of all the babies dressed up.
Sorry I've been MIA ladies. I just read back a little bit. Looks like so much great news! Everyone's pregnancies seem to be going so well!

I hate to bring the thread down, but I had a couple of ultrasounds and I may not get to hold this little one here on earth after all. I had my first U/S on 8-23, sac showed 5w+6 with yolk sac. That U/S gave me a due date of April 19th, since I got my strong BFP on August 12th, that date would have worked.
I had a second U/S on 9-6, Sac showed 6w+6 and baby measured 6w+3 with a heartrate of 108bpm. Measurements wouldn't be too alarming, except that gave me a due date of April 28th, which would mean I got my strong BFP at 5 DPO. Not possible. :cry:
I go see my doctor on Wednesday, I'm assuming he'll order another U/S this friday to see what's going on. I'm hoping for a miracle, but preparing for the worst.
sorry to hear that mom2 and hoping that it still works out for you. is this what has happened in the past?

melfy- congrats on a girl!

fili- lol! would be funny to ask women if they are really men. we get alot of looks in the stores and people asking if they are twins and some ask if they are boys? boy & girl? it so funny. i would never have asked anyone stuff like that in the past as i avoided people with kids like the plague. you can tell those people have never dealt with rpl.

croy- that vaca sounds wonderful, can we join your family? just sounds like a great place to be. no clue on the weight (i'm a eat as much as possible when pregs girl as it's the only time you can eat that much) but for costumes, i'm hopefully going to bring the kids to my parents for halloween so we have people to be around. i am probably getting used costumes, a ladybug and a bumblebee from a girl in our multiples group that i found in the classifieds.

wooks- lobster would be CUTE!

just- now i'm hungry for cheese. there is no way emelia would look like a boy- she's so girly

i started insanity on saturday, doing it every night after the kids fall asleep which dylan didn't fall asleep until 9:10 last night. he's having trouble falling asleep many nights AND gets up at 6:15/6:30am. ava sleeps pretty well and sleeps until 7:15am typically.
No, this one is new for me. I've only had one loss where we saw a heartbeat, it was very slow, less than 100bpm if I remember right at 7 weeks. I lost that one at 10 weeks.

I forgot to mention, there was a subchorionic hemorrhage that stretched over the top of the sac to both sides. So if this baby is going to make it, we're going to need a miracle.
Aww I'm so sorry mom2 :-( :hugs:

Croy I have lost 7lbs coming off the Roids at 12 weeks but I have basically been eating less and moving more! Swapping sweets for fruit and having vegetable snacks available etc. I am in my maternity clothes - I was at 7 weeks!!!

Hopeful my hubs does insanity - it looks insane lol!!! How are you feeling?
i'm just a little sore under my armpits on my upper ribcage on both sides but that's about it. it doesn't seem as hard as p90x, when I did that before getting pregs I was super sore for a few days and could barely move. we'll see after this week though what happens. i can't keep up with all the moves yet though, they go SO fast that it is insane.
emotionally! lol. but yes, still isolated. I dream of being around my family and having my kids grow up on a farm. I wonder if that is strange because I didn't feel that way before I had kids. do other people feel the same way?

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